At episode 13 now, did I blink and miss something?
When was Brett attacked?
It wasn't shown on screen.
Someone correct me, but Roxxon went away from the Arena Club organization toorganization? I wonder how all of this connects to the greater MCUThe HandProbably zero with the movies. :|
I don't know how long it takes for RT Scores to stabilize, but the last time I checked it was at 74%. To put it in perspective, here's the entire MCU TV Seasons:
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 3 - 100%*
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1 - 98%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 1 - 95%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 2 - 94%
Marvel's Jessica Jones: Season 1 - 93%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 1 - 86%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 2 - 80%
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2 - 74%
*only 12 of 22 episodes have aired.
so what happened to that one dude Stick talked to in season 1 that was buff as shit
I'm surprised the gore factor ran to Deadpool levels here. I'm fine with that.
I'm surprised the gore factor ran to Deadpool levels here. I'm fine with that.
so what happened to that one dude Stick talked to in season 1 that was buff as shit
Someone correct me, but Roxxon went away from the Arena Club organization toorganization? I wonder how all of this connects to the greater MCUThe HandProbably zero with the movies. :|
I don't know how long it takes for RT Scores to stabilize, but the last time I checked it was at 74%. To put it in perspective, here's the entire MCU TV Seasons:
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 3 - 100%*
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1 - 98%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 1 - 95%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 2 - 94%
Marvel's Jessica Jones: Season 1 - 93%
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 1 - 86%
Marvel's Agent Carter: Season 2 - 80%
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2 - 74%
*only 12 of 22 episodes have aired.
I'm super confused at Agents of Shield ratings. Like, what. That stuff is horrendous.
Parts of this felt like Iron Man 2 in the sense that they're dropping these huge seeds at the detriment of the narrative that will eventually come to fruition when Defenders gets going.
Elektra was better.Jon Beranthal is the best casting choice Marvel has made yet. He's amazing.
Question for the last episode:
It's been a few days but I forgot to ask:did Matt give up his "no killing" code in those last few minutes because of Elektra or did he know that Nobu would get back up after being whiplashed off of the roof?
Probably. I think it was a nod toQuestion for the last episode:
It's been a few days but I forgot to ask:did Matt give up his "no killing" code in those last few minutes because of Elektra or did he know that Nobu would get back up after being whiplashed off of the roof?
So just another Marvel TV joint?
Probably. I think it was a nod toThe show calls less attention to it, though. Makes it feel like a throwaway moment (pun intended?).Matt killing Bullseye after Bullseye kills Elektra.
Comic SpoilerMatt didn't kill Bullseye after Elektra's death. He let him fall and paralyzed him.
Yes to which
Comic SpoilerMatt didn't kill Bullseye after Elektra's death. He let him fall and paralyzed him.
Yeah sorry.But Matt thought he was gonna die from that fall.
Yeah sorry."Attempting to kill." Nobu did not die either, Stick was the one to off him.
I'm on the 4th episode but can someone tell me if Foggy dies an extremely painful death so i have something to look forward to? Thanks
1. DDS1
2. DDS2
3. Flash S1
4. Flash S2
5. AoS2
6. AoS3
7. JJ
8. Arrow S2
9. Arrow S1
10.Arrow S4
11. Arrow S3
12. AoS1
Didn't watch Agent Carter, Legends of Tomorrow or Supergirl
Why isn't Gotham in your list? I admit the first season sucked up until the last four or five episodes, but season 2 has been on fire.
Put Flash S1 above DDS2 and put Arrow S2 above AoS S2 and that sounds like my list.1. DDS1
2. DDS2
3. Flash S1
4. Flash S2
5. AoS2
6. AoS3
7. JJ
8. Arrow S2
9. Arrow S1
10.Arrow S4
11. Arrow S3
12. AoS1
Didn't watch Agent Carter, Legends of Tomorrow or Supergirl
This show is garbage.Foggy is one of the immortals of the Marvel Universe. Don't count on it.
I don't get any of the Elektra hate. I loved her character and all the Elektra/Matt scenes felt way more genuine and natural than the Karen/Matt scenes.When she finally got her sais and her final costume? That shit was badass.
For those who have already seen the entire thing: how does it compare to S1?
I thought the first season was cool enough, but it kind of fizzed out near the end and you could have easily cut most episodes down to 30 minutes without doing any real harm. Is this still true?
I'm super confused at Agents of Shield ratings. Like, what. That stuff is horrendous.
I'm super confused at Agents of Shield ratings. Like, what. That stuff is horrendous.
Yeah, Foggy is awesome. Matt is an asshole
Watched all of Season One of Daredevil back when it first aired and enjoyed it.
Just started Season Two tonight.
What Marvel should I move onto after that? I've only seen one episode of Agent Carter and 2 or 3 episodes of Shield.