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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished it yesterday, final episodes were a bit of a mess. I hated the [finale]
Black Sky reveal. It came out of nowhere, because they only mentioned the weapon a few times during the season, you could easily forget it was even a big deal. Very weird and clunky reveal.

Shame that the show fizzled out again in the final episodes. Eps 8 & 9 were the highlight. I'd rather have a first season of The Punisher than a third season of Daredevil right now.
You could think that when you read the Spoiler Thread.
I just wanted to know whats the conses is, it seems like everyone hates this even more then Jessica Jones.

I really loved this Season. Better then S01 by far.

that's impossible. jessica jones is trash.

this is very enjoyable but clearly flounders after it's first 4 episodes. still the punisher thread keeps things interesting


that's impossible. jessica jones is trash.

this is very enjoyable but clearly flounders after it's first 4 episodes. still the punisher thread keeps things interesting

Oh the hyperbole. Jessica Jones, like Arrow S3, isn't trash. It's not even superhero genre trash. I think some people forget that Heroes exists.
i didn't watch heroes after season 1 thankfully.

and yeah within the context of shows I have seen I would certainly put it in the trash scale. i haven't seen anything that bad since dexter's 5th season (around the time i left the series).

dare i say arrow season 3 was more enjoyable as a whole. i say what i mean...mostly...sometimes.


I haven't watched Jessica Jones, and i find the praise for the first 4 episodes absolutely overblown, but i had a lot of fun, despite the shortcomings of writing and (some of the) acting.


i didn't watch heroes after season 1 thankfully.

and yeah within the context of shows I have seen I would certainly put it in the trash scale. i haven't seen anything that bad since dexter's 5th season (around the time i left the series).

dare i say arrow season 3 was more enjoyable as a whole. i say what i mean...mostly...sometimes.

For sure... but in a "so bad it's good" way only.


No spoiler here, but the two "hallway" scenes this season are some of the best action TV I've ever seen.

For me, the second was FAR better than the first.
Not that Matt going into the stairwell wasn't visually interesting or technically impressive, but it felt like a bit of a retread. Frank's prison fight felt more desperate, more visceral, and ultimately felt like it had higher stakes.

Two episodes to go for me. So far, I've liked it more than Season 1, and even though there's still plenty to criticize, I can't deny that, in the moment, I'm usually always entertained, at the very least.
Matt and Elektra's spy mission was SO much fun.
More of that, please.

As for Frank,
Bernthal's brought his signature intensity to role extremely well. I don't know if I necessarily want him to have his own show, but I wouldn't mind seeing him pop up here and there in the other shows/films.

Unless the last two episodes completely shit the bed, this season is a solid B+ for me, maybe even an A-.
I haven't watched Jessica Jones, and i find the praise for the first 4 episodes absolutely overblown, but i had a lot of fun, despite the shortcomings of writing and (some of the) acting.

it's not amazing writing or anything but i found the stuff with the mobs and the punisher more enjoyable than the
ninja stuff and mysticism

also the action scenes were more entertaining too when daredevil engaged low level thugs. felt more raw. that's not to say i think the
later episodes are bad, but the main plot becomes less interesting with elektra and stick entering the picture imo. the subplot was the big winner in this one, it got even better when kingpin entered too
Finished it. Overall I feel let down. Too much fast-cut fighting, too much gratuitous torture and violence (headshots especially). and DD himself is a less compelling character than in S1. If I could do it all over again I would still watch it but the first season was better.

EDIT: Too much
hokey mysticism


I'm hoping we can further reduce
The Hand stuff in season 3 and just have some Punisher and more Kingpin action. The Ninja stuff across both seasons seem to just take away from the show than add to it. I love Scott Glen, but not with all this Black Sky nonsense.

The great thing about Daredevil in the first season is that he was literally fighting the system. Kingpin controlled everything and you're left to wonder how the hell he was actually going to take him down.

The Hermit

You could think that when you read the Spoiler Thread.
I just wanted to know whats the conses is, it seems like everyone hates this even more then Jessica Jones.

