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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix

So is Shades in the comics suppose to be like a discount Cyclops?

Colter has a real "I don't know what to do with my hands" sort of look in a lot of scenes.

I like the awkwardness. I like how his character would occasionally say smooth stuff, but most of the time it would come out corny and how he was just this big sort of awk dude trying to keep his head down while bumping to Wu Tang.


Just finished the season, and damn. Talk about a bittersweet ending.
Mariah gets off, Candance is dead, and Luke gets sent back to Seagate. On the bright side, at least Fish can prove Luke's innocence with the files.


I'd say...

1) Daredevil S1
2) Luke Cage S1
3) Jessica Jones S1
4) Daredevil S2

Of all of the Netflix shows, the only parts I actively disliked or were bored by was the Hand plotline in season 2 of Daredevil. I come to the Netflix shows for street level heroes fighting to protect their homes from organized crime. Mystical ninjas with vague goals doesn't fit in the wheelhouse. I'm hoping Iron Fist can make me care about Marvel mysticism.

Agree with the ranking, but I didn't have a problem with the subject matter in DDS2 so much as the way it was shoehorned in.


Claire is more persistent than Batman. She's the reverse-Punisher.

No matter who you are, if you are hurt, she will find you and treat you with her nurse / super-surgeon powers. And no one will be able to stand in her way. Hostage situation? Who cares. Bad guys with guns? So what. A super secret room locked from the inside? She already went inside while I was typing this.

She'd be a perfect nemesis for Frank Castle.
She's the most important street level character at this point.
Ep 5
yo Luke rolling into dude's club, wrecking his crew, and telling him to keep his name outta his mouth=A++++ would Cage again


I don't understand the love that Misty is getting from fans. To me she's just another annoying cop character dogging the hero. Makes the show hard to watch at times, I find myself skipping her scenes. Maybe she gets better by the end of the season. I hope so. I wanted to like her at the beginning.

Edit: Episode 11 now

Ok, she gets better. Not sure I'd want a show starring her, but hey, not like I wouldn't watch it.


I just finished episode 8 and I need someone to slightly spoil something for me as I can't watch the rest of the series tonight as I am watching it with my wife and she is going to bed.

someone please tell me
episode 8
that misty is just doing a con of the police department and they really didn't make her suddenly plot stupid.

she thinks it was someone else.
she has reason to trust luke.
she knows that he has been attacked and shouldn't be able to be shot and likely couldn't have been at the crime scene anyways.

so this entire business about arresting him over planted gloves is beyond stupid.
especially since those gloves shouldn't have luke's dna in them at all as he left long enough ago and his skin is special anyways that there is no reason for his dna to be inside of them.
she should know that they were planted, and have no reason to go after him at all and if someone can't tell me it's a long play then it's instantly going to take her character from someone I wasn't minding to a character I detest -_-
so just give a simple

She has a plan or no she is that damn stupid response ^^;
I just finished episode 8 and I need someone to slightly spoil something for me as I can't watch the rest of the series tonight as I am watching it with my wife and she is going to bed.

someone please tell me
episode 8
that misty is just doing a con of the police department and they really didn't make her suddenly plot stupid.

she thinks it was someone else.
she has reason to trust luke.
she knows that he has been attacked and shouldn't be able to be shot and likely couldn't have been at the crime scene anyways.

so this entire business about arresting him over planted gloves is beyond stupid.
especially since those gloves shouldn't have luke's dna in them at all as he left long enough ago and his skin is special anyways that there is no reason for his dna to be inside of them.
she should know that they were planted, and have no reason to go after him at all and if someone can't tell me it's a long play then it's instantly going to take her character from someone I wasn't minding to a character I detest -_-
so just give a simple

She has a plan or no she is that damn stupid response ^^;

Just keep watching
Just finished the season, and damn. Talk about a bittersweet ending.
Mariah gets off, Candance is dead, and Luke gets sent back to Seagate. On the bright side, at least Fish can prove Luke's innocence with the files.

Hey, don't forget
Diamondback is being treated by the doctor that gave Luke his powers. I wonder if this is going to continue in season 2 or in Defenders. I can't wait too long for this.


thanks for the response. it makes me have much higher hopes for the rest of the series as I had enjoyed the first 8 episodes up to that point.

Lol I was on episode 8 when I wrote my post above. I was where you are at. I reached my breaking point with the character.


