Yeah I don't think Punisher could sustain a full 13 episodes. He works best when he's not the main focus. If they did a Punisher show theyd need a couple other primary characters to cut away to and then whenever we get back to Frank we know shit is going down.
Fuck, Marry, Kill:
Elektra Natchios
Elektra Natchios
Elektra Natchios
Yeah, I love Bernthal as Punisher but not every good character needs their own show. He's perfect as a supporting character.Yeah I don't think Punisher could sustain a full 13 episodes. He works best when he's not the main focus. If they did a Punisher show theyd need a couple other primary characters to cut away to and then whenever we get back to Frank we know shit is going down. Basically like Punisher MAX.
AAAAAA! Man I fucking love Netflix.
I won't get into any spoilers, myself and only half way through.
One complaint I will air is how terrible this new suit is. I get it, Marvel needs to sell toys and merch, but the action scenes looks so much worse now. Before he was nimble and dexterous, now he looks bulky and awkward, and he moves a bit like a fatass. It just doesn't work nearly as well as ninja costume.
Not only does it work horribly and not make sense that he would wear something that would completely weight him down, and unfortunately make the actions scenes look worse, the suit itself is terrible. Too big, as I said, and way too over designed. All this weird line work and pads and patches.
Nope. Punisher's supporting cast is weak.
I don't wanna see Microchip or Detective Soap or whoever those guys are. They're awful.
Punisher specifically saidhe wasnt going to kill the super, that it was just for show for DD's benefit
Its amazing how people miss some things (and then blame the show/movie)
Episode 9 and 10 were very good.
Episode 11 and 12 dip pretty hard.
I just got done with Season 2. I got a question.
Did they ever reveal who was shooting at Reyes, The Doctor, and Karen? It wasn't Frank for sure.
He also acts fairly realistic for a guy who found out his blind friend, who opened a firm with him, is actually a masked vigilante who reguarly comes home battered and bruised. Not to then mention that it began to weigh heavily on their firm and how they could operate when Matt is getting mixed up in so much other shit.
People seem like they want a "yes" character, the guy who is completely okay with what Daredevil is doing.
I wonder, are the twists in E12/13 something that ruins it going forward?
I'll watch the last remaining four episodes tonight. I'm just really scared of being disappointed somewhere along the end.
I have no idea how you could find Elektra annoying.Karen and Elektra are super annoying. This season so far 6 episodes in is worse than the first. Misses a definitive villain.
The good Punisher stories typically didn't focus on supporting cast, they actually gave depth and focus on the villains. They made you hate the villains, with often the Punisher being more of a supporting character to the story as the boogeyman who would come in at points to investigate or deal out punishment. Most of the villains were not just muahahah villains, they gave them large focus in the Ennis run, with Punisher sometimes barely even being in a book
Episode 3they really did their best to 1-up the hallway scene from s1
Not that impressed with these early eps, Punisher in particular is a disappointment for me. I guess reading the Ennis MAX series gave me expectations of a Punisher we can never have. Bernthal just doesn't feel threatening enough, where his presence should feel like a force of nature. He got a bittoo emotional in those rooftop scenes
Only 3 eps in though, maybe it gets better later on
Seriously, the entire episode was a waste of time. Nothing happened. Punisher captures Daredevil, talks shit with him on the roof. Talks more shit. Foggy tries to look for Matt. Talks shit with Claire. Karen digs up info on the Punisher. At the end of it all, nothing is achieved. Foggy didn't find out jack shit. Karen is still reading through the loot. And Daredevil spends a longass time fighting off random bikers who... he has no reason to fight at all. They're rightfully pissed because Punisher blew up their bikes. They get to the roof to beat the fucker who blew up their bikes, and Daredevil decides to.... fight them all off so... Punisher can escape? It makes no sense. It's like they had a note in the script where it says "we want something to top the corridor fight in the first season, it needs to involve a lot of people and be cool", and then wrote the scene backwards to achieve that. Bad writing imo.