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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The Nordic countries are looking very bad in terms of cases per capita even though they're in the early stages of outbreaks (that matters because the health care systems are sized according to population)
Two CBS News employees test positive for coronavirus
From CNN's Oliver Darcy

Two employees at CBS News have tested positive for coronavirus, according to an internal memo sent to CBS News employees obtained by CNN.
The employees work in two different buildings and employees in both locations are being asked to work from home, according to the memo by CBS News president Susan Zirinsky.
“We are asking that employees in both buildings work remotely for the next two days while the buildings are cleaned and disinfected. In addition, we have identified employees who may have been in direct contact with these individuals in question, and they will be asked to self-quarantine and work remotely for the next 14 days," Zirinsky wrote.
Zirinsky went on to say that the CBS News offices are expected to be open Monday.

New York City mayor says it could take six months for things to feel normal again
Mayor Bill de Blasio said New York City could take at least six months to get back to some sense of normalcy because of coronavirus.
The mayor said New York City now has 53 confirmed cases of coronavirus. That number is up from the 48 previously reported by Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier today.



What a fucking dumb meme. It isn't even a meme. It is so bad it looks like a leftist meme, or an anti-vaxxer meme.

If 60.8 million people contracted H1N1, and only 22,469 died from it, that is a 0.037% mortality rate.

The evidence is looking like this is anywhere between 1.5-4%. If 60,800,000 people contact this, 912,000 will die at minimum. That is one dead person for nearly as many hospital beds as we have in this country. ~20% of that number would be needing hospitalization to survive the disease.

Use your fucking brain.
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Delaware's first presumptive coronavirus case is a University of Delaware professor
From CNN's Mirna Alsharif

Delaware’s first presumptive coronavirus case is a University of Delaware professor, the school confirmed.
University spokesman Peter Bothum would not identify or provide further information about the professor but said the people who have come into contact with him have been notified.


You post a meme with outdated information.
Then you attack another user.
Zero contribution to the thread.
I guess you are the dumb ass pal.

you continue nothing to these threads

I contribute ten times the amount of useful information to these threads than you

Wait, what are you contributing, panic?

Joe T.

Well it's in my town.

I'm trying not to hit the panic button, but we're way past the point of Ebola in 2014, Ebola certainly wasn't in my town.

I don't think anyone should keep saying "oh, this is nothing" because it clearly isn't.

Some people have more reason to worry than others, but no one has any reason to panic. Once you cross that line all rational thought flies out the window and you're doing yourself as well as those around you no favors (unless they find it entertaining).


...hate me...
Unfortunately I have to
For stupid people and dumb ass reactions such as yours
Got me there with that 5D chess move buddy. Mad respect.
What a fucking dumb meme. It isn't even a meme. It is so bad it looks like a leftist meme, or an anti-vaxxer meme.

If 60.8 million people contracted H1N1, and only 22,469 died from it, that is a 0.037% mortality rate.

The evidence is looking like this is anywhere between 1.5-4%. If 60,800,000 people contact this, 912,000 will die at minimum. That is one dead person for nearly as many hospital beds as we have in this country. ~20% of that number would be needing hospitalization to survive the disease.

Use your fucking brain.
And the 22,469 figure isn't even accurate. It's 12,469 as per the CDC, exactly 10,000 less. A convenient "typo" in this kind of images.
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I contribute ten times the amount of useful information to these threads than you

LOL. Numerous People have already pointed out that H1N1 wasn't anywhere near as fatal as Covid-19 currently appears to be. If it stays unchecked and infects 60 million Americans the death count is going to be significantly higher than 20K . H1N1 was around 3 times deadlier than season flu. Covid is around 20 times deadlier than seasonal flu. Do the math.
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LOL. Numerous People have already pointed out that H1N1 wasn't anywhere near as fatal as Covid-19 currently appears to be. If it stays unchecked and infects 60 million Americans the death count is going to be significantly higher than 20K . H1N1 was around 3 times deadlier than season flu. Covid is around 20 times deadlier than seasonal flu. Do the math.
They didn't infect themselves, but, they will use the opportunity as a way to undermine their current largest economic competitor. The USA

They dont care about their people, only their govt. They didnt engineer the virus but they're using the opportunity to undermine US economy. Trust me

Its like the old saying - never let a tragedy go to waste. Opportunism at its finest

They covered it up as long as they could. Once the bat was out of the bag, they are now happy to see our economy tank along with them.


And the 22,469 figure isn't even accurate. It's 12,469 as per the CDC, exactly 10,000 less. A convenient "typo" in this kind of images.

