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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Not if it's the same location it doesn't.


From Matt's point of view, it makes some amount of sense to not get involved. Hope not only already has a lawyer, she has one of the best lawyers in the city. And as out there as super senses are, Matt still hasn't come across any powered foes. Mind control is a hard pill to swallow, even in a world with alien invasions.

However, I do think they should have been more on the nose about Daredevil working out of Hell's Kitchen. I'd have loved a cameo, even if it had only been in the last episode.


Haha, that's actually a great comparison.

I don't mind the lawyer subplot all that much (yet? so far it's been pointless but mostly harmless), but the guy playing Simpson is awful and his
"chemistry" with Trish
is cringe worthy. And as of episode 8 they seem to have forgotten he's supposed to be a cop, with a day job of being a cop.

Yep, I think Simpson is the worst character here, but I think it's more an issue of writing than acting. He started out fine for me, but then he went from hard-edged cop to
oh yeah he's a former super soldier dude who pops pills and shoots up other cops for reasons
and the change is so jarring (right around the doll house episode) that I just didn't believe they were the same character.

Also, when he tries to
kill Jessica and Trish fights him back with the pills before starting to choke... why the hell didn't Jessica just jump down to the street where he chucked the blue pills and grab them, instead of apparently sitting around yelling at Trish to breath until the ambulance came?


From Matt's point of view, it makes some amount of sense to not get involved. Hope not only already has a lawyer, she has one of the best lawyers in the city. And as out there as super senses are, Matt still hasn't come across any powered foes. Mind control is a hard pill to swallow, even in a world with alien invasions.

However, I do think they should have been more on the nose about Daredevil working out of Hell's Kitchen. I'd have loved a cameo, even if it had only been in the last episode.

I'd have even loved him just darting from building to building in the background somewhere.


Bitches love smiley faces
It's so stupid how no one thinks
to use earplugs until the very end. Sure there can be justifications for not having them but at least Simpson of all people could have used them when he was planning to attack Killgrave at the house

People bring this up but
it only makes sense if you're going to face Kilgrave by yourself. He tends to use other people to do his his dirty work so blocking out most of your situational awareness seems just as detrimental as it would be advantageous.


I liked the show and in some aspects I feel it was better than Daredevil. However, I felt that Jessica Jones ultimately was not very ambitious in its storytelling. Kilgrave, with all of his power could be even more menacing, but he was just simply obsessed with a girl who rejected him. Instead of a villain with some grandiose plan, he was basically just a personal stalker of Jessica. So the season as a whole seemed very small in scope. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but it's definitely not something that would come to mind when I think of a superhero show. Jessica Jones was not portrayed as a hero, not really, because she was the victim in the center of it all, and it was herself that she saved.


People bring this up but
it only makes sense if you're going to face Kilgrave by yourself. He tends to use other people to do his his dirty work so blocking out most of your situational awareness seems just as detrimental as it would be advantageous.

I'm very sure
losing some situational awareness is MUCH preferable compared to outright being mind controlled especially when you know how powerful the control is. It's insane and ridiculous to even consider otherwise unless you're making mental gymnastics.
I liked the show and in some aspects I feel it was better than Daredevil. However, I felt that Jessica Jones ultimately was not very ambitious in its storytelling. Kilgrave, with all of his power could be even more menacing, but he was just simply obsessed with a girl who rejected him. Instead of a villain with some grandiose plan, he was basically just a personal stalker of Jessica. So the season as a whole seemed very small in scope. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but it's definitely not something that would come to mind when I think of a superhero show. Jessica Jones was not portrayed as a hero, not really, because she was the victim in the center of it all, and it was herself that she saved.
I mean, that's the point. It's not really a superhero show. And the villain is a petty sociopath.


Bitches love smiley faces
I'm very sure
losing some situational awareness is MUCH preferable compared to outright being mind controlled especially when you know how powerful the control is. It's insane and ridiculous to even consider otherwise unless you're making mental gymnastics.

Well, you try not to have an either/or situation. Negating your hearing is going to screw you up when, more often than not, you're going to end up fighting multiple people.

People bring it up like it's a silver bullet, but it only makes sense if you're dealing with him one-on-one.

It made sense for Trish to do it because she's just a decoy.



