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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

My Jessica Jones viewing party was a great success!!
While the last people left at 3:30, I didn't go to sleep until I finished it and now it's over! Can't wait for Season 2!

I have a lot of thoughts on it but while I process them, overall I think it's great but I think Daredevil is better
Haven't started watching this yet. What's the consensus? On par with daredevil? Better?

I really liked daredevil.

Worse I would say

Ritter can be on and off
Colter's performance is stiff. Not surprising if you've seen his previous work
Taylor (Patsy) just seems to be there
Tennant's character was built up only to be let down. Just seems like a clingy ex-boyfriend
Super strength doesn't equal super resilience. She can be hurt like anyone else.

Yeah. The two powers usually go hand in hand so often I think a lot of people are assuming she has durability to match her strength, ala Cage.

She's more durable/ resilient than normal people. It took
a gang of large men tazing her with rods to stop her when one taze rod is enough for normal people and she got slammed by a truck in a sleep deprived state but was able to walk off with just jacked up ribs

She's got more strength than Luke but Luke's got more durability though.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Just finished watching the whole thing. Excellent show. As someone acquainted with the source material I'm very pleased with what they did here.

Hope the soundtrack is released as quickly as DD's was. Found myself enjoying many of the background tunes in JJ, along with the great opening and ending themes.
Haven't started watching this yet. What's the consensus? On par with daredevil? Better?

I really liked daredevil.

Better over all experience imo.
As in, it's elements are well rounded. DD had more side characters that took up screen time and they weren't all nearly as likable as JJ characters. DD had better fight scenes but DD is a super senses having ninja ... they're very different characters and when you realize the characters in JJ aren't ninjas and are stronger than Cap it makes sense that they fight the way they do.

Both are great, JJ has fewer lows.


one random ass girl that is going to serve 20 to life for a crime she didnt comit, because of a man that did the same to Jessica months before.
pretty random alright

When people are getting killed while you try and get him into some perfect trap, I don't think that reasoning holds up well.


When people are getting killed while you try and get him into some perfect trap, I don't think that reasoning holds up well.

Yeah I agree with this. On episode 10 and Jessica makes some pretty stupid choices that is getting a lot of people killed.
Reposting from the spoiler thread with tags because this thread seems more active at the moment. Ending spoilers within.

I liked the show a lot, though probably not as much as DD. It's a solid 8/10. My only real issue is
that I feel like the conclusion she comes to by the end of the series is unearned. I get what they were trying to do. They wanted to juxtapose her and Matt's journeys. Matt was a guy who struggled with whether or not he was a bad guy, and came to the conclusion that he wasn't. Jessica spent the whole series denying it was her fault, then by the end basically concluded she could never be a hero at all and that she'll always be a bad guy. After the way things went down between her and Kilgrave, I simply cannot buy her "I'll always be the bad guy trying to be a hero" conclusion as a logical destination given her journey. Really the only major flaw in the series for me.


Worse I would say

Ritter can be on and off
Colter's performance is stiff. Not surprising if you've seen his previous work
Taylor (Patsy) just seems to be there
Tennant's character was built up only to be let down. Just seems like a clingy ex-boyfriend
Don't listen to this guy.


So, half way through episode 6...

Don't tell me there is some huge drama with her killing Luke's wife. Don't. Because that would be shitting writing and cliche at the least. It was alright when he wasn't really "involved" with her life and she left him, but now with him knowing about Killgrave and what he did to her she didn't even tell him so she could sleep with him. Sorry, but I just hope this doesn't go CW on here.

Could have resolved that in an earlier episode. Don't mind a fight, just better not last a long time, at most an episode...

Oh god, this is looking worse and worse lol
Watching episode 4 right now and they've done a great job with fostering paranoia. Every scene is tense just not knowing if Killgrave will have an effect on it or not. They've done an amazing job with the setting.
Just finished it. I gotta say, this series really does far more justice to the idea of street-level superheroism than anything I've ever seen before, and what that actually means when real human lives are involved. Just gripping stuff.

Of course, Tennant was the perfect little shit, but honestly, far and away my favourite character by the end of it was Trish.



I love this show currently... but Ep 6 was worse than any one of Arrows... including Season 3.

I mean, Jesus. Horrible writing and characterization.

Did the writing change? Seriously, why? I mean, it wasn't even in Jessica's development. She is a liar, an ass, sort of anti-hero, but even worse than Arrow horrible level?

Sorry about the rant. Just pissed off because I have been loving the show so much. Probably will continue to. Still think this episode was horrible (except for Luke's confrontation, that was amazing).


