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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix


Yeah I don't think Punisher could sustain a full 13 episodes. He works best when he's not the main focus. If they did a Punisher show theyd need a couple other primary characters to cut away to and then whenever we get back to Frank we know shit is going down.

Nope. Punisher's supporting cast is weak.

I don't wanna see Microchip or Detective Soap or whoever those guys are. They're awful.
Sweet Jesus at episode 3.


I'm also done until tomorrow, I made the mistake of agreeing to watch it with my girlfriend and she's now off having a day out with friends while I'm stuck at home itching to start episode 4.

Fuck. Guess I'll hit up some friends and see if anyone is interested in a quick squash session or something...


Damn, no doubt Daredevil season 2 is the best thing Marvel has done. Outshines the movies for me and it has zero downtime, nothing about this season is boring or dull or drags.

I always knew Bernthal would be my favorite Punisher and he did not disappoint me or let me down and that violence, beautiful stuff, that is exactly how I always pictured Punisher to be.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Watching ep8 now. It's a good season but it feels like they chose the wrong format for these stories. The actors are great and there's good material but there is something that rubs me the wrong way.


Just finished eps 4, which by themselves alone, would make a fantastic standalone movie.
Especially as the music kicked in 10 mins before the end
where Franks been arrested
and then the next part
Karen in the rain to Elektra
i'd see as a set up to the sequel.


Promo posters:




Watched through episode 3 last night - Jon Berthal has been amazing as Frank so far and goddamn at the end of episode 3.
They did it! They did the scene! And then the fight after holy shit.

I wish the at night cinematography was a little better though. It's a little hard to see anything, unless I need to adjust my TV's brightness for some reason.
Finished watching episodes 2 and 3.

2 is a step back after a really good first episode. The fights with the Punisher have all been great, you can feel the impact of each hit really well. The cinematography for these scenes are on point, as it was in season 1. I am worried the Foggy will just be used as someone to advance the plot though, rather than as a full character.

As for episode 3, this might be the best episode of the entire series. I LOVED the dialogue between Matt and Frank. Some great acting and a real challenging of ideas. And of course, how can I not mention
that spectacular fight scene. I think it has beaten the hallway scene for best fight in my eyes, it at least contests it. The way he would use the chain was so badass, almost like he was Kratos. And once again, the lighting and cinematography remained excellent. Daredevil still remains the peak of fight scenes on TV.
Just watched episode 3, excellent character moments,
the scene between Matt and Frank on the roof was dead on in representing the duality between the characters, and even that Foggy scene was good
while the last five minutes were an infamous scene from season 1 turned to eleven.

I dreaded some kind of fatigue after a very solid season 1, but so far so good.


Yeah I don't think Punisher could sustain a full 13 episodes. He works best when he's not the main focus. If they did a Punisher show theyd need a couple other primary characters to cut away to and then whenever we get back to Frank we know shit is going down. Basically like Punisher MAX.
Yeah, I love Bernthal as Punisher but not every good character needs their own show. He's perfect as a supporting character.
AAAAAA! Man I fucking love Netflix.

I won't get into any spoilers, myself and only half way through.

One complaint I will air is how terrible this new suit is. I get it, Marvel needs to sell toys and merch, but the action scenes looks so much worse now. Before he was nimble and dexterous, now he looks bulky and awkward, and he moves a bit like a fatass. It just doesn't work nearly as well as ninja costume.

Not only does it work horribly and not make sense that he would wear something that would completely weight him down, and unfortunately make the actions scenes look worse, the suit itself is terrible. Too big, as I said, and way too over designed. All this weird line work and pads and patches.


Finished it. Really starts to fall apart in those last few episodes. The pieces just don't come together properly. I'll take discussion to the spoiler thread but yeah, kind of a shame.

If there's a Punisher spin-off it should be a mini-series of like 6 episodes. There's no reason for it to be 13 episodes.
AAAAAA! Man I fucking love Netflix.

I won't get into any spoilers, myself and only half way through.

One complaint I will air is how terrible this new suit is. I get it, Marvel needs to sell toys and merch, but the action scenes looks so much worse now. Before he was nimble and dexterous, now he looks bulky and awkward, and he moves a bit like a fatass. It just doesn't work nearly as well as ninja costume.

Not only does it work horribly and not make sense that he would wear something that would completely weight him down, and unfortunately make the actions scenes look worse, the suit itself is terrible. Too big, as I said, and way too over designed. All this weird line work and pads and patches.

