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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'll take a Ghost Rider reference.




Does anyone feel like they stretched Daredevil's powers a bit too far at times?

How do you sense motionless books in a drawer and sword marks engraved into a wall. but can't sense moving ninjas?

Yeah the idea that he can't see ninjas that are stealthy but can follow a drop of blood down hallways was kind of ridiculous.

The weird mystical stuff that doesn't get fully explained is definitely the weakest part of an otherwise very strong and in many ways improved second season.

Jessica Jones couldn't get anything right. It went from enjoyable schlock to plain awful as it continued

I've only seen 5 of these but they blow that out of the water. Especially frank castle

The arcs this season have improved on DD season 1 and is something that Jessica Jones sorely needed. Also, thank god they made Karen a much more enjoyable character.


I'm on episode 3 right now.

Is it me or is the writing in this season kind of awful.

It's awful besides a few highlights. Btw episode 3 and 4 are pretty much the best, besides one more down the road, in the season so enjoy it while it lasts.


So far Marvel Netflix series have been like three or four episodes too long... I don't know if I have the energy to watch this. What's the consensus? Is it too can't-miss to miss?
This show certainly hit the ground running, no meandering and keeping the pace consistent so far.

One complaint so far is how long some of the fights take. I'm more interested in what the characters are saying than the fighting, something I didn't have a problem with last season.

Some of the fights:

In retrospect, Daredevil S1 was good, but not great. Could've been leaner. JJ had great potential, but never reached it. Basically got dragged to the end by Ritter and Tennant.

DD S2 so far is damn, damn good.

I don't give a FUUUUCK about Luke Cage. That actor is boring as hell.


In retrospect, Daredevil S1 was good, but not great. Could've been leaner. JJ had great potential, but never reached it. Basically got dragged to the end by Ritter and Tennant.

DD S2 so far is damn, damn good.

I don't give a FUUUUCK about Luke Cage. That actor is boring as hell.

I'm not really that excited for Luke Cage but I think the actor will be able to handle scenes well depending on how they're written. I thought he handled a couple of scenes with Jessica in JJ quite well especially when they first meet in the bar before they


It's awful besides a few highlights. Btw episode 3 and 4 are pretty much the best, besides one more down the road, in the season so enjoy it while it lasts.

I have no idea what show you're talking about, but I'm glad I'm not watching it.

Daredevil Season 2 is excellent. I'm on episode 11. Easily the best superhero show I've ever seen.


Finished the season a little bit ago. Pretty good. Enjoyed it more then JJ and probably not as much as DD S1. Punisher is great. Here are some random thoughts
-Glad to see that no black men close to retirment got killed off this season. Bucking the netflix MCU trend!

-Really could have used a crossover of the neighbor from Jessica Jone's

-Apparently it's not so bad to leave Nelson and Murdock. Karen already has a monster office at the newspaper (although there is probably some resentment from those she jumped over for the spot). And the Jessica Jone's lawyer, who I thought ended last season in some trouble, offered Foggy a job at a bigger/better firm and suggested he will be a partner. The closing of Nelson and Murdock may have been for the best.

-Felt like Matt was just going with whatever girl was more convenient for him at the time.

-When Karen walks in to see Elektra in bed she doesn't even question the presence of Stick. Way to assume the worst Karen! (don't entirlely blame her here, just thought it was funny). Also glad we didn't really dig to much into Karen's past this season.

-Fisk is amazing. I want a spin off with him. It can just be half of him in prison listening to that song and chilling and the other half him yelling at and head butting people. Would be amazing. The scene with him and Matt was probably my favorite of the season.

-Prison scene with the punisher was the best fight of the season.

-At a certain point I was expecting the guy who Karen shot last season to make a return.

-What was the Micro thing Frank got at the end? Think I missed something, that or its a tease.
Hoping there's a season 3. Or at least some of the supporting characters are in Defenders or something.


Episode 6 so far..

Show is okay, some obvious annoying trope.
But the thing that makes me really angry is Foggy. The guy is the only sensible one of the bunch and he is getting stepped on, ignored and discarded by everyone on the show, friends, foes and clients alike, just for the benefit of putting Frank and Karen in the spotlight.

