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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Episode 9, I must have been zoned out for a second,
Did it show the wire being cut? I assume Hogarth did it since she's the only on with an ulterior motive and said "I didn't think you would...", but if she wanted to free him to help her divorce (sigh..) why would she cut an emergency wire instead of just freeing him when she had the chance and turned back.
Someone (Jessica) was coming so she turned back.
The show... just didn't feel like it needed 13 episodes...

It's weird you would think that these more compact order numbers would allow them to pace their shows properly, but had issues with Agent Carter, Daredevil and Jessica Jones all feeling like they needed a few less episodes so they wouldn't need to keep stalling for time before the climax ramps up.

Kilgrave was creepy in his motivations for a while until everyone just became silly in their decision-making to stretch out the arc for a full 13.

Not to say the show wasn't enjoyable. Though really good show. Just such a slog at times
well I see what you're sayin about the whole 13 episodes feeling formulaic and not organic for story telling, but daredevil I feel like, was good with 13 episodes. The whole season was great and there's only really one episode that was filler, and even that filler episode was kind of necessary.
Man 7 episodes in and the fight scenes with Jessica in it are complete shit. Did they not teach her how to throw a punch before they filmed? She does the weakest Rounda Rousey impression, quick cut to man flying. Shit's so bad.
Jessica Jones is sooooo much better than Daredevil.
it's really not (to me). It's definitely a great show but as far as a superhero show and whatnot Daredevil just did a better job. It was more consistent and it did a great job of keeping things grounded but also laying the groundwork for much bigger things.

The way I look at it is I can easily see daredevil popping into one of the big marvel movies but I don't know if I can see that for JJ yet. It was a great show though in its own right. Very different. But purely from a comic book show standpoint I see why most people prefer DD.

JJ was just less consistent even if you ignore how different the shows are.
7 episodes in and I feel this show could have been much better with a lower episode count. Also, the fight scenes are all kinds of meh. Rather not have them tbh if the qualities like this.


- THR: 'Jessica Jones' Boss on
Losing Carol Danvers
, Exploring Rape Responsibly and Season 2 *Spoilers*
When did you know where you wanted to be at the end of 13 episodes? When did you know what the arc of the first season had to be?

When you're talking about what is essentially a 13-hour movie, I always start with, "Where is she starting and where do you want her to end up?" That can obviously change in terms of how she ends up where she's going to end up, but that was early on, from right back from when we were pitching the season. Then it was about working backward and laying out all those, where does she meet, how is she going to get there, what are the stepping stones and then placing them. We really look at the full season first before we start breaking down the individual episodes.

Is there room for a second season of Jessica Jones before The Defenders in your mind?

I hope so. There certainly is story-telling wise. The question becomes is there actual time? There are logistics involved, because Defenders has to shoot by a certain time, contractually. Actually, I'm not sure; I'm not at all involved in those conversations, much to my dismay. The first question is whether or not we will even get a second season. The second question is, if so, when? Will it be before The Defenders or after? I'd certainly love it to be before but there are things that play into that — time, availability.

When they get to Defenders they're obviously going to be using Jessica and you say that you won't necessarily be involved with that. How much are you going to want to be involved? Are you going to want to have conversations with The Defenders people and say, "Here's what you have to know about Jessica"?

I'm a complete control freak when it comes to this character. I will do everything in my power to protect the character in whatever forms. They'll have to throw me kicking and screaming out of that building. But they own the property. They've really been inclusive thus far so I'm not really worried about it.


7 episodes in, I really like it. Not up to Daredevils level but a great interpretation of the character. Ritter is the perfect Jessica Jones.

Going to be hard to watch Supergirl with a straight face after this.


As someone who hasn't got around to watching the show yet, surprised to read a lot a rather more mixed impressions than I was originally expecting.


As someone who hasn't got around to watching the show yet, surprised to read a lot a rather more mixed impressions than I was originally expecting.

I think some people had different expectations that didn't really line up.

Jessica Jones is a completely different show than Daredevil and the rest of the MCU. If it didn't make any references to any MCU events or characters, it you wouldn't be able to tell it's a Marvel show (if you also take away the Marvel Studios logo from the intro).

Orphan Black comes to mind when I think of a show to compare to, tonally.


This show is fucked up. Really fucked up. no, i mean really really really fucked up.
I feel like they went all out when they realized there's very little chance of this ever directly tying into the films due to the large separation between the TV and film divisions.


