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Marvel's Daredevil S2 *Spoiler Thread* |OT| Elektra Boogaloo - March 18th on Netflix

Enjoyed season 2 so much. I also love how after you watched the season finale it basically unlock a teaser trailer for Luke Cage.
O, that is specifically linked to watching the finale? Thought you could watch it some place on netflix or something. That is nice.

Edit: Ahh, it is in on places. But not on netflix itslef w/o watching DD2 I guess.
Just finished the season. So amazing.

1. Fuck all the haters, Foggy and Karen are great. Glad that Karen is now going to fill Ben's role, I suspected something like that after their master/apprentice relationship in S1.

2. Episode 9 was the best episode of television I have ever seen. THAT is the Punisher, THAT is Kingpin, THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE.

3. Can't believe they teased the minigun and emblem so hard then didn't deliver. :(

4. They're definitely doing Punisher and Elektra series, the lines about Quandahar or wherever were definitely a setup for Punisher, plus the resurrection of Elektra.

5. Daredevil's new escrima sticks/staff/nunchuks now mandate that they up the ante with all future fight scenes.
I found it a little hard to get invested in the Black Sky stuff because I didn't know what I was supposed to be invested in or afraid of other than bad things happening to Elektra, and I didn't feel like that was enough given the scale of things.


I just finished it. Masterful. Absolutely fucking masterful. Bernthal was a revelation for me as Punisher. He killed every scene and his speech at the graveyard in episode 4 is in my top 3 greatest moments in the whole MCU. There was no slowdown or dud episodes like there was in the latter half of Seasson 1 or JJ. It just seemed to get better and better. Elektra was fantastic, The Hand. Everything.
Only have one episode left to go. The Black Sky/Blacksmith reveals were kind of underwhelming, but I understood what they were trying to do. Clancy Brown's appearance in episode 5(?) was a dead giveaway that he was more important than initially thought. Felt like a very personal conclusion to the Punisher arc, but I liked it.

Definitely glad they gave Scott Glenn more to do. Stick is an amazing character.

Also, Bernthal continues to nail the character. That whole scene with Karen in episode 10 where he tells her to be with Matt because he lost that sense of conflict now that his wife is gone was an amazing bit of characterization, and I loved the fight he had with the mobsters afterwards. I also loved how the waitress was totally cool with him, despite likely knowing who he was.

D'Onofrio is still killing it as Kingpin. He's the only guy who can make sitting in a cell cutting a steak and drinking pop from a plastic cup look absolutely menacing. Coupled with the back-to-back Castle fight scenes and the scene with Matt in the following episode, he's going to bring the house down if they do Born Again.
i'm just gonna hang out here for 2 weeks just to not worry about spoiler tags. i'm on the episode where we got the punisher in court. i'm kinda pissed off that they wrote for matt to be really late for this...that kinda seems outta character for him tbh. but let's see how this goes.


Man, what the hell happened during the finale? There was supposed to be a ninja army and Frank going in guns blazing, dammit!

Anyway, I thought this season really upped the ante with all the action scenes and gore (Stick torture omg). Punisher was great throughout, but the big bad(s) are weaksauce. I just didn't give shit about Nobu at all and the blacksmith reveal was disappointing. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to season 3.


I was surprised that we saw as much of him as we did. I thought that it was just gonna be a quick cameo in prison.

Yeah after using Frank i thought it would be over
Then he comes back and puts Frank on his bed
Then he comes back again and hands Matt like a kid. Gotta love Fisk and he hasn't even started yet he says


I just finished season 2 and whilst I thought it was OK, I would have preferred all the focus being on the Punisher and gangs storyline. Whilst I liked Elektra's character the whole Black Sky and The Hand stuff was a bit of a head scratcher and felt out of place with what had been going on in the early part of the season, and Stick, urgh Stick, I could have gone without ever seeing him again.

I was expecting all the 3 gangs to play a much bigger role than they ultimately did and it was disappointing to see the badass Irish leader show up and killed in the same episode, and the Blacksmith reveal was a hella massive let down as well, but maybe Netflix/Marvel are thinking of doing the gang stuff when Fisk gets released in a possible Punisher solo show down the line?