Oh well. It looks cool to me. It's a comic book show :)
Nope. Punisher's supporting cast is weak.

I don't wanna see Microchip or Detective Soap or whoever those guys are. They're awful.

The good Punisher stories typically didn't focus on supporting cast, they actually gave depth and focus on the villains. They made you hate the villains, with often the Punisher being more of a supporting character to the story as the boogeyman who would come in at points to investigate or deal out punishment. Most of the villains were not just muahahah villains, they gave them large focus in the Ennis run, with Punisher sometimes barely even being in a book
Punisher specifically said
he wasnt going to kill the super, that it was just for show for DD's benefit

Its amazing how people miss some things (and then blame the show/movie)

No, that's the inconsistent part. How does he know he can hear? The thing is he was already telling him he would kill him if he made noise, his attitude really only changes when military is brought up. The "it was for your benefit" made no sense, just because Punisher says it doesn't mean it aligns with the show's portrayal.

His first appearance is menacing where he's walking down the hallway then and takes the guard's gun then immediately does a 180 into random bad shooter. I think this is more of a lazy thing because he they keep saying precision and tactical but then he tries to sniper his target from a water tower about 100 feet from the cops (he's also standing). The character feels like he belongs in Arrow with how bizarre he acts.

Hopefully it improves but he's just super meh at the moment. Elektra has just arrived so I'm hoping choreography will improve.


I just got done with Season 2. I got a question.
Did they ever reveal who was shooting at Reyes, The Doctor, and Karen? It wasn't Frank for sure.
Episode 4 spoilers:

Do we ever find out what happens to Frank's dog after that episode? I expected him to go get him before they left. I assume they'll just show him at home again because he plays a role in the comics. Just wondering if they address it.


I just got done with Season 2. I got a question.
Did they ever reveal who was shooting at Reyes, The Doctor, and Karen? It wasn't Frank for sure.

I guess
the Colonel and the blonde soldier? And he's the Blacksmith too
? That storyline really petered out and things weren't clear, but there's a hint we'll get more with
that disc


He also acts fairly realistic for a guy who found out his blind friend, who opened a firm with him, is actually a masked vigilante who reguarly comes home battered and bruised. Not to then mention that it began to weigh heavily on their firm and how they could operate when Matt is getting mixed up in so much other shit.

People seem like they want a "yes" character, the guy who is completely okay with what Daredevil is doing.

I find the actor when doing very dramatic scenes can lack conviction in his voice which hurts the potential drama, something the other actors don't lack. I totally buy Cox and Bernthal as Daredevil and Punisher.

But he's fine doing his comic relief or even just calm dramatic scenes. But he doesn't do more explosive drama as well as the rest of the cast.


I wonder, are the twists in E12/13 something that ruins it going forward?

I'll watch the last remaining four episodes tonight. I'm just really scared of being disappointed somewhere along the end.


I wonder, are the twists in E12/13 something that ruins it going forward?

I'll watch the last remaining four episodes tonight. I'm just really scared of being disappointed somewhere along the end.

It doesn't ruin it like it recontextualizes the earlier episodes into something worse or stupid that'll kill repeat viewings, it just doesn't all come together as nicely as it should.

But who am I to say what will disappoint and why you should care what a random good looking guy on the internet thinks of a show. Just kick back and watch.


And as much as I actually like the current Daredevil costume, I seriously hope they'll replace the helmet with a mask for Season 3. And the red eyes looked weird in some lighting conditions, so maybe make them a little bit more matte.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Karen and Elektra are super annoying. This season so far 6 episodes in is worse than the first. Misses a definitive villain.


The good Punisher stories typically didn't focus on supporting cast, they actually gave depth and focus on the villains. They made you hate the villains, with often the Punisher being more of a supporting character to the story as the boogeyman who would come in at points to investigate or deal out punishment. Most of the villains were not just muahahah villains, they gave them large focus in the Ennis run, with Punisher sometimes barely even being in a book

Yep. Punisher show should focus on him, the villains and the victims of villains, not one some supporting characters.
For all the talk about helping the city DD never actually did show that. THey barely showed the city, it's citizens and the effects vigilantis is having on the population.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Episode 3
they really did their best to 1-up the hallway scene from s1

Not that impressed with these early eps, Punisher in particular is a disappointment for me. I guess reading the Ennis MAX series gave me expectations of a Punisher we can never have. Bernthal just doesn't feel threatening enough, where his presence should feel like a force of nature. He got a bit
too emotional in those rooftop scenes

Only 3 eps in though, maybe it gets better later on


Episode 3
they really did their best to 1-up the hallway scene from s1

Not that impressed with these early eps, Punisher in particular is a disappointment for me. I guess reading the Ennis MAX series gave me expectations of a Punisher we can never have. Bernthal just doesn't feel threatening enough, where his presence should feel like a force of nature. He got a bit
too emotional in those rooftop scenes

Only 3 eps in though, maybe it gets better later on

It's kind of his origin story, I wouldn't worry too much.


