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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Okay thank you. I will grant you that you got squewed by your sources and you did not try to lowball your numbers.

I don't know where they got that 65 from but BNO does a lot of number deleting and editing because they listen to people who tweet at them and have to go back to fix them. I never use the number feed with the time stamps for that reason. They reported my state Connecticut had 1 case but they had to remove it because that person works in CT but lives in New York. That 65 had to be deleted if BNO and official SK numbers still add up as of the 96 cases update

It's cool. As I said, the whole thing is sometimes confusing. I don't deny that BNO and co. may have mismatched the numbers this time, but they are the sources I used.

By the way, the daily case numbers for Iran are falling for the second time in a row. ;)
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It's cool. As I said, the whole thing is sometimes confusing. I don't deny that BNO and co. may have mismatched the numbers this time, but they are the sources I used.

By the way, the daily case numbers for Iran are falling for the second time in a row. ;)

Just when we become friends again and patch things up, you bring up Iran lol
You know they are faking right? Just look at that recovery number data lol.

We good. I really don't care about Iran declines because they are not reliable with numbers but I'll accept it if they decline. Whatever they report is what is official so not going to fight how strange the chart looks.

I am more interested in seeing Italy numbers decline I trust those numbers and want to see the lockdown effort work in the long term.
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Just when we become friends again and patch things up, you bring up Iran lol
You know they are faking right? Just look at that recovery number data lol.

We good. I really don't care about Iran declines because they are not reliable with numbers but I'll accept it if they decline.

I am more interested in seeing Italy numbers decline I trust those numbers and want to see the lockdown effort work in the long term.

I agree that the figures from Iran should be treated with caution, but the same has been said about China before, although the two should certainly not be compared.
In the case of Italy, it will certainly take a few days for the new daily cases to stabilise and we will now see higher daily case numbers for the time being. It is quite possible that the numbers are already falling, but that is rather unlikely.
You call this a Decline?


that was a joke betrayal betrayal no one is doing the panic run at my house.
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I agree that the figures from Iran should be treated with caution, but the same has been said about China before, although the two should certainly not be compared.
In the case of Italy, it will certainly take a few days for the new daily cases to stabilise and we will now see higher daily case numbers for the time being. It is quite possible that the numbers are already falling, but that is rather unlikely.

No China is about saving face, I trust their numbers to reflect a little of reality on the ground and they do real research and science
Iran numbers are more or less playing catch up they screwed up big. I would not put China and Iran in the same box. They can both lie but for different reasons.

China numbers will gome out in research papers and studies a few years from now, the numbers we have now are just what they want us to have. They will clean them up when it no longer matters. Iran is just meh, they should not even bother reporting, I'll post them but I won't take them as seriously as I do China.

I am really hoping that China gets to zero deaths soon. They are looking good so far.

Italy yes still has a road ahead but they have proven that they want to do as much as they can to get these numbers to drop.
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Assuming you're not trolling and considering that's Iran, but

1.234 on friday,
1.076 on saturday,
743 on sunday,
595 today.

Looks like a decline to me. But reality there may very well look completely different over there.
no I was joking. not trolling. It is down and trending that way for a while

I think the most important thing we have to keep in mind is these numbers represent people. I am sick often and I don't like seeing more people get sick. And deaths are serious to me. So they are not just numbers that is why I don't like seeing places like Iran play around with the numbers. But they are what they report them to be.
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My other thinking on Iran is that maybe this is just how they work.

They might have a very legitimate reason for the numbers looking weird to us, it could be communication between goverment leadership and hospital staff, it could be slowed paperwork or all of it could be the methods used to classify a person has recovered.

All of this could be real numbers from the methods ands standards they have.


On the ground testimony from a surgeon in Bergamo (a medium sized city 50 km from Milan). Something for the flubros to digest

In one of the non-stop e-mails that I receive from my hospital administration on a more than daily basis, there was a paragraph on "how to be responsible on social media", with some recommendations that we all can agree on. After thinking for a long time if and what to write about what's happening here, I felt that silence was not responsible. I will therefore try to convey to lay-people, those who are more distant from our reality, what we are experiencing in Bergamo during these Covid-19 pandemic days. I understand the need not to panic, but when the message of the danger of what is happening is not out, and I still see people ignoring the recommendations and people who gather together complaining that they cannot go to the gym or play soccer tournaments, I shiver. I also understand the economic damage and I am also worried about that. After this epidemic, it will be hard to start over.