Finished it, and for the most part really liked it. I don't think it ever reaches the highs Jessica Jones managed to reach, but it's also a drastically more consistent show. Primarily due to its side characters and subplots being far more relevant and interesting. In Jessica, some of them felt like a complete annoyance. Like the episode where she is living in the same house as Kilgrave, but then you cut to this fucking boring subplot about Hoggarth's divorce. Or the annoying crazy neighbor. Neither of which justify their existence when compared to the main thread of the show.

But here, whether it be Black Mariah's rise (or fall), Misty's investigation, Cottonmouth, Claire, Luke's origin, it's all atleast interesting and feels tied together. Even if
was a poor step down, the thread behind that is atleast somewhat engaging.

Misty stole the fucking show in most of her scenes, Claire's first appearance was worthy of an applause, Luke being a hero for hire (more or less) was fun.

Overall I really liked it. Still doesn't hit the tense highs of Daredevil, but a damn solid cast give it some firm foundation.

I hope there isn't a Season 2 though... because I want this and the Iron Fist show to merge into Heroes for Hire.


I just finished episode 8 and I need someone to slightly spoil something for me as I can't watch the rest of the series tonight as I am watching it with my wife and she is going to bed.

someone please tell me
episode 8
that misty is just doing a con of the police department and they really didn't make her suddenly plot stupid.

she thinks it was someone else.
she has reason to trust luke.
she knows that he has been attacked and shouldn't be able to be shot and likely couldn't have been at the crime scene anyways.

so this entire business about arresting him over planted gloves is beyond stupid.
especially since those gloves shouldn't have luke's dna in them at all as he left long enough ago and his skin is special anyways that there is no reason for his dna to be inside of them.
she should know that they were planted, and have no reason to go after him at all and if someone can't tell me it's a long play then it's instantly going to take her character from someone I wasn't minding to a character I detest -_-
so just give a simple

She has a plan or no she is that damn stupid response ^^;

bad news kid


I highly enjoy Luke's awkward looking fighting style. It's hilarious looking yet also makes sense for someone who is just strong and bulletproof.


It's mostly the shield that gives you that feel. The sound design on that thing is perfect.


The funny thing is Cage
knows how to box
, but spends his entire series not doing so because his slaps knock people out.

It isn't just that. Even when Cap is kicking people the camerawork gives it a sense of weight. I know one trick they use for Captain America is the fast camera shake at the moment of impact.
Jessica Jones was the most narratively ambitious thing Marvel Studios has ever done. Even if the show didn't stick the landing as well as it should have, I can't help but admire it for the ways it succeeds. TV and media need more stories like Jessica Jones.

On ep4. Really good so far.

The vibe feels really old school though. Even though it's modern day it feels like it's set decades ago.
I know what you mean by this.

Like the other Netflix shows the show has a series tone, but I feel like this one isn't always as serious. It's a little quirky and I like it.
On ep4. Really good so far.

The vibe feels really old school though. Even though it's modern day it feels like it's set decades ago.

The show is essentially a modern day take on a blaxploitation film, so it has modern sensibilities, but some of the tropes and campiness of films of that era (you'll see with some of the dialog and costumes). It's a nice mix. I'd also recommend The Get Down for the same vibes, although that takes place in that period


Overall good but sometimes it felt like they recycled Daredevil's plot points. Also the action felt cheesy in a 70's show sort of way, what with the "doing mundane things" like standing still or slapping people resulting in over the top results. Luke Cage could also benefit from having someone there who can compliment his stern attitude.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Finish it last night. Great first half, ok second half. Diamondback wasn't a bad villain persay but he felt under developed for how the show wanted him to be the true threat. Honestly I could have lived with him not being the arms dealer and just some random hitman with a grudge against Luke. The story was just a little too contrived to get them altogether under such pretenses and despite the scene chewing the character just wasn't that interesting or intimidating. Its very hard to pull off crazy and insane characters without them becoming a bit of a joke and when I find out the dude is one who reads and quotes the bible I kind of just started rolling my eyes. A lot of the shit that came out of his mouth was very poorly done, even the "Can you dig it?" Which could have been a great line if it was used elsewhere in the show's story.

