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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix

4 episodes in and I love this show. I'm also of the opinion that Netflix Marvel shows are just getting better and better as they go.

I'm on a brief sick leave from work right now due to some medical stuff, so I'm very much anticipating taking the next few days to reach the finish to this series.

I dig Mike Colter and his super reserved personality, and that man is handsome as hell. I did feel like he lacked confidence in Jessica Jones, but with this series, I think it's working really well considering how much more we're seeing of the Luke Cage character as viewers. Actually seeing him break from his steely stoicism makes me feel a bit more connected to the emotional weight of the events surrounding him.

Spidey, Daredevil and Cap are my favorite Marvel heroes typically, but I do really feel like I'm resonating with Luke here more than any other recent media with my usual favorites -- and I've very much loved Spidey, Hornhead, and Cap's appearances lately.

I don't know, I get kinda caught by surprise by how much people seem to not like some of this stuff, and for me it seriously is just better and better every time a new season comes out from the Netflix Marvel pool. I knew very little about Jessica Jones and admittedly little about Luke Cage prior to their series, and I really, really liked them, more than the Daredevil seasons that preceded them (and again, I stress that I really liked Daredevil, too).



I think I am straight, and even I want to ride him.



Unconfirmed Member
Opening credits are great as is the music.

Only got to watch the first episode but I liked it despite it being a bit slow.


Defintely starts slower than the other two shows but there's something that I reall like. So much down to earth so far, you forget this is a super hero series. And it's certainly fresh to see an almost all black series.


Un Rama
This is my main problem with Luke Cage. The show is at its best every time he isn't on screen. Like he is okay but pretty much every character is more compelling.


This is my main problem with Luke Cage. The show is at its best every time he isn't on screen. Like he is okay but pretty much every character is more compelling.

Hah. I tweeted this last night. I want to watch Luke Cage minus Luke Cage.


Got some questions.

-When is the show set? After Jessica Jones or before?
- Is there any nudity? F-bombs? Or is it usual Marvel/Netflix?


Un Rama
Got some questions.

-When is the show set? After Jessica Jones or before?
- Is there any nudity? F-bombs? Or is it usual Marvel/Netflix?

After Jessica Jones. And some very light nudity but not much. Bucket loads of casual swearing and use of the word "nigga".
He's not a smooth player. He's boring. He stands here and all women all fall in love with him for no real reason. The detective in episode one had a bit of a back and forth with him, but mostly there's nothing believable about every woman loving him.

He's just a terrible character in a great show. I accept that. I want to watch this show but without him in it.

He's cool headed, a good man and hes hot as fucking hell, it's really not a stretch
You could watch this and play a legitimately competitive game of 'spot the white person', if that's any indication of how black this show is.

Oh I've seen it up to episode 5,but thats all it takes for a show to be black?Lack of white people?
It's superhero shlock,the story has been pretty universally relatable. Whenever people label a show black,i'm prepared for these unearthly experiences,never happens:p
Finished watching it.

It's on the same level as the other netflix Marvel shows. Hard to rank because I genuinely like them all and I have the same criticism for all of them, they all dragged a bit much. Overall, great show though, Marvel is 4/4 on netflix shows for me.

These Marvel shows need to stop being 13 episodes. Cut it down to 10 or so.

Couldn't agree more. 8-10 is the sweet spot. Hence why the Defenders will probably be the best netflix Marvel show ever.

This show could use some more f bombs..the show is already gritty and real as fuck.

All these netflix shows could, to be honest. I think I have heard "fuck", or any of its variations, used only once in 4 shows, and that was in JJ.


IOverall, great show though, Marvel is 4/4 on netflix shows for me.

What's the fourth show? There's Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage so far. Unless you're not just talking about originals, and also counting Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Also, some people seem to think that the lingering shots made for better exposition and character growth or whatever, but to me it was just a way to waste enough time to spread eight episode's worth of actual story across thirteen. A lot of the footage here would have never left the editing room if this were a miniseries or film.


You could watch this and play a legitimately competitive game of 'spot the white person', if that's any indication of how black this show is.
Not the cast that makes it black. It's the dialogue and how the characters talk to each other. Like cottonmouth and Mariah had one back and fourth that was too real.