On the final episode now! This one I'm excited about!

The action has been piss poor all season BUT it was actually good in Episode 12. I liked what I saw in that episode.
Would be another proof that people who watch this stuff dont know a shit about the source material.
I was never a huge fan of the source material to begin with so I will naturally be harder on it, so I admit that bias.

Also some things made me giggle when it came to jessica's powers. There's an episode (show spoils)
where she lifts luke cage and it looks absolutely easy as hell for her and then another scene she's dragging a body and it's looking pretty hard for her knees wobbling and all.


I think some people had different expectations that didn't really line up.

Jessica Jones is a completely different show than Daredevil and the rest of the MCU. If it didn't make any references to any MCU events or characters, it you wouldn't be able to tell it's a Marvel show (if you also take away the Marvel Studios logo from the intro).

Orphan Black comes to mind when I think of a show to compare to, tonally.

The show is what I expected it to be, I just don't think it executed it well.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm gonna be that guy for a sec: this is a better example of a feminist show than Supergirl imo

I have to agree. Even how fucked up this show is, its better than supergirl.

I feel like they went all out when they realized there's very little chance of this ever directly tying into the films due to the large separation between the TV and film divisions.

yeah. Jessica is a mess of a superhero to exist with the Disney wholesome avengers.
The show was decent the first couple of episodes but goes off the rails and limps itself to the finish. I'm surprised at the high critical reception.


About Luke Cage (up to episode 6)
How strong is he exactly ?

Sometimes it feels like he's not as strong as Jessica, sometimes stronger ...

Does he even have superhuman strength ?

Why did he struggle so much against the big mafia dude when Jessica abandoned him ?

My first thought was "is that guy another superhuman ?"

Extremely inconsistent power levels in this show...
On the subject of Killgrave;

He's not a smaller villain in any way. His power is insane. Imagine if he actually bothered walking over to Avengers tower. Instead he's affixed on Jessica, which makes it all the creepier.

I guess that's what happens when you make grand sweeping statements about a series you've not even finished mind.

i've finished the series and i still feel that way. if he showed up in arrow or flash literally the only thing that would happen is that they'd give ollie/barry ear plugs or something similar and he'd go down in a heartbeat. they literally showed in the last episode
if you're wearing headphones you can't be controlled,
which makes taking him down for any superhero not really any big deal. he has one gimmick and once you beat that he's easy as shit to take down, and throughout the season they made
ways to knock him out that prevent him from using his powers, ways to prevent people from being controlled, and ways for people to be cured after they've been controlled.

in any other show they'd treat this guy as "we know how to neutralize him quickly before he can do much harm and we can fix the collateral damage if we move quick enough" so there's no reason it should take more than a few episodes. even if you want to make
a huge thing for jessica because of the ptsd, that arc still shouldn't have taken more than six episodes or so. yet here we are.

About half way through and while I enjoy it I can't say it's any better than average. For someone of her supposed strength it is not portrayed well at all. Also, wouldn't it be pretty easy to just put some headphones on and capture or kill Killgrave? Between her and Luke it would take 5 minutes.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
About half way through and while I enjoy it I can't say it's any better than average. For someone of her supposed strength it is not portrayed well at all. Also, wouldn't it be pretty easy to just put some headphones on and capture or kill Killgrave? Between her and Luke it would take 5 minutes.


Episodes 1-12 spoilers

This show is very inconsistent imo,
I really enjoyed the early episode Kilgrave effects of showing him sort of just pop up inside her head but that just sort of goes away
. Overall I feel like I don't understand why most of the characters are making bad decision after bad decision
I mostly dislike that characters keep wanting to help/want to do it on their own and end up getting in the way.
I've only seen 12 episodes but
is it ever explained why Hogarth seemingly breaks her back to help Jessica Jones while not getting much in return? (constantly getting interrupted at her law firm, being expected to drop everything and help JJ at a moments notice)
Kilgrave sort of lost some steam once it was clear he had no interest in killing JJ
. The action is poor as well but that is less of an issue compared to how often characters just act on dump plans (
early season it was fine I thought but when JJ wanted to go to prison, mostly everything after they catch Kilgrave in that sound proof room
). I would say Jessica Jones is a mediocre show and I hope like hell season 2 steps it up big time but I won't hold my breath.


i've finished the series and i still feel that way. if he showed up in arrow or flash literally the only thing that would happen is that they'd give ollie/barry ear plugs or something similar and he'd go down in a heartbeat. they literally showed in the last episode
if you're wearing headphones you can't be controlled,
which makes taking him down for any superhero not really any big deal.

