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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Rodent Whores
This reflects my statement 110 %

Must read imo

It’s today’s spirit to not act . But to understand you have to look at the past and be analytical.

Sometimes I think they should have called it a pandemic to let people become aware of the urgency.

In my eyes that’s the mistake WHO made.
I don't think crying wolf is a good strategy. Represent the situation for what it is based on the information known. Preparation, not panic.
Yep, and we should concentrate on those who are really affected.
Healthy thirtysomethings prepping supermarkets empty and panicmongering are not really helping.

Just telling people to stop panicking this early on is just another element that fuels the panic. And I feel some of you smarter folks know this and are playing it for the lulz.

We have many different approaches and perspectives on what is going on.

While some of you guys here are quick to point out panic, stupid reactions, and mass hysteria over a nothing burger. Saying stop is not going to solve shit.

As someone at risk I might feel it as a good thing. Not the fact that those who are not even at risk are hording toilet paper and other things. Or tanking the markets. But the fact that around the world labs are working quickly to solve this issue because the level of attention has gotten so high. I believe in a year this will be solved with many different options due to this hype.

Although the internet is causing more attention whoring panic-bots to raise the hyperbole on anything it also raises the public awareness needed to get labs and research funded in the right direction.

This might be one of the fastest cured diseases ever. In a few years this might prove to be nothing to many.

And for those at risk, we will have taken our vaccines thanks to the hype and attention a problem that affects us was solved a lot faster.

There are a lot I hate about this panic too, I don't want my entertainment to be cancelled or delayed. I don't want the quality of my life to get any worse than it has been. I really wish we had all the facts and we all could fucking agree on things more than endless debates on every little detail.

I am at risk but I still have a who gives a shit attitude because I don't expect the best out of humans. I am always inspired by the great things we can do when we are smart, but I know how easy it is for us to fall into a dumbshit cycle. We don't fall into these cycles because we want to be stuck at the lowest thinking levels. We fall into them because we get in each other's way.

Just pointing out that people are dumb is kinda stupid of me if I know their reactions will benefit me in the long run.

I take the approach of when people are running around the room in panic mode, you should run around with them and ask hey guys why are we doing this? Get informed about the reason for this reaction so you can calmly help them to think about doing more than running around. Oh I did not know I could do this to solve it, thank you.

Nope we say stop because I said so I am smarter than you, listen to me and don't give them shit to do, we don't inform them. The fear and concern never goes away now they don't trust you.

NEVER tell fearful or concerned people to stop before you know why they are panicking if you said stop without being informed they will only panic even more because they feel you are stupid and should not be listened to.

So what I believe is people coming in here saying it is just a Flu, or the death % is lower are just fuel to the panicmongering going on. You said stop too soon and did not ask why they are acting this way, you are just shitting numbers at them but you don't have all the facts none of us do because it is too soon. The research and studies have not been done. Never tell people to stop panicking unless you can solve the reason they are acting that way.

I don't see smart people here, I don't see dumb people here, all I see are humans being humans.
If I have not made myself clear I have a more negative feelings towards the STOP sayers than the WE ARE FUCKED sayers.

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I don't think crying wolf is a good strategy. Represent the situation for what it is based on the information known. Preparation, not panic.
Is this panic? This is adjusting your population and educating that this is serious. And taking precautions. WHO IS NOW speaking to the counties to step up their game. Because people walk around clueless. It’s beter to read and learn.
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Until that point where the panic causes more harm than the sickness itself.

This is something I learned from being Sick. Those around me always made being sick worst than it needed to be. I suffer a lot of pain but fuck humans made my life even more shitty. Even the ones trying to help caused me more pain in trying to fix shit they should not be touching.

I wish we could all learn to think and do better when fear and concern is in the room.

It is not an UNTIL statement for me, I always expect humans to cause more harm than the disease itself. It is something you can bet on.
So no you see panic, I just see shit I've seen around me most of my life when it comes to disease and how people behave forced to face it.


