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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Unconfirmed Member
Eeeeh episode 10 is so bad. Everything that happens feels so contrived and forced. Characters act weirdly, dialogue is bad. Feels like it's all downhill from here. Loved the first 5-6 episodes, still good after that, but now... Eeeeh

Pretty much how I felt.


Unconfirmed Member
Only on episode 5 so far, and avoiding this thread for the most part, but I just wanted to pop in and say I heartily approve of Death From Above 1979 being used in the show.
When Audrey(?) was practising her shooting)

Also, the fight scenes so far have been very underwhelming.
I get she's not a trained martial artist like Daredevil, but every fight has just been her throwing guys, and they haven't even bothered to use wires to make them go flying farther, they're just very obviously jumping. They've only used wires a few times, and it's almost always after a camera cut.

Enjoying it though. The villain is being handled better in the way that you're not sitting there wondering why other superheroes aren't jumping in to stop them.


Some thoughts on Kilgrave regarding Episode 8. Spoiler tag, just in case:

When Jessica was confronting him about raping and manipulating her, Kilgrave legitimately believes he did nothing wrong.

And the way he shuts down Jessica, when he argued semantics over Reva's death: "I said 'take care of her'...you killed her". The way Tennant delivered the scene with such conviction was just great. Kilgrave victim blaming, basically.


Definitely want to add that the show totally falls in love with its own crappy side characters and the season is twice as long as it should have been. There's not nearly enough in the series to justify so many filler episodes and plot threads that go nowhere.
This is the best thing in the MCU. I love how it handled Kilgrave.
It's terrifying that a lot of men think like that when it comes to rape. He plays the "Nice Guy" role well and the victim blaming is just spot on with how some people think.

They aren't particularly spoilery but I covered just in case.]


In episode 10
Hogarth could've done more to defend herself. I mean Kilgrave didn't even say "don't leave this house" she could have fought back way more against Wendy. Weak ass bitch.
Some thoughts on Kilgrave regarding Episode 8. Spoiler tag, just in case:

When Jessica was confronting him about raping and manipulating her, Kilgrave legitimately believes he did nothing wrong.

And the way he shuts down Jessica, when he argued semantics over Reva's death: "I said 'take care of her'...you killed her". The way Tennant delivered the scene with such conviction was just great. Kilgrave victim blaming, basically.
I'm super glad Kilgrave brought up the point about what he said though. I actually thought it was dumb writing in the earlier flashbacks when he says that, and then she
punches and kills Reva. Like---he didn't say to kill her.
So I was impressed that it wasn't bad writing, and it was purposeful. I mean...it is a good point he raises.


In episode 10
Hogarth could've done more to defend herself. I mean Kilgrave didn't even say "don't leave this house" she could have fought back way more against Wendy. Weak ass bitch.

She does
try, throwing her around and even going as far as grabbing the blade with her bare hand. Getting slashed up is no joke.
I Hope Tennant Appears in a Thunderbolts movie, he is too good to be wasted.

Anyway the only time i get excited is when Tennant appears, and Simpson is a lower tier than Jar-Jar Binks. Jesus fuck off
This is the best thing in the MCU. I love how it handled Kilgrave.
It's terrifying that a lot of men think like that when it comes to rape. He plays the "Nice Guy" role well and the victim blaming is just spot on with how some people think.

They aren't particularly spoilery but I covered just in case.]

not a coincidence that we've got plenty of folk who can relate


I'm on episode 12. How is it that Jessica
can get hit by a 2x4 by a scrawny ginger and pass out for 10+ min (enough time for Kilgrave to round up 5 or more bystanders and escape), but get hit by a truck and moments later gets up

Episode 10 and 11 feel like their running in place, as the pacing seems off and conflict feels forced. I love the Jessica and Cage interactions, also Kilgrave (who is terrific). Everything else falls flat. After the long wait, I didn't want to believe what others have voiced about Daredevil being the better series, but so far it feels like that might be the case.

Wasn't Rosario Dawson supposedly in this? I've yet to see her... Doh, never mind. I would have loved for Shield to have shown up in the hospital. So many missed opportunities


Finished it, finally. All in all great; I found Kilgrave a more compelling villain than Fisk, but overall the series wasn't as strong as Daredevil. Still, for the first season of a TV show it was fantastic.

Tennant showed everyone up but that's only because he's that good, otherwise the acting was pretty strong imo.
Bit disappointed Daredevil didn't cameo, felt like the last episode was a massive tease and I was just waiting for him to show, but I guess we'll have The Defenders for that. Could have been a great opportunity to further show off Matt's powers, have him block his ears too and fight Kilgrave seeing purely through taste, touch, smell.

