“Of the 78 Sonoma County residents on the cruise ship, approximately 25 took a shuttle to the Sonoma County Airport on February 21,” said a county Public Information Officer."
We dont have the corona virus.
We have the mother fucking doodookaka virus.
yeah that ship is fucked.First case of Coronavirus in my city near Toronto and turns out the guy was on the Grand Princess. It was inevitable waiting for it to hit here but I am kind of surprised it came from that ship.
they will shoot people I would take that warning seriously
We juat got today our first case in albertayeah that ship is fucked.
So what the fuck does toilet paper have to do with this? Stop hoarding toilet paper dumb shits, I swear this virus needs to morph into a low-iq killing pandemic and cull a good portion of idiots from this planet.
Now I have to use baby wipes and flush them down the toilet. Enjoy the clogged drains cunts.
Yeah people buying toilet paper and milk that expires in a week really goes to show this is people being hysterical. being that there's no actual crisis, the toilet paper that you hoarded is going to regularly restocked. Then on here I see threads about people buying guns due to the virus to protect their families; Please protect your children by educating yourself
If you get quarantined at home for months like China I’d rather run out of food than toilet paper lol
Edit: I guess could always just use the shower instead tho.
Nobody ran out of food in China. That's not how quarantines work. They work within the confines of such limitations, not by replacing one problem (virus) with a more severe one (mass starvation).
Anyway, you can't do quarantines here, people would spread the virus on purpose out of spite because we're taught in the west to despise our countries and fellow citizens.
When it comes to toilet paper it's a result of dumb hysteria, not the virus.
But they don’t do that on large scale, that’s why WHO calls urgently on rich countries to start acting accordingly, like Italy. People just don’t see the urgency but the urgency is here ...It cannot be repeated often enough. You have to learn to read, understand and interpret statistics correctly. "Business Insider" is not able to do this, which doesn't really surprise me with the journalistic standards they have. Of course the flu is much less lethal, that's beyond question, but the death rates of COVID-19 must be viewed critically. Due to the extremely high number of mild symptoms (meaning untested people), this rate drops considerably again.
In the case of influenza, on the other hand, these cases have all been included in the statistics, because the knowledge about the flu is simply much greater at the moment.
As an example for COVID-19 you can take the Diamond Princess. This is a sharply defined space with a lot of old people (the youngest adults were around 25-29). But still the death rate there is only 0.86%, even though, as I said, many elderly people on the ship fell ill. Apart from that, 696 people on the ship were infected, which also means that 3,015 people were not infected. A lot of people seem to forget that.
South Korea would be another example for a more realistisc CFR, where at least partly due to the extreme condensed occurrence of COVID-19 within a religious sect, the figures of mild ones are already partly included. The death rate in South Korea is 0.63%.
What is the key message of all this? The more tests and cases you cover within a limited region, which is much easier in limited areas like the Diamond Princess or the sect in South Korea, the lower the death rate. Fortunately, these are also the death rates, which are closer to reality.
Listen to this man...It cannot be repeated often enough. You have to learn to read, understand and interpret statistics correctly.
As an example for COVID-19 you can take the Diamond Princess. This is a sharply defined space with a lot of old people (the youngest adults were around 25-29). But still the death rate there is only 0.86%, even though, as I said, many elderly people on the ship fell ill. Apart from that, 696 people on the ship were infected, which also means that 3,015 people were not infected. A lot of people seem to forget that.
South Korea would be another example for a more realistisc CFR, where at least partly due to the extreme condensed occurrence of COVID-19 within a religious sect, the figures of mild ones are already partly included. The death rate in South Korea is 0.63%.
What is the key message of all this? The more tests and cases you cover within a limited region, which is much easier in limited areas like the Diamond Princess or the sect in South Korea, the lower the death rate. Fortunately, these are also the death rates, which are closer to reality.
AIDS was way more deadly but you had way more control over not catching it. Although at the time there was a lot of ignorance about the spreading methods.Hysteria in the age of the internet.
If this is how we react to this disease, imagine if something like AIDS was just becoming popular and having an out break? We would be sending people to concentration camps. What a bitch of a society we live in.
That they would shoot at Chinese is rather telling.
I don't really agree with the Diamond Princess numbers. There was an Australian man from the Diamond Princess who died back in Australia (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...-confirmed-former-diamond-princess-passenger/) for example, but he isn't included in the 6th deaths for the ship.It cannot be repeated often enough. You have to learn to read, understand and interpret statistics correctly. "Business Insider" is not able to do this, which doesn't really surprise me with the journalistic standards they have. Of course the flu is much less lethal, that's beyond question, but the death rates of COVID-19 must be viewed critically. Due to the extremely high number of mild symptoms (meaning untested people), this rate drops considerably again.
In the case of influenza, on the other hand, these cases have all been included in the statistics, because the knowledge about the flu is simply much greater at the moment.
As an example for COVID-19 you can take the Diamond Princess. This is a sharply defined space with a lot of old people (the youngest adults were around 25-29). But still the death rate there is only 0.86%, even though, as I said, many elderly people on the ship fell ill. Apart from that, 696 people on the ship were infected, which also means that 3,015 people were not infected. A lot of people seem to forget that.
South Korea would be another example for a more realistisc CFR, where at least partly due to the extreme condensed occurrence of COVID-19 within a religious sect, the figures of mild ones are already partly included. The death rate in South Korea is 0.63%.
What is the key message of all this? The more tests and cases you cover within a limited region, which is much easier in limited areas like the Diamond Princess or the sect in South Korea, the lower the death rate. Fortunately, these are also the death rates, which are closer to reality.
