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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Never had any exposure to the source material, so I went in kinda blind.

Started watching last night, stayed up till 3am. On episode 8 now.

I'm not sure how on point the casting is, but I'm loving it all so far. Tennant is straight up terrifying, and he's always been a solid actor anyway. I love how dark it is, how flawed all the characters are. Love the opening credits too. Been a few dips but I'm hooked.

Daredevil and this are the best things Marvel have done.



Accidentally clicked a spoiler for the finale saying that
killgrave gets his neck snapped
. Is that going to ruin the whole show for me? :/ haven't seen any of it yet.


Accidentally clicked a spoiler for the finale saying that
killgrave gets his neck snapped
. Is that going to ruin the whole show for me? :/ haven't seen any of it yet.
No. It's a bummer for sure, but you still can enjoy the show. Give it a shot.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
First episode of this was pretty good. A little over the top in its grimdarkness but mostly compelling.

2nd episode so far has been 20 straight minutes of 2 people in a room talking to each other. I had this problem with Daredevil that made that series unbearable to me. 95% of every episode is 2 people. In a room. Talking to each other. Next scene: 2 people. In a room. Talking to each other. Repeat that for 45 minutes and then throw a big banger of a scene at the end to make people forget they just sat through an entire episode of boredom.

There's nothing visually compelling about these shows at all. It's like watching a stage play.

I'm going to keep watching this because I love David Tennant and I think Purple Man could potentially be a much more compelling villain than d'Onofrio's awful, petulant Kingpin, but I already see it falling into the same traps that made me hate Daredevil so much.
Jesus the end of the first episode caught me off guard. Damn I'm really enjoying this so far. Really enjoying the noir aspects of it, been a while since there was a good, slower-paced noir show.


I hope there's gonna be a lot of surprising moment, and maybe even some things that caters to Marvel fans later on. I'm at Episode 5 currently.


Online Ho Champ
this show is dark...Kilgrave..damn i like it though , faithful yet eccentric take on the property , cant wait for more and CAGE.

Kilgrave does slip through their fingers one time too much imho though could've left one or two of those attempts out and built up the time in the chamber.
I'm about 5 minutes into the finale
and there's been very little except a minor Daredevil character cameo.

Yeah..... this concludes much as it starts. Being all about JJ and Kilgrave. They dont even really drop a lot of hints about the future EXCEPT her future with investigating IGH and how she was created.... which kind of sets up season 2 to be isolated once again...
To be fair,
Having Daredevil under Kilgrave's control would be just as problematic.

Definitely, and I understand they're saving up for Defenders (much as Cox said ages back when he was asked about it in fairness)

Oh, also, you went full purple Killgrave. You never go full purple.


Is there a name for the art style that makes up the opening? I really like it, I'm wondering if there is other art like it.


Yeah..... this concludes much as it starts. Being all about JJ and Kilgrave. They dont even really drop a lot of hints about the future EXCEPT her future with investigating IGH and how she was created.... which kind of sets up season 2 to be isolated once again...

I wouldn't shocked if the IGH will be followed up on in Luke's show or Defenders.


"I've got a friend like you.. I could reach out to him..."
"No... no.. I don't think I'll do that..."
Fuck's sake -_-
It would've made absolutely no sense to call him when it was made clear that
she's the only one who won't fall under his control. Plus, she just finished fighting Luke, so why would she want to risk having to fight someone else with powers?
. There was nothing wrong with that.
Finished episode six. LOVE this show! Best Marvel production...even better than DD S1. Netflix shows may not have the level of action and special effects, they definitely have everything else those MCU flicks wish they had. Premium television productions suit comic book characters and their universes so much more.
The one thing that has annoyed me is whenever they're tailing someone or something or just following people they spend lots of time letting those people walk away.


I'm so happy Tennant is British in this, thought they were going to Americanize him and I don't think he does a good accent.

oh yeah and he's fucking terrifying
On episode 8, but this isn't about specific episode spoilers. Marvel has really hit something special with Kilgrave, every single word out of his mouth I find compelling. He is such a despicable bastard that he absolutely needs to die. At the same time, I want to see more of him.

And... This is how things are ran into the ground.


It would've made absolutely no sense to call him when it was made clear that
she's the only one who won't fall under his control. Plus, she just finished fighting Luke, so why would she want to risk having to fight someone else with powers?
. There was nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, DD would've turned into a potential danger. Definitly the wrong enemy for him as he is established atm.

So did anyone else think
Trish's mom
looked like Hilary Clinton.
Haha, yeah, a bit. "Young Hillary Clinton" was the first thing that came to my mind.


Watched 2 episodes so far. The first episode I felt was a little too dark. It seemed to be trying way too hard to be a dark bleak psychological thriller about big serious issues, which is fine and all, but I wish they spent a little more time fleshing out Jessica herself and gave her some funny side jobs to ease into it. The tone was a bit too heavy imo.

The second episode was way better in terms of balance, and I kinda like the wacky stuff they have going with her neighbors. Kilgrave's "introduction" was fantastic. Really liked some of the camera angles on some of the overhead shots too. Luke Cage is also being handled really well, so I hope that carries over to his series seamlessly. :)


Online Ho Champ
Watched 2 episodes so far. The first episode I felt was a little too dark. It seemed to be trying way too hard to be a dark bleak psychological thriller about big serious issues, which is fine and all, but I wish they spent a little more time fleshing out Jessica herself and gave her some funny side jobs to ease into it. The tone was a bit too heavy imo.

The second episode was way better in terms of balance, and I kinda like the wacky stuff they have going with her neighbors. Kilgrave's "introduction" was fantastic. Really liked some of the camera angles on some of the overhead shots too. Luke Cage is also being handled really well, so I hope that carries over to his series seamlessly. :)

2 out of 5 stars?


lol im kidding.


Batteries the CRISIS!
You guys failed me on the timeline stuff! In episode two,
Jessica looks up the bus accident with Kilgrave, which happened "a year ago." The hospital record says the accident was on Jan. 20, 2014, which means this show happens probably in early 2015, several months after Daredevil season one, during the second half of Agents of SHIELD season two and shortly before Age of Ultron.
Exactly. I saw someone earlier say this bit was a cop-out, but it seriously directly follows her having to take on Luke fucking Cage, a guy with unbreakable skin, and seriously endanger his life because of it. She's really just gonna be like, "sure, let's get more superpowered people near Killgrave, that's the ticket!"? Of course not.

It's not a cop-out, just impatient me getting disappointed. It's happening next year!

I don't think that's his natural accent either, though.

Nope, he's a Scot. Gets criticised a lot for his "Dick Van Dyke" Londoner accent, but it's pretty good.


Got 5 minutes left of Episode 5 but the show is still very much interesting. It's really not as good as Daredevil so far, and I don't expect it to be as good anymore. But it's still super nice to see Jessica Jones come to live on TV.
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