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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

Comic and up to Episode 6 spoilers:

In the comic, Luke and Jessica have been FWB for quite some time already and there's no connection between Luke and Jessica's time under the control of Kilgrave. The relationship/love interest/sex stuff is split between another character (Scott Lang, the main character from the Ant-Man movie) and Luke. So it makes sense that they're doing something different with it, but it still feels unnecessary. :/

And yeah, that scene helped a lot in making Pam likable but it made me even more confused because I was like: Why are you going along with this?

In other news, my boyfriend says Kilgrave reminds him of one of my uncles. D: D: D: D:
oooh that's very different.... mm. i think... knowing this i sort of dislike what they are doing to TV ! luke and jessica a bit more. cuz now they've got this 'dark past' shared between them and it's kinda too emo for me :< but maybe... they know where they are going with it, so i'll hold on for now....

YES. that scene had same effect on me. i was like... oh hey pam, you're pretty decent... but then why... why are you dating this person.... XD;;;;;

but i ... sort of enjoy complexity and i was hoping they will expand / continue with pam's arc so i can understand why she's doing what she's doing

omg kark said that??? is he right? does your uncle remind you of kilgrave ??? .... spooky if so!!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Episode 7:
I like the
awkwardness to Kilgrave's police station speech as well. I always enjoy sinister villains when they appear unhinged enough to be genuinely sort of awkward
Episode 8

Jesus Christ at the nightmare. That type of stuff always creeps me out.

The breakfast with nosy ass neighbor was quite awkward and Kilgrave made me like him for that short moment.

Wow at his childhood. His parents are/were scumbags. Even had me feeling sorry for ol dude.

Yooooo holy shit that ending! This mofo really is evil.

Also, "Bitches, right?"


Yea I'm starting to think the backhalf is schlocky. Hopefully it doesn't bottom out even further and episode 10 is just a temporary lowpoint.


I quit at episode 5. I wasn't expecting an action show like DareDevil but it's just not doing anything for me. I just don't think Jessica is that interesting as a character.

I do want to see more Luke Cage. But in a better show.
I was talking more about the apartment and her trying to stalk Kilgrave through the apartment once her cover was blown. Kilgrave could have just as easily stayed there and told her to stop moving. Once her element of surprise was gone, the plan was a total waste. I'm guessing though that Marvel needed their fight scene so it ended up with her going through the apartment and fighting the family.
That wasn't a "plan", that was her desperately trying to save her plan. The fact that Killgrave ran in the first place would give you the feeling that you could do what you set out to do if you're fast enough.[/B]

No, she got somewhat lucky with the (Ep-5)
stalker situation in that someone in the recovery group was able to tell her what color scarf the guy was wearing. I will grant her points for having access to the police footage but she definitely got lucky with that one. She did come up with the plan to contain him but she also loses points for not doing what Simpson suggested and stalk Kilgrave for a small period of time.
That's not a strike against her skills. Remember, she MADE the victims group to collect and compile information about Killgrave.
One of the members happened to have information about him that was useful, shocking.
That's info that would have never come about if she hadn't formed that group.[/B]

The Supermax idea was not solid on any conceptual level. As shown at the end of the episode, he could have just as easily blackmailed guards to get her out or do whatever. I thought the drug addict situation would have taught her that he doesn't need to be around a person to completely control them. Also no way was she getting put into Supermax in a couple of hours. Like wut? It was a bad idea on every conceptual level and it played out largely how I suspected although she should have just killed Kilgrave the moment he popped up in the police station. There was everything she needed and she let that window of opportunity go.
The whole point of her showing her super strength and
ripping a guys head off was to show them she needed Supermax asap as that would be the only way to contain her. Once she's in there Killgrave would have to make a scene.

I mean yeah, he could probably "black mail" some people into allowing her to leave ...
but she's so strong she could easily stay in jail once she gets there. Unless you think a warden sending guard after guard to have their arms or legs broken to "free" a violent super human wont raise some eyebrows. That's the meat of the plan, that's why he wouldn't allow it to happen ... there's simply no way to get her to LEAVE supermax without making a scene because she can stay as long as she wants.

Also, you're confusing me. You're saying she should have attacked him head on
in the station yet she shouldn't have followed him in the apartment?
At that point in time
she was still under the notion that she could be controlled.

I haven't gotten to the later example so I can't comment on that one.