I really loved this Season. Better then S01 by far.

yeah, no way this is in the same level than JJ.

JJ lost track of the plot halfway, this one has a good initial plot with some unexpected branching. It did have a lackluster ending though.


yeah, no way this is in the same level than JJ.

JJ lost track of the plot halfway, this one has a good initial plot with some unexpected branching. It did have a lackluster ending though.
JJ had characters to carry it though (aside from the Nuke shit). Jessica, Killgrave, Luke, and Hogarth all carried the back end of the show versus here where Punisher hits the back burner and Matt and Elektra run around fighting ninjas

The Hermit

JJ had characters to carry it though (aside from the Nuke shit). Jessica, Killgrave, Luke, and Hogarth all carried the back end of the show versus here where Punisher hits the back burner and Matt and Elektra run around fighting ninjas

Oh I not saying I loved DD season 2, especially the final episodes, but the way JJ turned Killgrave from a real menace to just a nuisance like half-way through the season was much more disappointing.

But I agree with you about the ninjas and especially this quote:

Episode 13:

LOLOLOLOL at that god damn ninja army. Show's gone full Arrow.

The best thing I can say about Bernthal's performance is that it almost completely erased Shane from my mind.

That's good stuff.

i had a pretty low opinion of his talent until i saw wolf of wall street. then i realized he can actually be damn entertaining given the right part. he's good.
Episode 10 spoilers.
Is it just me or did the dude fighting Elektra keep changing race during the fight? Nice stunt double.
He was also a dumbass, not bringing a gun is bad enough but he has melee weapons and doesn't bring them out from the start? Didn't stab her in the back as soon as he arrived?


Gold Member
Just watched ep 8 and 9, this season is easily one of the greatest I've ever seen from a tv show.

It's amazing how they are able to keep ramping up the tension, every new episode is even more crazy than the last.

Incredible stuff.
It kind of bothered me that (episode 11 spoilers)
Matt never bothers to tell Foggy that Fisk threatened to kill him after he visited him in prison. They run into each other at the office and Foggy is talking about his new opportunities and Matt doesn't say shit about it lol. I mean fuck at least warn him about it.

Also I'm totally #teamMarcy


it's not amazing writing or anything but i found the stuff with the mobs and the punisher more enjoyable than the
ninja stuff and mysticism

also the action scenes were more entertaining too when daredevil engaged low level thugs. felt more raw. that's not to say i think the
later episodes are bad, but the main plot becomes less interesting with elektra and stick entering the picture imo. the subplot was the big winner in this one, it got even better when kingpin entered too

I found the triangle between
Sticks/Elektra/Matt entertaining, unfortunately it was overlayed over a whole lot of nothing (seriously, the whole Hand thing amounted to nothing), and as i said, Kingpin is the best villain they have by a country mile.

I didn't dislike Punisher, and the Walking Dead guy sold the character very well, but i didn't buy his
struggle as anything particularly new to the genre, nor done in a particularly original way.
Moreover, i thought Kingpin was actually more threatening.
Lastly, to me the conspiracy involving the death of his family felt convoluted and forced, actually taking away from the drama.
It's like, focusing whether or not the death of his family was a conspiracy is beyond the point you're trying to make.


JJ had characters to carry it though (aside from the Nuke shit). Jessica, Killgrave, Luke, and Hogarth all carried the back end of the show versus here where Punisher hits the back burner and Matt and Elektra run around fighting ninjas

Aside from Jessica and Kilgrave, I found most of the characters kind of weak. Especially the lawyer, Nuke, and crazy neighbor subplots


It kind of bothered me that (episode 11 spoilers)
Matt never bothers to tell Foggy that Fisk threatened to kill him after he visited him in prison. They run into each other at the office and Foggy is talking about his new opportunities and Matt doesn't say shit about it lol. I mean fuck at least warn him about it.

