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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Oh man I got to the end of ep 10 and I was like whaaaaaaaaa- and I thought that was the season and then netflix said it was playing ep 11 and I was like yaaaaaaaaa!

I disagree with people saying the show loses is mojo halfway through, it's been pretty consistent.

It's really heavy though. It's heavier than any other Marvel show, but it's not quite as heavy as something like The Fall, so because of that I'm gonna say Daredevil is better if only because it seems to succeed more at its goals. DD seems to strike a better balance between goofy and gritty. JJ is great but really depressing, lol.


Had to stop halfway through episode 8 last night, I am really looking forward to getting back to it tonight, going to marathon through to the end I think. Not being able to click on spoilers is killing me!

When I am done with this i might try to find some of the Jessica Jones comics, I had never heard of the character before this came out.
Half way through episode 11 and I'm loving it.

I'll admit it went a bit off the rails in 10. I'm not really sure the point of Simpson going rogue except to possibly use him further in another series/movie which I detest the idea of. Let a characters actions be a driving plot force not to franchise your brand. Guess it has to happen sometimes though.

On the whole I've found it to be more compelling, better acted, scripted and more believable than DD and I very much enjoyed that show. I think for all the complaining about stupid sub plots or people acting dumb in JJ it should be noted that the same problem cropped up several times in DD
Enjoyed it. But there were a lot of sideplots of who gives a shit. I'm not sure if they were meant to be set-ups for stuff down the line, or just extraneous filler.

Also, her powers struck me as wildly inconsistent.

JC Sera

Enjoyed it. But there were a lot of sideplots of who gives a shit. I'm not sure if they were meant to be set-ups for stuff down the line, or just extraneous filler.

Also, her powers struck me as wildly inconsistent.
to be fair that somewhat lines up with the comics, with her
flying being super inconsistent


Enjoyed it. But there were a lot of sideplots of who gives a shit. I'm not sure if they were meant to be set-ups for stuff down the line, or just extraneous filler.

Also, her powers struck me as wildly inconsistent.

I agree about the inconsistency, but after some reflection, maybe she doesn't know her limits or what she can and can't do? Just my assumption.


I'm surprised people are confused about Jessica not knocking out everyone in one punch.

Spoiler for Ep 3
One of the big things about Jessica is that she does not like her powers. She doesn't want to be a superhero. The first time she attempted to use her powers to save someone, it led to her using them to kill an innocent woman. The show made it very clear that she can kill with a single punch.

Since then, she's ran from her abilities. She hasn't practiced using them or controlling them, so when she gets into a fight, she pulls her punches majorly, in order to avoid killing again.

As for her durability fluctuating, she definitely has better than human durability, and it's clearly stated that she has better than human healing, but she's not on Luke's level. A blow to the head will still knock her out.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
to be fair that somewhat lines up with the comics, with her
flying being super inconsistent
Heh yep. Although the comics have the advantage of Jessica's inner thoughts being a constant, so she's always noticing that sort of thing herself. In the episode 10 scene
where Robyn knocks her out
, she'd be thinking:

"Did someone just hit me on the head with a PLANK? Seriously?
Ok, I need to get up.
Wait, am I passing out? Really?
I'm so drunk.

I'm surprised people are confused about Jessica not knocking out everyone in one punch.

Spoiler for Ep 3
One of the big things about Jessica is that she does not like her powers. She doesn't want to be a superhero. The first time she attempted to use her powers to save someone, it led to her using them to kill an innocent woman. The show made it very clear that she can kill with a single punch.

Since then, she's ran from her abilities. She hasn't practiced using them or controlling them, so when she gets into a fight, she pulls her punches majorly, in order to avoid killing again.

As for her durability fluctuating, she definitely has better than human durability, and it's clearly stated that she has better than human healing, but she's not on Luke's level. A blow to the head will still knock her out.
This too.


I'm surprised people are confused about Jessica not knocking out everyone in one punch.

Spoiler for Ep 3
One of the big things about Jessica is that she does not like her powers. She doesn't want to be a superhero. The first time she attempted to use her powers to save someone, it led to her using them to kill an innocent woman. The show made it very clear that she can kill with a single punch.