So that makes it even more retarded.

At least do some god damn research yourself instead of believing every retarded post you see on facebook by conservative grandparents who used to post birther idiocy back in the aughts.
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What can you tell us about the nature of the 'SARS-CoV-2' virus? Are we dealing with a flu?

Antoine Flahault.-[/B] We deal with a virus that has nothing to do with the flu. In 80% of cases it gives very few symptoms and probably in the middle gives none. In the vast majority, everything ends well. However, 15% of hospitalization for severe pneumonia is very high because it overflows extremely quickly the health system and 5% of critical cases need resuscitation, oxygenation, assisted ventilation or sometimes extra-corporeal oxygenation. This is a heavy burden and suddenly, which could begin to anticipate when information began to be received from China, from the cruiser Diamond Princess and then from South Korea, Iran and Italy. Everyone has confirmed the great danger of a virus that has nothing to do with the flu. You don't have seven deaths and 35 people sent for resuscitation on cruise ships when there's a small episode of flu on board. We've known this information for weeks, and states still thought they wouldn't be affected by this kind of epidemic.

H.G.- Mortality rates are very different between countries. Why isn't it the same in Germany, Italy or Spain?
A. F.- The first hypothesis would be that people in Germany are better cared for than in Spain or Italy. I have no value judgment on health systems, and what I note is that Spanish indicators are as excellent as Italians and Germans. However, mortality is by no means the same depending on the affected patients. In Germany, they are very young and have a much lower mortality than elderly patients. I haven't seen the distribution of cases in Italy yet, but I know that the deceased are on average 81 years old. This does not mean, of course, that if he is young he does not die, but probably the age distribution of the observed epidemic lights, perhaps a little by chance, seems very different between Germany and Italy at the start of the epidemic. I don't have an explanation for this today. But I do think that such hypotheses should be given preference rather than thinking that the virus has mutated or that health systems are deficient.
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Neighbours from Hell
Not to get too far off the subject here, but is anyone worried that some extremists or terrorists will purposely get infected and go around coughing on people or random shit to try to spread it?

Even like a vindictive incel. We had people going around licking ice cream containers, I don't think it's unlikely people will try and do this.

It's something to at least think about.
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Not to get too far off the subject here, but is anyone worried that some extremists or terrorists will purposely get infected and go around coughing on people or random shit to try to spread it?

Even like a vindictive incel. We had people going around licking ice cream containers, I don't think it's unlikely people will try and do this.

It's something to at least think about.
Reeshitera has already been planning this.


Also, there was some Democratic Counciller who was calling on people to infect Trump supporters.


There are really sad and pathetic people out there who will weaponize a tragedy just to "own the right".
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What I would like to know is how many of these 20% are under 50/60.

Same for the 15% that have sever pneumonia and 5% critical cases.

I bet that the breakdown way favors people above 50/60.

What I want to know is the hospitalization rate of those under 50.



This is important.

Many of the patients whose lungs stop functioning end up requiring ECMO, which in the US is extremely expensive and there just are not that many hospitals with the capability to administer this treatment.



Not to get too far off the subject here, but is anyone worried that some extremists or terrorists will purposely get infected and go around coughing on people or random shit to try to spread it?

Even like a vindictive incel. We had people going around licking ice cream containers, I don't think it's unlikely people will try and do this.

It's something to at least think about.
That seems like the "death by a thousand cuts" equivalent of kamikaze.



moves too fast

Why bother to put the “+” in the “new deaths” column?

How would there ever be “-“ new deaths?


Why is air travel still allowed to affected areas again?
It's not just air travel. Switzerland for example also allows public trains to come and go from Italy unchecked. Switzerland is among the 10 countries with most cases yet they are doing nothing because their politicians are greedy as fuck and care more about money than public health.
All the schools and universities are also still open even though everyone says that children are walking virus bombs. I guess they need to become the next Italy in order to start taking some serious measures.

My brother lives and works there and i'm worried very much for him.
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Not to get too far off the subject here, but is anyone worried that some extremists or terrorists will purposely get infected and go around coughing on people or random shit to try to spread it?

Even like a vindictive incel. We had people going around licking ice cream containers, I don't think it's unlikely people will try and do this.

It's something to at least think about.

Too late I already coughed in every single piece of TP being shipped across the globe. Now all your asses with be infected with Corona.
Why bother to put the “+” in the “new deaths” column?

How would there ever be “-“ new deaths?

Style choice. I mean they could have made an error and have the need to deduct a death if it turned out they didn't actually die from Coronavirus. We had 1 of those I think that I remember.
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