Episode 2

The Terminator-style Punisher stuff is way more compelling than the Daredevil stuff at this point. I don't really like the way they're doing the Bad DA vs Poor Small Nelson & Murdock thing either, it feels really forced and kinda corny.
The entire setup at the end felt so... surreal. The show might want to feel realistic and grounded, but stuff like this just makes everyone involved look two dimensional and dumb. Also, I really don't see how at that range no one could have shot Punisher up big time when he's just grappling with Daredevil. Not impressed.

Episode 3

This entire episode felt like a huge waste of time. I guess this is one of those infamous Netflix episodes where it feels like 10 minutes worth of content tops dragged on to 40+ minutes. I'm sure everyone is gaga over the fight scene at the end, but by then I was seriously bored and the fact that the entire fight has zero real purpose or tension to it made it totally pointless no matter how "cool" it looked. Daredevil has some great moves in the fight, but it was like watching someone replay a Streets of Rage stage over and over just fighting goons. Boooooring.

Seriously, the entire episode was a waste of time. Nothing happened. Punisher captures Daredevil, talks shit with him on the roof. Talks more shit. Foggy tries to look for Matt. Talks shit with Claire. Karen digs up info on the Punisher. At the end of it all, nothing is achieved. Foggy didn't find out jack shit. Karen is still reading through the loot. And Daredevil spends a longass time fighting off random bikers who... he has no reason to fight at all. They're rightfully pissed because Punisher blew up their bikes. They get to the roof to beat the fucker who blew up their bikes, and Daredevil decides to.... fight them all off so... Punisher can escape? It makes no sense. It's like they had a note in the script where it says "we want something to top the corridor fight in the first season, it needs to involve a lot of people and be cool", and then wrote the scene backwards to achieve that. Bad writing imo.
Okay, so episode 4 has somehow managed to compete with episode 3 as the best of the series, wow.

This was a much more story focused episode than 3, and I think it was better off. Even though it didn't approach
the stairwell scene,
the big fight this episode was still incredibly well done and would stand out more on any other show. I was shocked with how violent it got too, never would I expect
a drill to the foot and some really clean looks at people being shot
on a Marvel show.

I gotta give it to Jon Bernthal,
his speech in the cemetery gave me goosebumps it was so well acted. There was probably more emotional weight to that than anything else we have gotten in the series so far. I can see they are trying to go a little more sympathetic towards Frank than other incarnations, which is a dangerous thing to do, but I think it works so far.

Finally, I'm not sure what to think of the end.
I like Karen, and I could believe that a Matt-Karen relationship would happen, but I'm not sure yet if I actually want to see it or not. I just hope it's not forced. Oh, and that Electra introduction was awesome, although I knew it was coming because of the trailer.

So far this season has been pretty damn good so far, I'm excited to see where it's going to go.


Seriously, the entire episode was a waste of time. Nothing happened. Punisher captures Daredevil, talks shit with him on the roof. Talks more shit. Foggy tries to look for Matt. Talks shit with Claire. Karen digs up info on the Punisher. At the end of it all, nothing is achieved. Foggy didn't find out jack shit. Karen is still reading through the loot. And Daredevil spends a longass time fighting off random bikers who... he has no reason to fight at all. They're rightfully pissed because Punisher blew up their bikes. They get to the roof to beat the fucker who blew up their bikes, and Daredevil decides to.... fight them all off so... Punisher can escape? It makes no sense. It's like they had a note in the script where it says "we want something to top the corridor fight in the first season, it needs to involve a lot of people and be cool", and then wrote the scene backwards to achieve that. Bad writing imo.

Episode 3

You do realize the bikers would kill punisher right? (or Punisher would kill them) And Daredevil doesn't want anybody to die? Seems pretty simple.
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