I don't even want The Defenders now. I want Daredevil season 3 and a Punisher mini-series.
Keys? You clearly see her break in, takes her ages to do. Is this another "im on my phone while watching this show" moments again? It is isnt it :/
Damn they name dropped Jessica Jones in episode 5.
So the Defenders might be about that DA?
Episode 8. Fuckingis back, great. My enthusiasm just plummeted.Stick
Episode 8. Fuckingis back, great. My enthusiasm just plummeted.Stick
Episode 8. Fuckingis back, great. My enthusiasm just plummeted.Stick
I'm almost done episode 8 and I really feel these Netflix Marvel shows should maybe consider being 10 episodes not 13 cause I just feel they stretch things too thin Honestly. Maybe the last few EPs will change my mind but I'm saving em for tomorrow
Season 1 definitely suffered from this, there were two episodes specifically devoted to filling out a season.I thought this about JJ but not with DD S1 and certainly not with S2 with so much going on
Episode 3...
Matty and Frank just fucking yelling at eachother on a roof, and I'm riveted.
Question in the spoiler for ya:
What's riveting about it? They're basically yelling the same argument just in different ways at each other. Exchange felt too long, I was hoping Frank would tie him up, go downstairs, and proceed to shit kick the Dogs of Hell.
Only through episode 4. Joe Bernthal has put a bullet into the head of the previous live action depictions of the Punisher. Just piled the bodies of Dolph, Thomas Jane and Ray Stevens high. Absolutely outstanding work.
Fuck, Marry, Kill:
Karen Page
Elektra Natchios
Claire Temple
Foggy has a massive pair, gotta give him props for that.I can't stand Foggy. Every time he monologues about some bullshit morals I want the Punisher to show up and clock him.
Just finished Episode 4. Quick thoughts:
That end fight in Episode 3 was fucking OFF THE CHAIN. They really outdid themselves.
Debra Ann Woll is still fine as hell.
The main trio are good as usual.
Jon Bernthal IS Frank Castle. He absolutely nailed the character. I love his take on Castle. He's not fully gone, you can tell he's still human, you know. Episode 4 spoilers:His monologue near the end was fucking tear-jerking.
He absolutely nails the pathos and tragedy of the character. And the action scenes with him are so fucking awesome. The fight style, like a tank.
And I love the character tic of calling Daredevil, "Red". That's awesome.
Episode 3's confrontation was fantastically done as well.
I have one pressing question though:
How on earth did no one connect the dots that Frank Castle, former decorated Marine, whose family was murdered in Central Park, is The Punisher? Like... the media? Why isn't a massacre of a family in Central Park like news that Matt is aware of? Why are people in suits trying to cover it up? What did the DA do?
Oh, and by the way, this ain't motherfucking "PG-16" no more. The (Episode 4 spoilers)firmly shoves this series into R-rated territory.foot drill torture and shotgun blast to the face