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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*

Are you bringing comics knowledge into this or are you just making points 2 and 3 up? The show never says or implies
that, apparently, Kilgrave can control you with anything he does. The show clearly shows that he has to give voice commands. At the end, and for some unexplained reason, Jessica suddenly knows that Kilgrave has leveled up and that his power now works through walls and so on, but there is no explanation for why she knows this.
Unexplained? There was the scene at the hospital where he controls the whole building, right after she comments that there's no way he could. So yes, the show did show his powers are strong enough to affect an entire building, through walls and floors


Ha ha ha. The fight in episode 5 was fucking awful. Man, wtf. It wasn't even just choreography being bad. The entire scene was conceived so poorly, and the editing was horrendous. Smh.

Rest of the episode was pretty alright though.


she doesn't let him out. She thinks about it and it's seduced by it, but in the end she changes her mind and leaves him locked up. Jessica opening it up to save Kilgrave's parents is arguably much more stupid, since they didn't have the shocks anymore. He could have easily gained the upper hand and killed everybody. They were lucky he just wanted to escape and that his power didn't work on Jessica anymore.

But wasn't she the one to CUT the shock cord in the first place? She sabotaged it so he could escape. She was responsible for that.


Ha ha ha. The fight in episode 5 was fucking awful. Man, wtf. It wasn't even just choreography being bad. The entire scene was conceived so poorly, and the editing was horrendous. Smh.

Rest of the episode was pretty alright though.

Duckroll, you have to understand that's not the focus of the show.


Unexplained? There was the scene at the hospital where he controls the whole building, right after she comments that there's no way he could. So yes, the show did show his powers are strong enough to affect an entire building, through walls and floors
Fine, I guess I forgot about that. But that still doesn't explain at all
how his virus changes into an apparently telepathic ability.

I'm saying that if your complaint could be satisfied with a sentence, your complaint wasn't that big of a deal to begin with.
Was that thought seriously not at the back of your mind constantly after you figured out how his (original) power works? Because I don't know what to say that, since it's the most obvious solution in the history of ever.

Duckroll, you have to understand that's not the focus of the show.
What is the actual focus and strength of the show, then?


The fight choreography doesn't really bother me (it's not good, but it's not particularly awful to me either). What does bother me about the fights is that it's really unclear how strong Jessica and Luke are, and makes for a lot of outcomes where you think they should've won easily. For instance, in ep. 5
I don't know why Kilgrave's body guards gave them such a hard time, when it seems like Jessica should be able to toss these guys around easily.
I'm also not sure if Luke is meant to be strength-enhanced too or if that's just all him.
The fight choreography doesn't really bother me (it's not good, but it's not particularly awful to me either). What does bother me about the fights is that it's really unclear how strong Jessica and Luke are, and makes for a lot of outcomes where you think they should've won easily. For instance, in ep. 5
I don't know why Kilgrave's body guards gave them such a hard time, when it seems like Jessica should be able to toss these guys around easily.
I'm also not sure if Luke is meant to be strength-enhanced too or if that's just all him.

Its clear that they have a lot of restraint and control... which is realistically neccesary. I mean they would one hit kill so many people. Its always explains why the fight with Luke/Jessica is the best fight in the whole show
The fight choreography is probably the weakest part of the series, which is weird because Marvel's fight choreography has been damn good since The Winter Solider.

I also kind of thought it was weird that normal humans could occasionally give them a hard time. I justified it in my head as Jessica holding back combined with her being an untrained fighter. Also she doesn't seem to have super durability in the same way that other super powered characters do.

i liked the first couple episodes and the one episode where she goes back to her house was entertaining lol

but other than that they dragged this thing on with the antagonist wayyy too long, it should be over, and dealing with someone with his powers is pretty annoying and they missed like a million chances to get him... ok I don't care anymore just get it over with
So...we might not get S2 till after Defenders
“I hope so. There certainly is storytelling wise. The question becomes is there actual time? There are logistics involved, because Defenders has to shoot by a certain time, contractually. Actually, I’m not sure; I’m not at all involved in those conversations, much to my dismay. The first question is whether or not we will even get a second season. The second question is, if so, when? Will it be before The Defenders or after? I’d certainly love it to be before but there are things that play into that — time, availability.”


