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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


That last episode...
was so disappointing. That's it. Just snap his neck? You could've done that episode one. This almost made me dislike the whole show. I enjoyed everything except the last episode. That was dull.


Gonna cross-post this in the spoiler thread but (last episode spoilers)
Jess said Trish had an "iron will," am I nuts to think that's a sly hint that they're gonna gender-bend Iron Fist and make the show about her?
Yeah, you crazy on that one.

No need to give her THAT when she has her own background to draw from.
That last episode...
was so disappointing. That's it. Just snap his neck? You could've done that episode one. This almost made me dislike the whole show. I enjoyed everything except the last episode. That was dull.

Really? I disagree. It took her a while and lots of stuff to happen to actually reach the stage where she could do that without causing irreparable harm to others. The way it was handled was perfection, IMO. To each his own I suppose!


just finished it. loved it. I had zero expectations going in, never heard of the show, have no fucking clue who jessica jones is, but found a well paced, interesting thing to watch. good stuff.
ending was a bit weak


Question: will this Series stay exclusive to Netflix, or will I be able to watch it legally any other way sometime (aka DVD/BR or Amazon prime?)
I finished last night. No spoilers here.

I think this is the best Superhero TV show by a fair margin.

My only complaint, is that there are about 3 filler episodes in the series, and two of them come in near the end, making show drag a bit.

David Tennant is incredible.


Episode 9. ROFLMAO. At first the episode started out really strong. I was pretty into it. It seemed like the show was finally done with the lame arc I wasn't really feeling in the last couple of episodes. But no. NOPE. The moment Jesssica starts detailing her "plan" it is clear there is no plan. AGAIN. Bad decisions. Dumb choices. Lots of stupid unbearable lameness. Could see the end of the episode coming from a mile away. Not impressed. At all. The show is best when it's about character development. It's at its worst when it tries to ramp up artificial drama and false tension by having characters all act like idiots.

The stuff with Simspon being revealed as Nuke wasn't handled badly though. I liked the way they dropped the references. First with "my boys" and then eventually ending with the "gimme a red". I still can't see him as Nuke though. The physique just isn't there. Not a bad actor, but just miscast for what they're going for, unless they're going to buff him up with practical effects next? :p
Episode 9. ROFLMAO. At first the episode started out really strong. I was pretty into it. It seemed like the show was finally done with the lame arc I wasn't really feeling in the last couple of episodes. But no. NOPE. The moment Jesssica starts detailing her "plan" it is clear there is no plan. AGAIN. Bad decisions. Dumb choices. Lots of stupid unbearable lameness. Could see the end of the episode coming from a mile away. Not impressed. At all. The show is best when it's about character development. It's at its worst when it tries to ramp up artificial drama and false tension by having characters all act like idiots.

The stuff with Simspon being revealed as Nuke wasn't handled badly though. I liked the way they dropped the references. First with "my boys" and then eventually ending with the "gimme a red". I still can't see him as Nuke though. The physique just isn't there. Not a bad actor, but just miscast for what they're going for, unless they're going to buff him up with practical effects next? :p
Hah oh you will LOVE the next episode ;)
Episode 6.

They totally went there.

Also David Tennent is great in every scene he is in. I really hope they dont try and humanise him in the second half of the season because gosh have they done a heck of a job establishing Killgrave as a next level creepy scumbag.


Other netflix shows like House of Cards have hit physical media, so probably a matter of time.
I have Daredevil saved to my Bluray queue, but there is no release estimate yet.

Just got through Death by 1000 cuts. I don't think the show has taken a big dip. The first couple of episodes are the best, but the rest is fine. It's silly but no worse than anything else from the Marvelverse. I can't hold it against this show that it falls apart under scrutiny. Very few TV shows don't. The conceit here might hold it back, since Kilgrave's entire line of defense consists of talking himself out of situations, but that sets it apart from a lot of Marvel's previous stories. My two biggest complaints: Wil Traval's Simpson is a weird fucking guy, so weird that I have to wonder why even within this universe everyone isn't put off by him, and the constant yo-yo of the main plot is a little much by 3/4 of the way through. Could have been shorter. Smaller complaint (spoiler for episode 10):
Colby Minifie's Robin is the worst. The worst. Her reaction to Reuben's death is so wooden and stilted. It's less like learning her brother has died and more like someone called her purse ugly. And then those two support group guys follow her to bust down Jessica's door and assault her with a goddamn 2x4. For like, no reason.