LOVE how Jessica who not only is a PI, also knows that this world is not Black and white, who knows that Luke knows about Killgrave, thinks, "Eh, it'll solve itself out." Who ANYONE is smart enough to know that Luke would want revenge on the "innocent" bus driver. Hell, the SISTER who barely knew Luke literally said, He is going to kill him. Yeah, no shit anyone with a half a brain would know someone would want revenge, especially something that is covered up.

Doesn't help that the WHOLE PLOT OF THE EPISODE was about this lead... yeah, it isn't like the whole thing could have been ended in 1 minute. Literally 50 minutes in 1.

Fake Edit: This was posted in the post above, but I didn't spoiler it so quickly deleted it lol That would have been bad if I didn't notice. My bad.


The stuff with
the weird girl and the survivors banding together to attack Jessica...lolwhut.
Yeah, the concept was sound, but the writing wasn't there to execute it properly.

I do think they're influenced a fair bit by the Hawkguy run here, pulling in some of the loose concepts that I don't remember appearing in Alias.


Neo Member
Worse I would say

Ritter can be on and off
Colter's performance is stiff. Not surprising if you've seen his previous work
Taylor (Patsy) just seems to be there
Tennant's character was built up only to be let down. Just seems like a clingy ex-boyfriend

I disagree heartily. I have some problems with the show but I found all the castings and performances to be damn near perfect especially Ritter.
When people are getting killed while you try and get him into some perfect trap, I don't think that reasoning holds up well.

The point was to expose him to the world, get these crimes cleared and to ultimately make him suffer for as long as possible/ to "beat" him.

Major spoilers
When she killed him ... it was the perfect time for her to kill him. She had accomplished her goals, he has used his power in such a public and aggressive manner that the world can't hide this truth. She had also beaten him mentally by fooling him, giving him what he desired and taking it away from him in his moment of victory. She can now clear Hope's name and set things straight (in a bitter-sweet way).

If she had killed him any of the other times she had a chance he would have died as just a myth in a creepy-paste, Hope's name wouldn't have been cleared and by extension she couldn't move on. I mean FUCK ... no one believes the extent to his power nor the possibility of mind control until they have it done to them in overt ways with lasting results or for long periods of time because his level of mind control is fucking too scary to the world.
Hell, Old black detective saw it first hand but because Killgrave told everyone to think it was just a joke for the next 10-14 hours and no one died they all went with it because the truth is too scary and nothing was recorded. He didn't believe until he saw a woman stab herself to death, another woman try to shoot herself in the head and he himself ripped his hand outta cuffs to walk with this man and then tackled a woman to the ground for no reason. Luke was the same, he seemed to only barely believe until he was taken under his control. Even Trish didn't understand fully until she finds herself disparately trying to put a bullet in her head without shooting herself.

Those public displays prove he's a thing in this world.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yeah, the concept was sound, but the writing wasn't there to execute it properly.

I do think they're influenced a fair bit by the Hawkguy run here, pulling in some of the loose concepts that I don't remember appearing in Alias.

If you mean the
weird neighbours thing it actually reminded me more if Garth Ennis' Punisher run since he didn't want anything to do with them like Jessica

Anyway ep11 now, but I feel like the show lost steam since ep 7 or so. Kinda just want it to end now. What I feared when I heard about the show basically panned out,
stretching the Purple Man story into a whole season doesn't really work in my opinion (dont forget the Kilgrave stuff in Alias was only the last 3 or 4 issues or something, been awhile)

It should have been 2 or 3 cases with the Kilgrave stuff in the background to tackle at the end. Would have loved to see the
Captain America arc for example (just use a lesser hero if you cant use Cap obviously)
. Oh well. Back to it
The point was to expose him to the world, get these crimes cleared and to ultimately make him suffer for as long as possible/ to "beat" him.

Major spoilers
When she killed him ... it was the perfect time for her to kill him. She had accomplished her goals, he has used his power in such a public and aggressive manner that the world can't hide this truth. She had also beaten him mentally by fooling him, giving him what he desired and taking it away from him in his moment of victory. She can now clear Hope's name and set things straight (in a bitter-sweet way).

If she had killed him any of the other times she had a chance he would have died as just a myth in a creepy-paste, Hope's name wouldn't have been cleared and by extension she couldn't move on. I mean FUCK ... no one believes the extent to his power nor the possibility of mind control until they have it done to them in overt ways with lasting results or for long periods of time because his level of mind control is fucking too scary to the world.
Hell, Old black detective saw it first hand but because Killgrave told everyone to think it was just a joke for the next 10-14 hours and no one died they all went with it because the truth is too scary and nothing was recorded. He didn't believe until he saw a woman stab herself to death, another woman try to shoot herself in the head and he himself ripped his hand outta cuffs to walk with this man and then tackled a woman to the ground for no reason. Luke was the same, he seemed to only barely believe until he was taken under his control. Even Trish didn't understand fully until she finds herself disparately trying to put a bullet in her head without shooting herself.

