The guy's a complete dick,what did you want exactly?i guess i and you shares different opinions?????
The guy's a complete dick,what did you want exactly?i guess i and you shares different opinions?????
The guy's a complete dick,what did you want exactly?
a better intro?
they caricaturized his badguyness for me. whats it to you, man~
The music in this show is so good.
I thought that was fairly obvious.Ep8 is possibly the worst.She's just letting him play house. Why not take action instead of playing along?
WellEp8 is possibly the worst.She's just letting him play house. Why not take action instead of playing along?
This show probably has me the most conflicted out of any show I've watched in recent memory. Some decent stuff, but equal amounts fluff and downright bad.
It's about what you should expect coming from somebody who worked on Dexter.
lol is this a joke post?
Peanutbutterlatte expressed his opinion without any combativeness, you come off like he just attacked you.
I asked but I got no reply. I wanted the intro for same reasons. At least it's the intro and not like Daredevil with a quick begining scene followed by the intro. I looked everywhere to turn it off or something but it seems like it's integrated into the Netflix app now. PS4 here.Is there any way to make it so that Netflix doesn't automatically skip the opening credits as it autoplays? I love the opening credits music and it gives me time to get a drink/etc.
I asked but I got no reply. I wanted the intro for same reasons. At least it's the intro and not like Daredevil with a quick begining scene followed by the intro. I looked everywhere to turn it off or something but it seems like it's integrated into the Netflix app now. PS4 here.
I thought that was fairly obvious.He'll destroy everything in her life if she doesn't. She's at her wit's end. She's fought him a variety of ways and they've all failed.
WellYou be underestimating how OP Purple Man really isshe doesn't want his slaves killing themselves. And she didn't want to get controlled.
I honestly don't have any desire to keep watching but I will because I'm a huge Marvel fan. So on to Episode 3 I go.
To watch it with my girlfriend the second time.You watched episodes 1&2 twice, why would you do that if you didn't want to continue?
I tol my wife it was going to be a slow burn after comments from here and her reaction from the first episode was "that's what you call slow?"To watch it with my girlfriend the second time.
But I do want to continue, it's just a slow burn.
Hehe. I think I just have a very short attention span as well. And last night I know I couldn't watch because the sleepiness kicked in and I were about to fall asleep. Today I'll watch Episode 3, as I missed most of what happened in it last night, and then I'll wait for her to come home so we can keep watching. She seems interested as well, even though I have to explain a few things.I tol my wife it was going to be a slow burn after comments from here and her reaction from the first episode was "that's what you call slow?"
I tol my wife it was going to be a slow burn after comments from here and her reaction from the first episode was "that's what you call slow?"
We've been binging this and I have to say the stuff with Kilgraves got thoroughly exhausting by episode8,which was the absolutely tedious shit where JJ played house with him. From here to the end of the season, the number of times JJ could have easily killed KG mounted so high it was hard not to become frustrated and annoyed as the viewer.
Don't get me wrong, I generally like the show but I think, like Daredevil, it was strongest in the first half of the season after which point it somehow lost some steam.
There have also been some things I don't quite understand and seem to apparently be aspects shoehorned in from comic trivia (I never read the comics). For example,If you're not a fan looking for fan service, since that MUST be shit from the comic, then who the fuck cares? It felt like such a pointless diversion.the stuff with Simpson and the warrior pills.
Also Jessica's powers seem to be somewhat inconsistent, with the limits of her power or durability confined to what the scene calls for.
There have also been a few times when characters didn't behave plausibly..Like why would Jessica's big plan be to go into the chamber with Kilgraves to film proof of his powers? Does she think he's stupid? and even if he's stupid, how is that proof? She could easily be faking
All in all, enjoyable show, and I liked Kristen Ritter in the role.
Marvel/Netflix are making a team up series called The Defenders starring Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.Im in a few episodes and the show is brilliant so far. Its amazing what kind of quality marvel and netflix are able to produce with their collaboration. Dare Devil was extremely well made and this one is on par or even better. I just hope they will include Jessica, Luke Cage, Dare Devil and so on in the MCU too
Marvel/Netflix are making a team up series called The Defenders starring Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
I read somewhere that Charlie Cox said that he is contractually obligated to be in a movie if Marvel wants him to. I imagine that goes for the rest of the Defenders heroes/villains. So my Spider-Man/Daredevil team up movie still lives!
Fuuuuckomg *_____* make it happen pls marvel
This is why I love the MCU so hard, there's the hypothetical possibility that this picture could be turned into a live action movie.
Mahvel pls
At the rate the MCU is expanding, the circle shot in Infinity War Part II is going to be 10 minutes long.They'll probably just use the Netflix heroes for the Avengers: Infinity War movie if at all.
Unless Iron Fist is completely miscast, Defenders is going to be something truly special.
Some aspects are better, others are worse, was expecting it to be better then Daredevil since it came after. Haven't finished yet but I am still enjoying the show, they will hopefully get better as time goes on.not as good as Daredevil, but better than Avengers