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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

You guys failed me on the timeline stuff! In episode two,
Jessica looks up the bus accident with Kilgrave, which happened "a year ago." The hospital record says the accident was on Jan. 20, 2014, which means this show happens probably in early 2015, several months after Daredevil season one, during the second half of Agents of SHIELD season two and shortly before Age of Ultron.

Nice find!

I was waiting for someone to piece the timeline details together
I'm only on episode 5 and this show is great but for me daredevil was on another level of enjoyment. This has mostly bright spots but there are some things that go eh. Episode 4 I thought was kind of a stinker as well.
With the exception of those Reuben and Robyn, I think the supporting characters in JJ are stronger than Daredevil's. I also think Kilgrave is a better villain than Fisk, but I still do like Fisk and wingman Wesley.

The tone of JJ is more my speed, with the whole noir thing. Very intense and kinda depressing as fuck, though.


I'm throwing my weight behind everyone saying this is better than Daredevil. It's not on a whole different level (they feel rather similar, to be frank), but I'd still give it the edge. Jessica's a more interesting protagonist, and the whole thing plays like a great big telepathic love letter to film noir.
Netflix's Daredevil and Jessica Jones make the Marvil films look rated PG.

So much gore.

Body being blown up with visible bloody limbs.
People getting shot in the face on screen.
Acts of suicide on screen including neck cutting.
A Man's arms are cut off, bleeding.
Episode 10

I'm actually starting to get sick of these side characters. Like Reuben's sister. And the fact that Jessica Jones can't stop people. Her strength is really all over the place. Sometimes she's beating the crap out of people. Sometimes normal people are besting her pretty easily. She just doesn't seem to use her brain.


Yeah, I didn't think they would go past Daredevil but they made Daredevil look pg-13 by comparison.

And DD had this.



These shows really elevate the MCU for me. Aside form the Winter Soldier and Ant-man, it's really hard for me to care about what happens in the films. Decent to Good action films for sure, but so predictable and any kind of tension is just destroyed by the characters themselves making light of the situation.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
2 episodes In and I already love it more than the entirety of daredevil.

It doesn't hold up. JJ stats off pretty good though. I was hooked for a while at least. Until it gets tired, and so dumb/corny.


Episode 10

I'm actually starting to get sick of these side characters. Like Reuben's sister. And the fact that Jessica Jones can't stop people. Her strength is really all over the place. Sometimes she's beating the crap out of people. Sometimes normal people are besting her pretty easily. She just doesn't seem to use her brain.
She's holding back most of the time because she knows that the people attacking her are being controlled by Kilgrave.


I got to about episode 9 or 10 last night.

It's not bad, but I wish I liked it more then I do.
I wasn't super hot on Daredevil either though.

Jessica, Luke and Malcom are all great, but not a big fan of Trinity.
I go back and forth on police guy.


Jeri Hogarth is a boring character. I'm rewatching Episode 4 and the girl falls asleep, but I admit it is slow paced. I'm enjoying it though.
Finished episode 4 or 5
That scene where they were about to abduct Kilgrave was hype. I was feeling something when they got jumped. I was like NOOOO! and they were so close. Jessica got ganged on.


I posted my thoughts on the plot elements and the link in the spoiler thread but I overall enjoyed the show a lot :D!

While I would have liked more elements to be explored and the focus to be a bit more tighter, the show as a whole is very impressive and I am looking forward to seeing Jessica appear in future Marvel shows/movies down the line :).


Outside of the fight scenes, I like this a bit more than Daredevil. Even when the plot is meandering, the characters are all generally interesting and likable. Daredevil had some really awkward moments with writing and acting that this show avoids.

My feeling as well. While I prefer Daredevil fight scenes, photography and character arc, Jessica Jones is a much more well-rounded show that is a step above any Comic book TV show I did saw so far. Great story, great dialog, solid combat, no punchable characters like Foggy or Karen, and Tennant acting is bloody brilliant.
I personally liked this just as much as Daredevil, I don't really see one as being better than the other. Daredevil was more about Action and trying to take down a evil kingpin (ha) that was ruling the city. While Jessica Jones was about the characters more than anything else. It was about Jessica trying to deal with and come to terms with her abuse. But also about smaller stories like Malcom getting over his drug addiction and Jerry trying to handle her divorce. Only characters I didn't like we're the twins, both got on my nerves and I didn't care how their story got resolved. Wouldn't mind if they were taken out all together to be honest. Either way I enjoyed this show a lot and is just as good as Daredevil imo. Hope it gets a second season.