Still, beside the fact that we are also devastating our national health system from an economic point of view, I want to point out that the public health damage that is going to invest the country is more important and I find it nothing short of "chilling" that new quarantine areas requested by the Region has not yet been established for the municipalities of Alzano Lombardo and Nembro (I would like to clarify that this is purely personal opinion). I myself looked with some amazement at the reorganization of the entire hospital in the previous week, when our current enemy was still in the shadows: the wards slowly "emptied", elective activities interrupted, intensive care unit freed to create as many beds as possible. Containers arriving in front of the emergency room to create diversified routes and avoid infections. All this rapid transformation brought in the hallways of the hospital an atmosphere of surreal silence and emptiness that we did not understand, waiting for a war that had yet to begin and that many (including me) were not so sure would never come with such ferocity (I open a parenthesis: all this was done in the shadows, and without publicity, while several newspapers had the courage to say that private health care was not doing anything).

I still remember my night shift a week ago spent without any rest, waiting for a call from the microbiology department. I was waiting for the results of a swab taken from the first suspect case in our hospital, thinking about what consequences it would have for us and the hospital. If I think about it, my agitation for one possible case seems almost ridiculous and unjustified, now that I have seen what is happening. Well, the situation is now nothing short of dramatic. No other words come to mind. The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night. One after the other, these unfortunate people come to the emergency room. They have far from the complications of a flu. Let's stop saying it's a bad flu. In my two years working in Bergamo, I have learned that the people here do not come to the emergency room for no reason. They did well this time too. They followed all the recommendations given: a week or ten days at home with a fever without going out to prevent contagion, but now they can't take it anymore. They don't breathe enough, they need oxygen. Drug therapies for this virus are few.

The course mainly depends on our organism. We can only support it when it can't take it anymore. It is mainly hoped that our body will eradicate the virus on its own, let's face it. Antiviral therapies are experimental on this virus and we learn its behavior day after day. Staying at home until the symptoms worsen does not change the prognosis of the disease. Now, however, that need for beds in all its drama has arrived. One after another, the departments that had been emptied are filling up at an impressive rate. The display boards with the names of the sicks, of different colors depending on the department they belong to, are now all red and instead of the surgical procedure, there is the diagnosis, which is always the same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia. Now, tell me which flu virus causes such a rapid tragedy.

Because that's the difference (now I get a little technical): in classical flu, besides that it infects much less population over several months, cases are complicated less frequently: only when the virus has destroyed the protective barriers of our airways and as such it allows bacteria (which normally resident in the upper airways) to invade the bronchi and lungs, causing a more serious disease. Covid 19 causes a banal flu in many young people, but in many elderly people (and not only) a real SARS because it invades the alveoli of the lungs directly, and it infects them making them unable to perform their function. The resulting respiratory failure is often serious and after a few days of hospitalization, the simple oxygen that can be administered in a ward may not be enough. Sorry, but to me, as a doctor, it's not reassuring that the most serious are mainly elderly people with other pathologies. The elderly population is the most represented in our country and it is difficult to find someone who, above 65 years of age, does not take at least a pill for high blood pressure or diabetes.

I can also assure you that when you see young people who end up intubated in the ICU, pronated or worse, in ECMO (a machine for the worst cases, which extracts the blood, re-oxygenates it and returns it to the body, waiting for the lungs to hopefully heal), all this confidence for your young age goes away. And while there are still people on social media who boast of not being afraid by ignoring the recommendations, protesting that their normal lifestyle habits have "temporarily" halted, the epidemiological disaster is taking place. And there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us.