Didn't enjoy the writing in this from what I watched (first couple of eps). The delivery is good but it's just so underwhelming what they're being asked to read.
What's the fourth show? There's Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage so far. Unless you're not just talking about originals, and also counting Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Sorry, I was counting each season as a show for some reason.

I just recently finished Jessica Jones and I don't remember any F bombs in any of the episodes. Just lots of shits.

IIRC, it's when
she is helping the junkie get detoxed. He says something like, "hold on, wait, I just...fuck...blah blah".
Subtle, but I distinctively remember it.


Unconfirmed Member
The fuck is with all these music acts that I'm forced to sit through or fast forward through? One or two okay but this is like the fourth or fifth one now and I'm only on episode 5. Did a music video director do this show or something?Shit is starting to get irritating.


Just to let people know that you might want to finish Jessica Jones before watching this. There is a speech one of the characters gives in a later episode that pretty explicitly spoils the ending of JJ.
The fuck is with all these music acts that I'm forced to sit through or fast forward through? One or two okay but this is like the fourth or fifth one now and I'm only on episode 5. Did a music video director do this show or something?Shit is starting to get irritating.

I like the music acts but the showrunners are clearly trying to pad the episodes. Every scene is longer than it should be. They have 30 minutes of mostly great content that they're stretching to 50+. And I'm generally a patient viewer but it's a little bit irritating here.


Oh I've seen it up to episode 5,but thats all it takes for a show to be black?Lack of white people?
It's superhero shlock,the story has been pretty universally relatable. Whenever people label a show black,i'm prepared for these unearthly experiences,never happens:p

I know, right? Turns out black people were just people all along. What a twist.

I get what you're saying though.
Incredibly mild episode 3 spoiler, wouldn't even consider it a spoiler really:

Misty's partner looked familiar so I looked him up. He's Brett in Pulp Fiction.

Just after I do that, Misty says he broke her concentration. Later he comments about takeout burgers he likes.

That's gotta be on purpose.


Episode 5 was the weakest episode so far...besides seeing a familiar face for the first time,they could of skipped the whole thing and gone straight to ep.6 lol...
Question for anyone who has finished the show. You can answer in spoiler bars.
One of the other shows had a post credits tease for Luke Cage. Does this show have any post credit teases? Iron Fist?
I finished the show last night and really liked it. The story wasn't great and it did drag at the middle then it kinda lost me at the end, but it was the characters that kept me hooked. I could watch their back and forths all day (well, I did).

I get what people don't like about Colter as Cage, but I actually really like him in the role. He suits what they're going for with the character. I don't need him to act all melodramatic because that ain't who he is. Also, dude is too good looking.


I agree but that's common for most superheroes. It's the Batman syndrome. The heroes are nothing without their villains.

Funny you mention that because I pretty much see Diamondback as the Joker but if he was a preacher.

Guy is a total psycho and his plans without planning work way too well.
I got a question.

Only just finished episode 1 no spoilers please.

This takes place after AKA Jessica Jones right?

So why is he on the run and poor?

He seemed pretty decently well off in that show with a bar and shit. And he didn't seem like he was on the run.

Did he not get an insurance payout or something?


I like the music acts but the showrunners are clearly trying to pad the episodes. Every scene is longer than it should be. They have 30 minutes of mostly great content that they're stretching to 50+. And I'm generally a patient viewer but it's a little bit irritating here.

They aren't padding for the sake of filling space.

They want to expose people to a side of Americana they probably never saw in their lives let alone television.

It's really obvious they are showing off what is the richer experience if being a black or Hispanic from Harlem. But on some level it feels off and not just because they have to work with Marvel lore.

El Topo

He seemed pretty decently well off in that show with a bar and shit. And he didn't seem like he was on the run.

Did he not get an insurance payout or something?

I think police were looking for him though (see the hospital scene) since (under the influence of the Purple Man) he attacked cops, Jessica and tore out a car door. Hospital staff also became aware that he is "enhanced".
I don't remember his financial situation anymore, but wasn't the fire due to arsony? I assume maybe his insurance did not pay, at least not before he went on the run.
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