If I were him I would have split from Karen and Matt long ago, both of them are so unreasonable.


The exchange between Matt and Karen in ep 7
about Frank's effectiveness
might be my favorite scene this season. Cox and Woll were both fantastic and the discussion itself really shows depth for each character.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Episode 6 so far..

Show is okay, some obvious annoying trope.
But the thing that makes me really angry is Foggy. The guy is the only sensible one of the bunch and he is getting stepped on, ignored and discarded by everyone on the show, friends, foes and clients alike, just for the benefit of putting Frank and Karen in the spotlight.

If I were him I would have split from Karen and Frank long ago, both of them are so unreasonable.

...you mean Matt and Karen

Frank is Punisher


The exchange between Matt and Karen in ep 7
about Frank's effectiveness
might be my favorite scene this season. Cox and Woll were both fantastic and the discussion itself really shows depth for each character.

Every time Daredevil is confronted about this, I can't help but feel that everyone is right.
I'm on episode 3 right now.

Is it me or is the writing in this season kind of awful.

The writing gets pretty bad near the end as well. There's just a lot of scenes where the poor writing jumps right at you.

I agree with other poster as well. Episodes 3-4 are the best. 4 is probably my favorite DD episode across both seasons. Episodes 11-13 aren't good at all and I actually thought the ending of S1 (already weak) was much stronger.

They should have just cut out all the Black Sky stuff and focused on the Punisher. All of it.

Agreed. The Black Sky done was done poorly and the payoff wasn't remotely rewarding. Not to mention that it was still largely shrouded in mystery by the end. Such a disappointing conclusion.


Father Lantom is the secret MVP of this show. His effectiveness would be diluted if he was used too much but when he shows up the show is at its best.
Also with the ending:

Did I miss stuff? What is black sky exactly? Whats with the kids?

I had no idea why I was supposed to be scared of black sky. Too much unanswered stuff even for my tastes.


Also with the ending:

Did I miss stuff? What is black sky exactly? Whats with the kids?

I had no idea why I was supposed to be scared of black sky. Too much unanswered stuff even for my tastes.

Black Sky was supposed to be the hand's ultimate weapon which ended up being Elektra. Supposedly that's why she's so unstable and bloodthirsty. Apparently it'll end the world Those kids appear to be powering some kind resurrection coffin to revive the Hokage.
Black Sky was supposed to be the hand's ultimate weapon which ended up being Elektra. Supposedly that's why she's so unstable and bloodthirsty. Apparently it'll end the world Those kids appear to be powering some kind resurrection coffin to revive the Hokage.

Thank you. I thought I missed something but it was just poorly done.

Black Sky sucks. Believe it!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thank you. I thought I missed something but it was just poorly done.

Black Sky sucks. Believe it!

More like
A Black Sky than THE Black Sky, as that kid from season 1 was supposedly also one. I think its just "kids who have the potencial to be living weapons, ultimate assassins etc" hence why they want one as the Hand Leader, because they are crazy cult fanatics afterall

Nobu told Fisk they are very rare in season 1


So just finished the season and ultimately found it a significant step down from season 1. That's mainly because the Elektra/Hand plotlines to be weak and ultimately bad. Unfortunately they take up so much time of the show that I can't really dismiss my issues of them. In addition to that, the two main plotlines of the season are so tangentially linked that it comes off as if I'm watching two shows. Neither were delved into enough to be satisfying on their own and instead come off as setup for future seasons for either Daredevil or a Punisher series.

The Punisher segments were by far the best. From the Punisher and Daredevil arguing over whether whose approach works to things like the fights, it's noticeably better than the detached Hand scenes. There's a lot more physicality to the fights that make the Hand parts look limp in comparison.
The cell block fight is the best of the season, not the staircase one, just due to how brutal it is and the shot of Frank drenched in blood. Instead of having people doing flips, Castle is stabbing people to death or blowing their faces off. You see Frank really roughed up and those bruises accumulate on his face. You also have stuff with Fisk which serve as a good link to the previous season as well as showing his development into the Kingpin. Vincent D'Onofrio's performance here is just as good as in season 1 and brings a level of sophistication that the season was missing in that he can play both the legal game and the action side equally well. There was things such as the court case which for a time seemed to remind the show that Matt's job is indeed being a lawyer and I thought it highlighted how average people feel about the vigilantes running around. The character building is stronger as well as it fleshed out not only Frank's character but served to take both Foggy and Karen in new directions.
The conspiracy angle also looked to be intriguing but instead the show cuts it off way too early and it ends up being very anti-climatic as a result.