Ah well, I'm still looking forward to Season 3.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
After watching the finale, I want this next season.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
What District Attorney is allowed to authorize police to "take the shot" in order to kill The Punisher? Seems like more of a police decision.
I would've loved it as well if Frank mowed down the ninjas with the minigun instead of sniping a few. Maybe it was out of their budget? In any case it was awesome to see him wearing his gear.

Was super sad when Elektra died but then the scene at the end had me all :O So I guess we now know what the Hand was prepping for with all that blood and that weird coffin thing. They probably prophesied/planned her death and are planning to resurrect her as the evil black sky of doom or something. Whatever it is I'm just glad we'll see Elektra again. LOVED her!

Anyway, AMAZING season. Loved every second of it really. Was super happy to see Claire and Fisk had bigger roles than I thought they would and it was awesome seeing the Jessica Jones stuff too. All the characters were great too and I'm legit sad that Nelson, Murdock and Page is no more. At least Matt decided to come clean with her at the end.

5 stars from me. The Luke Cage trailer at the end was HYPE as well, can't wait for September. This is a good time to be a comic book fan!
I kinda wanted the military commander's background to at least hint at a connection with the pill poppers from Jessica Jones,
but oh well.

Punisher mini-gun poster is such a load of bullshit.

Also really wish these series hinted about Spiderman in some form(Daily Bugle, Oscorp building, something).


Binging all of these episodes was a crazy ride.
Before the marketing for this season began, I had doubts about whether or not the quality of the show would stay up after the change in showrunners. I'm glad to say that those concerns became negligible as this second season was fucking amazing. The mood and themes were retained, the character dynamics followed a natural progression, the production values were high, and my god did the action deliver. Hell, I wasn't expecting them to not only outdo the S1 fight scenes, but also put so much blood and violence right in your face.
The storylines were also organic and impactful. The way this season picked up S1's plot points so well, you'd swear they were filmed back-to-back. (S3 looks to be in a prime condition to continue this trend). However, my only complaints might be for the slowed pacing in the back half of the season and the way the late-season reveals were executed. Elektra being black sky is cool and all but did it mean that she is just cursed with bloodlust or were there more mystical elements actually at play? Similarly, why exactly was the colonel gunning for Frank and shooting up everybody? Maybe the answers are there, but as I watched those reveals I felt some impact was missing.

Random nitpicks/thoughts:
-I was hyped for revived Nobu at first, but I didn't quite understand the stakes behind them getting a hold of Elektra and starting the 'Rising' (would she just be their undead killing machine?)
-Matt really fucked his life up by giving too much at the cost of his friends. It's an interesting path for his character, being addicted to being Daredevil but I hope he gets nudged back in the right direction. I'm gonna miss Nelson and Murdock :\
-Also, how will Matt reconcile the fact that he became okay w/ letting Elektra/Frank/Stick just off people by the end of the season? Feels a bit too hypocritical
-Karen's arc felt forced in the back half. Not quite sure what's in store for her
-I REALLY wanted Frank to mow down the Hand with a minigun instead of a sniper during Matt's final fight with Nobu.
-no Stone...
-Matt is actually fucked next season, when he gets stuck living solo, Kingpin gets out of prison knowing his identity, Karen gets into even more trouble, the Hand probs gets their evil Elektra, and Madame Gao brings backup. It's gonna be a beautiful shitstorm :)

Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out if Iike this season or last more, but regardless, this is some of the most enjoyable television and MCU related content ever. Got high hopes for S3 already


Born Again Spoilers:
Karen moves away from NY to get away from Nelson and Murdock and try her hand at acting but becomes a junkie instead and needs a fix so is willing to give up Matt's secret identity for it. Kingpin finds out, fucks Matt's life up. Matt is homeless, but is saved and nursed back to health in a church by a nun who turns out to be his mother. Karen returns to NY, Matt and Karen reconcile, DD is back. Then some stuff with Captain America, Daredevil and Nuke as a result of Kingpin giving some orders that I don't really remember but it basically ends with Kingpin's public image being ruined and DD back in action.
Yeah... Let's not do that.


I mean, it's labeled and tagged. I'll remove it though and just send it to the guy as a PM.
No, I was talking about the show going that route, not about posting the spoiler.

Yeah, not that I don't think it's a good story but I'm just not really convinced that MCU Matt and Karen are a good couple
Plus, it's hard to see how Karen gets to the starting point of that character wise considering where she is at the end of this season.


Yeah... Let's not do that.