The cases multiply, up to a rate of 15-20 hospitalizations a day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the emergency room is collapsing. Emergency provisions are issued: help is needed in the emergency room. A quick meeting to learn how the to use to emergency room EHR and a few minutes later I'm already downstairs, next to the warriors on the war front. The screen of the PC with the chief complaint is always the same: fever and respiratory difficulty, fever and cough, respiratory insufficiency etc ... Exams, radiology always with the same sentence: bilateral interstitial pneumonia. All needs to be hospitalized. Some already needs to be intubated, and goes to the ICU. For others, however, it is late. ICU is full, and when ICUs are full, more are created. Each ventilator is like gold: those in the operating rooms that have now suspended their non-urgent activity are used and the OR become a an ICU that did not exist before. I found it amazing, or at least I can speak for Humanitas Gavazzeni (where I work), how it was possible to put in place in such a short time a deployment and a reorganization of resources so finely designed to prepare for a disaster of this magnitude. And every reorganization of beds, wards, staff, work shifts and tasks is constantly reviewed day after day to try to give everything and even more. Those wards that previously looked like ghosts are now saturated, ready to try to give their best for the sick, but exhausted. The staff is exhausted. I saw fatigue on faces that didn't know what it was despite the already grueling workloads they had. I have seen people still stop beyond the times they used to stop already, for overtime that was now habitual. I saw solidarity from all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask "what can I do for you now?" or "leave that admission to me, i will take care of it." Doctors who move beds and transfer patients, who administer therapies instead of nurses. Nurses with tears in their eyes because we are unable to save everyone and the vital signs of several patients at the same time reveal an already marked destiny. There are no more shifts, schedules.

Social life is suspended for us. I have been separated for a few months, and I assure you that I have always done my best to constantly see my son even on the day after a night shift, without sleeping and postponing sleep until when I am without him, but for almost 2 weeks I have voluntarily not seen neither my son nor my family members for fear of infecting them and in turn infecting an elderly grandmother or relatives with other health problems. I'm happy with some photos of my son that I look at between tears and a few video calls. So you should be patient too, you can't go to the theater, museums or gym. Try to have mercy on that myriad of older people you could exterminate. It is not your fault, I know, but of those who put it in your head that you are exaggerating and even this testimony may seem just an exaggeration for those who are far from the epidemic, but please, listen to us, try to leave the house only to indispensable things. Do not go en masse to make stocks in supermarkets: it is the worst thing because you concentrate and the risk of contacts with infected people who do not know they are infected. You can go there without a rush. Maybe if you have a normal mask (even those that are used to do certain manual work), put it on. Don't look for ffp2 or ffp3. Those should serve us and we are beginning to struggle to find them. By now we have had to optimize their use only in certain circumstances, as the WHO recently recommended in view of their almost ubiquitous running low. Oh yes, thanks to the shortage of certain protection devices, many colleagues and I are certainly exposed despite all the other means of protection we have. Some of us have already become infected despite the protocols. Some infected colleagues also have infected relatives and some of their family members are already struggling between life and death. We are where your fears could make you stay away. Try to make sure you stay away.

Tell your family members who are elderly or with other illnesses to stay indoors. Bring him the groceries please. We have no alternative. It's our job. Indeed what I do these days is not really the job I'm used to, but I do it anyway and I will like it as long as it responds to the same principles: try to make some sick people feel better and heal, or even just alleviate the suffering and the pain to those who unfortunately cannot heal. I don't spend a lot of words about the people who define us heroes these days and who until yesterday were ready to insult and report us. Both will return to insult and report as soon as everything is over. People forget everything quickly. And we're not even heroes these days. It's our job. We risked something bad every day before: when we put our hands in a belly full of someone's blood we don't even know if they have HIV or hepatitis C; when we do it even though we know they have HIV or hepatitis C; when we stick ourselves during an operation on a patient with HIV and take the drugs that make us vomit all day long for a month. When we read with anguish the results of the blood tests after an accidental needlestick, hoping not to be infected. We simply earn our living with something that gives us emotions. It doesn't matter if they are beautiful or ugly, we just take them home. In the end we only try to make ourselves useful for everyone. Now try to do it too, though: with our actions we influence the life and death of a few dozen people. You with yours, many more. Please share and share the message. We need to spread the word to prevent what is happening here from happening all over Italy.