The Hand subplot should have been cut entirely from the show. It's largely buildup, the fights are weak, it's divorced almost entirely from the Punisher subplot, the villain was pathetic, and the climax laughable.
Why should I give a fuck that Elektra is the Black Sky? The show never bothers to explain what that actually is, other than saying it's somehow bad. The entire Black Sky thing was set up for season 3 and there's no real payoff to it in this season. They go the mystic route and don't explain any of it nor do they develop any of it. Unlike season 1 which didn't make the supernatural element a focus, here it's a big chunk of the season and it's boring other than the hospital shot with the kids (which again the show doesn't bother to explain at all). It comes across as a waste of time to pad out the runtime. The Hand ninjas never come off as threatening and so the roof scene is laughable as the show just goes full ham for the quantity>quality route. Nobu was a midseason level villain last season and he hasn't changed at all in season 2 except somebody deigned to make him the final villain in this season. In fact, he's a downgrade as he's nowhere near as threatening as last season in which he sliced Matt up and here he doesn't do any damage whatsoever. There's no character building towards him either unlike Fisk in last season.

There's almost none of the moral quandaries that Matt had last season and so he comes across as fairly flat as a result. In fact most of the season he's a straight up asshole.
The trial was a disaster largely due to him and he doesn't take any real steps to repairing his friendship with Foggy. He steps almost entirely into the Daredevil role and that's it. Foggy did all the lawyering so my question is to how Matt is going to pay his bills going forward
. Foggy ends up being more compelling as a result although he's hampered at times with the dialogue being overly ostentatious. Father Lantom only gets a single scene this season and he's sorely missed. The only thing that resembled that gritty character work in season one was related to the Punisher, partially due to the PTSD/Veteran angle.

The best episodes were 3,4 and 9. As the show goes on, it ends up being weaker due to the increased focus on the Hand. Season 1 was much more tighter in its writing and the climax better due to the buildup. There's a lot of schlock to it that more resembles its sister show, Jessica Jones, than its first season.
More like
A Black Sky than THE Black Sky, as that kid from season 1 was supposedly also one. I think its just "kids who have the potencial to be living weapons, ultimate assassins etc" hence why they want one as the Hand Leader, because they are crazy cult fanatics afterall

Nobu told Fisk they are very rare in season 1

Right, but what does that actually mean and why is anyone supposed to be afraid of that?

The show threw a bunch of mystical mumbo jumbo at you without establishing why Black Sky is actually a weapon to be feared. Woooooo, I'm so scared of the word Black Sky with absolutely no frame of reference. In fact, the mystical stuff straight up sucked. And I love that stuff in the comics.

As opposed to someone like Punisher, whose threat is quite clealry established in his first showing.

And that's why the ending sucked. It was like this plot string that I couldn't bring myself to care about because it was poorly explained and executed but stretched to fit the last 3-4 episodes.

Edit: Great writeup Jarmel. I agree completely, especially about Jessica Jones.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Daredevil an asshole? No


Also, why does he like to get with crazy so much?

Episode 8 and 9 spoilers.
Fisk is back! Fuck yeah. I'm glad they decided to do more than just hide him away in prison and not show us anything.


Just finished up. One of the dumbest scenes is the shit show on the roof in ep 2.

Overall though, really enjoyed it and it was mostly consistent; whereas there are huge chunks of JJ that I just couldn't deal with at all.

I wonder if they can tap the guys that did the fight choreography from Banshee. Then again, styles would clash, as Banshee has 1000% less Roy-flips.


So far Marvel Netflix series have been like three or four episodes too long... I don't know if I have the energy to watch this. What's the consensus? Is it too can't-miss to miss?

