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Marvel's Daredevil S2 |OT| No More Half Measures - March 18th on Netflix

Forgot to ask earlier

Could someone answer without spoiling episodes ahead
Does Elektra get ruined? I wasn't too fond on how they left things with her.
It got to a point where I just want to see more Punisher. JB did a great job and I'd love to see him continue the role. I really enjoyed this season, I did get bored with a few episodes, but for the most part I really enjoyed it. They did a great job on casting.

Slight ending spoilers:
Black Sky. What is it exactly? I know it's been asked before, but I'm still a bit confused as to what was so dangerous and scary about a Black Sky person or whatever.


It got to a point where I just want to see more Punisher. JB did a great job and I'd love to see him continue the role. I really enjoyed this season, I did get bored with a few episodes, but for the most part I really enjoyed it. They did a great job on casting.

Slight ending spoilers:
Black Sky. What is it exactly? I know it's been asked before, but I'm still a bit confused as to what was so dangerous and scary about a Black Sky person or whatever.

I'm guessing

Also that scene with Daredevil descending the red-lit stairs is just...
I'm guessing

Also that scene with Daredevil descending the red-lit stairs is just...
I guess that makes sense as to why they were calling Elektra an "it", but I still don't know what made her more dangerous than pretty much any other person from the show.


Finished the season yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Bernthal was amazing as the Punisher. Decided to read up some interviews he did and this guy really put in some work that reveals to me how complex his performance is.


This character also resonates deeply with law enforcement and military. People go into battle for our country with the Punisher logo on their equipment, their body armor, their vehicles, and they die for their country with that logo on them. There's no words for how much that means to me. This is a real honor and responsibility to try and get this right. It's not even about whether people like it or not, it's about people believing it and believing in him.

This definitely puts that entire scene where he discusses the PSTD defense in a new light. I felt Castle was pretty noble for not wanting to dishonor those who really couldn't handle the stress of going to war like he did. This comment shows how seriously Berthnal took this scene.

A big part that I really had to fight with was separating myself and my life from this role. I've got three kids, and to separate myself completely from them for months to play this guy who is also a father and husband was difficult. But it was necessary to separate myself from them to tackle this.

What a psycho. (j/k) He should not do that again. (seriously)

I was a college athlete, a boxer. I've been a part of a lot of action movies, but I've never been a part of something that was this physically demanding or this physically ambitious. He pulls off movie-quality fights on a TV schedule, and that's so difficult to do. Any one of the fights on the show would have been rehearsed for three months if it was for a movie, but here we would learn the fights and just shoot it immediately.

I've seen quite a few behind the scenes look at movies so I was aware of the prep involved but I didn't think about how short TV work can be. To some degree this makes me forgive Arrow's fight choreography decline more forgivable when they decided to promote with the less experienced assistant as full fledged director since season 3.

As for Dare Devil itself the physicality of the series has been top notch. Matt's staircase fight, Matt chasing Castle on the roof tops and Castle's prison fight were brutally delicious.

Episode 12...
Ironically the white lady at the beginning of the episode speaks Japanese the best in the show lol...

That's amusing. It turns out Nobu's a Canadian.


I know Bernthal's trying to be respectful, but holy shit at the law enforcement and Punisher connection that he made.

Errr... yeah....

This character also resonates deeply with law enforcement and military. People go into battle for our country with the Punisher logo on their equipment, their body armor, their vehicles, and they die for their country with that logo on them. There's no words for how much that means to me. This is a real honor and responsibility to try and get this right. It's not even about whether people like it or not, it's about people believing it and believing in him.

That is... not something to be proud of or something to be viewed with positivity. It is everything that is wrong with military and law enforcement mindsets. If the Punisher is your role model, you should NOT be allowed access to a deadly weapon.


There are no good girls in Daredevil though.



The Punisher is also a perfect, PERFECT piece of ammunition for Ross. "Not 50 miles from here, Hell's Kitchen torn up by a man who thinks the laws do not apply to him."

They better have a scene like that in Civil War part 1. Punisher and Kilgrave (and by extension Jessica Jones) made news. There's no walking away from the news cycle about a guy who can control minds being public knowledge let alone a psycho vigilante
framed for taking out a District Attorney in broad daylight inside the justice department.

They shouldn't avoid referencing one of them. Both are total slam dunk arguments.

Moving on from the MCU some people have said The Hand was poorly handled because they suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

I feel this criticism is limited for 2 major reasons. The Hand is the Elektra story. Their arrival was as sudden and technically random as Elektra's breaking into Matt's home. Just to be glib, did you guys really want the Elektra story to be handled in the boardroom?

Secondly the reason the Elektra/Hand storyline exists because Daredevil is an action show. I
was really surprised that they actually captured Castle so early into the season and that they were going to do a court trial. For a minute I was wondering if they were going to take Murdoch's role as a lawyer seriously unlike how DC has failed to show Batman being a detective outside the animated series.

