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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Had to stop after 30min of the first episode. Shit begins with sex, has sex in the middle and probably ends with more sex. No thanks, not what I want from my Marvel movies/series.

Funny when people are so averse to sex in tv shows and movies when it's such a natural human thing.
Test tube obviously

Just joking. Yeah you're right maybe I'm too sensitive but still not my cup of tea
Fair enough. As a heads up, the Netflix shows are all concerned with showing a darker side go the Marvel U, so you'd be best off avoiding future attempts.

Oh yeah I completely forgot about Jessica taking a dump. How do you think she got around the no toilet paper? Is she a no-wiper?
On Kilgrave:
You learn more about his origin and motivations as you go along. It's not all about Jessica so don't worry

just saw episode 9.

i hope you dont mean that 'more' to kilgrave was about his dark past? what i meant as a comment on his character before was for his current motivations, you know, like how kingpin has a business and a second in command and aspirations and a girlfriend. those are all current.

kilgrave is mostly about his obsession with jessica plus some desire to resolve his issues with his parents. kingpin had that too, with his dad and everything BUT he also has other stuff.

i think they were lucky they cast tennant as kilgrave to be honest. he really carried the show, for me.

im losing my fondness of trish and will simpson and everyone else in the cast except for maybe malcolm, at the moment. i like flawed characters but increasingly, the characters' choices felt a little less real to me and a little too much writerly. of course i know that all charcters' arcs are written by writers, they are fictional after all, but there is a line where i could feel a character has agency and his/her choices feel like it belongs to him/her and then there is the other side of the line where i feel as if their choices are a must-be-done action because the series/story must move that way.

jj started out promisingly, but yeah... im not very fond of it at the moment and i only have 3 episodes left to go

oh and ... just as a side note, i actually find it above standard, if i have been critical it is because i expected more from it. as a show, and a superhero show at it, it is a clear superior above flash, arrow, agents of shield, gotham, etc. clear above.
Episode 11:

Was this a reference of
Heath Ledger's Joker

what doesn't kill you makes you stranger

Or is that just another saying ?


Fair enough. As a heads up, the Netflix shows are all concerned with showing a darker side go the Marvel U, so you'd be best off avoiding future attempts.

Oh yeah I completely forgot about Jessica taking a dump. How do you think she got around the no toilet paper? Is she a no-wiper?
Secondary superpower


Watched the first 3 episodes last night. We definitely like it, and will keep going. Even though I read comic books occasionally, I know absolutely nothing about Jessica Jones, which is maybe why I might enjoy it more than regular readers.
Binge watched first 8 eps while nursing a hangover from day drinking yesterday. Love David Tennant's performance, took a bit to get used to cause he sounds exactily like 10 haha. Plot is a bit simple as others have said but I like it
Finished it! Really enjoyed it! I think it has some higher highs than Daredevil but isn't as consistent.

General impressions. No story spoilers.
It lost steam towards the end. Not quite enough story to fill out thirteen full episodes, which leads to some pointless filler among the supporting cast.

Very adult for a Marvel show. Very feminist, in my opinion.

Kilgrave was awesome. The main cast in general was really good. The supporting cast, less so.


On Ep11 now. Enjoyed the first three-four and then it's downhill so far. Very stupid plotting. Should've been half as long? Hopefully the remaining episodes will make up for it.


So finally finished up Jessica Jones and I find it better than Daredevil. I loved the fights, Kingpin, the story,everything really of Daredevil. Jones just has something about it that made me so interested in watching every episode. I loved Tennant's portrayal as Killgrave, loved Colter's Cage, and want to see more of Ritter as Jones. All in all a great show


The show definitely goes downhill fast. So many dull side characters. They forgot to give Luke Cage a personality, which is worrying since he's getting his own show. Ritter and Tenant were great, but nobody else stands out in the slightest.

The early episodes where Kilgrave is a creepy, mysterious presence were the only genuinely good episodes.


