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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

Must say I'm disappointed with the relative lack of references to the rest of the MCU. Jessica Jones as a comic lived and died on its reference to the Marvel universe and how Jessica bucked that trend.
Must say I'm disappointed with the relative lack of references to the rest of the MCU. Jessica Jones as a comic lived and died on its reference to the Marvel universe and how Jessica bucked that trend.

Yeah... its a pretty isolated story... though I would argue it has more solid connections than Daredevil did

Its very similar to Daredevil in a lot of ways and certainly has bigger implications connecting its characters thematically to the MCU than Daredevil does. Its a shame that they didnt do MORE from a logical perspective but I know why they didnt
Just finished, enjoyed it immensely. Nailed it on every level IMO.

I knew from the media leading up to the premiere that this would be Marvel's darkest show, but I underestimated how dark. I'm honestly surprised at how far Marvel went with this.


Must say I'm disappointed with the relative lack of references to the rest of the MCU. Jessica Jones as a comic lived and died on its reference to the Marvel universe and how Jessica bucked that trend.

The universe really doesn't have the history for that, some of those injokes in Alias got really obscure. She knew Scott Lang for pete's sake.
Just finished it and loved it. Daredevil is slightly better though since I had issues with character motivations and the directing of some scenes.

Kinda disappointing how they set up Kilgrave as an over-the-top villian only to kill him off with a weak neck snap.



I don't know where to begin, I'll just start by saying I didn't like the show. Right now I'm a bit tired since it's late but I can't really sleep so I feel like rattling off my thoughts on the show. I'm going to try to keep them as organized and literate as possible but I'm really just going to be free flowing from here on out, you know just writing random thoughts that pop in to my mind when I think about the whole show. Let's go:

If I can describe the show in a single word it would be boring. Now, some comic fanboy asshole will swoop down and say something incredibly dumb like "you just don't like the show because it's slower paced." To which I will reply, "who let you use your parent's Netflix account? And, how can you fly?" But seriously, I love slower paced shows especially filled in a TV world, especially comic TV world, of faster paced narrative where characters aren't really allowed to breathe. Jessica Jones is not slow paced, it is boring. Breaking Bad is slow paced, Fargo is slow paced and both are excellent at displaying this, JJ wants you to think it's complex and daring but it's shallow and unimaginative. Fargo is a good example because it can create mind numbing tension just from two regular people talking, you just have this eerie sense that anything can happen at a moment's notice and you become especially scared when a character is outside by themselves in the stark, open wilderness.

I don't think JJ knows what it wants to be. Now, I want to preface this all by saying I've never read any JJ comic and I don't plan to ever read one so if this show plays out exactly like the comic I don't care, that just tells me the comic is also bad. I'm not a comic reader but I've seen just about everything in the MCU, but even that doesn't matter because a good show is a good show regardless of the source material. I never gave two fuck alls about Daredevil and always found him to be a "boring" hero, a dude who is slightly not blind. Buzz off. However, the Daredevil TV show is pretty darn good with some excellent cinematography, action, acting, and plot. Now, I'm not some crazy individual who thinks it is the second coming or the best TV show of 2015, I would rank it near Arrow S1 or S2, but it was a decent show that kept me engaged. JJ, on the other hand, never kept me engaged.

For starters, despite being a private eye JJ isn't really about "detective" work or any sort of mystery. By the very first episode we know who Kilgrave is and what he is capable of and by the second episode we are formerly introduced to him. The rest of the series is a drawn out back and forth game between Kilgrave and Jessica with zero mystery or build up. He gets to her, she gets to him, he runs away, he gets back at her, she gets close to him again, etc, etc. Boring. Hey, how about instead of shoving Kilgrave into our face we have him toying with Jessica for the majority of the show, Hannibal style? You know leave a string of murders and cases at her feet that she has to piece together to find him? How about he uses his power to get to those closest to her so that she can no longer trust anyone but herself? Perhaps we can mirror Kilgrave's overt use of control with Jessica's own use of subtle manipulation to get what she wants? How about some actual psychological thrill?

Instead, JJ is content with using Kilgrave in the most uninspired way possible as this mustache twirling villain, obsessed with Jessica, who only seems to know how to use his power to kill people and occasionally spy on Jessica. There is absolutely no subtly or originality to his power usage, we're talking about a guy with the ability to control people's minds and the most original thing he can think of is "I'll let all these people kill themselves if you don't do as I say." A threat he uses pretty much every time he is on screen so that it immediately becomes boring. Oh and that threat that anyone can be a Kilgrave sleeper agent is quickly turned into a joke, relax guys he's not going to play some long con with Jessica if someone is mind controlled by him they will immediately try to kill her or someone close to her. Phew, thanks for removing all that tension.