It doesn't make sense when the person is as dangerous as Kilgrave. Hell Daredevil spent half the season debating whether he should kill Kingpin and Kingpin was nowhere near as psychotic or dangerous to the public as Kilgrave..

A huge chunk of what DD did was trying to find ways to expose the Kingpin so that he could be sent to jail and his victim could have their justice.

And again, this is JJ ... a PI and a victim looking to expose this monster for others like her. She's not an Avenger who can drop bodies without having to explain a damn thing, she doesn't hide behind a mask and "accidentally" kill people in super ninja fights like DD. She's a normal person slumming it in a roach infested apartment in the inner city trying to make a living and do her job.
Hell, that's reflected in the ending where
the cops were willing to put her IN JAIL for killing Kilgrave! Without the everyday people there who were a part of this event saying Kilgrave had these powers and used said powers to force her to kill him she would have been charged with murder cause she can't prove he's a mind controlling monster if he's dead and there's no reliable witnesses to his powers.
Based Sean Callery. I love that he is doing the score to this show. Some of the themes have this awesome sounding bass which gives me Super Castlevania IV vibes. Like for example: Episode 6 -
The music that plays when Jessica and Luke are following the guy that impersonated Antoine.



Wow I thought it had hit rock-bottom midway through the episode. lol no
The fuck

why the fuck did they change Zebediah Kilgrave to Kevin Kilgrave

Kevin is a shitty supervillain name (even in Sin City)

This and this Trish shit is annoying as hell


That lawyer chick and her side story is annoying as fuck.

I really like this show (I'm on episode 9). For the most part, I think the show is pretty well done.

But I agree with you completely.

So far, based on what I've watched, that entire side story is / was completely unnecessary.

It drags the rest of the show down.


Just watched the last 4 episodes.

I was already mixed on the show, but it just got worse as it went on.

Show felt like 6 episodes too long, and no budget.


The fuck

why the fuck did they change Zebediah Kilgrave to Kevin Kilgrave

Kevin is a shitty supervillain name (even in Sin City)

This and this Trish shit is annoying as hell

I don't care about this kind of stuff. I let the TV show stand on its own. Changing names from the comics doesn't matter at all. Especially since Zebediah is a really stupid name (and his first name doesn't matter) and Trish still has her comics name anyways.
The tone in this thread sure has changed since the episodes went up lol

I think most people were expecting it to be DD 2 when it actually turned out to be very different in both tone and in how the characters are depicted. DD is more of a gritty super hero show with the main point being the safety of the city where as JJ is more a dark gumshoe story that's much more focused on being at the personal level of a person struggling with real problems that aren't brushed away as slight gimmicks.
I don't care about this kind of stuff. I let the TV show stand on its own. Changing names from the comics doesn't matter at all. Especially since Zebediah is a really stupid name (and his first name doesn't matter) and Trish still has her comics name anyways.
your name is kevin isn't it


I think most people were expecting it to be DD 2 when it actually turned out to be very different in both tone and in how the characters are depicted. DD is more of a gritty super hero show with the main point being the safety of the city where as JJ is more a dark gumshoe story that's much more focused on being at the personal level.

Not with this backhalf. Turned into something I would expect from Arrow.

I'm literally sitting here wondering whether I should continue due to how bad 10 is. It's something I would expect from the CW (well maybe not Flash, I do hold that show up pretty high).
Episode 9

"Was Murdercorpse already taken?" Ha!

Yo damn, good lawd. That peptalk/fingered on the desk scene.

Ummm wow, the last 10-15 minutes or however long it was was crazy, and brutal. And why didn't his powers work on her? Because no direct skin contact? But that wouldn't make sense since a lot of the people he compels aren't touched by him.


Just finished ep 3. This show is sooo dark, man.

Glances at this thread make it seem like it takes a bit of a dive. Don't care, I ride and die for Krysten Ritter.


Episode 13

i really wanted rapistfuckface to get a real beating before he died. I was a little disappointed that the final showdown was just a neck snap basically. He deserved way worse than that.


your name is kevin isn't it

Not at all. I just find complaints in these tv shows and films that boil down to "it is different from the comics, so I don't like it" as possibly the worst kind of criticism. As long as it is enjoyable as its own thing, I couldn't give two shits about how it was in the comics or why it's different.