Well we all saw what happened.
Murdoch's a shitty a lawyer because he can't manage being Daredevil and Murdoch properly.
Thankfully we got to see Foggy at his best but Daredevil being an action show meant it couldn't
transition into becoming Erin Brokovich the mini series.
The Hand and Elektra were necessary to pick up the action slack while
castle was recovering from his foot injury and going through trial.


Kilgrave is straight up one of the best villains I have ever seen in any comic book.

EDIT: Also, spoilers mother fucker! This isnt the spoiler thread wildfire!!

Fuck man.


It got to a point where I just want to see more Punisher. JB did a great job and I'd love to see him continue the role. I really enjoyed this season, I did get bored with a few episodes, but for the most part I really enjoyed it. They did a great job on casting.

Slight ending spoilers:
Black Sky. What is it exactly? I know it's been asked before, but I'm still a bit confused as to what was so dangerous and scary about a Black Sky person or whatever.

We don't know. It's a mystery for another season. She's definitely not inhuman. Chances are it's related to something from the comics related to the Hand that could potentially be spoilers.
Comic stuff and speculation:
The Hand worship a demon called The Beast that can posses people; my guess is Black Sky are potential hosts for it.
The Punisher overshadowed everything and everybody else to the point where I would trade a Daredevil S3 in a heartbeat for a Punisher show. Getting tired of Foggy and Karen's lame asses anyway. Matt's aight.

Oh and I forgot about Fisk, he's cool so put him in the Punisher show okay Marvel?

And fuck
mystical ninjas


The Punisher overshadowed everything and everybody else to the point where I would trade a Daredevil S3 in a heartbeat for a Punisher show. Getting tired of Foggy and Karen's lame asses anyway. Matt's aight.

Oh and I forgot about Fisk, he's cool so put him in the Punisher show okay Marvel?

And fuck
mystical ninjas

Kingpin should appear in a Spider-Man movie.

Played by Vincent D'Onofrio, of course. Man deserves some recognition for his talent.


That is... not something to be proud of or something to be viewed with positivity. It is everything that is wrong with military and law enforcement mindsets. If the Punisher is your role model, you should NOT be allowed access to a deadly weapon.

Oh hey, those are my thoughts whenever I see a Punisher thread.
Oh hey, those are my thoughts whenever I see a Punisher thread.

it's one thing to be a fan of a character/book and another to condone their moral outlook.

the punisher is basically death wish, or john wick or a million of other revenge flicks. i just want some cool ass shooting and brawling. and punisher's action scenes were banshee-esque and a lot more fun than the daredevil/elektra stuff which just felt like a better shot arrow.

jon bernthal's comments are asinine though. no doubt about that. and it's pretty alarming when you hear about a cop or a soldier idolizing him.
Episode 9 was excellent.
I can't look away when Fisk and Frank are in a scene together. Both brilliant casting choices.

The show definitely seems to have upped the violence after the prison fight and Frank vs the Irish. Bernthal is killing it.

Seeing Nobu again was surprising. I'm liking the more mythical stuff this season.



Edit: As for a potencial Punisher show, they can just adapt the Welcome Back Frank Ennis run with Frank living in the building with the weird neighbours and Ma Gucci as the villain, although that mighy be a little too close with what JJ did (which I though was weird and at one point I was convinced they took it from the Punisher run)

They already did something similar with the 2004 movie I believe.


Episode 8/9;
am I seeing things or did the bloodstain on Frank's garb resemble a skull as he got dragged over a puddle by the guards?


Finished it and honestly felt about it what I felt about Jessica Jones, it felt a little over stretched, like it could do without certain scenes or some scenes could've been shortened. Not to say it wasn't good, it was very good, but there were parts I was watching and just felt like "ugh, get on with it already". There were some nice twist and I like that questions got answered, but they still could have done it without stretching some scenes.
Though it did have parts that made me go, really, was that not obvious? Like I know it wasn't Frank who shot the D.A. or the Doctor. You talked about how precise he was with his killing, yet all this bullet spray and no one thinks, well that's not his style. Hell, Karen said it isn't his style, but one person goes, "yes it is" and she starts doubting.

The fight scenes and choreography were some of the best I've ever seen. When they go, they go with style, flair, and awesome (couldn't think of a third word). If you don't like the story, you will at least be impressed by the fights.

Matt was somewhat insufferable this season.
He kept saying he couldn't tell Foggy about anything because this or that and I'm like, just do it anyway. For fuck sake it got really old really fast. Almost every other scene with him with his friends, especially Foggy, was him just not explaining something that if he had, even if it was unbelievable, would still make things better. I mean, he told Foggy about Electra, why not tell him about sticks and the ninjas too? He may have understood if he told him how much shit they could be in.

Foggy was better than might, but still annoying at times.
I mean, he developed so damn well in this season and his anger at Matt was more logical this season, but they kept pushing it too far. Again, it got old. We get it, he's mad at Matt for not being there and choosing being DD over being a lawyer, but by this point he should get it, he doesn't have to be happy about it, but he should be more understanding than he was. Not about the lies, the lies he has all rights to be angry about. But still having him bitch about Matt being DD should've stopped.

