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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Um, we need places like Walmart to commit to keeping supply chains up and running [which they have]. Having them up and running is practically mission critical, even if we had to go hard quarantine and had them delivering packages house to house or something.

I agree with this actually, I am purely thinking of the workers. I don't equate mandatory quarantine which would involve the closure of Wal-Mart stores to mean that suddenly products are no longer available. Like I mentioned above we live in a time where we can get products very very quickly. Every major company has the means to get the products to those who need them, it's just a matter of the people in power getting their head out of their asses and thinking of the workers first and putting in the time to come up with a online infrastructure that works at a time like this. Just to be clear I do NOT have some magical solution to this problem. But it's obvious we should not be forcing those who have no other option to come into contact with a ton of people on a daily basis and just keep spreading the virus, that seems asinine to me and careless.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How have South Korea managed this virus so efficiently? We should all be copying their model.

I'm more curious how Japan has only 24 deaths besides doing next to nothing other than closing down schools. There have been confirmed cases there since just about the same day as in Washington state (right around the time China quarantined Wuhan).

Competent leadership that doesn’t make speeches claiming it’s under control today or was saying it was a hoax 3 weeks ago.

I already posted earlier in the thread, but Trump didn't call the virus a hoax. He called the claims that his administration was mishandling things a hoax.
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Shortages are already happening. During Trumps speech where he declared a national emergency the CEO of Wal-Mart already said they can't order enough to keep up with demand. Maybe temporarily instead of shipping these items to the stores which forces associates to be there and come face to face with thousands of peoples for 8-12 hours a day, they start shipping these items to people and set hard limits online to ensure hoarders don't ruin the process. To be perfectly honest I don't think there is a perfect solution to this current situation but forcing millions of people to come into contact with millions of other people clearly cannot be standard operating procedure moving forward until we reach a point where we can say for sure this is no longer a crisis.

In a day where I can order a flat screen tv and a pack of socks at 3pm and have it by 9pm the same day, I feel confident we can figure a way to get products to those who need them while putting the best interest of the actual workers first.

Keeping the supply chain intact is in the best interest of the workers. Do you realize how important Walmart is in getting food and goods to people across the country? If they just 'shut down', we'd be in nightmare mode.

Hell, just imagine all of your local supermarkets and bodegas shut down tonight... and suddenly your entire town was dependent on some other, new, untested solution like having Amazon taking over and trying to manage the trade volume of supermarkets, walmarts, kmarts, target and everyother company overnight... can you imagine the utter clusterfuck of breaking all existing supply lines and then stress test Amazon under the weight of a pandemic and hysterics?

You would cause the damn apocalypse. The fact that we have so many diverse supply lines is our saving grace. You'd kill us all 'in the best interest of the actual workers'.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Wow look at the difference between Germany and Italy

Almost no one in critical and 81% discharged. Its still a small sample size, but contrast that with Italy only 56% discharged.

The curve looks the same. Italy is ahead one week that's all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Restaurants and bars have just been shut down in Washington state and a new limit of no more than 50 people for gatherings has been implemented.

I was going to wait for my safety class (planned for next weekend) before making a purchasing decision, but I think I'm going to head out and buy a gun home defense tomorrow morning. There are way too many people living on the edge who are about to lose their only source of income and I think shutting down "non-essential" retail is the next step, so I'm thinking I need to act now to get some kind of defense. Hopefully I never need it, but better safe than sorry.
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Has anyone got any charts that show how the numbers have changed over time, on a country by country basis?

I say this because, while I appreciate exponential growth, the USA and UK are receiving a ton of grief for their tactics, but the infection rate per million people is among the lowest of any country. It seems to me that you cant really judge the merits of either without comparing them to the relevant stages of progression in other countries.

Why are people so convinced that Johnson and Trump are wrong? I'm no fan of either, for the record, but this doesn't seem like the best time to judge actions based on political partisanship.
The only people complaining are leftists / communists that want UK/USA to fall / economically collapse as punishment for having Trump/Brexit.
As soon as UK/USA economically collapse it is game over for the west.