And I say this as a huge fan of the Abnett/Lanning GotG, who got excited for the movie based on that, realized the film wasn't that...and still loved it for what it was instead.
just finished episode 10, and so far i've been mixed on the show. like, there was def a string of 2-3 episodes that were completely useless and just felt like padding where
jessica started sending pics to kilgrave, went to live with him, and basically for a while became his slave without him directly commanding her to do things.
it started out interesting, but i think overall making
the overarching big bad was kind of dumb. everything about him screams c-level comic book villian where he has one single gimmick that he bases all of his crimes on. like, reading up on wikipedia jessica jones's backstory this makes sense, but it still feels like a conflict that would take up two or three episodes at most in any other superhero show that was bloated out to fill a 13 episode season.

like, merlyn in arrow s01? that's supposed to be the anti-green arrow, so a 20 episode season on that, plus focusing on other villians and setting up the hero in the first place, makes sense.

deathstroke in arrow s2? makes total sense, one of the few guys in the dc universe that can go toe to toe with batman without having any superpowers, he's big enough for an entire season.

ras al ghul in arrow s3? again, he's a big enough villian for an entire season, he leads an entire league of assassins.

damien dark and HIVE in arrow s4? this is mostly a show creation so maybe he is big enough for an entire season, having an entire organization is a good start.

reverse flash in flash s1? this guy is the antiflash, of course he's big enough for a season

zoom in flash s2? ditto.

general zodette in supergirl s1? mos had basically this villian, of couse they're big enough.

kingbin in daredevil s1? yes, he is a crime lord and def big enough for a superhero season--again, he has an entire organization to work with.

but kilgrove in jessica jones just feels like they gave captain vertigo or mirror master an entire season of arrow or flash. it just seems that villian is too low level to give the hero that much trouble.
Yea I'm starting to think the backhalf is schlocky. Hopefully it doesn't bottom out even further and episode 10 is just a temporary lowpoint.

That's when the series started diving for me as well. There were a couple questionable choices made in regards to the plot and the side characters started to annoy me. Thankfully I thought the show recovered in episodes 12 and 13. They didn't quite match the highs of the earlier episodes, but still good. Opinions seem to be all over the place though so there is no telling what you'll think of it.


Episode 7 is just...fuuuuuuuck.

Ruben getting Kilgraved in such a shitty way. I felt legitimately bad for Robyn at the end, when she was screaming his name at the hallway.

Kilgrave holding the police precinct at gunpoint was also tense. Tennant had such a presence in the scene wearing the purple suit, especially when he snaps into violent rage and reels back. Just WOW.


I've watched through episode 9 now and I actually think 8 is my favourite so far. The show has been pretty consistently good, but that particular episode really stands out. That said, I think the police station scene in Episode 7 might be the best in the show so far.
Not at all. I just find complaints in these tv shows and films that boil down to "it is different from the comics, so I don't like it" as possibly the worst kind of criticism. As long as it is enjoyable as its own thing, I couldn't give two shits about how it was in the comics or why it's different.

And I say this as a huge fan of the Abnett/Lanning GotG, who got excited for the movie based on that, realized the film wasn't that...and still loved it for what it was instead.
Well good thing I'm not saying that. This whole show is completely different from Alias. The whole MCU is different from the comics. If I really wanted to give this stuff shit, I would bring up every single change.

All I said is Kevin is a shitty supervillain name. It's such an arbitrary change. You say names don't matter, well I doubt you would tolerate Starlord being renamed Moonking or Peter Quill being renamed John Smith.


That's when the series started diving for me as well. There were a couple questionable choices made in regards to the plot and the side characters started to annoy me. Thankfully I thought the show recovered in episodes 12 and 13. They didn't quite match the highs of the earlier episodes, but still good. Opinions seem to be all over the place though so there is no telling what you'll think of it.

I'm just sitting here wondering what the director/writers were thinking. Ep-10
I feel like any sort of nuance, not that the show had much to begin with, is just totally thrown out the window.


Well good thing I'm not saying that. This whole show is completely different from Alias. The whole MCU is different from the comics. If I really wanted to give this stuff shit, I would bring up every single change.

All I said is Kevin is a shitty supervillain name. It's such an arbitrary change. You say names don't matter, well I doubt you would tolerate Starlord being renamed Moonking or Peter Quill being renamed John Smith.

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