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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix

Funky Papa

For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?

I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?


For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?

I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?

It's very disjointed and lacks a central enemy. It's better in the end but then you won't really care what happens.

Ep 8-10
It's kind of funny and stupid how there's an extortion in the court case and bigtime manhunt going on but Matt is all Elektraaaaaa for something he doesn't even believe in.


This season man.



Unconfirmed Member
So just another Marvel TV joint?


Well it's their best joint though, not sure how it compares to dc's side (I only watched arrow mid season 3, flash mid season 1) but I this is (to me) the best superhero tv show.

ps. please give us a Blade show.


Only 5 episodes in now but so far this season is a lot better than the first one, and I thought that was the best comic book show at the time.


It's very disjointed and lacks a central enemy. It's better in the end but then you won't really care what happens.

Ep 8-10
It's kind of funny and stupid how there's an extortion in the court case and bigtime manhunt going on but Matt is all Elektraaaaaa for something he doesn't even believe in.
And Walt should have been with his family instead of starting up a meth empire. So what? It's not good TV to have characters behave themselves all the time.


Finished it late last night.

I enjoyed it.
The punisher plot was exceptional almost the entire way through. The black sky plot was not for many of the reasons stated already.

All in all I enjoyed it as much as I did Jessica Jones (which i thought was a pretty good exploration into different types of abusive relationships) though I would have liked it more if the season only focused on the stronger storyline.


I'm the other way around.
I don't see what people thought was so compelling about
the Punisher/first half
The moral debate, the contrast between the two characters, someone grounded in humanity who we could actually see in our world because of the tragedy of the character. What's so much more compelling to you about Elektra running around with Ninjas?
I really loved this season...up until the last two episodes. Ugh at the climaxes for all 3 mains, and a weak villain confrontation at that.

I was expecting
Black Sky to be some awesome mystical entity that would represent a new threat to NY's heroes. Maybe like the Master in Buffy? Instead it's...Elektra. Who the Hand had nearly killed outright earlier in the season by simply stabbing. And who gets gutted like a fish anyway. Yawn. Castle's search for answers was an awesome side story throughout. Brutal confrontations in the prison and diner. Interesting interaction with Fisk. Maybe there's a new criminal mastermind being set up for next season? Nope, a throwaway character of course played by Clancy Brown, who picks up the villain ball in everything he's in. The finale being a guy who got wrecked in the middle of last season getting wrecked again is just plain stupid. I was happy when Elektra died so I wouldn't have to hear any more of her whining and flip flopping.


Episode 10: I found this part weird
Karen says to the newspaper guy that Frank wouldn't try to kill her, but didn't he just open fire on the DA's office right when she was there and couldn't have gotten killed?
For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?

I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?
It kind fizzles out towards the end as well in this one lol.. But season 2 is just better for me, the additions to the new season are fantastic and brings elements from s1 well also. An improvement over season 1 for sure.
Episode 12

I laughed at Karen's
"Frank, if you kill him, we won't be friends anymore!" speech.

It was kind of sad.
The whole season, especially when she has the confrontation with Matt in his apartment, you can see that she's kind of buying into the "one bad day" angle with Castle to justify her murdering Kingpin's henchman last season. Then she has to listen to Castle brutally murder the guys in the diner from only feet away, sees the bloodbath at the docks, and the final straw is Frank just casually shooting the Blacksmith with little fanfare. She thought she understood him, but they were never even close to the same thing. Hers was a genuine crime of passion. Frank is pretty much a maniac. She didn't understand that until the moment in the woods, and DAW really sells the loneliness of her character in that moment.


Well it's their best joint though, not sure how it compares to dc's side (I only watched arrow mid season 3, flash mid season 1) but I this is (to me) the best superhero tv show.

ps. please give us a Blade show.

It shits on Flash, I won't even bring up Arrow.

DC still wins the with the non cable TV shows/Netflix.


The moral debate, the contrast between the two characters, someone grounded in humanity who we could actually see in our world because of the tragedy of the character. What's so much more compelling to you about Elektra running around with Ninjas?

"Moral debate" was trite as shit, with the usual crass writing.
The character wasn't all that grounded in humanity, because the world of Daredevil is removed from it (his family didn't die 'cause he couldn't pay hospital bills or some shit, they got killed by a massive shootout between 3 gangs in central park).
The juxtaposition between Daredevil and Punisher was interesting enough, but it's something you've seen multiple times in just about every other superhero story (the vigilante who doesn't kill, and the ones who does) and this one didn't break any new ground, just retreated the usual topics, and gave the usual answers.

What i liked about the second half, was having Fisk back, and having Elektra took us away from that Karen/Murdock shit.

And hell i'll even take the struggle to deal with a profoundly evil nature and outside pressure to do good like Elektra, over what the Punisher had.

