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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix


But it doesn't even make sense.

These are presumably pro assassins and they're all just running down the street chasing after a car. Also, no one notices fifty ninjas shooting bows and arrows? And how are arrows in any way superior to a gun, especially when you're shooting at a moving vehicle? The non ninja Yakuza with SMGs were better equipped for urban combat.
As incompetent as the NYPD in Hell's Kitchen are, even they would find it hard not to notice a bunch of people chasing a car and firing submachine guns everywhere.

I still have one episode to watch, bu I feel like the quality really dropped off after EP 9. I'm just confused at this point. EP 12 spoiler:
So Elektra is Black Sky. WTF is black sky? If you're going to play it as some big reveal, stop being so god damn cryptic about what it means. Then Elektra helps Stick escape? I felt like I missed something there. She was trying to kill him, then she finds out she's Black Sky (even she doesn't know what that means), still wants to kill him, then all of a sudden is carrying him away from the fight. The Blacksmith reveal felt completely unearned and unsatisfying. I thought Stick was going to end up being blacksmith and all these storylines would come together.
I'm convinced that people who have problems with the Hand storyline just weren't paying attention. All of this is stated outright in the dialogue.

Stick being the Blacksmith
would be the dumbest, most forced "twist" possible.

The Hermit

Man, I forgot how much I loved DD season 1 and season 2 is amazing, especially after ep 8.

Still need 2 more episodes though

Ep 9 spoiler :
yay Nobu! I knew he was still alive.
I don't read comic books.

Am I still allowed to have an opinion? Let me know.

I'm coming in late, but of course you have the right to an opinion.

As do us fans of the Daredevil "comic" character that spawned the TV show. He's a dude whose senses are so heightened that even though he's blind, in essence he can see.

I think the mysticism angle needs to be handled in a better way, but in no way should it not be in the show. imo.


I just finished episode 6.

The format is pretty refreshing, despite there being
no villain
so far this season the show has been plenty interesting so far with
the punisher court case and elektra plot line.

Also I feel like Foggy and Karen are really coming into their own. They have much more of a presence compared to the first season.
Also before anyone comes in and says "well that's just daredevil deal with it" it was handled extremely poorly that's why it was so jarring and bad. Not because of what it actually is.


It's like they reluctantly threw in the ninja storyline and thought it "couldn't" be just as grounded as the rest of the season.

The Hand were "handled" in a weak way and it showed.

Still loved season 2 more than season 1.

The scene with Matt and Karen
on their date where they walked home in the rain...the interaction where he doesn't elect to go up to her apartment.
LOVED that.
I think this thread is proof enough that the mystical crap just isn't what most viewers want to see or at very least the show hasn't handled it well. Either way, I hope it's sorted for the next season.

As for the discussion over the past few pages with regards to tie ins to other MCU projects. Honestly, I much prefer when these things are self contained with the exception of the odd nod here and there. I find the endless tie ins in the movies to be tiresome and it almost feels like you have to watch every movie to be fully clued in to what's going on. It's why I've stopped watching the movies to be honest, it's just too much content to consume and half of it is crap anyway. I'm actually put off a little by the very idea of Iron Fist, Luke Cage and The Defenders. Mainly because I've never heard of them and I wonder just how compelling these characters and this team can be given that they would appear to be Marvel's B squad -- says I, the non comic book reading ignoramus.

Episode 12. 45:20

Why is there a Troll monster in the background. Right-side of the screen in the woods in the shadows.

Seriously, what is that?!


I like Stick as a character, but the Black Sky plot
is so vague about everything that it is impossible to feel invested. We don't know the stakes. We have no idea what the Black Sky is or why we should feel threatened by it. Mystery is good to an extent but when the entire arc is asking questions it never gives answers to we're left just watching things happen without knowing the reasons why.

It's the weakest part of the show by far. Was true for S1 as well.

Agreed on all points.
The show didn't do it's job for giving me a reason to care about the war between the Chaste and the Hand (which will supposedly annihilate New York), or why the Hand had abducted those people and were draining all their blood, or why "The Black Sky" is a bad thing in general.

