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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Well this sucks.

Two officials in China have been removed from their posts after a teenager with cerebral palsy died when his father - and sole carer - was quarantined for suspected coronavirus.

Yan Cheng, 16, was found dead on Wednesday, a week after his father and brother were placed in quarantine.

The boy was fed only twice during this time, according to reports.

Both the local Communist Party secretary and mayor in Huajiahe town have been dismissed over the case.

Frankly I expect more stories like this to come out (if they're allowed to).


I need a haircut but kinda scared since I get mine at an asian place.

The thought has crossed my mind if I should cancel my dentist appointment. Chinese staff and patients. It's just my survival DNA instincts 😐

I went to have dim sum the other day. Place was nearly empty, and on the weekend too. The fear is real here.
This person is on one of the Cruise liners that is being quarantined due to the Coronavirus outbreak.. fuck that'd scare the shit out of me.

It's all in Japanese. Some cool pictures though.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
I was listening to a podcast last night... We are incredibly lucky that this isn't a new strain of small pox. I had no idea how bad that illness was.


Why do hospital windows require bars?

Someone should photoshop Dexter in their with a plastic sheet.
So expecting deaths today to be...

14% mortality (super high end, I hope): 96
2% mortality (the low end they've been talking about): 14

That is based off of the "new cases" 10 days ago (688 reported).

EDIT: And here we go...

65 new deaths, 3,156 new cases. This is JUST Hubei/Wuhan and not the rest of China. We SHOULD be seeing more deaths from the rest of China by now, but need to wait 2 more hours.

Just based off this, that's about a 9.5% mortality rate (again, using reported cases +10 days). There was a BIG jump in reported cases 7-8 days ago, so if we see a BIG jump in deaths in the next couple of days, then I'll think maybe this pseudo-model has some merit. As is, I'm just spitballing out of my ass trying to make sense of this craziness.

The other thinking is maybe this is just mostly killing off the elderly/people with other conditions, and at some point those will all be already passed, so the death number will stabilize or actually go down. That'd be hopeful, I guess.

Sunday: 2825
Monday: 3235
Tuesday: 3156*and counting...

So serious/critical is +377 day/over/day. Assuming the 65 deaths today we're critical yesterday... yikes.
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Recap so far.

Also, not good.

"One in two people with new pneumonia has been transferred from an infected person during the incubation period, according to a study published in the study. "
Not sure it's a pandemic yet.. had to talk my girlfriend down from that particular shuddering climax of exaggerated rumor mongering last week~

My thoughts? I live in Japan, at the moment I'm wearing a mask on the train. But that's mostly because my girl insists that i do.. i lived in Beijing after SARS and all the anecdotes were about masks, not stickiness (I'm gonna let that predictive text error stand, for the record it was meant to be "sickness") and death~

I'm strong and healthy, heck i could use a bit of pneumonia to slim out this bulge above my belt line where passing 30 seems to have deposited all my body fat. I'll be careful, I'll hope for the best, I'm not going to let it add any more stress to what is already a pretty packed life.

Where's my 500 Warhammer ebooks at ...
Did anything come out of that supposed cure? Strange that went silent.

Not that I've heard.. different places have talked about them working on a vaccine, but it'll take a long while yet to come up with anything I think.

Hopefully they'll find stuff that works at treating it effectively. Some of the HIV drugs worked on the patient in WA, USA, but not sure if they're available or even being used elsewhere.


Oh boy.. where there's 10....



China is screwed, this virus is exploding there and no quarantine, no restrictions, and even if it comes to it, no mass murder is going to stop it (remember, to communists, there is no such thing as problems, only people)

Ironic tho, who knew snakes and bats in cages could possibly bring down a emerging superpower... that being said, im not confident in the rest of the world to be able contain this, the idea that this is something we'll all just have to live with makes me angry, especially that my elderly parents are still on this rock and would likely not fare well if infected by the coronavirus.

On the plus side and ive said it before on this thread, this will be a boom to populist isolational nationalism. This could be a end to the globalist neoliberal order, a return to traditionlism, and that, will be a good day indeed.
Until we see it truly impacting and killing the healthy middle-aged segment, I don't think this will have a huge world-altering impact. It COULD be already, but we have no idea of knowing.