I'm not done yet but if that's the case then that might ruin a large part of the show. How the fuck did nobody think to try that?
About half way through and while I enjoy it I can't say it's any better than average. For someone of her supposed strength it is not portrayed well at all. Also, wouldn't it be pretty easy to just put some headphones on and capture or kill Killgrave? Between her and Luke it would take 5 minutes.

Not sure why people keep harping on this one. It was pretty obvious that headphones aren't a viable way to defend yourself from that guy.

Trish got away with it because he wasn't interested in her at all and didn't see her as a threat. The cops could have/should have shot her immediately. The second some scrub hit her from behind the headphones went flying and were useless.

Killgrave doesn't even issue direct orders to JJ for 99% of the show. The problem is all of the OTHER people that will be collateral damage- innocent people throwing themselves at her to defend him, cutting their own throats, little kids being used as messengers, etc.

For half the show they couldn't even find him because he was so good at using surrogates to cover his tracks, then having said surrogates suicide so they weren't in a position to talk.

Not to mention that a big part of the problem was that his powers are so "out there" that people underestimate what he can do, or dismiss it as a fraud- up until the point where kilgrave tells them to shoot their own heads off. Even Jeri didn't believe how terrible he was despite being told over and over again until he literally had his mother stab herself to death in front of everyone.
Episodes 1-12 spoilers

This show is very inconsistent imo,
I really enjoyed the early episode Kilgrave effects of showing him sort of just pop up inside her head but that just sort of goes away
. Overall I feel like I don't understand why most of the characters are making bad decision after bad decision
I mostly dislike that characters keep wanting to help/want to do it on their own and end up getting in the way.
I've only seen 12 episodes but
is it ever explained why Hogarth seemingly breaks her back to help Jessica Jones while not getting much in return? (constantly getting interrupted at her law firm, being expected to drop everything and help JJ at a moments notice)
Kilgrave sort of lost some steam once it was clear he had no interest in killing JJ
. The action is poor as well but that is less of an issue compared to how often characters just act on dump plans (
early season it was fine I thought but when JJ wanted to go to prison, mostly everything after they catch Kilgrave in that sound proof room
). I would say Jessica Jones is a mediocre show and I hope like hell season 2 steps it up big time but I won't hold my breath.

no, hogarth's motivations aren't really elaborated on. yeah the
prison plan
was one of the worst plans i've ever heard in any sort of media (i mean, characters usually say "this is a bad plan" for emphasis but this takes it to a whole new level). i do agree the early on ptsd moments are some of the best parts of the show, and they very quickly drop them for no real reason after like episode two or something and then show
that she's "cured" when they still have half a season to go, making that arc of her getting past that ptsd seems unnecessary when it happened so removed from the climax.

Not sure why people keep harping on this one. It was pretty obvious that headphones aren't a viable way to defend yourself from that guy.

Trish got away with it because he wasn't interested in her at all and didn't see her as a threat. The cops could have/should have shot her immediately. The second some scrub hit her from behind the headphones went flying and were useless.

Killgrave doesn't even issue direct orders to JJ for 99% of the show. The problem is all of the OTHER people that will be collateral damage- innocent people throwing themselves at her to defend him, cutting their own throats, little kids being used as messengers, etc.

For half the show they couldn't even find him because he was so good at using surrogates to cover his tracks, then having said surrogates suicide so they weren't in a position to talk.

right, but
the fact that they worked at all and prevented trish from being controlled showed that they did work. all they really needed to do is take him out using someone he didn't know that was using headphones (like luke before he met luke) before he realizes he's under attack. would've only taken like five seconds if you wanted him dead, slightly longer if you wanted him alive (luke could've fought off the bodyguards easily).


So far I'm like 4 1/2 episodes in and I'm just not feeling it. Daredevil set the bar ridiculously high since it felt like a comic book tv show. JJ just feels like a tv show. I'll probably finish it up next week, but unless the next 5 1/2 episodes are amazing, this gets a miss from me.


Not sure why people keep harping on this one. It was pretty obvious that headphones aren't a viable way to defend yourself from that guy.