Also, about the elephant in the room:
I hated Elektra whenever she was on screen. I have no knowledge about her comic book history, but she wasn't likable in the slightest and was only there as a plot device to manipulate Matt to do her dirty work/blackmailing Matt to take down the Hand/rekindle her relationship with Matt. She comes across as a bag full of crazy, and I couldn't understand why Matt had fallen for her once more, where she seems to be more interested with breaking someones teeth in than to hook up with her ex-boyfriend.

If Matthew was smart (which, for some reason, he lost all common sense and become infinitely more stupid in this season), he should have dislocated her arm and told her to get lost.


I'm convinced that people who have problems with the Hand storyline just weren't paying attention. All of this is stated outright in the dialogue.

So what does being Black Sky mean? I just rewatched the scene and it's still super vague. She's The Hand's greatest weapon in whatever war they're fighting. Why should I care about that? Have they even explained what they're fighting this war over or what the stakes are? Does she have special powers or something?

They do explain why Elektra helps Stick escape, but DD is whispering the whole time and Elektra is panting the whole time so I don't feel bad about missing that.

Stick being the Blacksmith
would be the dumbest, most forced "twist" possible.

Yeah, and it would still be better than what we got which was also a dumb, forced twist.

Anyway, this season suffers from the exact same problem as all of these Marvel shows. They start off really really strong but can't keep it up for 13 episodes. I wish they were 10 episodes instead. That's usually the point where they start to falter.


Ep. 10's cliffhanger is so freaking great.
Zombies and ninjas oh my!

Between that and
the Fisk/Matt showdown
it's one of my favorite episodes.
Jon Bernthal deserves an Emmy or Golden Globe for his portrayal of Frank Castle.

They did what I absolutely hoped they would. A haunting, tragic, humanistic portrayal of a warped, dangerous, murderous man. It was phenomenal just how human Frank Castle felt. He isn't just a Boogeyman or an unrepentant murderer or something easily couched as 'villain' or 'anti-hero'. He's a broken person pushed too far, and you feel deeply for him, even as he digs deeper and deeper into the utter bleak blackness that will become his life. Beneath all the pain, there's something that resembles a good man, slowly burning away (maybe). There's a sense of humor, of humanity still there, and you recognize it even among all the viciousness. That's the trick to how you portray Frank Castle. Jon Bernthal and Daredevil absolutely hit the fucking ball outta the park.


Jon Bernthal deserves an Emmy or Golden Globe for his portrayal of Frank Castle.

They did what I absolutely hoped they would. A haunting, tragic, humanistic portrayal of a warped, dangerous, murderous man. It was phenomenal just how human Frank Castle felt. He isn't just a Boogeyman or an unrepentant murderer or something easily couched as 'villain' or 'anti-hero'. He's a broken person pushed too far, and you feel deeply for him, even as he digs deeper and deeper into the utter bleak blackness that will become his life. Beneath all the pain, there's something that resembles a good man, slowly burning away (maybe). There's a sense of humor, of humanity still there, and you recognize it even among all the viciousness. That's the trick to how you portray Frank Castle. Jon Bernthal and Daredevil absolutely hit the fucking ball outta the park.

I said as much earlier and I completely agree. One of the best performances I've seen in the past year and it should not be overlooked because comic books. The give and take between him and DAW was absolutely phenomenal.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Episode 12 was the worst. Also does anyone else feel that this season has a lot of goofy poorly choreographed fights compared to the last season? The only redeeming character this season has been Punisher. Very nicely potrayed!
I don't get any of the Elektra hate. I loved her character and all the Elektra/Matt scenes felt way more genuine and natural than the Karen/Matt scenes.
When she finally got her sais and her final costume? That shit was badass.
I said as much earlier and I completely agree. One of the best performances I've seen in the past year and it should not be overlooked because comic books. The give and take between him and DAW was absolutely phenomenal.

Honestly, the most compelling stuff was the relationship between Frank, Karen, and Matt. It was amazing. Between Frank and Karen, there this really interesting bond, y'know. Woll absolutely nailed it as well. She did a fantastic job this season. I hope Season 3 will have more interactions between Frank and Karen. It really fits this version of Frank to perhaps continue that relationship in some capacity. It's almost heartwarming in some respects.
As incompetent as the NYPD in Hell's Kitchen are, even they would find it hard not to notice a bunch of people chasing a car and firing submachine guns everywhere.