Like we're seeing with Captain America: Civil War, Marvel never does a full on adaptation from comic to movie/TV, so I can see Season 3 being inspired by Born Again;
Kingpin is a free man and uses his influence to ruin Matt Murdoch's life.
With what transpired in the prison scenes, I'll be shocked if they don't go down this route.


Like we're seeing with Captain America: Civil War, Marvel never does a full on adaptation from comic to movie/TV, so I can see Season 3 being inspired by Born Again;
Kingpin is a free man and uses his influence to ruin Matt Murdoch's life.
With what transpired in the prison scenes, I'll be shocked if they don't go down this route.

Yeah, I definitely see a Born Again inspired season on the way that doesn't follow the comic specifically in that it'll just be about
Kingpin ruining Matt's life.
I haven't binged a tv show since the first few seasons of 24 and I wasn't planning on doing it for Daredevil but I just couldn't stop! I'm a big comic-book fan but I don't really care for the MCU, those movies are well made for the most part but they just don't appeal to me. But Daredevil is one of my favorite adaptations, it's absolutely fantastic and this season was even slighty better than the first one.

I do have a few complaints however. Like the fist season and Jessica Jones, it went on for too long and definitely lost stome steam towards the end. The Elektra actress was great (and apparently a frenchwoman, we finally get a cool superhero!) but the whole black sky storyline was weak compared to the Punisher one. Bernthal was brilliant even if he isn't really like the Punisher I pictured based on what I've read. He was a lot more chatty than the comic book version but I'm not complaining considering his brilliant monologue in episode 4. He ended up being a more sympathetic character than Matt who was a terrible asshole to Foggy and Karen.

Last nitpick, the extended fight scene in episode 3 was very good but it felt too much like a wink to season 1 and therefore it didn't have the same impact despite having more impressive stunts.

But despite these few issues, I still can't believe that we have such an excellent adaptation of Daredevil and I can't wait for Born Again. That interrogation scene between Matt and Fisk was the scariest version of the Kingpin I've ever seen in any medium!

Lastly, did you guys notice the references to Elektra Lives Again in episode 13 ? It's one of my favorite graphic novels but I rarely see it mentioned anywhere, I was so happy to hear some of the dialogs taken straight from the pages of this great book.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
That confrontation in the prison practically guarantees it

It's going to be interesting how those pieces fall into place. Considering what Karen is in the comic and what she is in the show and how that aligns her for unfolding events. Plus they kinda used a piece of that ending already, so how does it end in a third season using that storyline?


Canadians burned my passport
Time to rewatch the season! I really enjoyed how they handled the first third of the first episode. It starts off with this campy hero stuff that could come straight out of a Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie, then we have these stereotypical Oirish gangsters that are more comical than threatening, but then the Punisher shows up and shits all over that

My only major issue with the season is that the whole black sky stuff is portrayed too nebulously in that as a viewer, I'm not really sure what the Hand's motivation is so it makes it difficult to feel threatened by the stakes involved.


It's going to be interesting how those pieces fall into place. Considering what Karen is in the comic and what she is in the show and how that aligns her for unfolding events. Plus they kinda used a piece of that ending already, so how does it end in a third season using that storyline?

Marvel has yet to do a full on adaptation from comic to movie/TV, so if Season 3 is inspired by Born Again, I doubt that they'll use much from that story outside of
Kingpin ruining Matt's life.


I agree with what appears to be the consensus in this thread. Punisher was amazing. The multiple threads/arcs worked really well together and made almost every episode compelling. Punisher in prison through Murdock/Kingpin revisited was the peak. Reusing season 1 mid boss as a season 2 big bad was an underwhelming end, and the Punisher's role in the conclusion feels like a missed opportunity.

Overall I think this was by far the best of the 3 Netflix Marvel seasons, and I have high hopes for Season 3.