Trish got away with it because he wasn't interested in her at all and didn't see her as a threat. The cops could have/should have shot her immediately. The second some scrub hit her from behind the headphones went flying and were useless.

Killgrave doesn't even issue direct orders to JJ for 99% of the show. The problem is all of the OTHER people that will be collateral damage- innocent people throwing themselves at her to defend him, cutting their own throats, little kids being used as messengers, etc.

For half the show they couldn't even find him because he was so good at using surrogates to cover his tracks, then having said surrogates suicide so they weren't in a position to talk.

The show does an awful job of explaining the limitations of the characters' abilities and sometimes seems downright inconsistent. For example the (Ep8)
drug thing not cancelling orders already given, which was the whole purpose of it.


Just finished the final episode. I had hoped
that Kilgrave would have survived
and another disappointing thing was, that
Matt / Daredevil never showed up. I expected him to pop up in the final episode but guess that rumor didn't turn out to be true.

All in all, I liked this show and weren't disappointed. It was way worse than Daredevil though, and I would say it was mediocre.
Just finished the final episode. I had hoped
that Kilgrave would have survived
and another disappointing thing was, that
Matt / Daredevil never showed up. I expected him to pop up in the final episode but guess that rumor didn't turn out to be true.

All in all, I liked this show and weren't disappointed. It was way worse than Daredevil though, and I would say it was mediocre.

i def. agree with everything that's in here. on the topic of
daredevil, i kind of expected him to show up as well but since nobody here really seemed excited at some surprise thing (like you can kind of tell even when it's spoilered out by the text around it) i knew it wasn't going to happen
right, but
the fact that they worked at all and prevented trish from being controlled showed that they did work. all they really needed to do is take him out using someone he didn't know that was using headphones (like luke before he met luke) before he realizes he's under attack. would've only taken like five seconds if you wanted him dead, slightly longer if you wanted him alive (luke could've fought off the bodyguards easily).

Once again-

Headphones will work exactly for as long as it takes for someone to knock them off of you, or cut the wire. Luke cage is bulletproof but Beats By Dre aren't. It would take 15 seconds for Kilgrave or his team to take a bat or a bullet to a pair of headphones and destroy them- and then you've just handed Kilgrave an indestructible bodyguard. genius plan.

Keep in mind also that Luke didn't trust JJ for most of the show (especially after the wife reveal), and even when he was fond of her thought she was totally full of shit when she told him about Kilgrave's abilities. Again, people not taking him seriously was a big part of the problem. Even towards the end of the show Luke just rolled up to Kilgrave assuming he could just punch him and wouldn't be dominated. "mind control" wasn't a real thing to him, and it wasn't real to the NYPD either despite a rash of crazy murders and suicides directly attributed to kilgrave by dozens of people including active cops.

Trish was only able to use headphones as long as she did because Kilgrave didn't care. "Oh, it's patsy. ignore her, kill the other one".

Headphones also don't prevent any civilians in the area from killing themselves as a defensive mechanism, and kilgrave leaned on this one all the time. Remember the cook and maid in the house that moved to slash their throats with razors as soon as they heard a glass break? Or the survivor's group standing on the bar ready to hang themselves? Headphones won't stop that.

And that's assuming you can find kilgrave in the first place, which was the primary problem for half the show. no one remembers seeing him, he erases tapes and footage, bans people from talking about him or just has them kill themselves.


Once again-

Headphones will work exactly for as long as it takes for someone to knock them off of you, or cut the wire. Luke cage is bulletproof but Beats By Dre aren't. It would take 15 seconds for Kilgrave or his team to take a bat or a bullet to a pair of headphones and destroy them- and then you've just handed Kilgrave an indestructible bodyguard. genius plan.

Trish was only able to use them as long as she did because Kilgrave didn't care. "Oh, it's patsy. ignore her, kill them other one".

Headphones also don't prevent any civilians in the area from killing themselves as a defensive mechanism, and kilgrave leaned on this one all the time. Remember the cook and maid in the house that moved to slash their throats with razors as soon as they heard a glass break? Headphones won't stop that.

And that's assuming you can find kilgrave in the first place, which was the primary problem for half the show. no one remembers seeing him, he erases tapes and footage, bans people from talking about him or just has them kill themselves.

Ear plugs and stun grenades. It's fairly easy.

As for people killing themselves, at some point you're gonna have to just roll the dice that he didn't give some batshit insane command contingent on him contacting someone or whatever.
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