From Matt's point of view, it makes some amount of sense to not get involved. Hope not only already has a lawyer, she has one of the best lawyers in the city. And as out there as super senses are, Matt still hasn't come across any powered foes. Mind control is a hard pill to swallow, even in a world with alien invasions.

However, I do think they should have been more on the nose about Daredevil working out of Hell's Kitchen. I'd have loved a cameo, even if it had only been in the last episode.

Honestly my first thought was
that the Hope case seems like the exact type of case Matt Murdock would pursue


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I was supposed to only watch 1 or 2 episodes of this yesterday then get back to playing Fallout 4 on my day off. Next thing I remember is looking at the clock at 3am after I finished the first season.

Show had a few flaws (too many subplots, some of the actors were shit) but it certainly grabbed me. I really like Luke Cage and his casting couldn't be better. The chemistry between him and Jones was great.

I went into this completely blind. I had no idea who Jessica Jones was but now I want more of her and Cage.


Honestly my first thought was
that the Hope case seems like the exact type of case Matt Murdock would pursue
Yeah but like I said,
she already had a good lawyer.

Would have been nice if they had alluded to Matt and Foggy trying to land her as a client and being turned away though.


Also, when he tries to
kill Jessica and Trish fights him back with the pills before starting to choke... why the hell didn't Jessica just jump down to the street where he chucked the blue pills and grab them, instead of apparently sitting around yelling at Trish to breath until the ambulance came?
threw the pills away while Jess and Trish were still behind the barricaded door. She's not daredevil, she has no idea where the pills ended up. He threw them with super strength


What on earth happened to this show? It was gripping and compelling then at like episode 8 it just came to a screeching halt. I am halfway through 10 now, but it feels like the writers forgot they had to make 13 episodes and had to make some filler episodes. It super obvious something changed. The entire pace and presentation of the show shifts for the worse.

I wouldn't be surprised if I heard that the writers got switched out halfway through the show.

Finished episode 6. The Hope stuff was pretty ugh. Disagree with how it was handled. The Luke and Jessica stuff was pretty good though. The ending scene was well done until they felt the need to really zoom out and hammer it in. Could have used some subtly there. :p

You're diving into the abyss now. Enjoy your stay. :p
Completed. Brief thoughts:

  • Ritter and Colter are spot-on. Loved them both.
  • Tennant is the real star of the show.
  • The conclusion falls flat for me. It was a great ride until then.
  • ]I guess Nuke is going to be the big baddie for S2?
  • Surprised how much sex is actually in this show. Equally surprised that it's handled with some relative tact. Except for
    Trish and Simpson. That's just weird.
The Comics take place most the time in New York. New York is the place were 80%, 90, when you dont include mutants are based. And, believe it or not, they are able to tell stories were no 24/7 big ass crossover between the whole range of Marvel characters is possible. And they also do this in the live action shows.

Its such a incredible stupid complaint. I really cant underStand why people dont get this in their head. Its no permanent. Crossover. The series and movies tell individuall stories. You get you team up all couple of years anyway.
That doesn't make sense in the comics and it looks even worse on television. Being in the comics doesn't excuse this kind of writing. It's not a stupid mistake because they half assed that entire conversation. They're in the same section of the city.

You sound like the fanboy who said fighting is not the focus when someone mentioned how shit the choreography is.

From Matt's point of view, it makes some amount of sense to not get involved. Hope not only already has a lawyer, she has one of the best lawyers in the city. And as out there as super senses are, Matt still hasn't come across any powered foes. Mind control is a hard pill to swallow, even in a world with alien invasions.

However, I do think they should have been more on the nose about Daredevil working out of Hell's Kitchen. I'd have loved a cameo, even if it had only been in the last episode.
If they didn't want to include him, I can let it slide no problem. I just found the conversation between
the doctor from DD and Jessica
to be shit writing on the way it was addressed. It's zombies turning into Solid Snake before biting someone in the Walking Dead level of bad writing. I don
t see how it's unbelievable for Matt to not believe this. He can hear things, seen things like the Avengers and the old lady being all kind of weird shit in season 1. Certainly is worth looking over.

The idea of all these superheroes being in the same region of the city and not meeting one another is going to get considerably worse if they don't find a better way to handle it though. This didn't bother me until their conversation where I was left confused after she left.


