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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Are there any large events still being held in the US at this point? Most have been cancelled but I know that there is a big construction expo happening in Las Vegas this weekend and next week
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Just watched clips of this. I think this interview has informed me more about Covid-19 than any other news report out there. What a grim picture this doctor paints. Hopefully the continued research into the virus yields something akin to a vaccine, and hopefully quarantine efforts around the world help to stop it's spread.

I watched the first 20 minutes last night and was like, yup, that's enough for me.

Joe Rogan podcast once again a voice of sound reason.

I should probably watch the whole lot, but I figured that watching a podcast won't stop a virus lol.


I've been all day receiving whatsapp audios of health workers claiming that this is chaos.

People with other illnesses dying because they catch COVID, health centers collapsed...

Sorry for spamming about my country, but I need a way to vent all the frustration and anger I have inside


You guys know the numbers coming from China are false. It's definitely way more infected and dead than they're reporting.

That honestly doesn't surprise me. They tried to hide the existence of an outbreak in the first place and jailed the doctor who leaked it to the public. That doctor died of the virus btw.

Fucking assholes. I hope Xi Jinping gets ousted for this utterly stupid attempt at crisis management.


You guys know the numbers coming from China are false. It's definitely way more infected and dead than they're reporting.

This will only get worse now that it's basically everywhere in the world. I just hope people are able to stay safe. I've been reading a couple articles that show in China and SK they've been giving people high doses of Vitamin C intravenously and it has been helping. There's also some sources saying high doses of Vitamin C will help and preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C has been well established in the past.
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Extreme measures taken by the Government here after 13 cases in total were confirmed today.

School classes (private and public) start postponed 1 month (They began 01/03).
Mandatory isolation for 14 days for all people traveling from France, Spain, China and Italy (with police supervision).
As a third world country with limited resources and high poverty rate, I like these measures.
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What's happening in Russia? Are the police just walking around putting a bullet in those that they think are infected lol? Only 15 cases and 3 recovered? Yeah right.
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Everyone is stockpiling loo roll. Lou Rawls. Loo roll.

I've been all day receiving whatsapp audios of health workers claiming that this is chaos.

People with other illnesses dying because they catch COVID, health centers collapsed...

Sorry for spamming about my country, but I need a way to vent all the frustration and anger I have inside
Where from, UK?


Once shit really starts poppin off in the states and people are dying like crazy I wonder now many people will be wishing they were in a socialist society for that sweet top tier healthcare?

Once shit starts poppin off I hope people will take it more seriously. I keep hearing "just a flu" bros saying that it is nothing.

It is almost too late to stop the spread here. Too many idiots went to Italy and brought it back. Too many idiots are still traveling for work. Too many idiots are driving between states.

The US is about 7 days from 10k confirmed cases. We likely have that many real cases already that are not showing symptoms.


Going back to my seasonal office job today. I get this feeling like the season could be cut short at any moment since the work involves youth sports on the west coast. If they get sent home so will I.


I'm reading that new cases are tapering off in China. Light at the end of the tunnel?

I realize anything out of China is suspect, but South Korea is reporting similar.

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At least the Oregonian (Editorial Board) is calling out the lack of transparency here. Officials keep saying that kids aren't an at risk group so closing the schools is unnecessary but we all know that kids are the worst fucking super spreaders around. Ugh. Anyways, it is good to see the media here calling this out rather than toeing the line.



I'm reading that new cases are tapering off in China. Light at the end of the tunnel?

I realize anything out of China is suspect, but South Korea is reporting similar.

Better be after 3 months lock down.


  • First death in Indonesia
  • Washington State to ban events over 200
  • 'Waffle House' employee in Atlanta confirmed
  • Chicago cancels St. Paddy's Day parade
  • NY sends in National Guard
  • IADB cancels meeting in Colombia as virus spreads across Latin America
  • Mnuchin says first part of virus stimulus plan will be ready in 2 days
  • Dr. Fauci warns virus 10x more deadly than flu and could infect millions if not handled early
  • US cases surpass 1,000
  • Global cases pass 120,000
  • South Korea reports new outbreak in call center
  • Japan reportedly planning to declare state of emergency


Gold Member
Once shit starts poppin off I hope people will take it more seriously. I keep hearing "just a flu" bros saying that it is nothing.

It is almost too late to stop the spread here. Too many idiots went to Italy and brought it back. Too many idiots are still traveling for work. Too many idiots are driving between states.

The US is about 7 days from 10k confirmed cases. We likely have that many real cases already that are not showing symptoms.