I'm convinced that people who have problems with the Hand storyline just weren't paying attention. All of this is stated outright in the dialogue.

Stick being the Blacksmith
would be the dumbest, most forced "twist" possible.
Can you explain it to me because all I got out of it was that it's bad. I don't mean the comic book version, I mean on the show. :\
I hope Marvel is listening. Especially when Punisher is the best part of your Daredevil show

I would watch an entire season of Jon Bernthal monologuing with Debra Ann Woll intercut with brutal shootouts and fistfights. That's how good those scenes were.
The ending of episode 4 wrecked me. What a performance.
I was floored.

First two episodes were meh and I thought the series was going to just hobble along, but episode three took off like a rocket ship, and the show didn't run out of steam until nearly the end.

There are some scenes in this season that are the finest action scenes I've seen in a TV show. Casting is stellar, especially the Elektra and Punisher debuts, but the cinematography and fight choreography is a very mixed bag of startling highs and some very lackluster lows. But man, those highs. Those highs. God damn.

I'm so damn glad this series exists. Netflix is doing something new here, and pulling it off.


Can you explain it to me because all I got out of it was that it's bad. I don't mean the comic book version, I mean on the show. :
Black Sky
is brought up multiple times as an entity that would lead the Hand to wreck shit all over the world. What exactly it is isn't specified. But the rest of the post I quoted, the character conflict between Elektra, who's been denied acceptance all her life, choosing to do good rather than accepting the worship of the Hand, is all pretty straightforward and spelled out in the episode.

There's a comics analogue, although it's not called the same.


Spent the weekend watching this and it was great all around. Cast is top-notch, and Punisher and Elektra were fantastic additions - Bernthal in particular was phenomenal in his role, but Yung was no slouch either. And of course, (ep 10 spoils)
D'Onofrio was chilling in his two eps, and proved that Kingpin is still the best villain in the MCU
. Other than that, the writing, cinematography, and fight scenes were on-point. Only complaint I kind of have is that the two plotlines never really came together in a satisfying way, but they were pretty strong on their own so it's not a big deal. I also think the season started off better than it finished but I was engaged all the way through nonetheless.

Now the wait for Luke Cage!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I would be shocked if Punisher didnt get his own show, especially after it was rumoured to be greenlit. Hell they even have the
tease at the end, Bernthal is semi-high profile and its a guy with no powers, its not like its hard to do. Just adapt the welcome back Frank run, it was already very tv-show like
Stick being the Blacksmith
would be the dumbest, most forced "twist" possible.

I would've hated that and showing him
sharpening his blade like a Smith at the end of episode 11 had me really worried that would be the case. It was a good red herring.

Just finished the season tonight. Loved it. I'd put it on par with the first one.
I would be shocked if Punisher didnt get his own show, especially after it was rumoured to be greenlit. Hell they even have the
tease at the end, Bernthal is semi-high profile and its a guy with no powers, its not like its hard to do. Just adapt the welcome back Frank run, it was already very tv-show like

There's a few places they can take Frank, but I wouldn't mind seeing either of these two pop up:



steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Finished Season 2.

Jon Bernthal was incredible as the Punisher. He absolutely hit it out the park. He's absolutely compelling every time he appeared onscreen. Give us a Punisher Netflix series, Marvel.

OTOH, the Hand/mystical parts did not fit very well with the grittiness of the rest of the series, although I liked Elodie Yung as Elektra.

Still, it was pretty enjoyable, and an improvement over Season 1.
8 episodes in rn, while the writing and story aren't particularly the best, the characters and acting are completely superb. Seriously I love every character in this show.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Episode 10 Spoilers

Man, I think Claire aka The Night Nurse is one of my favorite characters in these Netflix Marvel shows. I always end up wanting more of her. She's the most normal person, really helps to ground these shows a little. Her convos with Matt were some of my favorite scenes in Season 1 and I'm really glad they kept that going here. She's literally the only person who doesn't take his shit even for a moment.