I agree with this actually, I am purely thinking of the workers. I don't equate mandatory quarantine which would involve the closure of Wal-Mart stores to mean that suddenly products are no longer available. Like I mentioned above we live in a time where we can get products very very quickly. Every major company has the means to get the products to those who need them, it's just a matter of the people in power getting their head out of their asses and thinking of the workers first and putting in the time to come up with a online infrastructure that works at a time like this. Just to be clear I do NOT have some magical solution to this problem. But it's obvious we should not be forcing those who have no other option to come into contact with a ton of people on a daily basis and just keep spreading the virus, that seems asinine to me and careless.

Who delivers these products? Works at the factories?

I get where ure coming from but these stores arent staying open because of muh profits. Theyre staying open so people can get foods and medicine. And they have issue with demand becuase of all the panic buyers.

I agree that we should look into more online shopping but its not a viable option for everyone yet and would make the panic buying worse. But i guess each steps u take are different. Where i am we basically closex everything except restaursnts groceries and phamarcies.



If this is accurate we are going to have a very small problem


I'm more curious how Japan has only 24 deaths besides doing next to nothing other than closing down schools. There have been confirmed cases there since just about the same day as in Washington state (right around the time China quarantined Wuhan).

I already posted earlier in the thread, but Trump didn't call the virus a hoax. He called the claims that his administration was mishandling things a hoax.

Maybe italies government is just really incompetent?

Iran we know are idiots. China we know are liars.

Japan SK and so far even Germany despite their high cases have done a good job.

Spain France UK we will see they are at turning point.


Possible cure in Australia:

From the article:
“What we want to do at the moment is a large clinical trial across Australia, looking at 50 hospitals, and what we’re going to compare is one drug, versus another drug, versus the combination of the two drugs,” Prof Paterson said.
Wouldn't you also want a group not on any of the drugs? Without a control group how could you possibly gauge effectiveness?


Who delivers these products? Works at the factories?

I get where ure coming from but these stores arent staying open because of muh profits. Theyre staying open so people can get foods and medicine. And they have issue with demand becuase of all the panic buyers.

I agree that we should look into more online shopping but its not a viable option for everyone yet and would make the panic buying worse. But i guess each steps u take are different. Where i am we basically closex everything except restaursnts groceries and phamarcies.

You make a good point, like I mentioned in one of my many replies there is no perfect solution to this issue that serves as a benefit to all sides involved. I just simply don't want to see this get worse and worse, seeing the updates on Italy is damn unsettling. I just listened the most recent speech from Trump and Pence and they made it very clear that all major grocery stores will stay open throughout this entire ordeal so there's that. Maybe they will offer some type of protection for those who have to come into contact with people on a daily basis while this is still at a high risk.


From the article:

Wouldn't you also want a group not on any of the drugs? Without a control group how could you possibly gauge effectiveness?
I think they don't need. Since basically all clinical cases right now have no medical treatment besides for breathing aids and are well documented.


You make a good point, like I mentioned in one of my many replies there is no perfect solution to this issue that serves as a benefit to all sides involved. I just simply don't want to see this get worse and worse, seeing the updates on Italy is damn unsettling. I just listened the most recent speech from Trump and Pence and they made it very clear that all major grocery stores will stay open throughout this entire ordeal so there's that. Maybe they will offer some type of protection for those who have to come into contact with people on a daily basis while this is still at a high risk.

Maybe soon start looking at limiting how many people can go in the store etc.... i think there needs to be a balance. Shortning hours is a good move. Limiting staff to.


I agree with this actually, I am purely thinking of the workers. I don't equate mandatory quarantine which would involve the closure of Wal-Mart stores to mean that suddenly products are no longer available. Like I mentioned above we live in a time where we can get products very very quickly. Every major company has the means to get the products to those who need them, it's just a matter of the people in power getting their head out of their asses and thinking of the workers first and putting in the time to come up with a online infrastructure that works at a time like this. Just to be clear I do NOT have some magical solution to this problem. But it's obvious we should not be forcing those who have no other option to come into contact with a ton of people on a daily basis and just keep spreading the virus, that seems asinine to me and careless.