Roll on Luke Cage (we expecting it before or after DD S2?) Marvel/Netflix is killing it.
There's a teaser that suggests we'll be seeing crossover action much, much sooner than that.


I do find it funny that Episode 8 in both Daredevil and Jessica Jones are where they explain the villain's origin and perspective a bit. I'll laugh if this continues with Luke Cage.


Canadians burned my passport
Oh God, on episode 8...

Kilgrave sounds like some of the rape apologists I've seen around the Internet. This shit is too real
Up to Episode 6 now.

Is it weird that whenever I see Jessica in the flashback scene, I think of the Ikea Monkey.



Oh God, on episode 8...

Kilgrave sounds like some of the rape apologists I've seen around the Internet. This shit is too real

Yeah, he hits the spot in a really uncomfortable place because men like him exist. They did a really good job with him and just utilizing the themes overall.


Oh God, on episode 8...

Kilgrave sounds like some of the rape apologists I've seen around the Internet. This shit is too real

I think they did a good job on that episode for multiple reasons. In the comics, Kilgrave is obviously this fucking creepy awful piece of shit, but here, they explore his perspective a lot more here where, while he's not sympathetic, he's not cartoonishly villainous either. He takes what he wants and has never been told "no" or had to understand any other perspective. He's so incredibly sociopathic, but it makes for a really fascinating character.


Just have the last episode to watch now.

Considering the subject matter this show should have had a lot more dread, DD managed it multiple times though it's season. Jessica Jones felt comedically stupid on multiple occasions, even when it was trying to be serious.

I've enjoyed it but not always for reasons the show creators would like.
Just finished it. The show did a lot right; Jessica's a fun character and her arc was well-done and executed. Kilgrave was fun, the situation his powers provided were creepy and inventive. Some story beats were good.

However, it looks and feels very TV-like. Some of the action shots and scenes felt like amateur hour. Flat, uninventive and some of the scenes made Luke Cage look as big as Jessica Jones.

Also, the show REALLY starts dragging down mid-season. They could've cut down on the boring TV drama sub-plots that plagued the later half. The last episode was laughable at parts in its execution. Should've been ten tightly done episodes instead of 13 with lots of fillers.

It's a shame because at its core, it's really good. But the execution is sloppy and amateurish at times. Hope they fix all those problems in the second season.
I have to say I was incredibly disappointed by the second half of this season.

Many of the plots and plans were stupid and went on for too long. Kilgrave got caught and escaped too many times for anything to have any weight. What they did to the neighbor's body and the redheads subsequent speech to the survivors group was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Her powers are wildly inconsistent. Worst of all was the virus plot which completely negated any character growth for Jessica against Kilgrave. OH and nothing about Simpson was good.

Good note is most everything with Luke Cage worked and David Tennant was amazing. I look forward to Luke's show.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
OT but just started watching Broadchurch, does Tennant never shave or something? Lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

Would have been cool if you guys labeled what episode. I'm on 11 and clicked since most people are 10 and under.

Like others have said it has zero to do with the show, or even Jessica Jones, its from a recent Daredevil run :)

Edit: oops meant to edit, double post of doom makes kittens cry
I think they did a good job on that episode for multiple reasons. In the comics, Kilgrave is obviously this fucking creepy awful piece of shit, but here, they explore his perspective a lot more here where, while he's not sympathetic, he's not cartoonishly villainous either. He takes what he wants and has never been told "no" or had to understand any other perspective. He's so incredibly sociopathic, but it makes for a really fascinating character.
They do such a great job with his character because unlike rapists in real life you can see Kilgrave's point of view. That isn't saying it is a good one. Or that I agree with him. But there is logic there. The logic of a sociopath, as you said.
OT but just started watching Broadchurch, does Tennant never shave or something? Lol
Season 1 of that show is amazing.

I'm through episode 4. I'm really annoyed they decided to focus the show almost 100% on the purple man. That's not what alias was about. Work other cases and do PI stuff in the marvel universe. He had a big role but it didn't dominate the series like this. Also man this show needs to lighten up some. You know you're overly grim when Daredevil the show and character is more upbeat than you. I love grim and dark shows but you gotta balance it out some.
So I know its technically set in the MCU but is there a legal reason they can't juat say "the hulk" and "captain America"?

The references to the cinematic universe feel so awkward and hand wavey.


Canadians burned my passport
So I know its technically set in the MCU but is there a legal reason they can't juat say "the hulk" and "captain America"?

The references to the cinematic universe feel so awkward and hand wavey.

They said they don't directly reference those things because saying things like "alien invasion" sort of takes out of these grounded realistic stories.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
They said they don't directly reference those things because saying things like "alien invasion" sort of takes out of these grounded realistic stories.