The ninja were just goofy excuse to have some fist fights here and there i guess.
I'm not saying the latter half is ground breaking television, i just don't get the praise for the first half.

Spoiler everything just in case: Don't read if you haven't seen it all.
For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?

I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?

This season's ending is worst then season 1's. By episode 10, I largely stopped caring about what was happening in the show (as opposed to season 1's ending, which I felt was mostly a case of poor execution).

The middle portions of the show (episode 3 to 8-9) I liked better then Season 1. Some really good episodes and a few of them were probably my favorite overall between the two seasons.

The complaint you have about being able to cut most episodes down is even more prevalent. Really feels like the season took a bit too many cues for JJ. Lots of padding and fluff for no reason.


This season wasn't as focused as the first and lacked a good villain but I still really liked it. The Punisher and Elektra were both great but they probably shouldn't have introduced both in the same season.


And Walt should have been with his family instead of starting up a meth empire. So what? It's not good TV to have characters behave themselves all the time.

That's bullshit.
For one Matt initiated the motion to defend the Punisher, because you know DA and stuff and Frank is his friend now. Too conveniently, Elektra has other plans on court dates which are usually very specific. And then he's all oh sorry, "Big Client" nobody asks about.The whole city could be in flames at this point, like Hand is that important right now to deal with?
Then they aren't really ninjas in the pop culture sense. When people refer to ninjas they are almost always referencing the stereotypical all in black, silent, martial artists of Asian descent awaits. Sometimes they are magical or supernatural in their abilities and well some are Naruto though you could argue that they are barely ninjas after a while.

If you just give them body armor and silenced guns they are basically a SWAT team or special forces or something along those lines.

No, they're ninjas. Just modernized. I don't know why you defend antiquated ninjas, all the did was make the show awful.
Jon Bernthal deserves an Emmy or Golden Globe for his portrayal of Frank Castle.

They did what I absolutely hoped they would. A haunting, tragic, humanistic portrayal of a warped, dangerous, murderous man. It was phenomenal just how human Frank Castle felt. He isn't just a Boogeyman or an unrepentant murderer or something easily couched as 'villain' or 'anti-hero'. He's a broken person pushed too far, and you feel deeply for him, even as he digs deeper and deeper into the utter bleak blackness that will become his life. Beneath all the pain, there's something that resembles a good man, slowly burning away (maybe). There's a sense of humor, of humanity still there, and you recognize it even among all the viciousness. That's the trick to how you portray Frank Castle. Jon Bernthal and Daredevil absolutely hit the fucking ball outta the park.

His character is definition of flat which is why he'll never gain much recognition.
His talking scenes were just reiterating his position or he was sobbing about his dead family and used that to fuel his anger. You can tell they didn't know how to write him because he burns down his house for no raisin at the end. He would have to waver in his stance to be compelling or bring more than, "those assholes killed m family so I'm going to shoot/stab/strangle/murder them."


Finished watching episode 11.

The addtion of Fisk and his maquinations was great. so far the saving grace of a confusing and bland season

High point was the punisher up until the court. All that conversation we wanted dexter to have on its final season, is the punisher right or wrong, happened only on one scene on the roof between DD and the punisher, they should have contextualize that more, increase the violence, show the societal effects off the punisher killing and all that. the most interesting aspect, feels rushed.

The fighting is very uneven, meaning sometimes DD seems like he could take an army, and other times 2 guys beat the shit out of him. I see more abilities in Matt murdock listening and laying out the battlefiled like a sonar than in his combat.

They made wierd choices for matt murdock. the whole thing with abandoning Foggy, going for elektra, the whole elektra arc so far.... so stupid. They could have made the same points without making matt looking like an asshole.

2 more to go, from what im reading here it will go further downhill.


That's bullshit.
For one Matt initiated the motion to defend the Punisher, because you know DA and stuff and Frank is his friend now. Too conveniently, Elektra has other plans on court dates which are usually very specific. And then he's all oh sorry, "Big Client" nobody asks about.The whole city could be in flames at this point, like Hand is that important right now to deal with?
wants to fuck her.

That's enough for me.


That's bullshit.
For one Matt initiated the motion to defend the Punisher, because you know DA and stuff and Frank is his friend now. Too conveniently, Elektra has other plans on court dates which are usually very specific. And then he's all oh sorry, "Big Client" nobody asks about.The whole city could be in flames at this point, like Hand is that important right now to deal with?

Matt wants to be Daredevil more than he wants to be Murdock, it was contrived, but that's the pushing motive there,
i think he flat out says it to her, before the final fight.


Matt wants to be Daredevil more than he wants to be Murdock, it was contrived, but that's the pushing motive there,
i think he flat out says it to her, before the final fight.

wants to fuck her.
That's enough for me.