It's not telepathic. It's something he emits. Which is why a vaccine would work.
But how does
a virus, or even if it's radiation of some kind (which it's not, they clearly say virus), travel through steel and concrete? Why would it pass through a microphone and out through the speakers? The only way his power can make sense the way it behaves after he levels up is if it's telepathy.
But how does
a virus, or even if it's radiation of some kind (which it's not, they clearly say virus), travel through steel and concrete? Why would it pass through a microphone and out through the speakers? The only way his power can make sense the way it behaves after he levels up is if it's telepathy.
If it's something he emits, it can easily spread through the air, spread through the building. In the comics, he emits pheromones, which probably would make more sense as how he can affect an entire building
EP 10 was fucking dumb.

The whole show is getting ruined because the writers can't find a good reason to not kill Kilgrave. Any normal person would see that killing Kilgrave and letting Hope rot in jail is a great trade off. Especially seeing all the people that died throughout the show.

Then ep 10 happens and once again she has him defenseless. And once again he gets away. FFS

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
EP 10 was fucking dumb.

The whole show is getting ruined because the writers can't find a good reason to not kill Kilgrave. Any normal person would see that killing Kilgrave and letting Hope rot in jail is a great trade off. Especially seeing all the people that died throughout the show.

Then ep 10 happens and once again she has him defenseless. And once again he gets away. FFS

"any normal person"

is Jessica a normal person whose mind is in a healthy place?
EP 10 was fucking dumb.

The whole show is getting ruined because the writers can't find a good reason to not kill Kilgrave. Any normal person would see that killing Kilgrave and letting Hope rot in jail is a great trade off. Especially seeing all the people that died throughout the show.

Then ep 10 happens and once again she has him defenseless. And once again he gets away. FFS

totally agree
like how many people died in that time span so this hope girl can get out of prison, that trade off seems incredibly ridiculous, she could have killed him so easily, but it just so happens after that point when they decide to kill him, it becomes impossible! gimme a break

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
No but at this point her guilt is actively killing people. Honestly, I just want Kilgrave to win now, he's one of the best Marvel villains in television or the movies.

i mean, i agree - but i think the writer's are succeeding in making us frustrated with Jessica's behavior. i also agree Kilgrave is Marvel's best MCU villain to date.

can't wait to start ep 11 tonight


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Finished 9, season should have only been 10 episodes as I know they're just gonna have to bring in some bullshit for another 3 episodes.
Finished the show.

I feel... indifferent to it. 13 episodes was way too long for this show. 6 to 8 would have been the sweet spot. The pacing puts this at the bottom of my standings for super hero shows.

The fight scenes mostly sucked and the portrayal of Jessica's powers was largely poor. The writing was also sometimes very inconsistent. I enjoyed Daredevil far more, mainly because it was far more consistent.
I watched the first three seasons of Mentalist and read up on what happens and yeah, I understand. The first season of Gotham is really rough too so you're probably going to have a hard time with that as well. Second season is a huge jump in quality though. The show finds its own weird, unique tone and just runs with it. Unfortunately you kind of need the first season. I'd say try it out and see how it goes.
It's doubtful whether I can give him a shot tbh. Gotham is at the absolute bottom of my backlog. Only if I have nothing else, will I watch it. I don't trust Heller.


Episode 7...awesome start but
thank god what Jones planned after her neighbour got killed by Killgrave didnt work out...I thought it was really dumb lol...glad it was aborted by that awesome scene at the police station,at least it set that up pretty well...