I have Daredevil saved to my Bluray queue, but there is no release estimate yet.

Just got through Death by 1000 cuts. I don't think the show has taken a big dip. The first couple of episodes are the best, but the rest is fine. It's silly but no worse than anything else from the Marvelverse. I can't hold it against this show that it falls apart under scrutiny. Very few TV shows don't. The conceit here might hold it back, since Kilgrave's entire line of defense consists of talking himself out of situations, but that sets it apart from a lot of Marvel's previous stories. My two biggest complaints: Wil Traval's Simpson is a weird fucking guy, so weird that I have to wonder why even within this universe everyone isn't put off by him, and the constant yo-yo of the main plot is a little much by 3/4 of the way through. Could have been shorter. Smaller complaint (spoiler for episode 10):
Colby Minifie's Robin is the worst. The worst. Her reaction to Reuben's death is so wooden and stilted. It's less like learning her brother has died and more like someone called her purse ugly. And then those two support group guys follow her to bust down Jessica's door and assault her with a goddamn 2x4. For like, no reason.

Robin is the worst character on this show, and a character that just truly baffles with her inclusion.

Personally I'd be totally fine with the entire cast of S1 being fired minus Jessica, Trish, and Luke.


Robin was made to ultimately be a foil, but I think she's still redeemable, as weird as that sounds given her characterization and what the show implies with how she treated Ruben.

Ruben and Robin also exist to mirror Jessica and Kilgrave, in that Jessica and Ruben are victims of abuse. Ruben was either abused by Robin or someone else in some ways.

Even mirroring Kilgrave's jealousy with Jessica's feelings for Luke, when Robin was clearly jealous that Ruben was infatuated with Jessica.
That last episode...
was so disappointing. That's it. Just snap his neck? You could've done that episode one. This almost made me dislike the whole show. I enjoyed everything except the last episode. That was dull.

Dragonball Z that way >.

God forbid the show attempt to approach a hero villain battle from a totally different angle and not just, punch punch smash argh! Kudos to the show for being bold and creating an arc where the end result made sense and had emotional impact for the protag.


Robin was made to ultimately be a foil, but I think she's still redeemable, as weird as that sounds given her characterization and what the show implies with how she treated Ruben.

Ruben and Robin also exist to mirror Jessica and Kilgrave, in that Jessica and Ruben are victims of abuse. Ruben was either abused by Robin or someone else in some ways.

Even mirroring Kilgrave's jealousy with Jessica's feelings for Luke, when Robin was clearly jealous that Ruben was infatuated with Jessica.
I don't have a problem with the idea of the character. I have a problem with the execution.

Malcolm says he found her sobbing in the hallway, but we never see her exhibit any remorse about Reuben's death. The script tells us one thing, but the actress tells us something else. Even when she is being questioned after Hope dies, she does not seem at all concerned about revealing what happened to her brother, and instead lumps his death in with whatever other weird things have been happening.
Episode 8 was fucking incredible, probably one of the best episodes of television I've seen all year.

Seriously, I would watch an entirely separate show of Jessica and Kilgrave travelling the world solving people's problems, and using their powers for good. A sociopath who eventually learns to do the right thing, and a woman who has sold her own life out to help people, even while she hates herself for it. I'm thinking up so many amazing plots as we speak... damn, would this show be god damn amazing.

Domesticated Kilgrave was the fucking worst...


I don't have a problem with the idea of the character. I have a problem with the execution.

Malcolm says he found her sobbing in the hallway, but we never see her exhibit any remorse about Reuben's death. The script tells us one thing, but the actress tells us something else. Even when she is being questioned after Hope dies, she does not seem at all concerned about revealing what happened to her brother, and instead lumps his death in with whatever other weird things have been happening.

Wha? We see that scene, we aren't told about it.
I'm only on episode five, so I'm reading this thread with one eye closed, but I cannot wrap my head around people who think this is boring. To each their own for sure. I think this is a really fantastic show and so far, I wish they had more time to expand on things.


I'm only on episode five, so I'm reading this thread with one eye closed, but I cannot wrap my head around people who think this is boring. To each their own for sure. I think this is a really fantastic show and so far, I wish they had more time to expand on things.