Since then, she's ran from her abilities. She hasn't practiced using them or controlling them, so when she gets into a fight, she pulls her punches majorly, in order to avoid killing again.
People keep posting this defense but it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Restraining yourself in a fight is more difficult when you're untrained, not less. She should be unintentionally knocking people out left and right since, as you said, she does nothing to try and train and control her powers.
People keep posting this defense but it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Restraining yourself in a fight is more difficult when you're untrained, not less. She should be unintentionally knocking people out left and right since, as you said, she does nothing to try and train and control her powers.

its more like a psychological block holding the character back than restraint due to any kind of skill. It's a VERY common trope with heroes. Spiderman leans on this one all the time, as does Thor.


its more like a psychological block holding the character back than restraint due to any kind of skill. It's a VERY common trope with heroes. Spiderman leans on this one all the time, as does Thor.
But that's comic book nonsense logic that is never once mentioned in this show. So she can turn that block off at will? If so, why would she not do it when she's literally fearing for her life? Still doesn't make a lot of sense. (Talking about the fight
with like 10 bodyguards all coming at them at once. Even if the excuse is that Jessica doesn't care about herself, are we supposed to believe that she'd rather risk Trish dying than knock out a few hired thugs?
But that's comic book nonsense logic that is never once mentioned in this show. So she can turn that block off at will? If so, why would she not do it when she's literally fearing for her life? Still doesn't make a lot of sense. (Talking about the fight
with like 10 bodyguards all coming at them at once. Even if the excuse is that Jessica doesn't care about herself, are we supposed to believe that she'd rather risk Trish dying than knock out a few hired thugs?

It's a comic book nonsense show. not sure what you think you're watching here.

No, the character is traumatized with PTSD
from being sexually abused and forced to kill a person, which she absolutely does not want to do again.
so doesn't use her abilities to their full extent. So no, not something that can be turned off and on at will.


People keep posting this defense but it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Restraining yourself in a fight is more difficult when you're untrained, not less. She should be unintentionally knocking people out left and right since, as you said, she does nothing to try and train and control her powers.

Restraining yourself in a fight to the correct degree is more difficult when you're untrained. Holding back your punches because you're afraid of killing someone is very easy to do...the problem is that you'll tend to hold back far more than you need to.

As for the bodyguards, that fight shows Jessica holding back more than others. She initially tries just shoving and 'reasoning' with them "You're being controlled, assholes!" It also shows her not too worried about the outcome of the fight early on (the casual way she's just addressing one guy after the next). It's not until she's tackled and then they really start ganging up on her with the glow rods that it really becomes serious, and by that time she's done. All a result of her avoiding real fighting and learning to use her powers properly.

El Topo

its more like a psychological block holding the character back than restraint due to any kind of skill. It's a VERY common trope with heroes. Spiderman leans on this one all the time, as does Thor.

It's like asking why Daredevil doesn't die within two episodes and/or ends in a hospital with all his bones broken. You just suspend your disbelief that a guy like that wouldn't immediately get shot and die. In this case I thought it was clear (Mid-Late Spoiler)
in the fight against the bodyguards that she deliberately tried not to harm them too much, thinking they were under mind control
. If she ran around, punching everyone with full strength, then there'd be a trail of dead bodies.


Just finished episode 7. Enjoying it more than Daredevil. The fight scenes are hilariously bad since you can tell Krysten Ritter is not a fighter but the plot is a lot more engaging than DD's. Still don't know if I prefer Kilgrave or Fisk; both are equally good so far.

Also I never expected them to acknowledge
that the Avengers caused a major destruction.
Restraining yourself in a fight to the correct degree is more difficult when you're untrained. Holding back your punches because you're afraid of killing someone is very easy to do...the problem is that you'll tend to hold back far more than you need to.

As for the bodyguards, that fight shows Jessica holding back more than others. She initially tries just shoving and 'reasoning' with them "You're being controlled, assholes!" It also shows her not too worried about the outcome of the fight early on (the casual way she's just addressing one guy after the next). It's not until she's tackled and then they really start ganging up on her with the glow rods that it really becomes serious, and by that time she's done. All a result of her avoiding real fighting and learning to use her powers properly.

It's like asking why Daredevil doesn't die within two episodes and/or ends in a hospital with all his bones broken. You just suspend your disbelief that a guy like that wouldn't immediately get shot and die. In this case I thought it was clear (Mid-Late Spoiler)
in the fight against the bodyguards that she deliberately tried not to harm them too much, thinking they were under mind control
. If she ran around, punching everyone with full strength, then there'd be a trail of dead bodies.

these guys get it
Wait so Jessica and Locke Cage are at Hell's Kitchen where Daredevil works, it's not a prequel and Daredevil has somehow not
gotten involved to fuck up Killgrave nor have either of these two heard of him?
What in the actual fuck? Can someone try to make any sense of this to me lol..



