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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The UK is the MOST relaxed about the killer coronavirus: Global poll reveals three quarters of Britons aren't fazed by the infection – and are the least likely to wash their hands or avoid crowds where the illness may spread
British people are among the most relaxed people in the world about the threat of coronavirus – but are also the least likely to take precautions.

The virus has already infected 90 Britons and England's chief medical officer has warned an epidemic on UK soil is now 'highly likely'.

I remember being ridiculed by a couple of posters when a while back I said in this thread that Brits have a poor attitude to hand washing.

Yes, and I'll do,it again. Also DAILY MAIL link again.

Karma Jawa

The Daily Mail really triggers you doesn't it?

To be fair The Daily Heil is the most disgusting filth on print in existence. They’re literally using Nazi propaganda..



To be fair The Daily Heil is the most disgusting filth on print in existence. They’re literally using Nazi propaganda..

I have realised that the poster I replied to are not actually interested in the news stories being linked (I provided another link from the Evening Standard but it did not make a difference). Therefore I won't be replying to their bs anymore.
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Karma Jawa

I have realised that the poster I replied to are not actually interested in the news stories being linked (I provided another link from the Evening Standard but it did not make a difference). Therefore I won't be replying to their bs anymore.

Fair enough, but I don’t click on Daily Heil links as a rule, and few papers are as vile as them.
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CNN has a post on the update blog that had some of these issues but not this video just a photo
Nurses union says 80 members around US under self-quarantine due to the coronavirus

National Nurses United says 80 of its members nationwide are currently self-quarantined due to the novel coronavirus.
Speaking at a press conference today, Bonnie Castillo, a registered nurse and executive director of National Nurses United, said, “it is not a successful strategy to leave nurses and other health care workers unprotected so that one patient can sideline so many workers at once.”
"When we are quarantined we're not only prevented from caring for our COVID-19 patients, but also taken away from caring for our cancer patients, our cardiac patients, our premature babies. Nurses need to be protected so that we can care for all our patients when they need us," Castillo said.
During the press conference, Deborah Burger, president of California Nurses Association, read a letter from an anonymous nurse who works in California and is currently self-quarantined. In the letter, the nurse said they are struggling to get a test, despite developing a fever after caring for a patient who tested positive for novel coronavirus.
The nurse is currently waiting to get a test, the letter said.
“This is not a ticket dispenser at the deli counter. It's a public health emergency, delaying this test puts the whole community at risk," the letter added.



So I’m in Vancouver, BC. I’ll let you guys know how this plays out. I literally just found out 30 minutes ago. My mother’s doctor, btw, said to her yesterday that she had nothing to worry about. My mother, whose 84, is living with me and my girlfriend - so yeah, another ‘medical professional’ spewing nonsense.
So I’m in Vancouver, BC. I’ll let you guys know how this plays out. I literally just found out 30 minutes ago. My mother’s doctor, btw, said to her yesterday that she had nothing to worry about. My mother, whose 84, is living with me and my girlfriend - so yeah, another ‘medical professional’ spewing nonsense.

when you reach an age doctors can be like that, they never tell you any bad news if they can help it.
Hope you are okay and not exposed from work.


Looks like this is how China will play this. Do not report any numbers outside of Wuhan unless you can blame someone else

Generally speaking, at least when it comes to County of Origin rulings, if a good is exported to a foreign country to have services rendered upon it that do not cause it to undergo a substantial transformation, the Country of Origin does not change from where it was initially produced. I don't see any sort of substantial transformation here, the country of origin should still be China.

This is at best repackaging.
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Generally speaking, at least when it comes to County of Origin rulings, if a good is exported to a foreign country to have services rendered upon it that do not cause it to undergo a substantial transformation, the Country of Origin does not change from where it was initially produced. I don't see any sort of substantial transformation here, the country of origin should still be China.

This just pisses me off because you can clearly see from this that China are playing with their numbers unless they can use them politically to save face. This is the second time they released numbers outside of Wuhan after not providing any updates at all. First they said 7 out of 11 cases was from Italy. Now they have 4 cases all from Italy in a different place. The WHO said they believed China's numbers and the decline too which I am doubting again.

Sure everyone is claiming who has travelled from where but in this case it just looks ironic. Are those Italians returning to China?


This just pisses me off because you can clearly see from this that China are playing with their numbers unless they can use them politically to save face. This is the second time they released numbers outside of Wuhan after not providing any updates at all. First they said 7 out of 11 cases was from Italy. Now they have 4 cases all from Italy in a different place. The WHO said they believed China's numbers and the decline too which I am doubting again.

Sure everyone is claiming who has travelled from where but in this case it just looks ironic. Are those Italians returning to China?

I am making fun of the absurdity of them claiming that these new cases originated from Italy.
I am making fun of the absurdity of them claiming that these new cases originated from Italy.

Yeah I know. I wonder if these are people that really came from Italy at all because these guys are desperate to change the focus on someone else for this. I also wonder if the different strains research results was just not another way of pointing fingers. 'Look mutation A is Us, but B is all from Them'
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What is Osmosis?

"Created by medical students at Johns Hopkins and the former Khan Academy Medicine team, Osmosis helps more than 500,000 current and future clinicians better retain and apply knowledge via a web- and mobile platform that takes advantage of cutting-edge cognitive techniques."

Edit: added text.
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What is Osmosis?

"Created by medical students at Johns Hopkins and the former Khan Academy Medicine team, Osmosis helps more than 500,000 current and future clinicians better retain and apply knowledge via a web- and mobile platform that takes advantage of cutting-edge cognitive techniques."

Edit: added text.

Okay I was wondering why the video went black and won't play here unless you click over. Must be Khan Academy wanting it shared only behind their pay wall.

dude says if you are sick stay home because you don't want to go to the hospital having the flu and getting yourself expose to covid19 so stay home only when your coughing gets really bad you should call and go to the hospital.

I am not sure I would follow that with a pre-existing condition but good info besides that nugget.
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I have realised that the poster I replied to are not actually interested in the news stories being linked (I provided another link from the Evening Standard but it did not make a difference). Therefore I won't be replying to their bs anymore.

That's good to hear as you wont ever possibly reply to this, but I'm happy to have been living rent free in your head these weeks until you the virus hit Britain as you could dash to find a new Daily Mail link.

For the record you originally made a blanket statement that british people don't wash their hands. When asked for recipts all you had was an old low sample size Daily Mail survey, being pushed for more recipts you just pthetically admitted to watching the women coming out the bathroom at the salon you work at and seeing if they wash thier hands. As SOME didn't you felt justified in your blanket statement.
Great my building is going to have a public Art and Music event downstairs in our gallery are that can hold 400+. Yeah nope.
NY cases only 40 miles away. Staying home.

We dont have the corona virus.

We have the mother fucking doodookaka virus.


That is how muslims do it, run the water. It is culture shock if you visit muslim countries no paper anywhere.

I would use the paper towels like bounty just wet them first since they are thick. cut them up in thinner sheets. wet them just before use.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
We dont have the corona virus.

We have the mother fucking doodookaka virus.


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So 3 people in maryland have it.
a bit of detail for those who want it

"The people are a married couple in their 70s and another individual in their 50s from Montgomery County. They returned in late February from international travel, the governor said

They were on the same group trip overseas, but officials are not releasing where exactly they traveled."
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Not gonna lie, I just placed an order for these. Always wanted to try them and why not now, before the world ends?

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