Just finished episode 5.

I'm one of those people who has a hard time accepting some changes, but it makes total sense why they made 'em and overall I really like it. Love Jessica.

Interesting to watch with people who know nothing about Kilgrave and see their reactions to him.

Thought the police guy was gonna play Scott Lang's role in the comics but guess not. Also really interested in seeing where Trish's character goes.
Watching episode 5 currently. So far not that good. It's only 13 episodes so maybe something happens at some point. Too slow.
What exactly would make it not too slow? More action? In a series that's billed as neo-noir detective/psychological thriller with superpowers?


I got about halfway through the episodes last night and I'm loving it so far.

I think it's slightly better than Daredevil in terms of character development, and the overall storyline of the season.

Daredevil has much better action.

Overall, Marvel really has something special going on with these Netflix shows.
I like this so far. But I felt like despite the first episode making Kilgrave feel so scary, I mean there are scenes that feel almost downright horror genre in how the script and soundtrack etch him out... I mean... Tennant? I like Tennant, but, I can't see myself being scared or unnerved by him. Hopefully it works out but I was legitimately creeped out during this one stretch where they were like GET OUT OF TOWN and the music was super creepy.
Episode 4:

The cop's delivery of his "I'm...I'm a goddamn monster," line was hilarious to me in an odd way, but also completely endearing.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
What exactly would make it not too slow? More action? In a series that's billed as neo-noir detective/psychological thriller with superpowers?

are you kidding me?

Not kidding. I don't know why and can't really explain it. But I try. I just don't like most of the characters. There is so far one single overarching plot that drags from episode to episode. Fight scenes are badly done also by the main actor that is supposed to convey extraordinary powers. Carrie Ann Moss is a carbon copy of House of Cards Robin Wright. So this just doesnt suck me in like I wanted.

It's like Daredevil which I did not like. Is this made by the same people?


Unconfirmed Member
On episode 8. Man
this whole "we can't stop Kilgrave until I get Hope out of jail!" seems stupid as all fuck. How many more people gotta die just so Jessica can continue to come up with goofy ass plans to free one random girl?


Not kidding. I don't know why and can't really explain it. But I try. I just don't like most of the characters. There is so far one single overarching plot that drags from episode to episode. Fight scenes are badly done also by the main actor that is supposed to convey extraordinary powers. Carrie Ann Moss is a carbon copy of House of Cards Robin Wright. So this just doesnt suck me in like I wanted.

It's like Daredevil which I did not like. Is this made by the same people?

I found both this and Daredevil to be kinda boring at times.

It might just be me not really enjoying binge watching episodes back to back like this.
If it was an episode a week type show I might think differently of it, I don't know.
On episode 8. Man
this whole "we can't stop Kilgrave until I get Hope out of jail!" seems stupid as all fuck. How many more people gotta die just so Jessica can continue to come up with goofy ass plans to free one random girl?
As much as I loved the show this was my biggest gripe with it. Gets pretty ridiculous after awhile, I agree.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
On episode 8. Man
this whole "we can't stop Kilgrave until I get Hope out of jail!" seems stupid as all fuck. How many more people gotta die just so Jessica can continue to come up with goofy ass plans to free one random girl?

one random ass girl that is going to serve 20 to life for a crime she didnt comit, because of a man that did the same to Jessica months before.
pretty random alright


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Haven't started watching this yet. What's the consensus? On par with daredevil? Better?

I really liked daredevil.

its on par. im on episode 9 and only having
1 main arc
is hurting the show in my opinion. Also the stuff with Carrie Ann Moss has no business being in the show. Still, the overall quality is excellent, and I do loved DD

and Luke Cage is the best Marvel casting ever


Unconfirmed Member
one random ass girl that is going to serve 20 to life for a crime she didnt comit, because of a man that did the same to Jessica months before.
pretty random alright

Least Hope would still be alive in jail. Can't say that for the rest of the people Jessica is willing to sacrifice for this little plan.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Least Hope would still be alive in jail. Can't say that for the rest of the people Jessica is willing to sacrifice for this little plan.

dude. Its a Marvel comic. or show. Shes a hero, no matter how much she curses, or at least a "good guy" ("gal" lol). Heroes dont kill etc. Do you say the same everytime Batman doesnt kill Joker? Its a weird thing to complain in the comic book genre :/

now, if you tell me the constant failed plans to capture him are annoying I agree, but not the motivation
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