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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Ree is fucked.

Late night shows will go without audiences because of coronavirus
From CNN’s Frank Pallotta

Some of the most popular late night shows, including CBS' "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" and "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon are pulling their audiences because of concerns about the coronavirus outbreak.
Citing an abundance of caution over the spread of the novel coronavirus, New York-based late night shows "Late Night with Seth Meyers," HBO's "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah" and TBS' "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" will begin to tape their broadcasts without a live studio audience.
"The safety of our guests and employees is our top priority," NBC said in a statement, adding that "as a precautionary measure" the "Tonight Show" and "Late Night" will suspend live audiences starting on Monday, March 16.
"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," which is the highest-rated show in late night, said in a statement that there has not been any "specific developments at The Ed Sullivan Theater to cause concern for audiences with plans to attend the show tonight, tomorrow, or who have attended in recent weeks."
The decision to go without an audience was made in regard to the virus and "the uncertainty of the situation for future weeks" as coronavirus continues to spread around the world.

yeah they are going to need old school laugh tracks or something
If what I read is true, and Trump is planning on giving a press conference regarding all of this, I really am pulling for him to have a comprehensive plan, delivered in a presidential manner, personal opinions aside. And as a left leaning citizen, fuck that person on ResetEra telling people to cough on Republicans. Fucking disgusting.

The only way we get through this is working together, dumbshit republicans and dumbshit democrats, all united as one dumbshit nation! :) (said as an American dumbshit).

There will be people on both sides that continue to try and use this to their advantage in some way or another, I hope those people are tarred and feathered in public.


My gf had a fever last week and I visited her with some flowers to cheer her up and yesterday I also had a fever that ended after a few hours. Maybe we got past Corona or had some other viral infection, but I really hope it was Corona.
Edit: what I mean is that it would be great to already be over the virus without suffering pneumonia.
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It's not just air travel. Switzerland for example also allows public trains to come and go from Italy unchecked. Switzerland is among the 12 countries with most cases yet they are doing nothing because their politicians are greedy as fuck and care more about money than public health.
All the schools and universities are also still open even though everyone says that children are walking virus bombs. I guess they need to become the next Italy in order to start taking some serious measures.

My brother lives and works there and i'm worried very much for him.

I wouldn't say greedy fucks (though some definitly are), just incompetent and reacting overly slow is sadly a cultural disease by us more than anything. Add to that that swiss-wide measures are a huuuuuuuge pain in the ass thanks to our *countys should handle matters on their own* policy. Which isn't always bad, but most definitly sucks in such situations.

I'm not too worried about public trains to italy btw. I'm worried about public trains IN GENERAL.
Half our country takes public transportation to work everyday. Yet nothing, nothing is being done.
At least, at the very least get people to work from home. We have soooo many office jobs (and physical labor is usually nearby) that it would signinificantly lessen the load. But nada, fucking nothing.

If we managed to get public transportation under control we'd already have done a lot in preventing a huge infection bomb of corona virus since its by faaaaaaaaaaaar the biggest problem. Sadly, again. Fucking nothing.
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Gonna ask a kinda silly question.

When people die of flu/pneumonia, I read that fluid collects in the lungs. So does this mean that people who die of the flu/pneumonia actually drown to death slowly? That's going to be so much suffering. :messenger_confounded:


I feel like I am in bizarroworld having to explain this.

22 thousand died out of 60 million, of course no one is rioting. That is a CFR of *check notes meme*, 0.04%

"Just the Flu" is routinely tut-tutted as having a 0.1% CFR.

Using the meme numbers of 11 deaths vs 164 cases, that's a 6.7% CFR! If 6.7% of sick people were dying from there, you better believe there would be rioting.

Now that is skewed since it hit the old folks home first, so let's go back to the 1-3% CFR that is wildly accepted.

A 1% CFR is 25 times as deadly as a 0.04% CFR. Ergo, COVID-19 *MAY* be 25-75 times as deadly as H1N1. Would you be more inclined to be scared of something 25-75% more deadly?
I rather have the flu bros arguing then fake number joes.


The Nordic countries are looking very bad in terms of cases per capita even though they're in the early stages of outbreaks (that matters because the health care systems are sized according to population)

Yeah, we are probarly in for a very scary ride. We have 5k'ish hospital beds in Stockholm, with a population of 1 million, those beds are usually pretty full from normal day to day operations. We also have 500 ECMO's in the nation (10 million citizens), in december 350 or so were in use.

We are at the start of it underequipped for normality, so this will be a wakeup call for everyone. It's been a issue since 2003, we have actually less beds now, thanks to various political decisions (ie, lets save moneyz, lulz). Doctors have been shouting for years that this is dangerous, but I guess everyone thought they were crying wolf.