The Dutch/Netherlands/Holland just had their first dead, 86 years old but , it’s seems all that fancy equipment doesn’t do jack shit .
The team where if you win, you lose.

I've done a lot of losing bro. Very painful losses. My standards for what I call a Win is extremely high because of it for some reason.

For me to get a win, I break eggs, lots and lots of them. This is not the kind of team for the squeamish.
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Rodent Whores
Is this panic? This is adjusting your population and educating that this is serious. And taking precautions. WHO IS NOW speaking to the counties to step up their game. Because people walk around clueless. It’s beter to read and learn.
Panic is certainly manifesting itself in some populations in terms of purchasing habits.

Unless I'm misreading the article, the thesis is a kind of "these threats are so large and might be extinction level so we need to take them all seriously". Like, OK, sure but that requires a lot of assumptions. It's like Bruce Wayne's "Superman has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there's even a 1% chance that he is our enemy, we have to take that as an absolute certainty."

If we have access to unlimited resources we can take everything 100% seriously. But we don't. We need to asses the situation on a case by case basis via risk management strategies and cost/benefit analyses. Opportunity cost exists in the real world, and must be a factor in the decision making process.

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So what I believe is people coming in here saying it is just a Flu, or the death % is lower are just fuel to the panicmongering going on. You said stop too soon and did not ask why they are acting this way, you are just shitting numbers at them but you don't have all the facts none of us do because it is too soon. The research and studies have not been done. Never tell people to stop panicking unless you can solve the reason they are acting that way.

I don't see smart people here, I don't see dumb people here, all I see are humans being humans.
If I have not made myself clear I have a more negative feelings towards the STOP sayers than the WE ARE FUCKED sayers.


The thing is, facts are the best weapon against hysteria. This virus is bad. Period. This is a new situation in this world. Period.

But the virus will eventually affect very few people or their relatives with any health issues here. It is also important to learn how to read statistics correctly and to clearly define if and when a statistic applies to you at all. Sounds strange to most people, but that's how it is.

If I would bet that nobody here at GAF or his or her relatives will die from the virus, I would win with an extremely high probability. So if you want to bet, I am open to all serious offers between 100 and 10.000$.

If you have a serious medical condition, be more careful. If you are healthy, be more careful so that you do not endanger people with serious pre-existing conditions. That's all it takes to end this well.
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The thing is, facts are the best weapon against hysteria. This virus is bad. Period. This is a new situation in this world. Period.

But the virus will eventually affect very few people or their relatives with any health issues here. It is also important to learn how to read statistics correctly and to clearly define if and when a statistic applies to you at all. Sounds strange to most people, but that's how it is.

If I would bet that nobody here at GAF or his or her relatives will die from the virus, I would win with an extremely high probability. So if you want to bet, I am open to all serious offers between 100 and 10.0000$.

If you have a serious medical condition, be more careful. If you are healthy, be more careful so that you do not endanger people with serious pre-existing conditions. That's all it takes to end this well.
WTF is "10.0000$"?


People who act like this, likely will cry wolf if they have it or a relative.

You will remember all my words “when shit hits the fan” not if.
The thing is, facts are the best weapon against hysteria. This virus is bad. Period. This is a new situation in this world. Period.

But the virus will eventually affect very few people or their relatives with any health issues here. It is also important to learn how to read statistics correctly and to clearly define if and when a statistic applies to you at all. Sounds strange to most people, but that's how it is.

If I would bet that nobody here at GAF or his or her relatives will die from the virus, I would win with an extremely high probability. So if you want to bet, I am open to all serious offers between 100 and 10.0000$.

If you have a serious medical condition, be more careful. If you is healthy, be more careful so that you do not endanger people with serious pre-existing conditions. That's all it takes to end this well.