I feel the same-it's a slow burn and I'm loving it so far.
It's pretty fun but god damn does it get schlocky as hell. It's not the great show that I was expecting when I saw the first few episodes. I'm glad it's still entertaining though.

I'm on 8 and there's certainly a downward trajectory after 6, this Simpson character especially is just clownshoes. He's playing the "tacticool" Mac character...straight. And we're supposed to somehow take him seriously.

I think Daredevil, Flash and Gotham are much better. The latter two are cheesy too for sure but they have a self-awareness that this lacks. This show's trying to play like a compelling drama and...nah man. Only consistent positives are Jessica and Kilgrave, they're fantastic. Everything around them though isn't working, especially this plot.


Finished it. Was okay. Daredevil is maybe my favorite Marvel property right now, and Jessica Jones definitely does not replicate the highs of that show. Still one of the best comic book to TV adaptations I've seen.

I didn't have a problem with any of the Hogarth stuff. I've seen the divorce subplot criticized a lot but I don't see what was especially wrong with it, except that maybe the secretary and ex-wife were poorly shown the door.

Rosario Dawson is great in the final episode. I'm glad we didn't get any more Daredevil besides her. Her appearance felt natural (as far as these serendipitous encounters go).

Jessica's powers were portrayed poorly. Her super jumps are so goofy. If the Defenders crossover series comes to be, I hope the various powers at play are better presented. Daredevil really nailed the combat. Maybe that's an easier thing to capture for TV. I hope super strength in its many incarnations is done more convincingly in the future.

Kilgrave's upgraded powers were underutilized. A lot more could have been done there, to make him more of a threat.

Did the show ever explain why Reva had that flash drive?

I look forward to Luke Cage. Colter was one of the best things about this show.
It's pretty fun but god damn does it get schlocky as hell. It's not the great show that I was expecting when I saw the first few episodes. I'm glad it's still entertaining though.

I'm on 8 and there's certainly a downward trajectory after 6, this Simpson character especially is just clownshoes. He's playing the "tacticool" Mac character...straight. And we're supposed to somehow take him seriously.

I think Daredevil, Flash and Gotham are much better. The latter two are cheesy too for sure but they have a self-awareness that this lacks. This show's trying to play like a compelling drama and...nah man. Only consistent positives are Jessica and Kilgrave, they're fantastic. Everything around them though isn't working, especially this plot.

I'm right where you are and feeling almost exactly the same. A tighter 10 episodes would have been a huge improvement. None of the supporting cast are particularly interesting or entertaining. Claims of 10x better than Daredevil are, frankly, ridiculous.

Looking forward to that Luke Cage, though. He's the best thing about this show.
Did the show ever explain why Reva had that flash drive?

Not in the show. My guess? (spoilers from last episode)
Jessica said the flash drive had lots of files on experiments that she hadn't looked at. Probably also somewhere in that list is information on the experiment that gave Luke his powers. Reva probably gathered all this information to find stuff for Luke, and the stuff she got on Kilgrave was a dead end on her real search.


Just finished and liked it a lot. I think I prefer Daredevil overall, but this definitely had a much better ending than that one did imo.


So, anyone else agree that this show is at least very interesting for how divisive it seems to be? I've had just as many people tell me they dislike it, as people tell me they love it, and also just as many people tell me they don't know how to feel about it.

I think the general consensus seems to be "Plot sucks, but Jessica and Kilgrave make this fun to watch"


- Vulture: Why Krysten Ritter Hated the Jessica Jones Pitch.
How was the show pitched to you?

The first pitch from my manager was terrible. I got a call, you know, "Netflix wants to see you for this show, it's Marvel, it's a superhero show." And I like to audition, so I was like, "Okay, I'll go, but I'm never gonna get that." My manager was like, "No, no — it's not your typical superhero show. Your character's really bad at it." I was like, "Okay, uhh, what does that mean? Is it, like, slapstick? What is that?" So at first I didn't know what to expect, but it didn't sound very good.

It wasn't until I got the super-secretive encrypted material that I realized, Oh, wow, this is really interesting! It's really dark! The [audition scenes] were just with the Luke Cage character, but it wasn't even Luke Cage on the pages, it was somebody I don't know. Just really character-driven moments that weren't full of exposition.
What’s a conversation with showrunner Melissa Rosenberg that particularly sticks out in your mind?