If you don't have the energy that's a pretty pathetic personal problem


Ultimately I enjoyed this season but it finished pretty weak. I was disappointed with
the parallel plotlines of Punisher and Elektra/Hand not really tying up together in any meaningful way. All it amounted to was a Punisher cameo in the final fight. The Elektra/Hand plot was pretty weak in comparison to Punisher as well. For some reason I never felt the city was under any threat from Hand or this Black Sky stuff.

Also not a Fisk fan. I reckon the season went downhill from there.


Finished it. Will need to digest things to form a more complete viewpoint. I overall enjoyed it, though, I know that.

I think Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez did a better job than DeKnight. Even though the season isn't perfect, it is more fluid and filled with more interesting plot-lines, characters and more meaningful plot advancement than Season 1 ever was.

A big part of character writing is "show, don't tell". Season 1 told, Season 2 showed. That's the most succinct way I can put it right now.
Finished it. I loved it, start to finish. I'm sure I'll post some more detailed thoughts over in the spoiler thread, but I thought this was a step up from a good season 1 and I can't wait for more.

But hey, Luke Cage will more than suffice in the meantime.
okay, just finished my binge watch.


I thought the first half or so wasn't really stellar, and overall this season wasn't as good as the first.

But the court scene with Punisher where it really picked up imo, during and after.

Speaking of the Punisher, while he looks badass with the skull on his torso, even though Shane did a good job portraying him, I feel like there could've been other actors who could've done better. Joey Ansah comes to mind...I think he would've been an interesting choice for Punisher.

Now, back to the spoilers,

I really like that they brought back Marci Stahl...goddamn she's the hottest girl on this show if you ask me. Now she's just a side character, but I've actually liked a lot of the side characters in both this and Jessica Jones. I just haven't liked how they have been written and handled.

I've already expressed my disappointment with how Matt didn't show up in Jessica Jones's finale, but I thought it was cool how Hogarth was there in Daredevil's. Although, Foggy is soon to find out that Hogarth is a fucked up lawyer and a fucked up person so maybe Nelson & Murdock will get back together after all.

That chat that Daredevil and Elektra were having right before fighting the Red Hand in the finale...that was so weird to me, coz like...I thought Matt was trying to repair things with Karen. Not start shit with her again. But whatever.

That's all the thoughts I have off the top of my head. Overall, the stakes didn't seem as high as the first season and therefore season 1 remains the masterpiece of the MCU. Season 2 is still better than Jessica Jones season 1 imo though.

I really hope the Defenders comes out next, before the next Jessica Jones season.

What I'm hoping for is, Luke Cage ---> Fall 2016, Iron First ---> Spring 2017, and Defenders ---> Fall 2017. Then maybe Daredevil season 3 ---> Spring 2018, while a Defenders cameo happens in Av3 part 1, then Jessica Jones season 2 ---> Fall 2018, with Defenders showing up again in a cameo in Av3 part 2.


If you don't have the energy that's a pretty pathetic personal problem

Hahaha well with one person saying it was the best superhero season they had ever seen and other people chiming in saying it wasn't long enough, I was starting to be swayed.

Whatever. Maybe I just won't binge this one in one day like the others. Maybe that's why I've always felt bored and worn out by the end of these, haha. I guess I just have a P.P.P.P. (pretty pathetic personal problem) like Bearthy says
Ultimately I enjoyed this season but it finished pretty weak. I was disappointed with
the parallel plotlines of Punisher and Elektra/Hand not really tying up together in any meaningful way. All it amounted to was a Punisher cameo in the final fight. The Elektra/Hand plot was pretty weak in comparison to Punisher as well. For some reason I never felt the city was under any threat from Hand or this Black Sky stuff.

Also not a Fisk fan. I reckon the season went downhill from there.
yeah I agree with you there. SPOIL
hell's kitchen definitely didn't feel threatened like they did when the kingpin was around. and the characters, while still having their own devils (no pun intended) did not seem as stressed out as they did in season 1 either.


5 episodes in.

Punisher is a far more likable character then anyone else in this show or JJ.

So far I really like Elektra, my friend let it slip he thought she was terrible. I'm hoping its just a matter of different tastes and her character doesn't nose dive.
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