Also laughed out loud for the first time in this show,because of something about a vacuum cleaner...I really like Trish in this.
EP 10 was fucking dumb.

The whole show is getting ruined because the writers can't find a good reason to not kill Kilgrave. Any normal person would see that killing Kilgrave and letting Hope rot in jail is a great trade off. Especially seeing all the people that died throughout the show.

Then ep 10 happens and once again she has him defenseless. And once again he gets away. FFS

they need him alive to
bury the gays


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Does it get any better? I'm halfway in the first episode... it's kinda boring ;.;


Canadians burned my passport
Five episodes in and I'm loving the show. What's more surprising is that my wife loves it too and she usually hates most of these marvel things I drag her into watching with me.

Kilgrave is probably one of the most terrifying villians I've seen. It's interesting that the villian in Agent Carter has basically the same power, but Kilgrave is several levels more terrifying than that Russian dude.


Up to episode 6 and I'm enjoying the show, but things are beginning to drag a little bit. Same thing happened with Daredevil. Just slows down too much.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
If the ending of episode one doesnt do anything for you,you probably wont like it...

It started to pick up after the restaurant scene, just took a while before anything really happens - it's making sense now.
Episode 10

Yo what the fuck? Seriously?

Why does the brother always gotta get killed? And why the hell was broke ass Cap the one to kill him?

Wow at death by a thousand cuts. Trinity was getting messed up. And then new hotness with the save. Poor ex didn't deserve that. I hate Kilgrave even more now. He's definitely the most evil MCU villain so far, in my opinion.

Jesus, I feel so bad for twin. It's actually quite heartbreaking.


Found the series strong enough, my housemates and I marathoned the series beginning to end all yesterday and hopefully gonna have time to watch the last episode tomorrow. Not on the same level as Daredevil, but I found it brought a new angle to the MCU.

Kilgrave was just wonderful; Tennant was always My Doctor, and I'd almost forgotten just how good an actor he is. Every seen he was in got my undivided attention.
Just finished it. Enjoyable. Loved the bits with Luke Cage. Using Daredevil as a bar, I would say it's a bit below it. Makes me want to rewatch DD again actually.


So I'm up to ep 9, but I'll just chime in and say the fight scenes feel so half assed and poorly planned. I'm not expecting thrilling choreography and I know the focus of the show is not on them but they feel so bad every time one pops up. The power levels of both Cage and Jones feel dialed back considerably.

Another thing that has become more obvious with this and DD is the writers fear of mentioning other MCU heros in their world by name. Namely the Avengers, saying the big green guy or the guy with the hammer is just pointless. Makes the shows feel like knockoffs scared of a cease and desist from Marvel.

I know these shows are supposed to be grounded but they exist in a world where the city was half destroyed by aliens. And yet you never really get a feel for that. It all feels odd.


I can see Tony Stark and Captain America being household names but seeing as The Avengers aren't really street level it makes sense that the overall masses don't really know the names of Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, etc.

I know Thor is pushing it a little but I can accept people not knowing he's THE Thor.
Episode 10

Really, are you kidding me?
She gets knocked out that easily by the twin? So she has superhuman strength but she's just as impervious to injury/danger as any normal human?

And back to the twin. While I understand she's devastated, her actions make no damn sense.

Ugh, I've really liked every episode so far, but some aspects of this one are annoying.

The ending was dumb as hell. What the hell, Hope?


Get Inside Her!
Another thing that has become more obvious with this and DD is the writers fear of mentioning other MCU heros in their world by name. Namely the Avengers, saying the big green guy or the guy with the hammer is just pointless. Makes the shows feel like knockoffs scared of a cease and desist from Marvel.

I feel like this is a conscious choice made to try and not alienate viewers that might have no affinity with Marvel or the movies, but are interested in checking out a new Netflix drama. Saying "The Hulk and Captain America" immediately implies strong ties to a universe you know nothing about, "the green guy" is vague enough that a virgin viewer could comfortably put it aside as unimportant.