My best friends project lead who is sitting at the same table at his work place got tested positive yesterday. She got it from her husband who was tested positive start of this week.
I wonder if I should cancel visiting him this evening, we planned to eat steaks, drink beer and rum and watch some movies...
Listen to this man...
But those cruise ship numbers are statistically the best we have.I don't really agree with the Diamond Princess numbers. There was an Australian man from the Diamond Princess who died back in Australia (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...-confirmed-former-diamond-princess-passenger/) for example, but he isn't included in the 6th deaths for the ship.
Furthermore, you can't really claim a death rate when you still have so many active cases. In South Korea there have been just a little over 100 recoveries, meaning the majority of those 6000+ cases are still active cases. Saying the death rate is 0.63% would be like me saying the recovery rate is 2%.
I know, but I am not thinking about my self here, but about spreading this to others who may not be as healthy as I am.. :/Besides you are not an at risk group.
The Region of Peel - Public Health today confirmed the first positive case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the region. The affected individual is a man in his 60s who is a resident of Mississauga.
The individual was aboard the Grand Princess Cruise Ship out of San Francisco from February 11-21 and returned to Canada on February 28.
"The individual was seen and assessed at Trillium Health Partners - Mississauga Hospital where all Infection Protection and Control (IPAC) protocol were followed. The individual is recovering at home and has been put on self-isolation," said Dr. Dante Morra, Chief of Staff, Trillium Health Partners. "I would like to thank our front-line teams, Peel Public Health and Public Health Ontario for their timely and effective response in taking immediate precautions to ensure this patient is being safely and appropriately cared for and that patients, staff and the community are well protected."
Sure. So let's use the cruise ship numbers then (as of the 4th).But those cruise ship numbers are statistically the best we have.
Everything else is just guessing.
You have those deaths as a certain number, but you don't have any number whatsoever on how many people are infected.
So, this percentage of a 3.4 death rate that is thrown around is all bollocks at the moment.
AIDS was way more deadly but you had way more control over not catching it. Although at the time there was a lot of ignorance about the spreading methods.
I feel like they should start adding numbers from the day before. I can't make sense of this anymore without them. Like, it is slowing down a bit in SK isn't it?
I don't really agree with the Diamond Princess numbers. There was an Australian man from the Diamond Princess who died back in Australia (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...-confirmed-former-diamond-princess-passenger/) for example, but he isn't included in the 6th deaths for the ship.
Furthermore, you can't really claim a death rate when you still have so many active cases. In South Korea there have been just a little over 100 recoveries, meaning the majority of those 6000+ cases are still active cases. Saying the death rate is 0.63% would be like me saying the recovery rate is 2%.
Sure. So let's use the cruise ship numbers then (as of the 4th).
We have 706 who tested positive. Of this number, 199 have recovered, 35 are in serious condition, and 6 have died.
Asterisk 4 tells us that there is also an Australian who died after returning to Australia in addition to the 6 deaths, so we have 7 deaths from the ship, giving us 1% currently.
You have to consider that there are still 35 in serious condition. If just 7 of those 35 die, we are at 2% case fatality rate.
Now, hopefully all of those 35 people recover, but until we know their outcome, whatever it is, it doesn't make sense to say that the death rate for the ship is "only" 0.86%.
The most you can say is that it is "at least" 1%.
I don't expect the death rate to be 3.4% when everything is said and done (for western countries at least), but I don't expect it to be below 1% either, barring new treatments.
Yep, and we should concentrate on those who are really affected.it must be pointed out that the cases there affect almost significantly more old people.
Which is the situation we are in atm. Right now people are hogging supplies that won't be in scarcity, being racist towards others, having mental breakdowns over click-bait news, and bending statistics for attention.
It's disappointing to see.
Yup provide a honest information stream, this is what it is.I'm Haitian and I grew up with the Haitians have AIDS stigma, we could not even donate blood to the Red Cross until recently.
Although my perspective might be different, I don't think things have evolved as much as you think it has. Humans are still ignorant and mostly stupid at reacting to things they fear can kill them. The internet is just another tool that makes our flaws more visible. We had fax machines, and newspapers for the alarm bells and panic back then.
If we had internet / twitter in the early 80s it would be a more visible reaction that is for sure. Haiti might have been invaded becoming an occupied country. The Gay Rights movement might have been pushed back 100 years. It would be a massive mess. But I also believe some people would have used it to spread the truth of how it spreads faster maybe some of the stigmas would not have stuck as they did back then. It took years for things to be Ironed out with AIDS.
The fear was a thing back then, this is just a faster more visible time.
Getting people informed using the same tools has to happen at the same time and the ignorance and fear though.
We are only 3 months into this not years. Let it iron out but share the information people may react with fear at first but the more info that comes out the better they will be able to process the bullshit from the facts. This takes time.
PRE-EXISTING CONDITION | DEATH RATE confirmed cases | DEATH RATE all cases |
Cardiovascular disease | 13.2% | 10.5% |
Diabetes | 9.2% | 7.3% |
Chronic respiratory disease | 8.0% | 6.3% |
Hypertension | 8.4% | 6.0% |
Cancer | 7.6% | 5.6% |
no pre-existing conditions | | 0.9% |
Yep, and we should concentrate on those who are really affected.
Healthy thirtysomethings prepping supermarkets empty and panicmongering are not really helping.
My best friends project lead who is sitting at the same table at his work place got tested positive yesterday. She got it from her husband who was tested positive start of this week.
I wonder if I should cancel visiting him this evening, we planned to eat steaks, drink beer and rum and watch some movies...