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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix


Finished it in one big marathon over two days, totally worth it.

Had some slow episodes near the end, but damn was it entertaining! All the characters are great, Colton was a little slow at times, but still great as Cage, and all the other actors did great jobs with their characters too. I'm really looking forward to the second season, and hopefully Luke Cage makes a few appearances in Iron Fist too :D
Home sick today. Guess I'll try this from the beginning again to see if it clicks.

It didn't before. How can you have a show about a superhero who uses his fist...yet isn't good at it (
except for the flashbacks to when he was in prison
Home sick today. Guess I'll try this from the beginning again to see if it clicks.

It didn't before. How can you have a show about a superhero who uses his fist...yet isn't good at it (
except for the flashbacks to when he was in prison

How is he not good at it? He beats pretty much everyone he fights without breaking a sweat. If he tried any harder he'd be killing people left and right.
Four episodes in and I'm enjoying it, though I admit that a few scenes drag for me a bit. I still think Daredevil S1 was better so far, and I'm not sure if I like this or Jessica Jones better.

The Kree

Its funny but a lot of your complaints about Luke Cage's ending were the same ones I had about DD's. I thought the fight between DD and Fisk was not good at all both in execution and as an ending to the first season. I just felt DD loses a lot of steam after the first half and unlike Luke Cage it didn't have nearly as strong a supporting cast even if it had a much stronger main villain. This is an issue with every Marvel show on Netflix so far, strong start but can never stick the landing.

It might be a mistake to wait the whole season for the big showdown for both these shows. The hero and villain should probably have a few brawls throughout the series so it doesn't feel like a let down after 12 hours of buildup. Either have the villain narrowly escape a couple times, or have the hero get his ass kicked until he can figure out how to win. But they have to make each fight fleshed out and exciting, not just a tease here and there.


Four episodes in and I'm enjoying it, though I admit that a few scenes drag for me a bit. I still think Daredevil S1 was better so far, and I'm not sure if I like this or Jessica Jones better.

It gets worst...still liking it but man, from 5 to 9 has been real slow,a lot of stuff in there could of been done in like 3 episodes...
So, what is up with Netflix and HDR content? They had hoped that Daredevil Season Two would launch with it, and One would get it added shortly after. Seven months later, they still don't have it, and Luke Cage launches without it as well. Crazy shit.
I thought the "70's" feel was on purpose. The only way I can describe it is that I felt like I watching an old comic book, and I enjoyed it. The lame punchlines were acknowledged making me feel that the show was self-aware.

It was. It's paying homage to 70's blaxploitation, which Cage whole creation was centered upon. There's traces of it big and small throughout the show. I think the bulk of those touches worked well, but you have to be aware and engaged to the niche that it is to fully enjoy it.
It might be a mistake to wait the whole season for the big showdown for both these shows. The hero and villain should probably have a few brawls throughout the series so it doesn't feel like a let down after 12 hours of buildup. Either have the villain narrowly escape a couple times, or have the hero get his ass kicked until he can figure out how to win. But they have to make each fight fleshed out and exciting, not just a tease here and there.

Thought they rather did that tho.
It gets worst...still liking it but man, from 5 to 9 has been real slow,a lot of stuff in there could of been done in like 3 episodes...
I just finished episode 4 and really enjoyed it. Sad to hear it's falling into the same trap as the rest of the marvel netflix shows. I don't understand why these shows have to be 13 episodes


Is it worth it restarting Netflix membership for this show? Nothing else there I'm interested in atm in terms of series. People on reddit seem to hate it.

I love Daredevil and Jessica Jones, 3 great seasons overall

Fuck it, lets go


semen stains the mountaintops
"diet Obama"

"going King Kong on a bitch"

Those lines had me rolling.


I agree that is starts off REALLY strong and then it dips by a good bit but it picked up again around episode 9-ish.


On episode 12

What's with the constant reference to Zip
and Romeo during this episode? Have I forgotten something?

Who's Romeo?


Just finished episode 7.
my favorite part of the show killed and replaced with a shitty substitute. Will keep watching but I can't believe how far my interest in the show dropped in just one episode.


Netflix Marvel Show ratings:

1. Luke Cage S1: Most consistently great out of the shows so far and has the best supporting cast by a mile. Amazing music too!
2. Jessica Jones S1: Has the highest highs of the shows, but falters considerably with the supporting cast. Jessica and Purple Man REALLY make this show (Luke is great too) and they carry it almost 100%.
3. Daredevil S1: I.. honestly don't like this very much, I wish I did but it's just so.. boring. Fisk carries this show on his back entirely for me. He's by far the most interesting part and every one of his scenes is a delight. I just don't care about anyone in this, so it was a struggle to finish. It took me at least 3 tries to get through it.