Except they mention the alien invasion. And they mention the Avengers just not by name. Because superhero names arent grounded in reality I guess >_>
Season 1 of that show is amazing.

I'm through episode 4. I'm really annoyed they decided to focus the show almost 100% on the purple man. That's not what alias was about. Work other cases and do PI stuff in the marvel universe. He had a big role but it didn't dominate the series like this. Also man this show needs to lighten up some. You know you're overly grim when Daredevil the show and character is more upbeat than you. I love grim and dark shows but you gotta balance it out some.
Being so dark and grim wouldn't be bad if the show started on an upnote. But it starts damn depressing, and it suffers for it. At least Daredevil has a bit of an upnote because Matt and Foggy are starting their own new firm, and they're joking with each other and having a good best friend time. It makes the impact greater when shit goes down. JJ pretty much starts in the gutter. Maybe an inch above?


Canadians burned my passport
Except they mention the alien invasion. And they mention the Avengers just not by name. Because superhero names arent grounded in reality I guess >_>

Well, in daredevil, they referred to it as "the incident" because they wanted to avoid directly mentioning it.
They said they don't directly reference those things because saying things like "alien invasion" sort of takes out of these grounded realistic stories.
that excuse doesn't fly given the fact that these grounded realistic stories are happening in the same universe as a man becoming a giant green rage monster as well as aliens fighting on plans way out of the milky way with a talking raccoon.
Being so dark and grim wouldn't be bad if the show started on an upnote. But it starts damn depressing, and it suffers for it. At least Daredevil has a bit of an upnote because Matt and Foggy are starting their own new firm, and they're joking with each other and having a good best friend time. It makes the impact greater when shit goes down. JJ pretty much starts in the gutter. Maybe an inch above?
Yea. It struggles because it just keeps hammering the same note over and over. And I'm sorry to be that guy and this is off memory from years ago when I read Alias but it wasn't this grim. It had explicit stuff but it was still more Bendis street level work (his specialty). It goes dark but it also has up ticks. It has cases of the week, etc.
that excuse doesn't fly given the fact that these grounded realistic stories are happening in the same universe as a man becoming a giant green rage monster as well as aliens fighting on plans way out of the milky way with a talking raccoon.
It's greatest sin is that mentioning it as the incident or big green man or anything of the like simply makes us stop a moment and think "What are they talking about?" "Why don't they just say (insert name here)." It pulls us out of the show because we're thinking about the production side of the writing.
I have to say about the origin of Kilgrave,
It's a shame they didn't/couldn't use the mind gem as his origin. They could have avoided the virus subplot completely and made Jessicas catharsis much stronger. According to the wikis it was in Thanos' possession until he gave it to Loki, so that would make it impossible.


Canadians burned my passport
that excuse doesn't fly given the fact that these grounded realistic stories are happening in the same universe as a man becoming a giant green rage monster as well as aliens fighting on plans way out of the milky way with a talking raccoon.

Not everyone who watches Jessica Jones watches all the other Marvel properties. Some people are only watching this show, so referencing all that weird stuff in the other properties is not necessary.
I have to say about the origin of Kilgrave,
It's a shame they didn't/couldn't use the mind gem as his origin. They could have avoided the virus subplot completely and made Jessicas catharsis much stronger. According to the wikis it was in Thanos' possession until he gave it to Loki, so that would make it impossible.


To each their own but I would have hated that. I really like they added some good character and humanity to a really monstrous villain. It felt like a real 'super villain' origin.

To each their own but I would have hated that. I really like they added some good character and humanity to a really monstrous villain. It felt like a real 'super villain' origin.

To be clear I'm not saying that
they get rid of him being experimented on by his parents. I thought that was really strong. I just think that having the source of his powers be a virus that Jessica somehow suddenly developed an immunity for was a bad choice.


Jeri's assistant/love interest looks exactly like James Marsden and it bothers me every time she's on screen. Are they siblings?
Not everyone who watches Jessica Jones watches all the other Marvel properties. Some people are only watching this show, so referencing all that weird stuff in the other properties is not necessary.
everyone in the audience not watching the rest of MCU's properties does not take away from the fact that this property exists within the confines of the MCU. and btw, while there's no way to prove it, I think it's safe to say that most people that have watched it are also fans of the rest of the MCU shit.
Jeri's assistant/love interest looks exactly like James Marsden and it bothers me every time she's on screen. Are they siblings?
whaaaat the fuck, can't unsee


I loved the show until episode 10 where I was thoroughly rough-housed by idiot balls the size of Kentucky.

I haven't watched 11. My interest has dropped like a freaking rock.


The scene in episode 12 when
the dude drops himself on garden shears. Jess proceeds to check his pulse... Like he's obviously fucking dead lmao
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