Dudes shit is going down, this virus will go into the history books “ the virus that took down the know it alls”

Whom looked at it happening and kept having meetings 🤣

Instead of reacting , most people don’t know what they need to do. The governments are failing big time, all that money in those big chiefs and they react like this.

Forget money. That will come back .
Look everything down , close schools , flights, emergency broadcast , educate people via tv, internet , social media , we have it all and use none.

Yes for buying on Amazon 🥴

I find the incompetence staggering and shocking .
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On the ground testimony from a surgeon in Bergamo (a medium sized city 50 km from Milan). Something for the flubros to digest

I think it will always be more serious to the people providing the care and facing the sick than it will ever be for people on Social Media or even us in this thread.

I feel for those who are working massive hours to care for those critical patients and when they take a break all they see are a bunch of people saying 'Why did you cancel our Football Match?'
Dudes shit is going down, this virus will go into the history books “ the virus that took down the know it alls”

Which looked at it happening and kept having meetings 🤣

Instead of reacting , most people don’t know what they need to do.

Forget money. That will come back .
Look everything down , close schools , flights, emergency broadcast , educate people via tv, internet .

I find the incompetence staggering and shocking .

I would give anything for a chance to turn back the clock and have every news story go back on US vs China trade wars.
Nintendo would have had a Nintendo Direct and PS5 would still be too expensive but people would not be living in so much denial.
What is happening is Twilight Zone levels of weird. I miss the old normal.

I hope we have a terrible heavewave in the Eastcoast of the US that fries this virus out of the air before it can reach anyone but it would still need to be hotter heat than Singapore.

I got to look and see if New Mexico has any cases. I might want to move for a few months.


I think it will always be more serious to the people providing the care and facing the sick than it will ever be for people on Social Media or even us in this thread.

I feel for those who are working massive hours to care for those critical patients and when they take a break all they see are a bunch of people saying 'Why did you cancel our Football Match?'
We will get our change when we catch this, only a matter of time.
Welp, my university has just cancelled the next two weeks. I'm a lecturer, and now I won't have any students till end of March. Students have been told to go home. I can keep my head down and just work on projects, but I think the general mood is one of happiness among staff and students lol because no lessons.
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...hate me...
We will get our change when we catch this, only a matter of time.
That is not guaranteed. Even the worst case scenarios haven't predicted 100% of the population infected. It is already showing that after the initial outburst and expansion in each country, numbers eventually start getting under control as stronger measures are taken, awareness raises, etc.

And each passing day we get closer to cures and treatments. Labs around the world are absolutely scrambling to get there.

Follow the good practices recommended. It's not foolproof but reduces your chances.


I wish you a case so mild that you will come in here laughing your ass off, I don't think you have to worry so much.

I can't afford to catch this at all, so you better not all catch it.
I also wish you mild, I have a little boy of 3 both my parents are in the 60s, my mother has heart issues since her forties and my dad brain damage because of a aneurysm...

And my girl friend has a chronic issues . I am completely healthy ..

But I have enough to worry.

Assumptions with this virus will get you no where. Prepare for the worst and if that doesn’t happen that’s the best out come.

Even our western health systems can’t coop in a couple of weeks.

But it’s not about me.
Six dead in Italy prison riots after visits suspended due to coronavirus
Six prisoners have died in a Modena prison after riots broke out in several Italian jails following the suspension of visits to curb the spread of the coronavirus, according to authorities.

Riots occurred on Sunday in Modena, Frosinone, Naples, Pavia, Alessandria and Foggia prisons, according to a statement by the Italian justice ministry. The disturbances ended on Sunday evening.

"The protests concerned the coronavirus emergency, as well as the measures issued by the government to reduce the risk of infection and protect those who lives and works within the prison," the statement wrote.

Japan's Nippon Professional Baseball League delays start of season
From CNN’s Aleks Klosok in London and Chie Kobayashi in Tokyo

Japan's Nippon Professional Baseball League (NPB) will delay the start of the season, originally scheduled for March 20, due to the coronavirus outbreak, it said Monday.