What on earth happened to this show? It was gripping and compelling then at like episode 8 it just came to a screeching halt. I am halfway through 10 now, but it feels like the writers forgot they had to make 13 episodes and had to make some filler episodes. It super obvious something changed. The entire pace and presentation of the show shifts for the worse.


So out of the two leading women in the Marvel TV shows, who do you guys prefer? Shows or characters or both?

Jessica Jones or Agent Carter?


So out of the two leading women in the Marvel TV shows, who do you guys prefer? Shows or characters or both?

Jessica Jones or Agent Carter?

Night Nurse.

Oh, you said leading..

Well, Rosario is still the best. Loved her in every scene in DD, she was clearly the best actress. Hell, actor period.


Do the CW and ABC shows make shit up as they go along because it sure as hell feels that way. And why would they do that when they know it would hurt the show.

Netflix shows seems to have everything planned out already from the start


Well that's because
10 just had a really dumb moment and wasn't completely undermined by it while 11 is a fight heavy episode where they decide to give us the backstory between Jessica and Trish that was already kinda apparent.

My SO and I both turned to each other and asked, "why are we getting all this exposition now?"

Someone at some point will do a fan edit and cut this 13-ep season down to 10 or fewer, and it'll probably be a better series. Cut out at least one of the Killgrave captures, the nonsense with the neighbor, the irrelevant backstory, and the bizarre plan to
chop off the poor dude's head, dump it out to the police, and go to Supermax
. I get that Jessica's compromised and damaged and desperate, but that plan went way beyond it into just plain stupid.
My SO and I both turned to each other and asked, "why are we getting all this exposition now?"

Someone at some point will do a fan edit and cut this 13-ep season down to 10 or fewer, and it'll probably be a better series. Cut out at least one of the Killgrave captures, the nonsense with the neighbor, the irrelevant backstory, and the bizarre plan to
chop off the poor dude's head, dump it out to the police, and go to Supermax
. I get that Jessica's compromised and damaged and desperate, but that plan went way beyond it into just plain stupid.


Also feel free to edit out
from every shot.


Wait so Jessica and Locke Cage are at Hell's Kitchen where Daredevil works, it's not a prequel and Daredevil has somehow not
gotten involved to fuck up Killgrave nor have either of these two heard of him?
What in the actual fuck? Can someone try to make any sense of this to me lol..


Not really a spoiler, but I guess one for the prequel comic:
Jessica has heard of the "Devil of Hells Kitchen" and Luke probably as well, but it's not like that will come out in normal conversation.

So out of the two leading women in the Marvel TV shows, who do you guys prefer? Shows or characters or both?

Jessica Jones or Agent Carter?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Do the CW and ABC shows make shit up as they go along because it sure as hell feels that way. And why would they do that when they know it would hurt the show.

Netflix shows seems to have everything planned out already from the start

I don't think so? It's just endemic of the fact that they have to do one episode each week. They probably have everything planned out until the midseason/season-finale at the very least.
Not really a spoiler, but I guess one for the prequel comic:
Jessica has heard of the "Devil of Hells Kitchen" and Luke probably as well, but it's not like that will come out in normal conversation.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I don't think so? It's just endemic of the fact that they have to do one episode each week. They probably have everything planned out until the midseason/season-finale at the very least.
But that conversation could have happened in the last episode when Jessica was conversing with
the doc from DD. She mentions DD and Jessica doesn't even say something like she's heard of him. Makes no goddamn sense.

Can't believe you suggested Agents of Trash to the above poster bruh.


The show is very reminiscent of early Dexter (and I'm only half saying that because of Melissa Rosenberg)... the conceit is brilliant, the voice is so strong, the caustic wit is pitch perfect, but good lord the endless parade of awful side characters and their pointless, shitty subplots is just comically tedious.

Haha, that's actually a great comparison.

I don't mind the lawyer subplot all that much (yet? so far it's been pointless but mostly harmless), but the guy playing Simpson is awful and his
"chemistry" with Trish
is cringe worthy. And as of episode 8 they seem to have forgotten he's supposed to be a cop, with a day job of being a cop.
But that conversation could have happened in the last episode when Jessica was conversing with
the doc from DD. She mentions DD and Jessica doesn't even say something like she's heard of him. Makes no goddamn sense.

Can't believe you suggested Agents of Trash to the above poster bruh.