Neo Member
Foggy and Murdock only went looking for the one case because they had not had one yet. I think otherwise, they would tend to wait for people to call them, which Hope had no need to do.

Jessica is a failed super hero. It's not something she was very good at. She has never bothered to really learn how to use her powers, nor does she truly want to hurt anyone. I think this is more believable then person gets powers and is suddenly able to just defeat everyone and everything.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I watched the episode a few days ago, and didn't even realize it.

Even when they were in the big room with the tables full of weed, it didn't click with me.
I realized it
was the same place
, but I didn't notice
the scorch marks
. Neat continuity detail.


Well, you try not to have an either/or situation. Negating your hearing is going to screw you up when, more often than not, you're going to end up fighting multiple people.

People bring it up like it's a silver bullet, but it only makes sense if you're dealing with him one-on-one.

It made sense for Trish to do it because she's just a decoy.

Yeah, like seriously...

Putting on headphones/sunglasses in a normal situation around Kilgrave? He just tells random person to stab you in the kidney. You'll bleed out. Dude had bodyguards on his payroll IN CASE anyone tried to grab him randomly.
Kilgrave is such an awesome, evil bastard of a villain.
Anyone think we'll see him again in some form? Maybe actually being purple?
Or is he dead dead?


He could always have a son.

Watched the last episode today. Show was great until episode 10, dunno what happened after that. Had to pause the show a lot because
of the stupidity of some of the characters and the filler BS they threw in there.

Luke Cage and Kilgrave were the best part. Overall pretty good but not Daredevil.
I understand some of the complaints but on the whole I just felt the characters were so much better realized than DD. Even when accounting for some stupid character decisions, deus ex machina, and the like, they felt far more robust.

Perhaps it was Kilgrave that tied it all together for me I don't know. Tennant was amazing. I actually felt they did a terrible job on Kingpin in DD.

I also think the stupid (in story) decisions in JJ were fewer and further between than the ridiculous antics of some of the police and gang members in DD. I have MUCH more faith in the 2nd season of DD though.

On the whole I was thoroughly pleased with JJ and can't wait for another season

As for the
debate about what Trish does in the last episode I think the reason more people didn't try it is less because they're worried about
being attacked by civilians mind controlled by Kilgrave
and more because they want to have all
senses in case he tries to make an innocent person kill themselves. Can't rightly stop someone from doing that if you don't know they're doing it
Episode 7 might be the best episode in the series so far because David Tennant and the police scene. Does it get better? Please tell me this isn't the climax

God crossing fingers Tennant gets a role in American Gods.
Episode 7 might be the best episode in the series so far because David Tennant and the police scene. Does it get better? Please tell me this isn't the climax

God crossing fingers Tennant gets a role in American Gods.

Oh it gets so much better. Much more disturbing too. I have to say I had NO idea how far they were going to push the limits on this show. I knew they were shooting for dark but it has moments that are far darker than I ever thought I'd see on a Marvel produced show or movie. Gives me great hope for the Punisher series

Blue Lou

The British accents of
Kilgrave's parents and the University of Manchester's Professor Davies
are poor/unrealistic, they stick out like a sore thumb. Jessica Jones' mock accent was better.

I'm up to episode 11 now and it's otherwise great.
NB I wasn't actually referring to inconsistency in her fighting strength, which can be explained in-universe. More inconsistencies in more mundane tasks or actions. E.g. struggling/exerting visible effort dragging a normal sized unconscious guy. But I'd probably chalk it up to budget/practicality so I'm quite willing to suspend disbelief. It was just something I noticed.

That and
Cage has hairless armpits.
I probably didn't need to spoiler that.


I am absolutely *loving* this show. To the point where Jones (whom I've had zero exposure to before this series) is climbing the ranks of my favorite superheroes. It's such an interesting portrayal of how some of these lower level characters would go through crazy personal problems in ways bigger heroes wouldn't have to worry about. Her whole demeanor and bucking of common topes is really refreshing too (no costume, no alter-ego, subdued powers that she's too much of a mess to properly control, etc.)

How are the comics? Do they follow the same personal and psychological tone as the show? I'd love to read some if they're quality.


Didn't enjoy it much...none of these Netflix shows are bad, I will give it that. It has some quality, but I think the supremely excellent Daredevil had me way too hyped.