I honestly would have preferred Mariah being the main villain of the second half as that's honestly where the story is going anyways and Diamondback and his super bullets weren't nearly as interesting a plot line. Not bad by any means but very run of the mill and felt like it squandered the really strong start of the show. Even the music which was so dam good in the first half kind of took a backseat in the second. Just felt like they had to cram two storylines into one season and it didn't ever quite find its footing for the second half.

Still probably the best Marvel show so far and at least on par with Daredevil Season 1

Edit: It was both incredibly well shot and directed at many times but also really poorly done at others. I know others have complained about the action scenes and I think it suffers the same issue of Jessica Jones where it isn't so much that the choreography fits the character, but that there is little done to make it visually interesting or kinetic in feel. I get Luke doesn't have to do much because of his powers but outside of maybe the assault on Crispus Attacs most of the fight scenes were generally very mundane and shot in a manner that didn't really do much for me. Basically they just kind of settled on a visual motif after a few episodes and never bothered to advanced or evolve it or try something else.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It doesn't touch DD season 1 for me, but opinions et all....

Personally I don't think DD is very hot after the first half of Season 1. There are some high lights in the second half but like most Marvel shows the beginning is much stronger than the ending. I just find the overall production of Luke Cage to be more to my liking. The music is great and really sets the tone for each episode especially in the beginning, the color pallet, way it was shot and the treatment of Harlem was also much more appealing to me.

If Luke Cage had a stronger second half it would have been a clear winner over DD S1.
am I the only one who liked Jessica Jones?
I found JJ the most consistent

DD1 was good not because of Matt Murdoch but because of Wilson Fisk.

DD1 for me was the Wilson Fisk show; I rooted for him all the way
am I the only one who liked Jessica Jones?
I found JJ the most consistent

DD1 was good not because of Matt Murdoch but because of Wilson Fisk.

DD1 for me was the Wilson Fisk show; I rooted for him all the way

I really liked JJ even though it definitely dragged on too long, and there are a couple of really weird points
(like the whole support group pitchfork mob and the hanging aftermath)


am I the only one who liked Jessica Jones?
I found JJ the most consistent

DD1 was good not because of Matt Murdoch but because of Wilson Fisk.

DD1 for me was the Wilson Fisk show; I rooted for him all the way

same here. jj was a bit too long but was overall better than anything marvel has ever done before. dd is mediocre imo. the aesthetic off dd reminds me of roller skating hooligans in pre nolan batman.
Luke Cage so far is decent but just isn't very exciting and the action scenes are abysmal.
Overall good but sometimes it felt like they recycled Daredevil's plot points. Also the action felt cheesy in a 70's show sort of way, what with the "doing mundane things" like standing still or slapping people resulting in over the top results. Luke Cage could also benefit from having someone there who can compliment his stern attitude.

I thought the "70's" feel was on purpose. The only way I can describe it is that I felt like I watching an old comic book, and I enjoyed it. The lame punchlines were acknowledged making me feel that the show was self-aware.


I really liked JJ even though it definitely dragged on too long, and there are a couple of really weird points
(like the whole support group pitchfork mob and the hanging aftermath)

The were two points in the latter half of JJ that made me groan - the moment you mention and when
Killgrave escapes yet again from the bar with his dad.
Those were definite low points but I mostly liked everything else, even Nuke!


Double Toasted Luke Cage Review

No big spoilers, they've only watched the first 3 episodes and just wanted to talk about the show's impact and Neo-Blaxploitation

Yup exactly why I loved it.

1.) Luke Cage - This show is so black and so beautiful. The culture and music were great. The show was aware and and well written. Especially when
Diamondback dropped the line ,"I've been spitting off the top of the dome and haven't missed a rhyme yet"!

Shout out to Ali on the score.

performers at the club wer
e great!

2.) DD2

3.) DD1

4.) Still need to finish the last 4 episodes of JJ it got to be so slow.


Busted out laughing when Shades said
"Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" Gotta be a Diff'rent Strokes reference, right?
Please don't tell me I'm showing my age. :(


Busted out laughing when Shades said
"Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?" Gotta be a Diff'rent Strokes reference, right?
Please don't tell me I'm showing my age. :(

Of course it was. Diamondback even said something about him suddenly doing jokes.

Finished the series last night. I thought it was okay. I loved Cage slapping people to knock them out, but the plot itself was weak. The villains, all of them, were idiots, with Shades being the smartest of the bunch.