If this is really just culling the old and compromised.. there might be some in China who are secretly happy about this.

It will be interesting to watch how China recovers from this, whatever happens.

The 4PM Pacific numbers will be telling (again, if honest). If it's not expoentially spreading outside of Wuhan, then maybe things won't be so terrible for them. A city with 11-million or whatever people is almost a rounding error for the whole of China.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Until we see it truly impacting and killing the healthy middle-aged segment, I don't think this will have a huge world-altering impact. It COULD be already, but we have no idea of knowing.

If this is really just culling the old and compromised.. there might be some in China who are secretly happy about this.

It will be interesting to watch how China recovers from this, whatever happens.

The 4PM Pacific numbers will be telling (again, if honest). If it's not expoentially spreading outside of Wuhan, then maybe things won't be so terrible for them. A city with 11-million or whatever people is almost a rounding error for the whole of China.
Every person that lives in China is compromised. Their air quality is horrible. I can't imagine what a single year breathing that shit does to your lungs, let alone a life time. Respiratory illness is the perfect killer of the Chinese for this reason. Its tragically sad.

Also, over 60% of men are heavy smokers in China...
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Every person that lives in China is compromised. Their air quality is horrible. I can't imagine what a single year breathing that shit does to your lungs. Respiratory illness is the perfect killer of the Chinese for this reason. Its honestly tragically sad.

Also, over 60% of men are heavy smokers in China...

You made a compelling point. Ugh.

In local news...

4PM update (early!)

675 seems really low all things considered, and no deaths (again)?

Why is it blowing up in Wuhan but nowhere else? Why are people only dying in Wuhan but nowhere else?

All said in done though, that's still a new daily record of 3831 cases today.

Sunday: 2825
Monday: 3235
Tuesday: 3831
Wednesday: ????


On the plus side and ive said it before on this thread, this will be a boom to populist isolational nationalism. This could be a end to the globalist neoliberal order, a return to traditionlism, and that, will be a good day indeed.

Somehow it'll be a catalyst to do the opposite of that, lol. Maybe some sort of global ID program, so we can better learn how to stop pandemics.

I wish we knew the max # of cases they can/are testing per day.

Are most of the test kits ONLY in Wuhan, thus limiting the # of testing in other regions?


Why are people only dying in Wuhan but nowhere else?

Maybe a saturation effect? Once there is a critical number of patients they can't effectively be given oxygen if/when they get to the pneumonia stage (which doesn't happen in all cases)? Not to mention that when that limit is being reached, people will be running from hospital to hospital to find a bed - potentially causing more infections. Due to the inaction / lack of detection at the start of the outbreak they probably built up a critical mass of cases in Wuhan - more so than in other places...

I don't expect the 5-10 cases in the US or Canada be spreading to anyone else at the moment, and the patients will certainly be well-cared for. If there were 1000-5000 cases though? Would be a bigger problem and I think we'd start seeing deaths here.


On the plus side and ive said it before on this thread, this will be a boom to populist isolational nationalism. This could be a end to the globalist neoliberal order, a return to traditionlism, and that, will be a good day indeed.
Unless it becomes a massive outbreak in the west, people here will be largely unaffected and nothing will change.


Patient 0 of that cruise ship

The man who tested positive for the virus is an 80-year-old from Hong Kong, the semiautonomous Chinese city said in a statement. The infected patient had not been to healthcare facilities or seafood markets, nor had he had exposure to wild animals during his incubation period -- meaning he likely contracted the virus from another human. The man visited mainland China for "a few hours" on January 10, the statement said.

The man flew into Tokyo -- the world's most populous city -- on January 17 with his two daughters, and two days later said he began developing a cough, Hong Kong authorities said. He boarded the cruise in Yokohama on January 20, and when it stopped back in Hong Kong on January 25, part of its pre-planned itinerary, he got off and never returned. He sought medical attention on January 30 and was diagnosed with the virus shortly after. He is currently in a stable condition.
Patient 0 of that cruise ship

(A), Amazing that an 80-year old is doing fine with it, (B) are all the people on board now part of his same trip? Or did they all de-board and this is a new batch of cruises on the same ship?