So I'm up to ep 9, but I'll just chime in and say the fight scenes feel so half assed and poorly planned. I'm not expecting thrilling choreography and I know the focus of the show is not on them but they feel so bad every time one pops up. The power levels of both Cage and Jones feel dialed back considerably.

Another thing that has become more obvious with this and DD is the writers fear of mentioning other MCU heros in their world by name. Namely the Avengers, saying the big green guy or the guy with the hammer is just pointless. Makes the shows feel like knockoffs scared of a cease and desist from Marvel.

I know these shows are supposed to be grounded but they exist in a world where the city was half destroyed by aliens. And yet you never really get a feel for that. It all feels odd.

The Daredevil writers chalked it up to the fact that saying "alien invasion" out loud multiple times in a show with relative down-to-earth realism just sounded awkward. It'd be like if John Wick took place in the Marvel Universe and there was a single name-drop of "Chitauri" with nothing else.

Besides, there are degrees of separation and secrecy between the Avengers and the rest of the world.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Interesting column from the Washington Post about Jessica Jones with mild, vague spoilers in it: ‘Jessica Jones’ and the way we talk about consent and sexual assault

Alyssa Rosenberg said:
While Kilgrave sexually abuses only some of his victims, his ability to take away their free will lets “Jessica Jones” stage interesting conversations about consent, who can lose it and what it means to have been deprived of your agency.

In the real world, those discussions have become deeply entangled in larger debates about the politics of college campuses and sexual assault law. “Jessica Jones” may not be able to break those deadlocks. But it at least gives us new ways into fraught ideas.


Among the many strengths of “Jessica Jones” is the sympathy the series’ creators show for people who do dreadful things under Kilgrave’s influence, and their insistence on the possibility of reconciliation.


In a similar way, one of the more subtle, and useful, things Kilgrave’s powers do for “Jessica Jones” is that they mean the show can draw a clear distinction between the times when Jessica has genuinely been robbed of her free will and ability to consent, and the occasions on which she’s just making terrible, self-destructive decisions.


This is a refreshingly grown-up perspective on Jessica’s situation. And the series is a nice reminder that although comic books are derided as a kids’ medium, their supernatural setups can provide us with clarifying thought experiments that allow us to approach our present dilemmas with fresh perspectives.
Episode 11

So Simpson is taking super soldier pills, huh? Neat. I wonder what group Kozlov and the others are from. If anyone knows the equivalent of the pills in the comics, please give me a link.

The fight in Jessica's place was great. And oh thank god, I thought Malcolm was about to get got. Also, Luke Cafe walking out of the bar like the terminator was awesome. I'm glad he's indestructible.
Episode 11

So Simpson is taking super soldier pills, huh? Neat. I wonder what group Kozlov and the others are from. If anyone knows the equivalent of the pills in the comics, please give me a link.

The fight in Jessica's place was great. And oh thank god, I thought Malcolm was about to get got. Also, Luke Cafe walking out of the bar like the terminator was awesome. I'm glad he's indestructible.
Love this exchange in 12:
"Tell me, did you bugger my chances with Jessica?"

"No. You screwed that up yourself."

"I'll have to think of a fitting response to that."

The facial expressions are great.
just saw episode 10


so she fought loads of people before but she gets knocked out by robyn to be unconscious for hours


and ugh wtf simpson. i used to like u >____<


just saw episode 10


so she fought loads of people before but she gets knocked out by robyn to be unconscious for hours


and ugh wtf simpson. i used to like u >____<

It's okay! Despite being KO'd by the powers of plot she can still shrug off
a would-be fatal car collision. After an episode of groaning she is completely fine afterwards.


It's okay! Despite being KO'd by the powers of plot she can still shrug off
a would-be fatal car collision. After an episode of groaning she is completely fine afterwards.


So true. They're completely inconsistent with how she's depicted.
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