So with a 2 week incubation period we wont see the effects of the new year celebrations for a coiple weeks right? Essentially were still seeing quarentined numbers
So with a 2 week incubation period we wont see the effects of the new year celebrations for a coiple weeks right? Essentially were still seeing quarentined numbers
What day did they quarantine Wuhan? Curious how that will impact the numbers with a time delay.
So with a 2 week incubation period we wont see the effects of the new year celebrations for a coiple weeks right? Essentially were still seeing quarentined numbers
Yes in around 7-8 days give or take +/-.So with a 2 week incubation period we wont see the effects of the new year celebrations for a coiple weeks right? Essentially were still seeing quarentined numbers
I honestly don't know how they're defining recovered since the virus is self resolving and likely take weeks to fully recover, but the total cases/total dead/total recovered are all growing at roughly the same rate, which would imply that the eventual mortality rate will likely be very close to the 2% rate.I'm no epidemiologist so I don't know how any of this works. And it's likely that the posted figures are largely fictional. So consider this post to be a work co-authored by Numbers from my Ass:
Doesn't it seem a bit premature to compare total deaths vs. the total confirmed (for the so-called 2% mortaility rate) for an illness that takes at least a week or two to pass?
Ideally, when all of this blows over, shouldn't Total Deaths + Total Recovered = Total Confirmed? What I see now is 426 deaths out of 1049 "resolutions", for a kill-vs-cure ratio closer to 40%. 1049 "endings" seems to more or less match the number of Total Confirmed about 10 days ago (somewhere around 1-2K).
I'm thinking that 40% can't possibly be right either because that would be nuts, right? But for the last several days, the 40% ratio has held quite steady and has matched the total infections of 10 days previous. I'm hoping that the thing just takes a long time to recover vs how long it takes to kill and we'll see an increase in the Recovery : Resolutions ratio.
For comparison, the non-China numbers seem to be 1 death, 9 recovered with about 25 infected 10 days ago. So that's closer to 10% mortality but with such a small sample size the stats are probably meaningless.
Around 10 days ago (Jan 23-24 ish) is when things started to accelerate so I guess we'll see if there is a rapid increase in the number of Resolved cases in the next few days - and whether my layman's interpretation of the trends is BS or not.
Edit: W.r.t China's situation, there's probably also a saturation effect in play. Other countries - having been forewarned - are isolating and treating their small number of cases aggressively and safely. There's likely a tipping point where it's not possible to stay ahead of the rising cases and that's when trouble starts. I would think that spread outside of China would be considerably less and recovery rates higher, so long as numbers are under control?
Another thing that is weird is that each day the suspected case number is increasing, about in line with the actual cases.
I would guess a fair number of suspected cases turn into actual cases each day, but since they both keep growing it could almost be 1.5x as many cases. I doubt 100% of suspected cases turn into actual cases.. But we don't really know.
The scary part is that the numbers are only creeping because that’s all the staff can get through in a day and record.
It’s not new people showing up, it’s likely people that have been waiting to be seen for a long period of time and only going away and spreading it further.
I saw another report that said something like 200,000 people were under medical observation.. Wonder how many of those will turn into cases.
First death in Hong Kong today too.
Macau is closing its casinos for half a month too due to outbreak.
We had a 7-day booked for Alaska on NCL this Summer and we canceled it last week. Not 100% due to this, but when weighing the pro's and con's, it definitely factored in.
I had booked a table at a Chinese restaurant this winter and i canceled it last week. Not 100% due to this, but when weighing the pro's and con's, it definitely factored in.I had booked a bunch of AliExpress stuff this winter and i canceled it last week. Not 100% due to this, but when weighing the pro's and con's, it definitely factored in.
Angry Chinese elderly woman spitting on a pharmacist following a spat over what appears to be an argument about medicines for coronavirus.Truly terrifying. I know it was a suggestion and not a court passing down a ruling, but this is how you justify bulldozing entire "quarantine zones" into the ovens. Certainly, spreading the disease on purpose is despicable and should be punished, but how does that innocent chinese family prove they weren't spreading the disease on purpose?
Angry Chinese elderly woman spitting on a pharmacist following a spat over what appears to be an argument about medicines for coronavirus.
Well I think even if no one gets infected from this point onward the ~400 died and ~700 recovered figure would both continue to change among the 20k already infected.I honestly don't know how they're defining recovered since the virus is self resolving and likely take weeks to fully recover, but the total cases/total dead/total recovered are all growing at roughly the same rate, which would imply that the eventual mortality rate will likely be very close to the 2% rate.
Wow, elderly woman was obviously trying to infect the worker with coronavirus.
Off to the organ-harvesting ambulance with her.
Angry Chinese elderly woman spitting on a pharmacist following a spat over what appears to be an argument about medicines for coronavirus.
Macau is closing its casinos for half a month too due to outbreak.
Angry Chinese elderly woman spitting on a pharmacist following a spat over what appears to be an argument about medicines for coronavirus.
CNN interviewed the Chinese doctor whistleblower.
Could just be Western propaganda tho rite
Problem is I hear 5 million people left wuhan prior to quarantine being implemented.Wuhan is just a small taste of what could really happen if they didn't do what they have done to contain things.
Why would CNN do that? No China fucked up ... again . Now it’s time to sit on the blisters.CNN interviewed the Chinese doctor whistleblower.
Could just be Western propaganda tho rite
Why because desperation can make people do things “taking your own life? Escaping? Fever can make you delirious ... could also cause fleeing .Why do hospital windows require bars?
Why do hospital windows require bars?
Yes, in every hospital I've worked at you are unable to open or close the windows, for obvious safety and liability reasons.
Making it so the window is one piece of glass/plastic that doesn't open is one thing, actual, physical bars is a bit extreme to me personally.
Tis spreading season
Mr. Soros smiles as he feels the warmth of nostalgia.A county in China is offering people $140 to tell on neighbors who have visited Wuhan, and another is threatening the death penalty to anyone deliberately spreading the coronavirus
A county in China is offering people $140 to tell on neighbors who have visited Wuhan, and another is threatening the death penalty to anyone deliberately spreading the coronavirus
China has been struggling to contain the coronavirus epidemic, which initially broke out in the central province of
Probably because is not reinforced glass. Remember that they build this thing in 10 days.
i cant get nowhere close to a "pre" building permit in 10 days here.
Angry Chinese elderly woman spitting on a pharmacist following a spat over what appears to be an argument about medicines for coronavirus.