Like others, I liked the first few eps, then it just got weird and tiring. Don't get me wrong, it's still good.
6 episodes in i can say that's it's definitely no Daredevil but it's still leagues above TV crap like Arrow, Flash and SHIELD.

i'm entertained and the dumb stuff is not that dumb (well at least not all of it) that's good enough.
Episode 11:

Was this a reference of
Heath Ledger's Joker

what doesn't kill you makes you stranger

Or is that just another saying ?
Probably. They made a Lion King and Star Wars reference as well.

I bet DC Comics and DC movies exist in the MCU. Would be fun if in the DCEU, Marvel comics and MCU stuff exist in that universe


Just finished, really enjoyed it. I'd say it's about on par with Daredevil: I think the writing and acting in JJ were better but DD had way better action.

It's strange how outside of Loki the MCU movies don't have any really good villains, and then the Netflix series come along and give us Fisk and Kilgrave.
I understand the two are different. I guess my complaint is they really do a piss poor job if showing off her power. She can crumple metal like paper in the show yet she's not knocking normal humans out in one punch? You can say she's holding back to not kill people but just exactly how much was she holding back for these fools to keep getting up unphased (speaking on the security guys that tazed her).

Yea, this bothered me as well.


Finished Episode 8 and that one is my favorite so far. Kilgrave is such an awesome character, yet I feel he could be more menacing as awful as that sounds lol.

El Topo

It's strange how outside of Loki the MCU movies don't have any really good villains, and then the Netflix series come along and give us Fisk and Kilgrave.

It is a lot easier to flesh out a character when you have ten, thirteen episodes. You can give the characters room to breathe, to develop, you give the audience time to get attached to them.

Finished Episode 8 and that one is my favorite so far. Kilgrave is such an awesome character, yet I feel he could be more menacing as awful as that sounds lol.

I think the challenge is to find the right balance, to not turn him into a simple monster, a one-note villain, but a complex character. I thought he was a lot more menacing because of that.
It is a lot easier to flesh out a character when you have ten, thirteen episodes. You can give the characters room to breathe, to develop, you give the audience time to get attached to them.
You're spot on. If every MCU movie was like, 30 minutes longer and those 30 extra minutes were dedicated to the villains they would be waaaaaaay better. Villains like Ultron and Yellowjacket and especially Malakith would have benefited so much
Finished Episode 8 and that one is my favorite so far. Kilgrave is such an awesome character, yet I feel he could be more menacing as awful as that sounds lol.

He could have been more directly menacing, but the way he's handled makes perfect sense for the themes they hit for him in the show


Episode 5 is seriously the dumbest shit I've seen when you consider her superhuman abilities. At one point I was screaming at my TV. EL Ol EL.

This series feels like a social commentary about rape survivors.


Finished it, just didn't connect with me. The fight scenes were incredibly frustrating to watch. I understand she's not at superman level strength but come on. I was literally cringing watching. Casting was solid, the dialogue was good. The storyline was pretty Meh though. And I have to say it was annoying as all hell seeing a women who's supposedly so independent and bad ass turn into a whimpering little animal whenever she sees her most hated sworn enemy.


I'm a few episodes in and Luke
found out Jessica's terrible secret. What I don't get or have misunderstood is the whole bus driver thing. Didn't the hospital report earlier say that he was dead? But now he's completely healthy?


Episode 9, I must have been zoned out for a second,
Did it show the wire being cut? I assume Hogarth did it since she's the only on with an ulterior motive and said "I didn't think you would...", but if she wanted to free him to help her divorce (sigh..) why would she cut an emergency wire instead of just freeing him when she had the chance and turned back.


The show... just didn't feel like it needed 13 episodes...

It's weird you would think that these more compact order numbers would allow them to pace their shows properly, but had issues with Agent Carter, Daredevil and Jessica Jones all feeling like they needed a few less episodes so they wouldn't need to keep stalling for time before the climax ramps up.

Kilgrave was creepy in his motivations for a while until everyone just became silly in their decision-making to stretch out the arc for a full 13.

Not to say the show wasn't enjoyable. Though really good show. Just such a slog at times
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