Soooo, we get paid sick leave, but lets hope not too many require actual hospitalization.. :\


My wife and I are small business owners (wedding photographers) and the past two years have already been challenging enough with my cancer diagnosis and subsequent back surgery to repair the fractures in my spine. We have a 4 and 2 year old, so as a provider I was back working as soon as I was able. I plan on doing the same as much as we are allowed to for the same reason, but if CT tells wedding venues to close up shop to keep groups from gathering, we are going to have to reschedule all of the weddings we have for the year. Which wouldn't be too bad, as long as we can be available for the new dates, but the problem lies in people booking for next year if this becomes a huge problem in the US. It will leave a big hole in our financials that I'm not sure how we would overcome. One day at a time I guess. We already got a vague email from our next wedding in April (they live in Germany currently) to discuss "what's going on", so this might become a headache sooner rather than later. I'm 46, so hopefully being below the 50-60 range will work in my favor, in addition to monthly check-ins for blood work on top of daily zinc, vitamin c and b-complex vitamins.
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I am afraid Brazil will be the next Italy..hope i am wrong but health system is lame.

The worst part is that the government is downplaying things with the already cliché "It's just the flu" phrase.

Meanwhile, Paraguay with just a handful of cases already canceled big gatherings and suspended all schools activities


Gonna ask a kinda silly question.

When people die of flu/pneumonia, I read that fluid collects in the lungs. So does this mean that people who die of the flu/pneumonia actually drown to death slowly? That's going to be so much suffering. :messenger_confounded:
Yes, my grandma died that way. It isn't pretty.

Karma Jawa

Everything is painfully casual in the UK at the moment. A steady increase in (mostly Asian) people wearing masks, but that’s about it.

Work are making some preparations for everyone to work from home, but only if ‘things get really bad’.

Taking action now is how to prevent things from getting really bad.


Gonna ask a kinda silly question.

When people die of flu/pneumonia, I read that fluid collects in the lungs. So does this mean that people who die of the flu/pneumonia actually drown to death slowly? That's going to be so much suffering. :messenger_confounded:

Basically yes, the lungs lose the ability to pull enough oxygen out of the air as they fill with mucus and puss. It isn't a pleasant way to die.


Breaking new in my area. 9 cases in Montgomery County PA which isn't too far from where I live. Not sure how to feel about this....I'm much more worried for my elderly parents than I am for myself, but it's a bit unsettling as I'm chronically ill also, so, yea.

Ah....back to Ori!
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Hi US friends. This is not meant to be a fearmongering post, but if it comes across that way so be it.

If you are low on groceries of ANY kind, get them NOW before Trump's statement tonight. Because depending on what he says, people may go absolutely apeshit. Best to get it before that happens. I know some of it already has, but it'll get SO much worse after tonight (depending on what he says ofc).
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Everything is painfully casual in the UK at the moment. A steady increase in (mostly Asian) people wearing masks, but that’s about it.

Work are making some preparations for everyone to work from home, but only if ‘things get really bad’.

Taking action now is how to prevent things from getting really bad.
You could say they are keeping calm and carrying on.


The worst part is that the government is downplaying things with the already cliché "It's just the flu" phrase.

Meanwhile, Paraguay with just a handful of cases already canceled big gatherings and suspended all schools activities
Bostonaro will follow suit to whatever Trump says today. Let's see.


Rodent Whores
Hi US friends. This is not meant to be a fearmongering post, but if it comes across that way so be it.

If you are low on groceries of ANY kind, get them NOW before Trump's statement tonight. Because depending on what he says, people may go absolutely apeshit. Best to get it before that happens. I know some of it already has, but it'll get SO much worse after tonight (depending on what he says ofc).
Already stocked up (as I always am, not just situationally) :messenger_peace:


Gold Member
Gonna ask a kinda silly question.

When people die of flu/pneumonia, I read that fluid collects in the lungs. So does this mean that people who die of the flu/pneumonia actually drown to death slowly? That's going to be so much suffering. :messenger_confounded:

Yeh you essentially drown on your own fluid as your body produces it to fight the infection in your lungs.

It's grim.


Gold Member
Hi US friends. This is not meant to be a fearmongering post, but if it comes across that way so be it.

If you are low on groceries of ANY kind, get them NOW before Trump's statement tonight. Because depending on what he says, people may go absolutely apeshit. Best to get it before that happens. I know some of it already has, but it'll get SO much worse after tonight (depending on what he says ofc).

Well honestly this is just the beginning so going for some groceries wont help a lot...I mean how mich can you buy? For a week, a month?

I am afraid that people with bunkers and 6 months plus supplies are the winners here.
IF THIS GOES CRAZY next weeks...

But I agree that after Trumps speech Black Fridays Wallmarts will be a joke compared to this
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I wouldn't say greedy fucks (though some definitly are), just incompetent and reacting overly slow is sadly a cultural disease by us more than anything. Add to that that swiss-wide measures are a huuuuuuuge pain in the ass thanks to our *countys should handle matters on their own* policy. Which isn't always bad, but most definitly sucks in such situations.

I'm not too worried about public trains to italy btw. I'm worried about public trains IN GENERAL.
Half our country takes public transportation to work everyday. Yet nothing, nothing is being done.
At least, at the very least get people to work from home. We have soooo many office jobs (and physical labor is usually nearby) that it would signinificantly lessen the load. But nada, fucking nothing.