Ah, okay, i think i see what you are suggesting.

Here is the issue: our current system is already in place. We have an absolute massive amount of goods going through every brick and mortar, and another massive amount getting delivery via Amazon, etc. Our entire ecosystem is built off of that - we can't just flip a switch and, for example, go 'full online' because our brick and mortar infrastructure is not online infrastructure.

To suddenly shut down Walmart, yet keep their supply chain, would require wartime levels of government intervention and likely an insurmountable loss of efficiency during the transition period. It would be like transitioning Ford's factories to tanks again, but instead of just factories, messing with our food during a time of crisis.

Trump & Co. are doing it right - getting all the major brick and mortars [walmart, target, walgreens, etc] to commit to staying up and running. This allows each organization to meet this committment in their own way, since they know their operation [and their limitations] best. And if Target f's it up, maybe Walmart won't.

And if it gets bad enough, we may even see a concerted effort by these companies to move to a more delivery oriented service. But it's not a switch that can be flipped. And we shouldn't be angry that Walmart is committing to staying open, we should be proud they are committed to being there for us during crisis [and that comes from someone who has never even once stepped inside a walmart because i am against some of their trade practices].

As for the workers, well, a close relative of mine is in charge of regional trucking for one of these big chains. I can't speak for everyone, but i can speak for him - he is willing to risk it because he understands the responsibility of the job he took on feeds families. He doesn't want to stay home. He wants to be there for everyone. He is a link in a very big chain.
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Possible cure in Australia:

But of course the drug is coming soon. Read the other article of it taking years to come out and giggled. How long did it take humanity to go to the moon once it had been decided we will? And now a virus drug is going to take years? Yeah, righto.


But of course the drug is coming soon. Read the other article of it taking years to come out and giggled. How long did it take humanity to go to the moon once it had been decided we will? And now a virus drug is going to take years? Yeah, righto.

Time to market for existing drugs for new indications is far far shorter than time to market for new drugs.

This is an existing drug being used for new indications.


Maybe soon start looking at limiting how many people can go in the store etc.... i think there needs to be a balance. Shortning hours is a good move. Limiting staff to.

Yes, exactly. Don't mess with established infrastructure.

So, for example, if it got serious, Walmart could do something like -

Drivethru service only.
Place order via website, drive up, keep windows closed, pop your trunk.
Walmart employees follows guidelines as they lysol your trunk before touching it to open, put goods in trunk, shut trunk.

But we're nowhere near that point yet, i don't think, unless this is way worse than we know.

But the point is, that solution piggybacks our existing infrastructure. Trucking doesn't change, required vehicles don't change, the store still holds inventory, etc. Walmart just needs to retrain some people .

I wish Amazon was also in the list. It bothers me they weren't [or at least, im pretty sure they werent] Makes me like Amazon a little less, since i have to assume they were asked.


One question - why in the fuck are so many people travelling still. Still getting people arriving with corona today. What the fuck are you people doing

I have two family members going on a cruise next week to Alaska to see the Northern Lights, something they planned - and paid for - a little over two years ago.

I'm with you but I also don't have a vacation bought and paid for I've been thinking about for 700 plus days? :\

But of course the drug is coming soon. Read the other article of it taking years to come out and giggled. How long did it take humanity to go to the moon once it had been decided we will? And now a virus drug is going to take years? Yeah, righto.

Side effects to rushing a cure could be worse than the cure.
Even without the red tape this stuff takes time to do right.
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Most people can’t comprehend that this is happen. Well it is and with all the technology we have, there isn’t even fast a solution at hand ... brings you back to earth.

Also see countries working together , without believes, see that we can do it!