  • There were three points that made me jump out the chair: Wilson Fisk showing up inside prison, Daredevil getting his iconic weapon and Elektra being digged up by The Hand.
  • I feel like Karen Page was the POV character from the viewers eyes. Kind of a leading role and I loved that. I asked for more Karen, and I got way more than I could had ever hoped.
  • I didn't like the casting of Jon Bernthal as The Punisher. He delivered, and then some. Perfect as Frank Castle.
  • I do wonder what that Micro disc contains.
  • I weren't too interested in the whole Blacksmith plot involving Frank's family. I thought that was kind of a little bit of a
    weak plot.
  • Elodie Yung as Elektra was the shows best actor/ress. The child actress was surprisingly amazing.
  • The fights began to become somewhat of a bore at times, as there wasn't much new stuff or varied stuff to them.
  • I knew we would only see Frank in his iconic Punisher suit at the last episode but I'm fine with it, as long as we see more of him in the future.
  • Stick. Is the most badass character in the whole MCU.
  • Ending was perfect.
  • Fantastic character development, though plot seemed to be a little worse than Season 1.
  • I generally liked Daredevil's suit, but they need to make his red eyes matte for Season 3, and I would love it, if they could change the helmet to a mask.
  • Those ninjas were weak. Those cops can't aim. We don't need to see more of those in a new season I feel. I have had my fill.
  • Who is Finn? Were I supposed to know that guy? Is he a guy who turns into that villain with an open face in the comics?
  • Who is Clancy Brown? Is he the cop?

Those were my initial thoughts.

Also I take it, this season took place between Summer-Winter 2015.


Hey, we deserve at least one cool superhero. I'm biased of course but all we had before was Batroc so this is quite an improvement!
The Greeks still have Wonder Woman and their entire pantheon of gods.
So that makes stealing ELEKTRA from us ok? You got Captain France from the Ultimate universe, wasn't that enough?


Man, I loved Elektra and the Punisher, but I was overjoyed to see the Kingpin back. Still the scariest dude in the series for me.


Nobu is easily the weakest part of this season. Suddenly he is a big boss when he kept getting chewed on the phone during the first season?

Great fighter but anti climatic fight, zero charisma or leadership skills.

Stick and Frank (not to mention Fisk smashing Matt's face) were better evil guys during this season than Nobu.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kingpin, Bullseye, Karen replaces Elektra in the famous Bullseye scene for season 3 I guess?
So that makes stealing ELEKTRA from us ok? You got Captain France from the Ultimate universe, wasn't that enough?

I consider this new Elektra an official apology from Marvel for the everlasting hatred Mark Millar seems to have for my country. It's about time.

More seriously, considering Elektra Natchios isn't a very French sounding name, I'm sure she still has some Greek background. Maybe she was born there and raised in France?


I consider this new Elektra an official apology from Marvel for the everlasting hatred Mark Millar seems to have for my country. It's about time.

More seriously, considering Elektra Natchios isn't a very French sounding name, I'm sure she still has some Greek background. Maybe she was born there and raised in France?
Probably not, considering kid ELEKTRA is playing up the Cambodian half of the actress..,

But... You're right, I'll happily give over ELEKTRA to you guys considering Mark Millar hates you guys. I'm not the biggest fan, you see.


Finished Season 2, here's a grab-bag of random thoughts.

  • Daredevil is less of a brawler this season and more acrobatic, which I feel was a conscious decision to emphasize how brutal Frank Castle's fighting style is. Watching the Punisher fight is like seeing a pipebomb full of rusty nails and broken glass go off; the Prison and Diner fights especially are like controlled explosions.

  • Speaking of fights, the stairwell in Episode 3 was this season's version of the hallway in S1:E2. Great stuff, especially the use of the chain (which foreshadows the billy club's cable feature nicely).

  • They're running out of nationalities pretty quickly here. First it was the Chinese, Russians and Japanese fighting over what was left of the Italians' turf. This time it was the Mexicans, Irish and generic white Biker dudes. Season 3 is gonna end up being Daredevil vs. 1920's Canadian Bootleggers, Somali Pirates and the Gay Mafia.

  • I love that Fisk isn't just a one-off thing, and he's a constant factor running through everything in the show like a low voltage current. He steps in at just the right time and starts doing what Kingpin does best, controlling everything from the top down, from behind the scenes. I love that with just a few phone calls and a handful of legal pads he runs the entire prison in what feels like a few deep breaths.

  • Elektra is interesting as all hell. No complaints at first blush but I'm still processing so I may have mixed feelings later. The way Matt sort of just falls in line with her (after a little nudging) and by the end is ready to run away with her makes her sort of like... the world's scariest Manic Pixie Dream Girl... with emphasis on "manic"... swap "Pixie" for "Ninja" too. Interested to see where that goes, I don't read the comics at all but I seem to remember that she
    comes back from the dead and works to destroy the Hand from within?
    I don't think Black Sky is a comic thing, so... we'll see.