Stop making a big deal about this shit. For someone who are telling people to calm down you are sure raising the stakes to betting quite a sum bro. Why not step back and don't worry about those panicking? If the world is falling apart around you because of them I am not sure a bet is going to turn heads enough to stop them. You are now too invested in this. Much ado about nothing is agreed. I fully expect you will not stop trying to convince people of your reasoning and failing to undersrtand you are not acting any different in the long run from the panic dudes. Number crunching might just be your way of panicking lol.

Look I do love facts bro I really do, but facts are not going to stop panic. Humans are not all wired a single way. I am not saying you are just emotionless or just don't give a fuck about flesh and blood things. You might care but are driven by stats and predictable outcomes.

Still you can have facts and have no empathy, dying people, starving people, poor people, homeless people are just statistics.
When you come at the concerned with your numbers and a call for calm we see your level of empathy for the problem and you don't get to say stop. That is the reason it does not work to try to reason with panicking folks unless you have a solution.

People panic when shit hits the fan not because they are stupid, they feel doomed because they don't trust society to do the right thing even when the numbers are clear. Even at very low numbers they are not really sure if they are standing at that low end or at the high end of that risk. So even when you tell them the risk for them are extremely low it does not stop the panic train.

There is no fucking empathy out here, none of you will want to work hard, pay high taxes just to feed a lazy food stamp slut's kid.
Mines mines mines. What is this socialism shit? We don't share we Win. Losers are just too stupid or lazy. It is okay to be selfish about your own wins and earnings. Your health is good. Your tummy is full. Your pockets are stacked with cash. Here comes panic. Calm down you stupid fools look at my charts. See here, you are fine nothing to worry about go make me money. This is very human, even when you are doing this you are blind to it. If I point it out to you it would make as much sense to you as your numbers make to those you are trying to calm.

People rarely step outside their own heads to see and think of how other people view or feel about the same shit. That is why we have clubs and teams, and parties. We want to be part of those that THINK LIKE ME. Be like me. Who are you? No, I don't care to know just be like me.

If we had empathy no one would panick they would know other humans are not after a Win they would know it is never going to get that bad because we are a team of good motherfuckers who would not allow the worst. They would know we take care of the low risks issues as much as the high risks.

It is not that way, that is why things like these are overblown. The masses really don't trust the information coming from those at the top.
Your statistics will not stop the concern placing a bet, means it is of little value to you.

I'm not saying people should give a shit, or give up things they earned. Fuck that, I want to be healthy too, I want to have a full tummy too, and I want to never worry about money.

Empathy is just a word, we don't have to act with that shit, it is not a good or a bad thing that we have a greed driven society.

We are all gonna die dude. You are not immortal I'll bet you on that. But this, this is nothing I would invest on.
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For someone who are telling people to calm down you are sure raising the stakes to betting quite a sum bro. Why not step back and don't worry about those panicking?
Because mass hysteria is like the biggest threat to a society as closely knit as ours?

What we see now at the stock markets plus facing a global recession isn't happening because 4000 people above 70 years old died that had preexisting medical conditions, but because we got scaremongered into this shit.

Yeah, but everybody, run around like headless chickens.
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400,000 people die yearly from the flu.

Wayyy overblown. The 20 that died in Washington were elderly in nursing homes.

The elderly and those with bad immune systems are the ones at risk.

People didn't get quarantined for the flu. 15,000 to 60,000 die in the US each year from the flu.

Get a grip people!
You do realize corona will be waaay more deadly once it reaches the same amount of people annually as the flu does, right?


...hate me...
For the record I appreciate both Smiles and Cries Smiles and Cries 's doomsday scenarios and betrayal betrayal 's uplifting views in order to keep some balance and mental sanity.

You know, hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. Both parts are important. I'm actually on the more pessimistic side of things, but I still have hopes that we pull out of this one. Otherwise why try.

But this meta is getting a bit out of hand now.
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Because mass hysteria is like the biggest threat to a society as closely knit as ours?

What we see now at the stock markets plus facing a global recession isn't happening because 4000 people above 70 years old died that had preexisting medical conditions, but because we got scaremongered into this shit.