Also I'm totally #teamMarcy

What can Foggy reasonably do to stop a guy who just took over the prison from the inside? Telling him only makes it worse and further adds to the guilt that Matt feels over involving him in the mess.

Also the threat was more to Matt than actually about Foggy anyway.


It kind of bothered me that (episode 11 spoilers)
Matt never bothers to tell Foggy that Fisk threatened to kill him after he visited him in prison. They run into each other at the office and Foggy is talking about his new opportunities and Matt doesn't say shit about it lol. I mean fuck at least warn him about it.

Also I'm totally #teamMarcy

For some reason, Matt's common sense and intelligence level was practically nonexistent in this season.
For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?

I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?

It's not as focused as season one because the show seems to try and tackle too many plot lines and future plot lines at once but I liked it.

I have my opinions on what I feel is a force romance between
Matt and Karen
. I loved the dude from the walking dead as the punisher and his courtroom scene was awesome. Give it a chance. It has Mystic shit going on, ninjas, an awesome Electra character, and
Kingpins return.

Edit: I loved that one scene when the Yakuza was attacking Electra's place and she slides on her mask with a playful smile.
I don't understand how ~3 movies per year is "too much". And they are pretty self-contained, the connecting pieces so far have been fairly low-key. Just a few same characters here, a inconsequential reference there and of course sequels to particular characters' movies do have more continuation. Still, you don't have to have seen Guardians of the Galaxy or Winter Soldier to watch Ant-man or Thor.

Don't really think "half of it is crap" is a fair assessment either. Thor 2 is kinda bleh, Iron Man 2 too, Captain America 1 as well. The rest are more or less good, entertaining movies.

You take that back now, sir.
RE Foggy and that scene from Ep 11
this can be explained with Matt not wanting to worry his friend. He figures he can stop Fisk from ever getting close to Foggy. It probably makes sense with Matt's internal logic, but it's a bit weird to us, as viewers, that he wouldn't give his bud a heads up.


Black Sky
is brought up multiple times as an entity that would lead the Hand to wreck shit all over the world.
about Black Sky, the Hand, whatever they're doing etc. - they explain almost nothing and whatever little there is to it it's just some generic dull hackneyed crap.
I honestly don't care but I can see why some people are confused.

I hope Marvel is listening. Especially when Punisher is the best part of your Daredevil show
probably what they should have done to begin with. his whole affair, the whole ''Punisher arc'', feels completely disconnected and out of place compared to the Elektra stuff. then again if they removed the Punisher I'm not sure how many people would have liked this season.


Just finished episode 8.

So 5,6,7 bit meh, after an amazing first four episodes it started to slow, 8 is better though, I think I i have been spoiled by punisher ha.

The episodes 5-7 had some great moments, but too much slow stuff in between,
the trial of frank went on far too long and slowed it for my liking
, i understand that it's a huge part of the story and it makes total sense to be there, however when i decide to rewatch this in the future i have decided i'm going to watch 1-4 skip 5,6 & 7 and go straight to 8, hell it wont make sense, but i will remember the rest in my mind and fill in the beats or hopefully someone will fan edit this season, because theres important stuff there, but some bits could be trimmed out.


Parts of this felt like Iron Man 2 in the sense that they're dropping these huge seeds at the detriment of the narrative that will eventually come to fruition when Defenders gets going.
Someone correct me, but Roxxon went away from the Arena Club organization to
The Hand
organization? I wonder how all of this connects to the greater MCU
Probably zero with the movies. :|

You could think that when you read the Spoiler Thread.
I just wanted to know whats the conses is, it seems like everyone hates this even more then Jessica Jones.

I really loved this Season. Better then S01 by far.

I don't know how long it takes for RT Scores to stabilize, but the last time I checked it was at 74%. To put it in perspective, here's the entire MCU TV Seasons:

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 3 - 100%*
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1 - 98%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 1 - 95%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 2 - 94%
Marvel's Jessica Jones: Season 1 - 93%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 1 - 86%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 2 - 80%
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2 - 74%

*only 12 of 22 episodes have aired.
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