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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix

Somebody get the guy playing Cage some acting lessons lol. He has no charisma and does a horrible job delivering some of the more impactful lines. He's lucky he looks exactly like Cage in the books.

Only watched the first episode, aside from JJ, mind you. So im not sure if he gets any better, but the way he tries to be hard is laughable.


He appeared on The Good Wife before showing up on JJ and even then I held that opinion. I had hoped he would step his game up, but that didn't turn out.
I think he's pretty good. Don't see where the no charisma is coming from.
Mike Colter's role as a crime boss on The Good Wife was very similar to Avon in The Wire and Cottonmouth in this show, and I think he did as good a job there as he has as Cage. His precise diction might be jarring for some in contrast to every other character, but I think his acting is fairly good.



He appeared on The Good Wife before showing up on JJ and even then I held that opinion. I had hoped he would step his game up, but that didn't turn out.
lol. Ah well.


Ep 3

Damn Chico didn't see that coming. Did the boy have super healing? He was walking around the day after getting three bullets.


Finished 1st episode. Kinda busy binge watching Bates Motel at the moment, so I'll take this one slow.

Also...I thought that kid is Spidey for a moment.


Finished everything. Good show. Second half of the finale slows down significantly and fizzles out. But all in all, I didn't feel tired by the time I got to the end like the other shows.

I have to say that the criticisms of Mike Colter here are completely valid. I like the guy, but he lacks almost every emotion outside of mellow. Every other actor outshines him.


Mid-way through episode 1 and I got a question:
Was Luke Cage and Misty Knight ever a couple in the comics? I thought it was Danny Rand and Misty. Wouldn't it be weird for Danny to hook up with Misty knowing that Misty and Luke had a thing before him?


I like Colter as Luke, but I'm also hoping that the guy playing Iron fist has a sorta goofy and great chemistry with him to play off of that seriousness.


Mid-way through episode 1 and I got a question:
Was Luke Cage and Misty Knight ever a couple in the comics? I thought it was Danny Rand and Misty. Wouldn't it be weird for Danny to hook up with Misty knowing that Misty and Luke had a thing before him?
Why would that be weird?


the way he says some of his lines just come off really flat. Especially ones that are supposed to have an impact.

Aisde from him though the show has been really good. Really wasnt expecting much but it has been a surprisingly good show so far. I do hope they bring in Iron Fist if they decide to do a second season though. They could combine the squeals of those separate shows as a Heroes for Hire show which would be amazing imo.
finished episode 1, im not feelin it. Really hated Jessica Jones, but Luke was one of the better parts of that. Hope this picks up like a lot


Finished it; liked it more than Daredevil S2 and Jessica Jones, but it's still got nothing on DD S1. The action scenes were probably the weakest and most boring Marvel's put to film, outside of the pretty solid one at the end, but it felt more evenly paced and maintained it's style in a way that JJ failed to.

Episode 12
The way Diamondback goes full comic books by the end is pretty spectacular, but the fake out with Misty's arm was a real bummer.

Still looking forward to Iron Fist and The Defenders a whole lot, but I think Netflix Marvel might have peaked from the jump.
I really like this show, but I don't care for Luke at all. I didn't mind him at all in The Good Wife, but the dude is just so boring here. Everyone else makes up for Luke's terrible acting though. Music is excellent. I don't like Juice from SoA. Misty :wow:

Episode 7:
Why they had to kill Cottonmouth????


The show is very well made and the characters are mostly very interesting.. But the main character, Luke, is a dull dud. He's a silly male power fantasy trying to share a universe with regular people and real problems. It's strange.

He's too powerful and his morality and integrity are beyond reproach. Every woman he sees falls in love with him instantly, and often he beds them. He's not particularly interested in anything, he's not creative, he's not artistic, he's just.. Super powerful serious guy who is perfect. It's not compelling. A more interesting protagonist is someone with more conflict, more opposition. Someone with an arc. What's Luke's arc? He's perfect and then he's perfect? I guess he gets mad occasionally.

Granted, I haven't finished the show yet, this is just my impression after 5 episodes. Right now I'd rather watch a show about that detective or about Rosario Dawson. Luke Cage is a flatline.
Just saw the first 2 chapters, and even tho there were a lot of references to things I dont know about, the world building they did was great , Ill be looking the other chapters later but Im impressed so far.
Luke being kind of dull seems to fit his character a bit tbh. He's mainly reserved but personable. Trying to keep his head down but his abilities and genuineness just pushed him a lot of the time. I liked him.

Diamondback and Shades were the real stars imo though.


Why do shows more often have interesting villains than protagonists? Cottonmouth has a range of emotions. He is conflicted. He plays a mean set of keys. He enjoys music and art. Luke Cage, by contrast, is a robot. I find myself rooting for the villain because I, strangely, relate to him more.

A better show has a relatable protagonist. If the villain is more relatable you have a problem.
Why do shows more often have interesting villains than protagonists? Cottonmouth has a range of emotions. He is conflicted. He plays a mean set of keys. He enjoys music and art. Luke Cage, by contrast, is a robot. I find myself rooting for the villain because I, strangely, relate to him more.

A better show has a relatable protagonist. If the villain is more relatable you have a problem.

Have you watched the wire? None of the cops on that show were relatable and show is considered one of the GOAT.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think I'm too tired to enjoy this.. I fell asleep about halfway through the first episode :/
It's a little slow for my tastes.

It's easily the weakest of the Netflix Marvel pilots. The main thing that was missing was momentum - something both Daredevil and Jessica Jones had. This felt sluggish, didn't give the title character enough to do, and also didn't have a very good hook at the end.

Netflix/Marvel intros continue to be on point, goddamn.

Opposite - Netflix and Marvel are 0/3 for me. So far they've all been bland and lacked character.

I mean, I'm not asking for X-Men TAS level hype, but they really should try for something more propulsive and gripping next time.
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