The cast of supporting characters are even worse, not just with their inability to act, but also the uselessness of their characters with side plots that often go nowhere or are dropped for long stretches. Luke Cage shows up early on as this kind of love interest as Jessica really loves dudes with blank, expressionless faces, but he's dropped quickly and isn't seen again for a long stretch of episodes until the plot suddenly needs him again to play the "damsel." Hogarth is probably the worst character on the show, a powerful woman who just so happens to be a lesbian (surprise, a ruthless woman at the top of her game has to be a homosexual) whose wasted in a terrible sub-plot involving her ex-wife. There really isn't a single point to this sub-plot and Hogarth is presented as a person with zero redeeming qualities, hell the show does a good job of stepping on her good qualities as a lawyer. Screw you Hogarth, stop trying to help your clients and help Jessica, NOW! You see there could have been this interesting theme being conveyed through her character about the nature of power in a relationship and the need for total control, again an attempt to mirror Kilgrave but this never surfaces.

Every other side character is also equally wasted especially that Simpson dude who shows up strong for the first few episodes and then falls by the wayside because the plot no longer demands him only for him to surface again near the end for reasons. I assume he's some dude big in the comics as his reappearance just felt like a painful chore to setup stuff for the future since it was in no way relevant or necessary.

"Ugh, Jessica Kilgrave needs to die!"
"I know, we are in total agreement."
"I'm sorry, I have to kill you because you won't kill him."
"I just said I would."
"No, no, you can't fool me the only way to kill him is to kill you."
"Simpson if you really care then why don't you just leave me alone and go kill him?
"Arrggh, stop making sense and die."

Yes, he's influenced by drugs or whatever it doesn't make that whole scenario not incredibly stupid.

Again, I just have to circle back to the fact that the show is just boring. There is no mystery to solve, no clues to track, no hidden villain, no moral choices, no build up to a tense face-off. Instead, everything is just kinda there at the start and then it just sort of ends. The final show down was really pathetic because they tried to build up the fact that Kilgrave was getting stronger, that his mind control could reach new levels and range. However, none of that happens in the final show down. Killgrave basically tells Jessica where he is and then uses the same basic version of his powers he's used throughout the show. He stands next to a crowed of people and tells them to do stuff. He doesn't control someone through a telephone or shot on a megaphone for all of NY to kill themselves, he just does the same thing he's always done and then Jessica snaps his neck. Game over. Boy, oh boy, what a tense showdown that was built up throughout the entire series. Oh wait...

I just didn't get what the series was trying to convey, what was the theme and who is Jessica Jones? I believe this is supposed to be an origin story for her character so what exactly is Jessica Jones? Is she a private detective solving cases? She didn't actually solve the Kilgrave case, she didn't use much detective skills to catch him she just eventually got tired and snapped his neck. Why do people suddenly think she's a hero now for what she did at the docks and want to hire her? Again, what is her character, what does she do? I have no idea.

Further stray thoughts:
-Why is Kilgrave's sexual abuse basically glanced over? You can show him have a man put his head through a wall or force people to stab themselves to death but you can only have his sexual abuse "shown" through the hushed whispers of victims and then never really talked about again.
-Why is JJ's power so inconsistent? She can help out with ease during a bar brawl with a group of men but a later group of dudes easily beat the shit out of her with tasers? Why can she knock some people out with one punch flinging them across the room but other times regular dudes take 20 hits to do gown?
-What's the point of Reuben?
-Why is the cinematography so inconsistent to being outright bad at times?
-Why does the musical score suck beside the intro?
-I found the dialogue often really clunky and not very good.
-Must she always wear the same jacket and scarf thing?
Totally agreed with this post.


I really wonder if it's tough for Marvel, to let one or some of their movie stars feature in one of their tv shows. I know there's the "feud" between the heads of Marvel Studios and Marvel TV but actors like Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Robert Downey (Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Captain America) have already said, that they would like to feature in one of these shows. Paul Rudd have even been in tv shows before. I honestly think, it comes down to the paycheck and schedules.

Anyway, I wouldn't be too upset if there's not that many references in Jessica Jones. I'm only at Episode 5, and we've already got people talking about
the alien invasion
and Jessica/Luke mentioning
the green guy and his crew (Avengers)
The universe really doesn't have the history for that, some of those injokes in Alias got really obscure. She knew Scott Lang for pete's sake.

It remains to be seen how much crossover from the movie verse and TV there will be

As of right no AoS season 1 was teh ONLY marvel TV property to do a significant crossover and they really only did it once or twice

Now they just run in the background and I dont have high hopes for Coulson ever gracing the silver screen again.