Iran grants 70,000 prisoners temporary leave due to virus
From CNN’s Ramin Mostaghim in Tehran and Hira Humayun in Atlanta

Courts across Iran have granted eligible inmates furlough as part of the measures to contain the spread of the virus, judiciary chief Hojatoleslam Ebrahim Raeisi said according to semi-official Tasnim News Agency on Monday.



That is not guaranteed. Even the worst case scenarios haven't predicted 100% of the population infected. It is already showing that after the initial outburst and expansion in each country, numbers eventually start getting under control as stronger measures are taken, awareness raises, etc.

And each passing day we get closer to cures and treatments. Labs around the world are absolutely scrambling to get there.

Follow the good practices recommended. It's not foolproof but reduces your chances.
Cures are at least 8 months away ... you will see in a couple of weeks what the UK / Germany / France and Holland will start doing but by then it’s to late.

The issue is that we don’t take it seriously enough.
The sad thing is that you can even understand why CNN does this. The virus offers them the unique chance to stop the free fall and finally increase the audience numbers a little bit. Of course, the best way to do this is with exaggerated scare tactics.

dude we agree again, I am totally with you I knew exactly why CNN wants to hype this shit up lol why do you think I put dollar $$$ signs on my post?


The sad thing is that you can even understand why CNN does this. The virus offers them the unique chance to stop the free fall and finally increase the audience numbers a little bit. Of course, the best way to do this is with exaggerated scare tactics.
Well if you look at it unbiased , it’s a Pandemic, just because WHO changed their definitions last minute ...

Which was stupid . Now nobody feels the urge to react promptly..

They had good reasons because they only had emergency strategy for a FLU based pandemic.


Well if you look at it unbiased , it’s a Pandemic, just because WHO changed their definitions last minute ...

Which was stupid . Now nobody feels the urge to react promptly..

They had good reasons because they only had emergency strategy for a FLU based pandemic.

The concept of a pandemic is certainly controversial. Ultimately, however, it is only a definition that does not change anything about the current situation. But it does change the thinking of many people who are too much influenced by such literal terms and CNN knows this only too well. The term "pandemic" is not used by CNN to educate the viewer, but to increase ratings. So what has changed after this statement for people watching CNN? Quite simply, if at all, only their subjective sense of fear.
It is one of the oldest concepts of mankind with countless examples. You want to get people behind you, you spread fear among them.
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Well if you look at it unbiased , it’s a Pandemic, just because WHO changed their definitions last minute ...

Which was stupid . Now nobody feels the urge to react promptly..

They had good reasons because they only had emergency strategy for a FLU based pandemic.

WHO should have used the P word when 5 million escaped Wuhan hours before the lockdown. CNN has been waiting for that P word for a long time. Since the WHO is not going to give it to them because they clain they retired the system years ago. CNN being a world leader in news can easily run the narative. It might not be able to get goverments to take it as serious as they should but I do have a fear that people look at CNN with a lot of cynicism.

They are not as trusted as they once were, so them using the word 24/7 might cause people to take it even less seriously than they need to.
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Portugal's president is under self-quarantine
From CNN’s Vasco Cotovio in London

The Portuguese president has self-quarantined himself after it was found that a class from a school with a student confirmed to have the coronavirus visited the presidential palace last week, according to a statement issued by his office.

President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa interacted with the class on Tuesday, according to the statement, which added that neither the student with the infection nor the student's class had visited the Belém palace.

The president will be in quarantine at his personal residence for two weeks, has canceled all public activities and will not be traveling abroad, the statement added.

they are going to make Rap songs, and name street drugs after this shit.

'Yo I got that Wuhan Son!'
Do they know exactly how this spreads? If I catch it today, knowing the incubation period is up to 2 weeks, will I be able to spread it during these 2 weeks?
Olympics torch lighting ceremony will be closed to the public, says Greek committee
From CNN’s Aleks Klosok

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch lighting ceremony at the site of ancient Olympia will be staged without spectators on Thursday in order to prevent the spread of the virus, Greece's Olympic Committee said in a statement Monday.

Is this where drunk Superman flies in and blows it out?