If we managed to get public transportation under control we'd already have done a lot in preventing a huge infection bomb of corona virus since its by faaaaaaaaaaaar the biggest problem. Sadly, again. Fucking nothing.
My brother lives in Geneva (where there are already 50 confirmed cases in a town with just over 200 000 people) but thankfully his work is at a walking distance. He used to take the buss but ever since he got back in Geneva (last Sunday) he started going by foot. But what also worries me from what he tells me is that you can't find any antiseptic or surgical alcohol anywhere. Or single use gloves. From what he tells me you can't buy these anywhere. :/
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Karma Jawa

I watched the Rogan/Osterholm podcast in full.

A solid chunk of it is on CWD and anti-vax. It’s really the beginning and end where they talk about corona.

He was pretty blunt. He clearly knows his stuff and told Rogan ‘I’d be pretty mad if you were a weather expert and knew a huge storm was coming, but told me everything will be fine’.

He made the same points that some on here have mentioned. It’s not so much the effects of the virus that people should worry about (other than the elderly and those with health issues) but the impact it will have on hospitals, emergency services, shipment of supplies, and pretty much society in general.

It would be interesting to know more about the average impact of this virus on people’s health. How many only experienced mild symptoms, how many had to spend time in hospital. I guess it’s still too early to really know.

Seems to me that the level of contagion is so high, and the delay between infection and symptoms so long, that this is going to decimate places for months.


Yeah, we are probarly in for a very scary ride. We have 5k'ish hospital beds in Stockholm, with a population of 1 million, those beds are usually pretty full from normal day to day operations. We also have 500 ECMO's in the nation (10 million citizens), in december 350 or so were in use.

We are at the start of it underequipped for normality, so this will be a wakeup call for everyone. It's been a issue since 2003, we have actually less beds now, thanks to various political decisions (ie, lets save moneyz, lulz). Doctors have been shouting for years that this is dangerous, but I guess everyone thought they were crying wolf.

Soooo, we get paid sick leave, but lets hope not too many require actual hospitalization.. :\
Yeah Sweden has a very low number of hospital beds per capita, something like 3x fewer than Germany. It's more complicated than the number alone suggests, but right now it's an issue.


I watched the Rogan/Osterholm podcast in full.

A solid chunk of it is on CWD and anti-vax. It’s really the beginning and end where they talk about corona.

He was pretty blunt. He clearly knows his stuff and told Rogan ‘I’d be pretty mad if you were a weather expert and knew a huge storm was coming, but told me everything will be fine’.

He made the same points that some on here have mentioned. It’s not so much the effects of the virus that people should worry about (other than the elderly and those with health issues) but the impact it will have on hospitals, emergency services, shipment of supplies, and pretty much society in general.

It would be interesting to know more about the average impact of this virus on people’s health. How many only experienced mild symptoms, how many had to spend time in hospital. I guess it’s still too early to really know.

Seems to me that the level of contagion is so high, and the delay between infection and symptoms so long, that this is going to decimate places for months.
He was adamant that the virus is airborne, which seems to contradict most other experts (including ones from countries like Singapore, that have effectively contained the spread). It also seems partially contradicted by the reported R0 numbers, which from my brief research is typically much higher for airborne viruses, like measles.
Seems to me that the level of contagion is so high, and the delay between infection and symptoms so long, that this is going to decimate places for months.

Unless this thing ends up being some kind of seasonal illness (which there is no evidence to suggest it will be) I dont see how this doesnt become the new norm until a vaccine is widely available.

Karma Jawa

Unless this thing ends up being some kind of seasonal illness (which there is no evidence to suggest it will be) I dont see how this doesnt become the new norm until a vaccine is widely available.

The guy on that Rogan podcast said that the likeliest way this dies out (short of a vaccine) is having enough previously infected but recovered people around. He didn’t seem to think reinfection was a thing.


so I didn't read all 150 pages, obviously, and I was just wondering... is anyone on this forum infected? do we have someone among us with 1st hand experience?
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Authorized Fister
I'm livid on the situation. Canada saying we should expect 30-70% of the population to be infected while the Federal government is doing NOTHING to prevent infections.

Mod of War: Remastered

Staff Member
You post a meme with outdated information.
Then you attack another user.
Zero contribution to the thread.
I guess you are the dumb ass pal.
you continue nothing to these threads

I contribute ten times the amount of useful information to these threads than you

Wait, what are you contributing, panic?


Both of you calm the hell down, or thread removals and warnings are in order.


Well honestly this is just the beginning so going for some groceries wont help a lot...I mean how mich can you buy? For a week, a month?

I am afraid that people with bunkers and 6 months plus supplies are the winners here.
IF THIS GOES CRAZY next weeks...

But I agree that after Trumps speech Black Fridays Wallmarts will be a joke compared to this
What is happening?
What will he say?
But there is no more toilet paper how can i prepare???

Joke but not joke.

Also a little birdy told me an hour ago that the olympics will be pushed to 2021 and not just delayed for the end of the year.
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