They have the resources to blur the lines but they are still playing it very conservative in a lot of ways..... can they really hold back when we are barreling towards Infinity war?


They have the resources to blur the lines but they are still playing it very conservative in a lot of ways..... can they really hold back when we are barreling towards Infinity war?

Kevin Feige did say, that they eventually have to mix the TV shows with the films. So we will get it, we just don't know when.
Kevin Feige did say, that they eventually have to mix the TV shows with the films. So we will get it, we just don't know when.

Like in JJ's case it makes perfect creative sense to have it as a standalone isolated story in the Marvel world

Daredevil got that treatment and Im sure Luke Cage and Iron Fist will as well

The buzz around DD season 2 though... doesnt look like they feel the need to hold back as much

Im not saying we will see Spidey in it (though it would make perfect sense to) but it seems like it could go FULL MCU since DD already had an established origin story and series just about him

Not they can move forward and make his story about how he fits in and interacts with the other characters


It remains to be seen how much crossover from the movie verse and TV there will be

As of right no AoS season 1 was teh ONLY marvel TV property to do a significant crossover and they really only did it once or twice

Now they just run in the background and I dont have high hopes for Coulson ever gracing the silver screen again.

They have the resources to blur the lines but they are still playing it very conservative in a lot of ways..... can they really hold back when we are barreling towards Infinity war?

Season 2 AoS lead right up to the opening set piece of Age of Ultron.

Maybe because I am use to comics, but I don't get the need some folks have the universe being shown as shared every 5 minutes. The characters in the series movie in very different cycles. Coulson is trying to handle some worldwide soon t
o intergalactic shit.
He doesn't have the time to swing by Hell's kitchen and have bible study with Matt. That is if they know they exist.
Season 2 AoS lead right up to the opening set piece of Age of Ultron.

Maybe because I am use to comics, but I don't get the need some folks have the universe being shown as shared every 5 minutes. The characters in the series movie in very different cycles. Coulson is trying to handle some worldwide soon t
o intergalactic shit.
He doesn't have the time to swing by Hell's kitchen and have bible study with Matt. That is if they know they exist.

Naw Im not asking for that but more trying to see things be consistent from a logical standpoint

DD has the benefit of being a relatively small and intimate story. Even the shit that goes down only affects small portions of Hell Kitchen

JJ on the other hand... well I wont spoil it but its hard to imagine how the events play out in isolation unless we consider the "timing" of said events.

Its honestly not THAT unbelievable but there almost HAS to be a follow up from someone in the aftermath


I just found this out lol. Melissa Rosenberg is the Creator, showrunner, executive producer, writer of Jessica Jones. The same screenwritter for Twilight Saga films.


Naw Im not asking for that but more trying to see things be consistent from a logical standpoint

DD has the benefit of being a relatively small and intimate story. Even the shit that goes down only affects small portions of Hell Kitchen

JJ on the other hand... well I wont spoil it but its hard to imagine how the events play out in isolation unless we consider the "timing" of said events.

Its honestly not THAT unbelievable but there almost HAS to be a follow up from someone in the aftermath

The series just dropped yesterday, and they still filming luke cage.
The series just dropped yesterday, and they still filming luke cage.

Luke Cage will likely be isolated and be an intimate story about him

I dont expect to see MCU fallout until Daredevil season 2 and Civil war

Everything is going to come to a head around that movie
Two episodes in so far, and this is absolutely a winner! Really nice to see the quality of everything from the minor characters up to the setpieces and all the trimmings.

Some odd choices here and there with the filming, but that only serves to set it apart from other productions. Can't wait to see where it goes.


Maybe it's not fair to land it on Ritter, because I actually thought the directing in the pilot was pretty bad, and I heard they were really unhappy with a lot of the directors.
I definitely believe the directing compliant, theres a lack of weight to some of the fight scenes post e3 that's a huge issue.


Not really digging this all that much. The budget in this must have been nonexistent as the extent of them displaying their powers consists of stunt men jumping across the room when thrown. I mean the scene where she's threatening to drop the wife on the tracks rather than have her suspended just had her leaning her. Anyone can do that.


Guys, should I watch this or Daredevil first? I haven't watched the former yet as I was waiting till I got my new 4k tv before diving in, so I have both shows waiting for me. Also, I really don't know who the Jessica Jones character even is. lol
Not really digging this all that much. The budget in this must have been nonexistent as the extent of them displaying their powers consists of stunt men jumping across the room when thrown. I mean the scene where she's threatening to drop the wife on the tracks rather than have her suspended just had her leaning her. Anyone can do that.


That will be an issue when people delve in. The depiction of her powers are grossly inconsistent and somewhat underwhelming.