Those public displays prove he's a thing in this world.
Didn't really prove anything, as skepticism about his powers continued after his death. How many people had to die or have their lives ruined by Kilgrave before she realized killing him was the only solution? Simpson was right, and had she listened to him from the start almost a dozen people would still be alive.


Six episodes in, just here to say that Kilgrave is a real asshole.

Seriously, fuck that guy.


Just tried watching the first episode but so much is just clichéd and dull. The whole conversation between her and her boss? Just awful. Such a badass she does a conversation on the loo; written by teens? Children maybe? Also she's great at her job but also extremely poor because life...I mean ignore PIs charge very well I guess. /sigh

Not sure this is for me. Fortunately Netflix has a lot of top stuff to watch instead.
Didn't really prove anything, as skepticism about his powers continued after his death. How many people had to die or have their lives ruined by Kilgrave before she realized killing him was the only solution? Simpson was right, and had she listened to him from the start almost a dozen people would still be alive.

The whole point of the last scenes were to show that though some may want to turn a blind eye to it there's more than enough people who can vouch for it. From cops who became blood thirsty minions because of this man to random people lining up and trying to kill each other because he said so to an entire hospital searching for her. These events are too big to hide as we have no reason to think he could erase every recording of these highly public events. That was the point of her getting outta jail, the court had to accept that she and these other people were being controlled even though. That's the reason so many people want to "hire" her as a "hero" for them, word got out about what she did to stop a guy who could control peoples minds.

She, as a PI, wanted to prove this man existed. She wanted to beat him. The world now knows what he did and what he could do, he was outsmarted and defeated. Even with his upgrades he couldn't control her. Those were her goals and that wouldn't have been satisfied if she had just snapped his neck on the street in front of everyone or let Simmons blow him up. He would have just stopped and his victims would have no peace.


Just tried watching the first episode but so much is just clichéd and dull. The whole conversation between her and her boss? Just awful. Such a badass she does a conversation on the loo; written by teens? Children maybe? Also she's great at her job but also extremely poor because life...I mean ignore PIs charge very well I guess. /sigh

Not sure this is for me. Fortunately Netflix has a lot of top stuff to watch instead.

Jup, same here.
One episode episode down and its terrible. The main protagonist is miscast in my opinion
Went on to watch "MASTER OF NONE" and the amazing FARGO and had a great evening instead.
Episode 6:

Kilgrave restraining himself to try to buy the house "legitimately" was a cool scene. I'm not done with the episode though so I don't know if ends up just killing/torturing/maiming the guy somehow.
saw episode 4
was an okay episode but i liked 3 the best so far. i like the sarge and i like trish. but im not sure if i like them together so quickly. he just tried to kill her in the previous episode. but i do like them. just not sure about the pacing of their arc. i like jeri hogarth a little more. the malcolm guy being the camera stalker was obvious telegraph. not sure if that reveal was supposed to be the episode's ending. it was just too there.

oh the bits about the rich couple was amusing :> i think the only weakness in this scene for me was the closing where the husband squeaked with "i want a divorce" and then the top of the door frame fell off and the woman yelped. i think that closing robbed the scene of something... idk. the scene had a message, i thought. about how people cope differently with losses and the woman lost her mother in the battle of ny but she's dealing with it ... badly (pettily) but i think it's human to sometimes not being able to deal with things with dignity. idk. it was an interesting scene, but i sort of think it was wrapped up a bit poorly.

all in all, so far, for me: 3>1>4=2

on to episode 5 :>
Episode 6:

Kilgrave restraining himself to try to buy the house "legitimately" was a cool scene. I'm not done with the episode though so I don't know if ends up just killing/torturing/maiming the guy somehow.

I liked that too.
Just before that I was wondering if he was bored being able to get whatever he wanted.
Finished episode 6. Luke's dialog was a bit much. I got where he was coming from, of course, but did the writers really need to include
"You let me be inside you."

I mean, the audience didn't need to be reminded, y'know?

I liked that too.
Just before that I was wondering if he was bored being able to get whatever he wanted.

Dunno if you saw the interview with David Tennant about the character, but based on his comments in that interview, yeah, I think that's spot on.
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