She never really talked about Jessica as gender first. She never wrote the character as gender first. It's always character first, which I loved right away. She pointed out at one point, "You don't hear anyone ever saying, 'white male superhero.' You just say 'superhero.' But for a girl, for some reason, it's 'female superhero.'” That really resonated with me and how she approached the character, and the kind of integrity that she has. And she always talked about this show like a gritty drama. I think she'd compare it to Homeland before anything in the superhero genre, which was very exciting to me. The television I watch — I'm into psychological thrillers, I'm really into Damages and Bloodline and character-driven pieces, and that's what this is. Oh, and also the fact that I happen to be a superhero and get to exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this global superbrand that puts out really high-quality content, is kind of like hitting the jackpot, you know what I mean?


It's pretty fun but god damn does it get schlocky as hell. It's not the great show that I was expecting when I saw the first few episodes. I'm glad it's still entertaining though.

I'm on 8 and there's certainly a downward trajectory after 6, this Simpson character especially is just clownshoes. He's playing the "tacticool" Mac character...straight. And we're supposed to somehow take him seriously.

I think Daredevil, Flash and Gotham are much better. The latter two are cheesy too for sure but they have a self-awareness that this lacks. This show's trying to play like a compelling drama and...nah man. Only consistent positives are Jessica and Kilgrave, they're fantastic. Everything around them though isn't working, especially this plot.

This post nails it right on the head.

It's a fun show, and Jessica / killgrave are fun to watch, but the writing and acting is not much better than stuff you find on network television.


Fuck me, it's already doing that by episode 8...

Sadly it was doing it since around episode 8 , yeah. As others have said, they either should have had a smaller episode total or not have introduced Killgrave so early. It's just redundant near the end.
The episode where the
support group decides to beat up Jessica nearly had me in tears with how awful it was. I had to pause the episode and walk around the house ranting for a minute or two to try to make sense of it. What were they thinking? Dumb.

Otherwise, a decent show with some very solid moments but also some very idiotic ones as well. I'd place it well below Daredevil.
The episode where the
support group decides to beat up Jessica nearly had me in tears with how awful it was. I had to pause the episode and walk around the house ranting for a minute or two to try to make sense of it. What were they thinking? Dumb.

Otherwise, a decent show with some very solid moments but also some very idiotic ones as well. I'd place it well below Daredevil.

As someone who has been around a few support groups, it's actually pretty acurate, thematically. People in support groups are hurting and hurting people can turn on each other very easily. As with many things in the show, I think it sacrifices plot to hit the themes it wants to.


The episode where the
support group decides to beat up Jessica nearly had me in tears with how awful it was. I had to pause the episode and walk around the house ranting for a minute or two to try to make sense of it. What were they thinking? Dumb.

Otherwise, a decent show with some very solid moments but also some very idiotic ones as well. I'd place it well below Daredevil.

I just couldn't believe the guy whose jacket was stolen was still involved and invested in this.
As someone who has been around a few support groups, it's actually pretty acurate, thematically. People in support groups are hurting and hurting people can turn on each other very easily. As with many things in the show, I think it sacrifices plot to hit the themes it wants to.

like a hurt the ones who are trying to help the most kind of thing? I can see that. I guess I didn't like the way it was handled. I also didn't care for the scene (in a later episode?) where Malcom suddenly turns on Jessica and tells her he needs to get away from her. Felt like I missed something. I genuinely started thinking that everyone was still under Kilgrave's control after his powers became greater. Turns out that wasn't the case. Just confusing overall.
I finally finished it and I'm not quite sure how to feel about it. I never read the comics or anything, so I didn't really have expectations. All I knew was that JJ is a retired superhero turned P.I. and that "the purple man" is in the show.

I really liked it and was into it in the first few episodes. I liked the style, themes and the lack of action, compared to other comic book shows. Loved the slower pace, too. It really felt more character driven, which was great. Because of an existing main villain, it felt like a non-procedural detective noir story and I was hoping it would be more of that.

But I suppose my problem is that I absolutely didn't care for any of the other characters, including Luke, which made the rest of the season a drag. It's not even like I have a thing for Ritter and ignore others because of it (I can't stand her face, actually). But there were just so many of them and they all had their own little plots and most of it amounted to nothing, at least yet. The junkie, the twins, the Captain America reject, the support group. None of them made me really care.