We were spoiled by Daredevil since the shit they did was very consistent and clever. But its martial arts... stuff thats been done in movies forever

Portraying super powers.. that a whole other ballgame.... which Rosenberg actually had experience in...
Guys, should I watch this or Daredevil first? I haven't watched the former yet as I was waiting till I got my new 4k tv before diving in, so I have both shows waiting for me. Also, I really don't know who the Jessica Jones character even is. lol
Start with Daredevil. There's no reason to watch them out of order if you plan to watch both.
Guys, should I watch this or Daredevil first? I haven't watched the former yet as I was waiting till I got my new 4k tv before diving in, so I have both shows waiting for me. Also, I really don't know who the Jessica Jones character even is. lol

Watch Daredevil.. its amazing

I cant imagine skipping anything


Guys, should I watch this or Daredevil first? I haven't watched the former yet as I was waiting till I got my new 4k tv before diving in, so I have both shows waiting for me. Also, I really don't know who the Jessica Jones character even is. lol

You can start with either, and you don't have to watch the one or the other. I would start with Daredevil as that came out first, and then move on to Jessica Jones.
Episode 11;
Heh people really thought they'd introduce Hellcat and not have her get abilities?

They are clearly laying the seeds

Hell they were laying seeds early on with her training. She WANTS to be a hero and her willingness to take those pills is likely foreshadowing... as is her eagerness to explore how Jessica got her powers....

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
I'm taking the series slow, as opposed ot Daredevil which I steam rolled through in a weekend.

Episode 4:

JJ's client having a grudge against her because of the Avengers' shit was such a good swerve (also it's nice to get confirmation that hey, people died during the Chitari siege!)
I'm taking the series slow, as opposed ot Daredevil which I steam rolled through in a weekend.

Episode 4:

JJ's client having a grudge against her because of the Avengers' shit was such a good swerve (also it's nice to get confirmation that hey, people died during the Chitari siege!)

I like how they have incorporated other MCU evens into this show. Especially in Episode 4 as mentioned above.

You think she was bluffing about the knowledge of 99 other people like her? Seems like she is since she is completely isolated from any government involvement or other organization... she is even isolated from the people that are responsible for her powers

Then again she is a PI and maybe has come across several people like her and left them alone?

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
You think she was bluffing about the knowledge of 99 other people like her? Seems like she is since she is completely isolated from any government involvement or other organization... she is even isolated from the people that are responsible for her powers

Then again she is a PI and maybe has come across several people like her and left them alone?

When does this take place in terms of the third season of Agents of SHIELD?
Inhumans are publicly known at that point.


You think she was bluffing about the knowledge of 99 other people like her? Seems like she is since she is completely isolated from any government involvement or other organization... she is even isolated from the people that are responsible for her powers

Then again she is a PI and maybe has come across several people like her and left them alone?
She bluffed.
When does this take place in terms of the third season of Agents of SHIELD?
Inhumans are publicly known at that point.

So.... so far all the movies...with the exception of those that falsh back in time (Captain America 1 and Agent Carter) take place in the exact time and order they release

So JJ should take place AFTER Age of Ultron and Ant Man.

Its interesting that
only the events of the first Avengers gets referenced
but that might just be that Age of Ultron mostly took place outside of the US.


Just finished the first 3 episodes and it's pretty amazing. Enjoying it more than Daredevil so far and I really enjoyed that. The casting is spot on. Krysten Ritter is perfect. Does it get even better from this point on?
Just finished the first 3 episodes and it's pretty amazing. Enjoying it more than Daredevil so far and I really enjoyed that. The casting is spot on. Krysten Ritter is perfect. Does it get even better from this point on?

Oh yeah

Has some of the best character to character moments... and a really hype penultimate episode
Must say I'm disappointed with the relative lack of references to the rest of the MCU. Jessica Jones as a comic lived and died on its reference to the Marvel universe and how Jessica bucked that trend.

I'm only to episode 7, but I thought there were a lot of smaller references. Nothing huge character wise but stuff like "you can't believe that after an alien invasion" or the entire small story arc of
the woman wanting to kill JJ for being gifted and the destruction of NYC
I'm only to episode 7, but I thought there were a lot of smaller references. Nothing huge character wise but stuff like "you can't believe that after an alien invasion" or the entire small story arc of
the woman wanting to kill JJ for being gifted and the destruction of NYC

Thats probably the largest crossover moment... and it implies a lot of things that I wished were touched on even more...


You think she was bluffing about the knowledge of 99 other people like her? Seems like she is since she is completely isolated from any government involvement or other organization... she is even isolated from the people that are responsible for her powers

Then again she is a PI and maybe has come across several people like her and left them alone?

Of course she was bluffing. It was just a scare-tactic.
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