Let’s keep doing it if it’s all over, we are one world set your differences aside!
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Unconfirmed Member
From the article:

Wouldn't you also want a group not on any of the drugs? Without a control group how could you possibly gauge effectiveness?

Any test like this will feature some use of placebos - it’s such a standard practice they probably just didn’t bother mentioning it.


Maybe italies government is just really incompetent?

Iran we know are idiots. China we know are liars.

Japan SK and so far even Germany despite their high cases have done a good job.

Spain France UK we will see they are at turning point.
Maybe the difference is ICU spaces, because Germany has a lot more of them than for example the UK, that’s why , people die because there is no spot in the ICU.

Most governments cut cost on health , because yeah we are human, we know it all. See how that’s is turning out ..


Omg wtf am I reading , we knew this almost from January... the Chinese figured this out, why do you think they sprayed everything.

Has the world ever noticed , or where they all busy With them selves



Cretinously credulous
So what's the consensus on China here? Have they really controlled it almost fully, or are they lying through their teeth as usual?
If they have, then at least we have another good model of how to do it.


The curve looks the same. Italy is ahead one week that's all.

Italy had 5.800 cases on 7 March, like Germany has now, and Italy had 233 deaths. Germany has 13. That's a factor of 18.

Lombardy is the epicentre and the majority of cases occurred in the first few days and a few weeks, primarily there, causing hospital overload. In addition, the average age in Lombardy is very high.
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So what's the consensus on China here? Have they really controlled it almost fully, or are they lying through their teeth as usual?
If they have, then at least we have another good model of how to do it.

Of course they lie. All the factories are running again, many people are going back to their normal work and all this while the virus still causes hundreds of deaths and thousands of new infections every day. And don't forget that they don't have internet of course and the WHO and other specialists are of course not on site. So no one could ever find out the truth. /s
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Gold Member
Omg wtf am I reading , we knew this almost from January... the Chinese figured this out, why do you think they sprayed everything.

Has the world ever noticed , or where they all busy With them selves


The rest of the world were busy saying its just a flu that only effects Asian people.


Cretinously credulous
Of course they lie. All the factories are running again, many people are going back to their normal work and all this while the virus still causes hundreds of deaths and thousands of new infections every day. And don't forget that they don't have internet of course and the WHO and other specialists are of course not on site. So no one could ever find out the truth. /s

No ñeed for sarcasm my man. Good news is good news. If everything is indeed becoming normal over there, then yay!


No ñeed for sarcasm my man. Good news is good news. If everything is indeed becoming normal over there, then yay!

It was nothing against you. But when it comes to China, 90% of the posts say they are lying and that the virus is still very active there.
I myself don't claim that China is telling the complete truth, especially not regarding the last weeks and months, but it is quite obvious by now that they have the virus under control. This may change, but at the moment it looks like it is and I think that's good news for all of us. China is now actively helping Iran, Italy and the USA, sending test kits, doctors, masks and respiratory equipment.
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Italy had 5.800 cases on 7 March, like Germany has now, and Italy had 233 deaths. Germany has 13. That's a factor of 18.

Lombardy is the epicentre and the majority of cases occurred in the first few days and a few weeks, primarily there, causing hospital overload. In addition, the average age in Lombardy is very high.
Germany has more icu’s. It’s that simple ... your system needs to coop. Till it’s full and the bucket flows over.
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I'm more curious how Japan has only 24 deaths besides doing next to nothing other than closing down schools. There have been confirmed cases there since just about the same day as in Washington state
If you read some news from South Korea and China, there are some unverified reports stated Abe's government was seriously downplayed the numbers and did not want to cause panic to affect Tokyo Olympics. For example, Japan government did not test as many Japaneses citizens from Wuhan and released them back home without any testing. Softback's boss offered 1 million free test kits to public and was accused of"causing public's panic" by the right-wingers and nationalists. He forced to apologize and declined the offer. SK and China does have a good relationship with JP so takes their news with a grains of salt.
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