Yeah, but everybody, run around like headless chickens.

There is a lesson to be learned here, and I hope it does not take many of these event to get through.
Right now all I see is scaremongering becoming the scapegoat for the fear of losing money.

You might be focused on the wrong issue.

To me money is just another religion for humans, they put a lot of faith in a currency that should not exist, it is not rational but it helps them run shit smoothly. Markets crash because of that faith, human faith are shaky feelings type shit. We are going to need to evolve and it will be painful. If a nothing burger just a flu, thing takes out your market hmmmm something wrong bro.

I don't think we are at the doom market crash that will change this. But please don't look for scapegoats. Be more rational.
For the record I appreciate both Smiles and Cries Smiles and Cries 's doomsday scenarios and betrayal betrayal 's uplifting views in order to keep some balance and mental sanity.

You know, hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. Both parts are important. I'm actually on the more pessimistic side of things, but I still have hopes that we pull out of this one. Otherwise why try.

But this meta is getting a bit out of hand now.

I'm just hiding in my basement bunker waiting for my vaccine dude.
I ain't no cult leader :messenger_loudly_crying: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You guys seriously don't understand how pissed I am that my Nintendo Pro and PS5 are delayed.

Once Animal Crossing is out I'm out of the updates business.


...hate me...
I'm just hiding in my basement bunker waiting for my vaccine dude.
I ain't no cult leader :messenger_loudly_crying: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You guys seriously don't understand how pissed I am that my Nintendo Pro and PS5 are delayed.

Once Animal Crossing is out I'm out of the updates business.
FWIW Animal Crossing NH is my most waited game in a loooooong time. My most played 3DS game was AC:NL, by far.

Need to exchange them friend codes!
Seattle stadium worker tests positive for coronavirus

no don't fuck with the XFL! noooooooo

A part-time employee at CenturyLink Field who worked at the February 22 game between the XFL’s Seattle Dragons and Dallas Renegades has tested positive for coronavirus, according health officials for King County in Washington.

Officials said in a press release that no extra precautions were required for those attending the game or future events, but warned:

King County residents should know that the risk for infection with COVID-19 is increasing in our community, should be aware of their symptoms, and call their health care provider if they develop a cough, fever, or other respiratory problems.

this shit has gone too far now, NOT MY XFL! Its real to me dammit!

Whatever they are drinking in Germany, I want some of that shit.


Gold Member
Hey so now that i prepped and ready to die.

How to live life in a breakout?

How do i avoid getting infected?
What not to touch how to clean up after myself how to sanitise how to enter my house what to wear outside etc.

Do we have a guide for this?
It will have to become a routine for the next few months.

Please share.

So you’re basically saying... you haven’t prepped, LOL.
Newly elected Iranian female politician dies from coronavirus, as country confirms 1,234 new cases
From CNN’s Sara Mazloumsaki

Fatemeh Rahbar, a newly elected member of the Iranian Parliament, has died from coronavirus on Friday, according to Iran’s Tasnim News Agency.
Rahbar was a representative for the residents of Tehran. After her health worsened, she had to be connected to an oxygen machine, according to Tasnim.
She is the first known female politician to die from coronavirus in Iran.


Over 2,700 suspected cases in nyc.

... quitting my job today. Fuck this

people get quarantined just being in the same room with a person that was tested positive.
Quarantine means they have no signs of the virus but are not tested for it, so they have to wait 14 days before they are allowed to go into public again.

I just just test them instead it would cause less fear that way
South Korea responds to Japan's travel restrictions by suspending visas for Japanese travelers

South Korea’s government has suspended all visas as well as the visa waiver program for Japanese visitors, in a direct response to quarantine measures imposed by Japan on travelers from South Korea.

Cho Sei-young, a vice minister in Seoul's foreign ministry, said in an announcement on Friday that new visas will require a health survey and could require documentation depending on how the situation develops.