I think I'm in the boat where it's going to get worst before it's going to get better unfortunately. I think stopping everyday life is worse because when you resume it again more people are just going to start picking it up. I don't really think we are at a point where containing it is an option.



I sent a warning out yesterday about this.
I told everyone in january it will be cancelled.

I was told i am an idiot a retard i should invest in stocks etc.

I was right all along.
I am god.
Bow to me.

I watched contagion yesterday as it was on netflix.
Everything in it is what we are experiencing minus the shitty actors and the none existent plot for characters.
Horrible movie.


You guys know the numbers coming from China are false. It's definitely way more infected and dead than they're reporting.

This will only get worse now that it's basically everywhere in the world. I just hope people are able to stay safe. I've been reading a couple articles that show in China and SK they've been giving people high doses of Vitamin C intravenously and it has been helping. There's also some sources saying high doses of Vitamin C will help and preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C has been well established in the past.

Grapefrutis redemeed!

Load up on your grapefruits guys. Its just the flu bro.


Well I have been following this thread for a while and the tone has shifted. I guess now that its hitting Western Europe and the USA its starting to sink in with people and this isn't just some BS from China and SK.

Its like watching panic hit someone in real time.
Italy has banned funerals. Here’s how some people are getting around the rule.
From CNN's Barbie Latza Nadeau in Rome

As part of nationwide quarantine measures, Italy has issued a ban on all public gatherings — including weddings and funerals.
But at least one group of mourners in Rome got around the restrictions by parking a hearse outside a church and having a priest come outside to give a blessing over the coffin as it sat inside.

Italians are finding ways of living under the national lockdown: Some people seen having their hair cut on the streets to circumvent the rule against booking new appointments to avoid packing people too close together.

Stores have been limiting the number of people allowed to enter, while bars and restaurants have been keeping tables apart and using tape to mark one-meter (three-foot) gaps between people.



I have a feeling it's going that way.

I work in a special school and as we take in kids all over Kent it is harder for us to see just where it can come from and narrow down the source, so we are worrying we may have to shut soon.

As our students suffer from behavioural issues it is safe to say they aren't coping well.


Gold Member
Well I have been following this thread for a while and the tone has shifted. I guess now that its hitting Western Europe and the USA its starting to sink in with people and this isn't just some BS from China and SK.

Its like watching panic hit someone in real time.

I don't think there is need to panic it's not going to help anything it's probably just going to make you more sick. Just live your life and stay healthy.


I think I'm in the boat where it's going to get worst before it's going to get better unfortunately. I think stopping everyday life is worse because when you resume it again more people are just going to start picking it up. I don't really think we are at a point where containing it is an option.

I don't disagree. I just want to see more proactive action, instead of reactive after cases appear.


Gold Member
Meh, didnt a lot of people pull out of E3 already anyway? I know Sony said they wouldnt be there...I think E3 is dead.

Yeah, their creative directors resigned last week while only being on the job for 5 weeks. So they had far worse problems, and Corona bailed them out of the real underlying issues.
Yeah, their creative directors resigned last week while only being on the job for 5 weeks. So they had far worse problems, and Corona bailed them out of the real underlying issues.
Corona was probably a blessing for them actually. Gives them more time to come with a plan but E3 is already a sinking ship.


I don't think there is need to panic it's not going to help anything it's probably just going to make you more sick. Just live your life and stay healthy.

I am not panicking.

The virus isn't a death sentence and if you are under 40 and healthy you will most likely recover. Really we should be keeping this away from the old/vulnerable. Flooding hospitals because you have a cough and need to get tested or you might kill your 22 year old sister is probably going to make things a lot worse then better.

My biggest concern is for the old that will die and the economic effect this is going to have. I am much more concerned about this fucking with me by me not being able to work for 2 weeks, or being stuck in my home with no access to groceries etc....

Even in Canada 82% of the cases are 40 and up and only 13% have been hopatilized. I suspect those 13% are probably all over 50, probably even over 60. There is a better chance if I get it that I fuck up my 70 year old neighbor than that I die from it. Though I do have a preexsiting condition so I should be on that vulnerable list LOL. Back to eating my grapefruits its kept me safe so far.


If i have to stop with ignore you have to stop with grapefruit.
I make sure i get you the most bitter tasting most seed filled grapefruit i dare you to make out with.

When all us grapefruit eaters are the only ones surviving the apocolypse we will see who is laughing.

Oh here is a fun story

Montreal gonna start popping off soon. BC/Ontario we coming for you.
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