Claire didnt say at any point that she was talking about Daredevil, she just said she had a friend who was gifted and she could give him a call for help. After Jessica having to deal with Luke do you think she would want to deal with another super powered being who is being mind controlled by Kilgrave?
Claire didnt say at any point that she was talking about Daredevil, she just said she had a friend who was gifted and she could give him a call for help. After Jessica having to deal with Luke do you think she would want to deal with another super powered being who is being mind controlled by Kilgrave?
"Is it the one that everyone is talking about at Hell's Kitchen?"- referencing him. Seriously it makes no sense the conversation ends and no one bothers talking about him. It also is weird that DD never gets involved here.


seriously. those complaints are insane

Yep. It's not only obvious why she's pulling her punches, it's explicitly explained why she fights the way she does. Multiple times.

It's like people are willfully ignoring the information the show provides to come up with complaints.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Post-season comment-
This is why Trish is "Headphones Up, Head Down" at the end. Getting someone who doesn't know English to go after him would have been a super-clever way to get around his powers.

Worked in Preacher.


Do the CW and ABC shows make shit up as they go along because it sure as hell feels that way. And why would they do that when they know it would hurt the show.

Netflix shows seems to have everything planned out already from the start

They plan out in advance, but they don't write everything before they start. On the other hand, I wouldn't call Jessica Jones an example of where writing everything in advance works.
"Is it the one that everyone is talking about at Hell's Kitchen?"- referencing him. Seriously it makes no sense the conversation ends and no one bothers talking about him. It also is weird that DD never gets involved here.

Is that what was said or your idea for how to explain it as i dont remember that. If its your suggestion then as mentioned before, nobody knows that Daredevil is gifted, just that he is a badass who goes around beating up criminals.


"Is it the one that everyone is talking about at Hell's Kitchen?"- referencing him. Seriously it makes no sense the conversation ends and no one bothers talking about him. It also is weird that DD never gets involved here.
Oh no, the "why does nobody call all of the avengers all the time" argument again.
Is that what was said or your idea for how to explain it as i dont remember that. If its your suggestion then as mentioned before, nobody knows that Daredevil is gifted, just that he is a badass who goes around beating up criminals.
That's a fair point. My suspension of disbelief is completely gone though thinking that he is in the same location and this isn't a prequel. Him not showing up, a PI superhero not looking into him, the conversation never leading up to it on the finale.

Oh no, the "why does nobody call all of the avengers all the time" argument again.
I don't care about the avengers. Him not being in the conversation on the other hand made no damn sense. Nor does it that
he didn't show up.


Finished episode 6. The Hope stuff was pretty ugh. Disagree with how it was handled. The Luke and Jessica stuff was pretty good though. The ending scene was well done until they felt the need to really zoom out and hammer it in. Could have used some subtly there. :p


It's so stupid how no one thinks
to use earplugs until the very end. Sure there can be justifications for not having them but at least Simpson of all people could have used them when he was planning to attack Killgrave at the house

Overall I feel the show was badly written compared to Daredevil and feels like they had some other cheaper writers look at Daredevil and were told to just copy the style.

edit: Just took a look at the writing credits on IMDB. Yep, completely different writers.


Hmm, I'm surprised that (HUGE SEASON SPOILERS)
Kilgrave's father wasn't faking the mind control towards the end after that 'vaccine' spray, thought that'd be the big twist in the last few episodes. Certainly didn't expect Jessica to outright kill Kevin either. :p
It's so stupid how no one thinks
to use earplugs until the very end. Sure there can be justifications for not having them but at least Simpson of all people could have used them when he was planning to attack Killgrave at the house

Overall I feel the show was badly written compared to Daredevil and feels like they had some other cheaper writers look at Daredevil and were told to just copy the style.
The shows have completely different tones, how did you get that impression


The shows have completely different tones, how did you get that impression

The tone of the plot was different but they both had the same STYLE. Both of them involve an origin story of a character, both centered around a single arch-nemesis for the protagonist through the entire season, both focused on the day-to-day lives of both the protagonist and antagonist, both looked in-depth into the backstories of the antagonist, both took place in the same locale and had same filming aesthetics.


Not if it's the same location it doesn't.
The Comics take place most the time in New York. New York is the place were 80%, 90, when you dont include mutants are based. And, believe it or not, they are able to tell stories were no 24/7 big ass crossover between the whole range of Marvel characters is possible. And they also do this in the live action shows.

Its such a incredible stupid complaint. I really cant underStand why people dont get this in their head. Its no permanent. Crossover. The series and movies tell individuall stories. You get you team up all couple of years anyway.
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