Karen was there. I mean, she was more important this season, but she still kind of felt like she was just there. Like, things kind of bend toward her to make her important if that makes sense.

They almost had the Kingpin that I like, so close this time. S1's Kingpin just felt, boring. Gone was his enthusiasm and wit from the comics. He had that can't bring me down because I'm the shit attitude in the comics. Here, he was always so stoic, and boring. Even when he gets mad, I can't get into him.
This season brought more of that comic book feel. As he started taking the prison for himself, planning all his moves, smiling and keeping a cool head all the way, except when he gets angry and loses that cool. I'd rather he be angry with a shit eating grin then becoming this boring psychopath.

As for the Punisher, spot fucking on. They did right by Frank and it was awesome. The actor who played him did such an amazing job. I'd put him up there with 2004's Punisher (thought I still like that one more). Admittedly,
Frank's monologue in the cemetery made me cry, like I was trying to hold it back, but I just couldn't it was so good.
The only thing I take points off for is
the lack of the skull for so long when they kept hinting at it throughout the season.

Electra, she happened. Honestly never cared for the character. She was boring in the comics.
She can kick some ass, but that's pretty much all there was to the character throughout the season. She can kick some ass and kept kicking ass, but her character didn't really have motives except for what others wanted her to have, to the point where the show basically pointed it out. Her back story wasn't even that interesting and her twist was obvious. I love the fight scenes with her, but like I said, that's pretty much all she was good for.

All in all, I could do with fewer, more focused episodes, but the season was good.


This is exactly what I thought too. She's brilliantly cast; just damn perfect for the role.

Same with The Punisher as well. Really great casting there for two key parts.

It's depressing how right the show gets it versus how wrong the movies do. I almost want to go back and watch the Affleck Daredevil film.... Almost.


Beginning of episode 6 spoiler:

That little guy hasn't done anything yet. Look at him. He's going to do something, and you know it's going to be good...


Episode 6

Another fun episode, another episode that feels a little too long. I'm REALLY happy they did a silly infiltration mission in a gala party, because this sort of shit is exactly the type of dumb adventure Elektra would drag Matt to. I'm really worried about the Punisher stuff though, because while it's certainly the more compelling part of the season narrative, it's starting to feel really convoluted. The layers of "mystery" in it feels really forced.


Batteries the CRISIS!
They better have a scene like that in Civil War part 1. Punisher and Kilgrave (and by extension Jessica Jones) made news. There's no walking away from the news cycle about a guy who can control minds being public knowledge let alone a psycho vigilante
framed for taking out a District Attorney in broad daylight inside the justice department.

fuck damnit I highlighted that spoiler and I'm only through episode 7

I just shouldn't talk about this show at all on GAF until I've finished it, it seems


And you think... What, you think you're gonna send me to a nuthouse? Some doctor, they're gonna get me to stop from doing what I want to do? Well, that ain't happening! Not on my watch! You people, you call me the Punisher, ain't that right? The big bad Punisher. Batzer: Bailiff. Well, here I am! Remove the witness. Frank: You want it, you got it! I am the Punisher! I'm right here! You want it, I'll give it to you. (yelling) And anybody who came here today to hear me whine, to hear me beg? Well, you can kiss my ass! Do you hear me? I'm guilty. Come on, please, Judge! I'm guilty, you hear me? I'm guilty! I'm guilty! I'll kill every one of 'em! I'll kill every single one!

Replayed this scene in Episode 8, 50 times now and it still epic as fuck
Why isn't Gotham in your list? I admit the first season sucked up until the last four or five episodes, but season 2 has been on fire.

I haven't seen agents of shield but that ranking is pretty on point except I'd swap daredevil season 1 and 2 and put Gotham season 2 at the top of the list.
I thought that show was Garbo and now I hear season 2 is good? Guess I'll start watching it.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Man, this has been much more enthralling than the first season.
the middle episodes with the case have been great. Lots of tension, high stakes, lots of mystery.

Also, Matt Murdock is a great example of how to make a religious character. His Catholicism influences his beliefs and actions, and sometimes serves as a foil with other characters.


Also, Matt Murdock is a great example of how to make a religious character. His Catholicism influences his beliefs and actions, and sometimes serves as a foil with other characters.

I agree. I think they've done a good job without being overbearing about it, but not ignoring or downplaying it, either.


Yeah, Matt was definitely the least likeable character this season, which was something I wouldn't have expected from season 1. Add in that pretty much all the Daredevil scenes were fairly boring after the initial arc, and I'd go so far as to say Matt was one of the weaker elements in the season.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I thought that show was Garbo and now I hear season 2 is good? Guess I'll start watching it.

Last half dozen episodes or so of season 1 were pretty good (when the Winter Soldier crossover happens and thereafter)

All of season 2 (except for like one episode) was great; sometimes fantastic, even

Season 3 so far has been OK with a couple really great episodes
Last half dozen episodes or so of season 1 were pretty good (when the Winter Soldier crossover happens and thereafter)

All of season 2 (except for like one episode) was great; sometimes fantastic, even

Season 3 so far has been OK with a couple really great episodes
Referring to Gotham
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