Olympics torch lighting ceremony will be closed to the public, says Greek committee
From CNN’s Aleks Klosok

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch lighting ceremony at the site of ancient Olympia will be staged without spectators on Thursday in order to prevent the spread of the virus, Greece's Olympic Committee said in a statement Monday.

Is this where drunk Superman flies in and blows it out?
As of right now I'd be pretty shocked if the Olympics actually happen this year. I guess we're still pretty far out from July though, a lot can happen.


Do they know exactly how this spreads? If I catch it today, knowing the incubation period is up to 2 weeks, will I be able to spread it during these 2 weeks?
Yes, it shows no signs when you are infected and you can spread it.

lt depends.

As far as the incubation period is concerned, it is not yet certain whether the virus is already contagious during this period. Probably, but with a much lower chance of infecting anyone.
This significantly lower chance is due to the fact that, just as in the case of asymptomatic infections, people do not have a cough during this time, which is one of the main causes of the virus spreading. Although the virus is also released into the air when speaking through the mouth or nose, the range and quantity of viruses that are released during this process is much smaller and therefore also associated with a lower risk of infection. The same applies to influenza or other simple cold viruses.

If the infection rate of people during the incubation period and people with symptom-free courses were as high as that of "normal" sick people, we would see MUCH higher case numbers. If you examine the individual cases, you will see very often that in many cases where families are affected, often only a part of the family is infected, while all other tests of family members turn out negative, despite strong contact with each other.
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Portugal's president is under self-quarantine
From CNN’s Vasco Cotovio in London

The Portuguese president has self-quarantined himself after it was found that a class from a school with a student confirmed to have the coronavirus visited the presidential palace last week, according to a statement issued by his office.

President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa interacted with the class on Tuesday, according to the statement, which added that neither the student with the infection nor the student's class had visited the Belém palace.

The president will be in quarantine at his personal residence for two weeks, has canceled all public activities and will not be traveling abroad, the statement added.

they are going to make Rap songs, and name street drugs after this shit.

'Yo I got that Wuhan Son!'
Good thing old go first my shot to get in the government, as most are old 🤣


Kinda silly to not have entire countries quarantined then... everyone will catch it confirmed.

Don’t come in here with reasoning!!

Probably out come yes, a big part will be infected .

Chinese already confirmed it does, but why believe them. We in the West know it much better ! Let’s make a better wheel, shall we!
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Holland 321 confirmed !

Don’t sweat it. Most cases we don’t test! So we keep numbers low!

That’s math right there 🤣

Everything is fine !
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Nigeria confirms second case of coronavirus
From CNN's Stephanie Busari in Lagos, Nigeria

Nigeria's health minister announced a second case of the novel coronavirus in the country on Monday.

The second patient had come in contact with the first case, an Italian citizen who traveled to Africa's most populous country last month, the health ministry said in a statement.

The Italian man, who is said to be "clinically stable" by health officials, visited two states before he was diagnosed with the virus in late February.

Health officials have been working against the clock to trace all those who came into contact with him.


On the press conference they just had in Germany they said they won't close schools, only recommend not going to big events and also recommend to cancel events with more than 1k people. So nothing is going to change. People don't care here because they kept telling them it's just the flu.
Very good ! Becasuse the last te two days it was weekend so tomorrow we report 120 new cases!

Weekends we don’t work ! 🤣

man your country had zero ass cases remember? You don't work weekends, soon you won't work weekdays if you keep with 100 days

here is Dr. Campbell talking numbers this morning
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No you don't get to Hide behind the word PANIC NO. You need ton own up to your shit. You dismiss numbers you even make shit up you got caught. You do not research so you can't be trusted with facts.

I'm not shitting on you, I am just disappointed in you. You are just playing a game with this.

You don't think your bullshit call of PANIC in here is as exaggerated as the worst of 'we are fucked' reactions in this thread?

If you stayed with the Science and Math and lay down your case without bullshit I would have respected your points but you lie, ignore facts, and want people to be blind to what the trends are. Like I said before you could have been more helpful in here.

I'm not listening to shit you post anymore numnbers people own up to errors you make excuses and say BUT BUT PANIC. Waaaah. You are a huge baby.
Dude, calm down.. really.. :messenger_fearful:
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