Haven't finished DDS2 yet, it's just so hard to get through. I love The Punisher but.. gah, I just don't care about the cast at all other than him. There's minor side characters I like more in Luke Cage than the main cast in DD.
Just finished the show, and I think its better than DD Season 2 for me, but slightly worse than the JJ Season 1 and DD Season 1. Spoilers for all episodes follow:

I think, like all the series before it, the first half of the show is really good. Seriously, the tension between Cottonmouth and Luke is so great as is the story of Luke coming into his own. It's when
Cottonmouth dies and Diamondback is introduced that the dip in quality occurs.
Diamondback seems imbued with more cheese than menace, and as a result, his whole Bible-thumping and Daddy's boy thing comes off as more ridiculous than plausible. The whole reveal he was actually Luke's brother was stupid as shit because it implies Luke for all 30+ years of his life has never looked back on his childhood and wondered why his dad and secretary were so close. And yet walking into the church again triggers that memory. It's so dumb, and should have been abandoned in favor of a childhood friend who had a traumatic event happen to him that caused the fallout.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, but superhero fights are the Marvel series' weakpoints because they completely fucking break the mold the first couple episodes imply they're set in. It's supposed to be a gritty crime drama in the beginning,
and now its a dude in a snake costume fighting Luke in public with all these passersby that he could use to really hurt Cage but doesn't because budget. These shows can't do these epic fights justice at all (see: DD S2 finale and now this), and should scrap them for more intimate encounters as the final boss.
Other than that, Alfre Woodard is amazing. Mike Colter can be a bit one-dimensional at times but he's pretty good (though the coffee pick-up line is super corny almost offensively so), Simone Missick is good and I loved the nice reference to her fro, and everyone else is competent but not standout barring Mahershala Ali.
No Iron Fist or Jessica Jones cameo was a bummer, but we got a Colleen Wing reference! And now that the ground has been set for Season 2 with Black Mariah. I liked they didn't tie everything with a neat bow, and basically set everyone down their paths. Misty is leaning close to vigilante, Luke's got a space for Heroes for Hire, and Claire gets her role in Iron Fist.

Overall, it's about a 7.5 to 8. And I sincerely hope the longer gestation time means the story doesn't lose steam halfway through. I hope that for all the shows. With about 2 years now between seasons, it gives showrunners more than enough time to evenly dole out plot on their shows and make it better.


Just finished episode 2. Liking it so far.
Why did they have to kill off Pops? :'( Dude was growing on me. I found it weird that by the end of the episode Luke fired the gun and no one in the building seemed to notice shit.
It didn't before. How can you have a show about a superhero who uses his fist...yet isn't good at it (
except for the flashbacks to when he was in prison

They somewhat cover this.

Cage knows how to box, but he slaps and whatnot knock people out. The scene where Diamondback punches the Councilman? That's what would happen if Cage boxed normal folk. So he doesn't.


I thought the "70's" feel was on purpose. The only way I can describe it is that I felt like I watching an old comic book, and I enjoyed it. The lame punchlines were acknowledged making me feel that the show was self-aware.

It's not really a bad thing. Just an observation.
Ok..so instead of starting at episode 1 again, I started at episode 5.

I enjoyed the series more and made it to the end.

I've come to the conclusion that this is = Jessica Jones, but inferior to DD1 and the first half of DD2.

Hated the last 10 minutes of the series though. HATED it.


Just finished episode 2. Liking it so far.
Why did they have to kill off Pops? :'( Dude was growing on me. I found it weird that by the end of the episode Luke fired the gun and no one in the building seemed to notice shit.

Seems like there is a
mentor death
quota that Marvel is 3 for 3 on in these Netflix shows.


I like this season a lot, but I feel like it was compromised a bit by introducing a very comic-ey villain like Diamondback while sidelining the very human elements that the first 70% of the season built up so well. Sort of introduced a bit of hokey spectacle when it wasn't needed.

Still like the show a lot.
So finished up to Episode 7 now and I'm sorry but did anyone else find the whole
Mariah killing Cottonmouth
thing incredibly lame?
Just finished episode 2. Liking it so far.
Why did they have to kill off Pops? :'( Dude was growing on me. I found it weird that by the end of the episode Luke fired the gun and no one in the building seemed to notice shit.

Were you attached to uncle Ben as well?
How do the power sets of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage compare? I get the impression that they have comparable strength with a slight edge to Luke, but Luke is way more durable (even though Jessica's durability is more than a normal human's). Is this accurate?

Hyun Sai


Why, wrath of course ! I was in tear lol.


How do the power sets of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage compare? I get the impression that they have comparable strength with a slight edge to Luke, but Luke is way more durable (even though Jessica's durability is more than a normal human's). Is this accurate?
JJ spoilers.

A point blank shotgun shot to the head took Luke down for several hours.

A wood plank swung by a 96 pound girl took Jessica down for several hours.

So yeah, I would say Luke is more durable.
JJ spoilers.

A point blank shotgun shot to the head took Luke down for several hours.

A wood plank swung by a 96 pound girl took Jessica down for several hours.

So yeah, I would say Luke is more durable.

Fair enough but I guess I was mainly asking about their physical strength.


So finished up to Episode 7 now and I'm sorry but did anyone else find the whole
Mariah killing Cottonmouth
thing incredibly lame?

I was more disappointed
as it deprived the show of one of its best characters for the rest of that season


Finished Luke cage last night.

Let me just say that this is probably one of the most consistent shows, even with the diamondback introduction it still found its footing. Plus that ending is how you do it

Like all marvel shows the second half is the weakest but luke cage managed to bounce back better than the other shows.

8/10. Wanna give it a 9 but that would be me being bias.

First half of DD season 2
Luke cage
DD season 1

All awesome shows but I am praying I live long enough to see Luke and Danny become bros.
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