I know Claire will be in Luke Cage, hopefully in a larger capacity than the really brief Jessica Jones cameo she got. So far she's the most connected aspect of these shows

I wasn't in love with the idea of a Punisher series on Netflix but Bernthal's Punisher has me sold. I want more of whatever they're selling with him in it. They nailed that character perfectly.
Black Sky
is brought up multiple times as an entity that would lead the Hand to wreck shit all over the world. What exactly it is isn't specified. But the rest of the post I quoted, the character conflict between Elektra, who's been denied acceptance all her life, choosing to do good rather than accepting the worship of the Hand, is all pretty straightforward and spelled out in the episode.

There's a comics analogue, although it's not called the same.
Yeah that's jack shit, that's nothing. I knew that, I was hoping for more. It's bad writing, and I have a feeling it's because the Hand stuff is going to get incorporated in other Netflix shows so they don't show everything. What they showed was not enough which is why 90% of the people in here did not give 2 shits about that storyline.

The thing with Elektra was a nice tough but far little significance for it make it compelling.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How soon after it aired last year did they announce season 2? I remember it was very fast, like following week fast

But it doesn't even make sense.

These are presumably pro assassins and they're all just running down the street chasing after a car. Also, no one notices fifty ninjas shooting bows and arrows? And how are arrows in any way superior to a gun, especially when you're shooting at a moving vehicle? The non ninja Yakuza with SMGs were better equipped for urban combat.

Do you ask these questions when you read a comic book (if you even do)? Or for example, do you ask why does Hawkeye use a bow instead of a gun?

Im honestly asking


How soon after it aired last year did they announce season 2? I remember it was very fast, like following week fast

I got a feeling we won't hear about Season 3 for a bit. Since if we assume Iron Fist comes out this time next year, then they will have no reason to not wait and just do Defenders Season 1.

I don't believe, and maybe I'm wrong, but Luke Cage had it's casting and then starting filming not long after.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I stopped assuming the Defenders was even planned for anytime soon when they started renewing these shows which we all thought were one shots initially


They were never planned as one shots. Netflix bought 5 shows at once with the understanding that they are somewhat interconnected, and each could be renewed depending on how they do. Defenders just cannot happen until each individual series has at least one season. They had to find showrunners and cast for each series, so it makes sense that an easy second season like Daredevil can slot in while other shows are being prepped.
finished episode 9 Bernthal is GOAT, and Elodie Yung did elektra right TBH. some of the cinematography and Fight Scenes are jank though.

Maybe we can get a Moon Knight TV show with Gyllenhaal, a man can dream


I doubt DD S3 will be out before Defenders, but they might announce it anyway.

Luke Cage began filming in September of last year, and won't air until September 30th. If Iron Fist's production is similar it will air next summer, or Fall. I think its possible we see DD S3 before The Defenders.


Luke Cage began filming in September of last year, and won't air until September 30th. If Iron Fist's production is similar it will air next summer, or Fall. I think its possible we see DD S3 before The Defenders.

Luke Cage is launching later than usual. DD S1, JJ, and DD S2 all filmed for 6 months and launched on Netflix 3-4 months after. Following that pattern Luke Cage should be released in July or so, but they probably wanted to spread it out a bit because they don't have a Fall Marvel show this year.


Luke Cage is launching later than usual. DD S1, JJ, and DD S2 all filmed for 6 months and launched on Netflix 3-4 months after. Following that pattern Luke Cage should be released in July or so, but they probably wanted to spread it out a bit because they don't have a Fall Marvel show this year.

Ah yeah, that makes sense if they are holding off JJ S2 til after The Defenders and wanted to slot something in this Fall.
Lets see how quickly they can get started on Iron Fist production.

Keeping four shows cast members available without an exact date should be interesting


I'm up to episode 5, and goddamn, Punisher is great in this. Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson were impressive Punishers, but Jon Bernthal brings something else. Of course, it's also in the writing, but his delivery hits aces.
Especially where he's
captured by the Irish, he just looks and says "do I look nervous to you?", and he just takes the pain. When they go to work with the drill, he's in pain, he's no superpowered hero that doesn't feel the pain, but he takes it.

Overall, so far, better than S1. I also love how Foggy gets more screentime this time, and not just as Matt's anchor to normalcy, but also as the one who
keeps the lawfirm afloat while Matt is off Daredevilin'. The way he steps up the plate when facing off with Reyes and Tower, damn, he's grown as a character.
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