South Korea said these measures were being made to “control infectious diseases from Japan with an efficient quarantine system based on our advanced and excellent quarantine systems.”

these guys never get along.

Japan's numbers are some serious shit. Nearly everyone where I work has been coughing and sneezing all over the place while sneakily wiping their snotty noses under their masks.

I would give up on them, Japan does not want to test if they can help it. I know they are still trying to save the Summer Games. But I don't think this is the best way to do it. Not testing does not mean you have no cases, it just means you are not informed, see no evil.
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Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
These day by day swings in US stock market are crazy - some will make fortune some will loose all...

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My company has expanded the travel restrictions: Asia Pacific, Northern Italy, UAE, Saudi and Nigeria.

A few cities over here are experiencing shortages of medical masks.

Our health minister says we're in no danger.

The 184 citizens that were gonna get evacuated from Wuhan? plane got grounded. Safety concerns.

Just waiting for it to take root. I live in the largest city in South Africa.


I would give up on them, Japan does not want to test if they can help it. I know they are still trying to save the Summer Games. But I don't think this is the best way to do it. Not testing does not mean you have no cases, it just means you are not informed, see no evil.

I personally know people who have come back to the Tokyo area from trips to Fujian, Daegu(!) and Hokkaido. And apparently there's only like 50 known cases in Tokyo. Wouldn't be surprising if Tokyo by itself is above Italy and Iran in actual numbers. The evidence around me suggests people are sick as hell and probably only a matter of time before I catch something. Might've caught it already to be honest.


Congrats. We broke 100k. Crazy to think a month ago we we were at 20k.

I can’t believe that Oregon has been so lazy with their testing. They only test people with symptoms even though they have the capacity to test more. I am calling it that Oregon will have a massive uptick in cases in the next week or two.
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Egypt confirms 12 new coronavirus cases on Nile cruise ship
From CNN's Hamdi Alkhshali and Roba Alhenawi in Atlanta

Egypt has detected 12 new coronavirus cases on “a Nile cruise ship coming from Aswan to Luxor,” according to a joint statement by the health ministry and the World Health Organization (WHO), Egypt state-run Ahram Online reported.
Health ministry spokesman Khaled Megahed said the detection came after information from the WHO that a Taiwanese-American tourist, who was on board the cruise, had tested positive after returning home, Ahram Online added.
The 12 cases -- all Egyptian workers on the ship -- tested positive after a “test was carried out following the conclusion of the 14-day incubation period.”

more cruise ships


Canada about to join the party. 45 cases so far. We a few days from hitting 100 and then its all up fronlm there.

We comingn for the big time boys.

My boss was sick took a day off work told us she had chest pains but didnt get tested. And then everyone was giving me the side eye when i was asking what happens if we have to go into quarantine at work?


Congrats. We broke 100k. Crazy to think a month ago we we were at 20k.

I can’t believe that Oregon has been so lazy with their testing. They only test people with symptoms even though they have the capacity to test more. I am calling it that Oregon will have a massive uptick in cases in the next week or two.

Crazy to think in Jan we were at like 100 cases or something.

200k baby we can do it.
I personally know people who have come back to the Tokyo area from trips to Fujian, Daegu(!) and Hokkaido. And apparently there's only like 50 known cases in Tokyo. Wouldn't be surprising if Tokyo by itself is above Italy and Iran in actual numbers. The evidence around me suggests people are sick as hell and probably only a matter of time before I catch something. Might've caught it already to be honest.

hope you are not, much of this could have been prevented but they are treating this mildly we are not going to know unless they start testing properly.
Canada about to join the party. 45 cases so far. We a few days from hitting 100 and then its all up fronlm there.

We comingn for the big time boys.

My boss was sick took a day off work told us she had chest pains but didnt get tested. And then everyone was giving me the side eye when i was asking what happens if we have to go into quarantine at work?
I could a lot of people wondering why I was asking about the potential of work from home. Toronto here. Is it so horrible to consider taking precautions just in case. There is nothing wrong with being ready.
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