Kilgrave as a villain wasn't as good as I hoped he would be or as evil, powerful and mysterious as the first episodes implied. Like I said, I liked the theme between Jessica and him and also how they handled it and portrayed it for the most part. But as an overarching villain, he wasn't threatening or powerful enough. Even as Jessica's own demon. E: Actual spoiler from Episode 8 on, I think!
They tried to make him more powerful, but I felt it was a bit of a moot point, because he already lost power over Jessica and his "upgrades" (so to speak) weren't portrayed at all, except maybe for the scene in the hospital later on.
While my initial reaction to the last meeting with him wasn't great and kind of soured me on the show, I've come around it a little. I guess it was fitting for the show and theme in general and not a bad way to end it, if only there wasn't so much side plot and episodes to drag this last scene with him out. Again, I liked Kilgrave on a personal level, but instead of a "big bad" he felt more like a freak of the week on AoS. I guess that's a problem, when you try to tie everything into one universe. He could've worked better, if they introduced him a little later.

I'm probably going to watch the first few episodes of Luke Cage, because I'm a sucker, but as a character he seems incredibly dull.


Did the show ever explain why Reva had that flash drive?

I look forward to Luke Cage. Colter was one of the best things about this show.

Post-season speculation:
I think they'll expand on that in the Luke Cage series. I get the feeling that the drive will be a plot element in that with Luke investigating what Reva was doing.
I finally finished it and I'm not quite sure how to feel about it. I never read the comics or anything, so I didn't really have expectations. All I knew was that JJ is a retired superhero turned P.I. and that "the purple man" is in the show.

I really liked it and was into it in the first few episodes. I liked the style, themes and the lack of action, compared to other comic book shows. Loved the slower pace, too. It really felt more character driven, which was great. Because of an existing main villain, it felt like a non-procedural detective noir story and I was hoping it would be more of that.

But I suppose my problem is that I absolutely didn't care for any of the other characters, including Luke, which made the rest of the season a drag. It's not even like I have a thing for Ritter and ignore others because of it (I can't stand her face, actually). But there were just so many of them and they all had their own little plots and most of it amounted to nothing, at least yet. The junkie, the twins, the Captain America reject, the support group. None of them made me really care.

Kilgrave as a villain wasn't as good as I hoped he would be or as evil, powerful and mysterious as the first episodes implied. Like I said, I liked the theme between Jessica and him and also how they handled it and portrayed it for the most part. But as an overarching villain, he wasn't threatening or powerful enough. Even as Jessica's own demon. E: Actual spoiler from Episode 8 on, I think!
They tried to make him more powerful, but I felt it was a bit of a moot point, because he already lost power over Jessica and his "upgrades" (so to speak) weren't portrayed at all, except maybe for the scene in the hospital later on.
While my initial reaction to the last meeting with him wasn't great and kind of soured me on the show, I've come around it a little. I guess it was fitting for the show and theme in general and not a bad way to end it, if only there wasn't so much side plot and episodes to drag this last scene with him out. Again, I liked Kilgrave on a personal level, but instead of a "big bad" he felt more like a freak of the week on AoS. I guess that's a problem, when you try to tie everything into one universe. He could've worked better, if they introduced him a little later.

I'm probably going to watch the first few episodes of Luke Cage, because I'm a sucker, but as a character he seems incredibly dull.

The scene where Kilgrave gets injected with his 'power up' left on a sort of cliffhanger and had me thinking "uh-oh, shit's about to get real. Are they going to turn his skin purple like in the comics?" It wouldn't have made much sense, but it would have made for a nice bit of fan service and it would have made his appearance become more monsterous and inhuman to match his personality. Yeah, it turned out to be a bunch of nothing. Ah well.


Water is not wet!
Really enjoyed this. Both this and Daredevil had the problem with too many episodes making for not as tight a run but i think JJs lull didnt lose me as much as DDs.
The episode where the
support group decides to beat up Jessica nearly had me in tears with how awful it was. I had to pause the episode and walk around the house ranting for a minute or two to try to make sense of it. What were they thinking? Dumb.

Otherwise, a decent show with some very solid moments but also some very idiotic ones as well. I'd place it well below Daredevil.

Please put the episode number of what you are spoiler tagging, its the very first thing in the OP. [episode 10]

And yes,
That scene was just terrible all around.

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