  • More Stick. More Hand. More reveals of what's going on, the supernatural slowly nibbling away at the show's deliberate sense of reality. Building up towards Iron Fist and the MCU's dip into the supernatural with Doctor Strange. Good stuff.

  • Could have really scrapped the whole "Stick wants Elektra dead" bit though. I didn't get the sense that Stick needed to turn on her completely the way he did, but whatever. That was in the middle episodes where it tended to lag a bit.

  • As others have said, when Frank found the cache of weapons I thought "Oh, well this is Christmas Morning!", and expected him to be on the rooftop raining bullets everywhere but the negative space occupied by Daredevil and Elektra as they fought Nobu. Instead we got...


    Maybe next season. He's got the outfit right (and damn, did it look good).

  • Nice wink and nod towards Micro there at the end too?

  • Speaking of costumes, the Daredevil outfit didn't bother me much at all. The brighter red eyes definitely were a nice touch. I did notice in one scene it almost looked like the outfit was black and almost turquoise. Might have just been the lighting, making the red look black and the black look blue. First person to mention that stupid white/gold black/blue dress gets a drill to the foot.

  • That was a bit tough to watch, as was the bamboo splinters under the fingernails. Few exploding heads, skin split/ripped off the bone and a solid decapitation... show definitely isn't afraid to show violence and gore when it needs to drive a point home.

  • Yeah, what the heck was up with the giant hole? Expected them to be digging up some kind of artifact or up to something kooky, if it was just a fancy way to get into the old transit tunnels I'll be sad.

  • I was almost certain that Daniel Gibson (the accountant's kid they were draining blood from) was meant to be Danny Rand. The way they kept deliberately mentioning his name (and only his name, none of the other kids were named) and the fact that he looked a bit like a younger Finn Jones jumped out immediately. Since it looks like they bit the dust though, I guess not.

  • I don't get the hate for Foggy and Karen. They keep the series and Matt grounded in reality, because it really can't be Daredevil 24/7 without getting a bit repetitive (which is part of Jessica Jones' problem). Having said that, I do agree that Karen somehow always manages to end up in the middle of every damn thing that happens (which the writers are clearly aware of; they have Detective Brett mention it outright) and it's getting a bit thin at this point.

  • I'm not sure the Punisher can work as as full-fledged series. Jessica Jones is a great show and I love the change of pace from the usual Superhero stuff, but I think people who felt it sagged a little or ran too long have a valid complaint. I think 13 episodes of watching Frank Castle go all Terms of Enrampagement sounds cool in theory, but actually telling a satisfying story could be a bit of a stretch.

    To that end, I'd rather see them revive the "Marvel One-Shots" concept; make a handful of multi-episode mini-series' set in the Netflix universe, focusing on the ancillary characters we want more of but maybe can't carry an entire show on their own. Drop them between the regular seasons to fill in some back story or foreshadow upcoming events. Give Punisher like, 4-6 episodes of just rolling around shooting things up and I'm happy.

    That said, I'm on board with Frank becoming a Daredevil regular / semi-regular, and I wouldn't exactly say no to a full series.. I'm just not 100% sure it can work, or that it wouldn't spread them too thin.

  • Carrie Anne-Moss hiring Foggy works well and starts to connect the two shows. Marci mentioning Jessica Jones by name didn't land very well though, and felt like the Captain America / Thor / Hulk name-dropping that happened through the first season of Agents of Shield. Didn't really need it.

  • Having said that, I like that Claire is potentially being set up as the anchor around which the Defenders form. Her advice to Matt about not going it alone felt like she's gonna be the one to finally say "Fuck it, you guys need to work together."
Looking forward to Luke Cage in September. The Netflix series' have definitely surpassed the movies in terms of overall quality. I'd happily watch all three of these again (in fact, it'd be a third viewing of Season 1 for me), but I have no desire to watch Iron Man 2 or 3 or Age of Ultron or either Thor again... Keep it up, Netflix.


Episode 9 was crazy awesome,
but it started to fall apart for me with all the black sky-hand stuff in episode 12, which I thought was the weakest in the season.
I think having the Punisher help Matt and Elektra in episode 13 was very redundant.

While episodes 4 & 9 were probably the best of the show, I think season 1 is probably a little better.
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