Answered my own question.. looks like the cruise went through 2-4-2020 originally.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
All Brits instructed to leave China.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
All Brits instructed to leave China.

Wow... anyone in the entire country? Getting crazy...
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All Brits instructed to leave China.

In a dramatic escalation of its official advice to just avoid China, the Foreign Office is now actively urging people to leave the country in a bid to protect their own health amid fears the coronavirus crisis will continue to escalate.
But in the same time...
Despite the US, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan barring foreign travellers from China, the UK is still permitting arrivals from the virus-stricken country.
I'm speechless.
China is screwed, this virus is exploding there and no quarantine, no restrictions, and even if it comes to it, no mass murder is going to stop it (remember, to communists, there is no such thing as problems, only people)

Ironic tho, who knew snakes and bats in cages could possibly bring down a emerging superpower... that being said, im not confident in the rest of the world to be able contain this, the idea that this is something we'll all just have to live with makes me angry, especially that my elderly parents are still on this rock and would likely not fare well if infected by the coronavirus.

On the plus side and ive said it before on this thread, this will be a boom to populist isolational nationalism. This could be a end to the globalist neoliberal order, a return to traditionlism, and that, will be a good day indeed.

Sorry this has nothing to do with your post but I FINALLY just noticed that is Putin in your avatar and I can't stop laughing. As my laugh reaction emoji shows.

The Hermit

I am very worried about this... China is no telling us half

And soon here in Brazil Carnival begins... so yeah


my outlook shift from day to day, one day i'm thinking this is fine, then later i'm thinking it only takes a single infected person to start the chain reaction, what happens when if it gets out of control in a third world country then infected persons start entering from non-chinese countries.

in china the majority of people are homogenous in their appearance, so the infection can spread more easily within china because superficially there isn't that immediate visual indicator. In non asian dominated countries its a lil easier to spot who may be infected (at least currently) so the hurdle for the pathogen to spread human to human has that added hurdle to overcome.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
my outlook shift from day to day, one day i'm thinking this is fine, then later i'm thinking it only takes a single infected person to start the chain reaction, what happens when if it gets out of control in a third world country then infected persons start entering from non-chinese countries.

in china the majority of people are homogenous in their appearance, so the infection can spread more easily within china because superficially there isn't that immediate visual indicator. In non asian dominated countries its a lil easier to spot who may be infected (at least currently) so the hurdle for the pathogen to spread human to human has that added hurdle to overcome.


Rodent Whores
my outlook shift from day to day, one day i'm thinking this is fine, then later i'm thinking it only takes a single infected person to start the chain reaction, what happens when if it gets out of control in a third world country then infected persons start entering from non-chinese countries.

in china the majority of people are homogenous in their appearance, so the infection can spread more easily within china because superficially there isn't that immediate visual indicator. In non asian dominated countries its a lil easier to spot who may be infected (at least currently) so the hurdle for the pathogen to spread human to human has that added hurdle to overcome.
Dude, what in the hell are you talking about :messenger_tears_of_joy:


There are 56 recognized ethnic groups in China, anyone saying someone "Looks Chinese" is really showing their ignorance. You're just lumping in "Looks Asian" which is a fair comment but not when you direct it at a specific SE country.

i think we've been hit in the head so hard with diversity bat in the western world that we don't recognize that populations outside can be fairly homogeneous.



Probably because is not reinforced glass. Remember that they build this thing in 10 days.
i cant get nowhere close to a "pre" building permit in 10 days here.

Also look alot like containers used at building/construction sides.


Han people don't all look the same. Keep digging up stupid.

Thats true Han Chinese is a Social construct and they are of mixed ethnicity but culturally they see them all as Han Chinese. This is similar to Thai people. They are either ethnic chinese(HAN) or mixed chinese Thai or more or less Thai but all consider themself to be Thai. The grandfather of my wife looked 100% like I imagine a chinese mainlander but claimed to be 100% Thai. So total assimilation over time. But the western diversity stuff is still bullshit because it panders to a divided society and a society needs a comon ground to exist and thats generally ethinicity.
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