The whole point of the court thing was to use law as Daredevil to save Frank from DA's killing room. He was crazy about defending him, but when he winds up hearing that an extortion was taking place around the case this is where the Daredevil should've come in to ask people around who wants him dead/in jail. Nah, he let it slide. Then the guy goes free and on rampage gunning down high level targets, he still doesn't give much shit, even when he was in the courthouse almost shot by. The hand was still more important then too? Is her pussy that good?


Matt wants to be Daredevil more than he wants to be Murdock, it was contrived, but that's the pushing motive there,
i think he flat out says it to her, before the final fight.
Pretty much it, he said early in the first season he enjoyed beating the shit out of people.
Elektra is the embodiment of those cruel impulses and the excitement of violence. That's what tempts him. He is in love with that, despite knowing it is wrong and feeling guilt about his attraction to it.

A show where characters do the right thing all the time would be the most boring uninteresting dreck on television. Characters must give into impulses, and make poor decisions. That's what makes them human. That's what turns the cogs and creates tension.


Episode 12 done.
Kinda silly that Frank just happens upon a secret room full of military grade firepower. Was it implied to be the Colonel's?, or did he just get lucky?

Gonna finish the last episode after class, but I'm struggling to try and stay interested in the Elektra arc, at least the fights have been good for those parts.
Do you ask these questions when you read a comic book (if you even do)? Or for example, do you ask why does Hawkeye use a bow instead of a gun?

Im honestly asking

I ask when things don't make sense.

Hawkeye's arrows can blow things up which would have been way more effective than what those guys were using. What was the point of all that when they had a ninja following them on rooftops anyway?


So far I'm on episode 5, really liking the improvement and the pace from season 1. I like a lot the chemistry between the actors, except Elektra so far... maybe I need to finish the season but there is a little something that doesn't click from her yet (?)

the fast paced story arcs are good, I just want to get out of work and keep watching it lol


Episode 5

I like Elektra. Love the way she says Matthew. Feeling kinda apprehensive about everything else though.
It seems like Punisher's family wasn't just murdered, but there's some conspiracy behind it? And the DA is covering it up? Getting a bit convoluted... Don't like how the Elektra flashback ended either. Wish they used the material from Man Without Fear instead.
The episode also felt -really- long this time. Could have done with some trimming.
Guys Im on episode 7.

This show is so good. Its handled with such care, and The way the introduce characters in a weird non Marvel way is so refreshing,

This is so good. The story so far in season 2 is pretty fascinating to me, and I find myself enjoying the dialogue, the interactions, and the flashbacks more than the action. I just like how well written everything is.

I can't praise it enough.
Episode 12 done.
Kinda silly that Frank just happens upon a secret room full of military grade firepower. Was it implied to be the Colonel's?, or did he just get lucky?

Gonna finish the last episode after class, but I'm struggling to try and stay interested in the Elektra arc, at least the fights have been good for those parts.

It belonged to the Colonel. It was on his property.
I like Elektra as well, but
just like Stick, she is involved in the worst plot line of the show. The entire black sky arc is weak.

The interactions between the characters are great, and the plot could be better for that arc, but it doesn't bother me too much.
Evil ninjas fucking shit up so I can see more Stick and Elektra? Sure. Plus they allow Daredevil to expand his power level. He goes from tracking heartbeats to tracking breaths, he can only get better from here.


Finished Episode 8
Oooh man, as soon as I saw someone benching at the end I went "Wilson Fisk?!" and then the reveal, immediately followed by the awesome first credit of Special Guest Star Vincent D'Onofrio as Wilson Fisk.

Freaking loved it.


José Mourinho;198774541 said:
I think this thread is proof enough that the mystical crap just isn't what most viewers want to see or at very least the show hasn't handled it well. Either way, I hope it's sorted for the next season.

As for the discussion over the past few pages with regards to tie ins to other MCU projects. Honestly, I much prefer when these things are self contained with the exception of the odd nod here and there. I find the endless tie ins in the movies to be tiresome and it almost feels like you have to watch every movie to be fully clued in to what's going on. It's why I've stopped watching the movies to be honest, it's just too much content to consume and half of it is crap anyway. I'm actually put off a little by the very idea of Iron Fist, Luke Cage and The Defenders. Mainly because I've never heard of them and I wonder just how compelling these characters and this team can be given that they would appear to be Marvel's B squad -- says I, the non comic book reading ignoramus.

Seriously, what is that?!
I don't understand how ~3 movies per year is "too much". And they are pretty self-contained, the connecting pieces so far have been fairly low-key. Just a few same characters here, a inconsequential reference there and of course sequels to particular characters' movies do have more continuation. Still, you don't have to have seen Guardians of the Galaxy or Winter Soldier to watch Ant-man or Thor.

Don't really think "half of it is crap" is a fair assessment either. Thor 2 is kinda bleh, Iron Man 2 too, Captain America 1 as well. The rest are more or less good, entertaining movies.
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