Jessica's constant bitchy mood, the really small scale of the main problem (serial killer villain, in love), and fairly idiotic issues (kill Killgrave with a sniper rifle?), hell just to save Hope keeping Killgrave alive while he went about murdering people...that doesn't balance out on a heroic show, it makes no sense, and the protagonist is supposed to be a detective, ie, a logical person.

Bring on Season 2 of Daredevil.
Didn't enjoy it much...none of these Netflix shows are bad, I will give it that. It has some quality, but I think the supremely excellent Daredevil had me way too hyped.

Jessica's constant bitchy mood, the really small scale of the main problem (serial killer villain, in love), and fairly idiotic issues (kill Killgrave with a sniper rifle?), hell just to save Hope keeping Killgrave alive while he went about murdering people...that doesn't balance out on a heroic show, it makes no sense, and the protagonist is supposed to be a detective, ie, a logical person.

Bring on Season 2 of Daredevil.
I wouldn't think the alcoholic PTSD stricken self loathing person would act logical a lot of the time
Didn't enjoy it much...none of these Netflix shows are bad, I will give it that. It has some quality, but I think the supremely excellent Daredevil had me way too hyped.

Jessica's constant bitchy mood, the really small scale of the main problem (serial killer villain, in love), and fairly idiotic issues (kill Killgrave with a sniper rifle?), hell just to save Hope keeping Killgrave alive while he went about murdering people...that doesn't balance out on a heroic show, it makes no sense, and the protagonist is supposed to be a detective, ie, a logical person.

Bring on Season 2 of Daredevil.
See, that's the problem. You're trying to shoehorn this show into what you think a "heroic show" should be. When this show isn't trying to be that at all

The whole point is the small-scale personal conflict, with a messed-up character and petty villain, the analogy towards rape and victims and survivors


See, that's the problem. You're trying to shoehorn this show into what you think a "heroic show" should be. When this show isn't trying to be that at all
that's fine, i'm ok with anti-hero protagonists...but it didn't jibe with her reasoning when keeping him alive just was way worse, he went about murdering a shitload of people, as opposed to Hope would've plead guilty and just be jailed.

it doesn't make sense! essentially the show needed a graver reasoning.
that's fine, i'm ok with anti-hero protagonists...but it didn't jibe with her reasoning when keeping him alive just was way worse, he went about murdering a shitload of people, as opposed to Hope would've plead guilty and just be jailed.

it doesn't make sense! essentially the show needed a graver reasoning.
And Gotham would be a utopia instead of a Crime Orgy if Batman actually got shit done and killed his enemies from the start.

It's a thing every where in comics


And Gotham would be a utopia instead of a Crime Orgy if Batman actually got shit done and killed his enemies from the start.

It's a thing every where in comics

true, but in this case it just came off as stupid know what i mean? maybe Killgrave could have been wearing armor wherever he went. i don't know.
Jessica just doesn't have that "I want to root for you" factor going on. I don't know what is missing, but up to episode 7 and I haven't had a single moment where I'm heavily involved in what is happening onscreen. I can take it or leave it. I still have the same issue as I did from the beginning of the show---I can't tell if the writing is bad, or if Ritter isn't a good actress.

Since episode 3 it has gotten better. Starting episode 7 now.


Episode 9 was so damn tense. Holy crap.

Kilgrave's parents in the cell, Hogarth almost taking his deal, Trish almost shooting herself, FUUUUUUUUCK.
NB I wasn't actually referring to inconsistency in her fighting strength, which can be explained in-universe. More inconsistencies in more mundane tasks or actions. E.g. struggling/exerting visible effort dragging a normal sized unconscious guy. But I'd probably chalk it up to budget/practicality so I'm quite willing to suspend disbelief. It was just something I noticed.

That and
Cage has hairless armpits.
I probably didn't need to spoiler that.
yeah the lack of attention to detail when it comes to that kinda stuff was a bit odd. I wonder if they knew it made no sense that she's visibly struggling to drag a body and then effortlessly (spoils)
lifting luke cage
. Maybe they knew and said meh. Maybe they didn't notice at all. Maybe budgetary (I find this hard to believe).

It's definitely an odd thing that I noticed every time.
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