I mean, come on, the whole hostage thing
with all of his guys pointing guns at the hostages and yet somehow thinking they could blame it on Cage?

It's weird to say this in a show with a super in it, but stuff like the above was scattered throughout the show and really hurt my ability to suspend disbelief. People were just too dumb.

I did like the increase in references to the rest of the universe, though.


am I the only one who liked Jessica Jones?
I found JJ the most consistent

DD1 was good not because of Matt Murdoch but because of Wilson Fisk.

DD1 for me was the Wilson Fisk show; I rooted for him all the way

JJ felt the opposite of consistent. It felt like a bunch of ideas and commentary that the showrunner wanted to get by but couldn't fully articulate it in 13 hours. It got worse as the season went further on as they tried to now juggle side stories with side characters that that didn't really make interesting to begin with. Trish is really the only one to make cut of being sorta redeemable.
Personally I don't think DD is very hot after the first half of Season 1. There are some high lights in the second half but like most Marvel shows the beginning is much stronger than the ending. I just find the overall production of Luke Cage to be more to my liking. The music is great and really sets the tone for each episode especially in the beginning, the color pallet, way it was shot and the treatment of Harlem was also much more appealing to me.

If Luke Cage had a stronger second half it would have been a clear winner over DD S1.

It falters a bit,agreed, which is an affliction of basically all of those shows. While I appreciate the attempts at world and character building, some plots just seem to meander and the show loses a bit of steam as a result. For me, DD recovered and finished strong. Luke Cage didn't have the same effect for me, for one thing Diamondback looked so ridiculous in costume( and was too cartoonish in general, especially in contrast to Cottonmouth and Mariah), and that final fight was just ridiculous, from the dialogue, to the crowd 'chanting' Luke Cage. Seemed like a cross between Rocky IV( the russians chanting him at the end) and Rocky V( the street fight) with an extra layer of cheese. I also feel no desire to see more Luke Cage beyond his inclusion in the Defenders. By contrast I was aching for more Daredevil at the end. But again, these shows all hit difference notes for different people.

T Dollarz

Im through episode 6, and the last was the weakest by far. Hope it rights the ship in the next episode because the first five were really fantastic.

Misty was so good in the beginning but now she just comes across like a bitter detective and is annoying. Claire is still amazing though. Cottonmouth and Black Mariah have both been super interesting up until this last episode, too. And overall I love Mike Colter as Luke.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It falters a bit,agreed, which is an affliction of basically all of those shows. While I appreciate the attempts at world and character building, some plots just seem to meander and the show loses a bit of steam as a result. For me, DD recovered and finished strong. Luke Cage didn't have the same effect for me, for one thing Diamondback looked so ridiculous in costume( and was too cartoonish in general, especially in contrast to Cottonmouth and Mariah), and that final fight was just ridiculous, from the dialogue, to the crowd 'chanting' Luke Cage. Seemed like a cross between Rocky IV( the russians chanting him at the end) and Rocky V( the street fight) with an extra layer of cheese. I also feel no desire to see more Luke Cage beyond his inclusion in the Defenders. By contrast I was aching for more Daredevil at the end. But again, these shows all hit difference notes for different people.

Its funny but a lot of your complaints about Luke Cage's ending were the same ones I had about DD's. I thought the fight between DD and Fisk was not good at all both in execution and as an ending to the first season. I just felt DD loses a lot of steam after the first half and unlike Luke Cage it didn't have nearly as strong a supporting cast even if it had a much stronger main villain. This is an issue with every Marvel show on Netflix so far, strong start but can never stick the landing.
Its funny but a lot of your complaints about Luke Cage's ending were the same ones I had about DD's. I thought the fight between DD and Fisk was not good at all both in execution and as an ending to the first season. I just felt DD loses a lot of steam after the first half and unlike Luke Cage it didn't have nearly as strong a supporting cast even if it had a much stronger main villain. This is an issue with every Marvel show on Netflix so far, strong start but can never stick the landing.

Oh I don't think the DD/Fisk fight was the end-all of finales either, I just felt that for the most part, the show had recaptured a good portion of what made it great over the first half dozen episodes by the end. I'm going to watch it again just to reconfirm my feelings on the subject. Who knows, maybe I venture closer to your feelings after a second run through( I've watched the odd episode here and there since my initial binge-watch at release).
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