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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Maybe it’s something to do with the season (summer) of the Southern Hemisphere. Hopefully like the flu, it’s harder to spread the virus in the summer seasons.

The summer hope is already dashed. I've been posting about Singapore for a while now, very hot country in a tropical zone.


Gold Member
We will start getting some real numbers now that it seems to have broken out in countries that are happy to do some honest reporting.
most of the media around the world is goverment run anyway so not sure about how honest they will be in reporting

If you follow English news from Singapore they have been pretty open

but you can also see the spin of a goverment trying to tell its people we are doing all we can to protect you
This is the kind of reports we are going to get.

Honest numbers is good too South Korea has not been shy about dropping 100 new cases per day on our laps.


Gold Member
I’m not planning on doing anything, but I’m situations like these I’d rather buy after a dip than sell anticipating one.

Yep I'm keeping an eye on the situation with the idea to buy if it does cause a dip.

Everything else I'm in on is long term anyway so I'm not going to make any rash decisions.


Here in England, the government has started rolling out “We are well prepared” adverts on the radio. I call bs on that.
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Everything is fine ! Glad world governments are taking action , it’s not like some spread the disease for 27 days without symptoms...

Yep I'm keeping an eye on the situation with the idea to buy if it does cause a dip.

Everything else I'm in on is long term anyway so I'm not going to make any rash decisions.

I'm not diversified much at all right now, lol. I'm heavily leveraged and holding. So as much as I'd like to buy a potential dip, I probably can't swing too much.

But if we see a significant dip from this, it would be a great time to move for sure imo.
Here in England, the government has started rolling out “We are well prepared” adverts on the radio. I call bs on that.

you can't be prepared for 100s of infected cases they know it, they are just saying shit that sounds good
but any health system will be overwhelmed you can't prepare for 100s of people that can infect your doctors and nurses.
negative results might just be the fault of training for a new test. Or just looking for something new in a test you are familiar with. The problem is it will take time for all of this stuff to be ironed out. By the time we do every nation will have cases walking around undetected.
Yeah agreed.

BTW a university here in BR developed a test to identify COVID-19 in 3 hours with a high success rate. The same university that developed a Zika Virus test.


Iran is starting to look like another epicenter.

The case in Lebanon was from someone who went to Qoms.

All though Israel took some patients off the Diamond Cruise so they need to make sure they don't become the next epicenter.
Dr Campbell breaking down why you get sicker if you get re-infected is freaking me out
I should stop watching that live stream

Dr Campbell's stream died while he was explaining that young medical people in China might have died because they were exposed to many different mutations of the same virus

who is trying to silence him? WHO?
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Coronavirus: couples in Philippines marry wearing masks
Hundreds of Filipino couples participated in a mass wedding wearing face masks because of coronavirus fears. As part of efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, officials in the city of Bacolod conducted health tests and provided the 220 couples with masks before they tied the knot.

Coronavirus: couples in Philippines marry wearing masks
Hundreds of Filipino couples participated in a mass wedding wearing face masks because of coronavirus fears. As part of efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, officials in the city of Bacolod conducted health tests and provided the 220 couples with masks before they tied the knot.

Traditions are extremely hard to break and circumstances make them look very silly at times.

If this was a 5 minute thing I am sure those masks would have worked but I bet that shit lasted more like 5 hours of stupid preaching and fake romance


Traditions are extremely hard to break and circumstances make them look very silly at times.

If this was a 5 minute thing I am sure those masks would have worked but I bet that shit lasted more like 5 hours of stupid preaching and fake romance
I agree the masks won't do much, but I can't knock them for getting married.
While marriage continues to lose its cultural significance in the West, to me it will always be the gold standard for relationships (and family life).


I agree the masks won't do much, but I can't knock them for getting married.
While marriage continues to lose its cultural significance in the West, to me it will always be the gold standard for relationships (and family life).
Until you get divorced and she takes all your shit. But that won't happen to you will it?
I agree the masks won't do much, but I can't knock them for getting married.
While marriage continues to lose its cultural significance in the West, to me it will always be the gold standard for relationships (and family life).

not knocking the marriages at all but really if that virus was in that area among all those people it would not be a nice way to start your wedding night

this is the problem we will have with this virus, if it keeps going year after year we are going to have to adjust some of our traditions unless we want it to kill billions of people until we learn to respect when nature wants us dead
So uh, the time for a vaccine to get tested and ready is 1-2 years.
Is everybody quarantined up until then?

it is going to take at least 10 years to get rid of each mutation of this virus unless it gets even worse and becomes like the flu
we are going to need a new vaccine for each mutation if it takes 1-2 years for each vaccine to be created we are too far behind to ever catch up

of course we can't quarantine forever, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We will know when the religious leaders call this a sign of the end times and wars break out over quarantine land and fenced off cities


Shit is going down

Iranians are scared and angry. Their government has been lying to them and their media was instructed not to report on the coronavirus outbreak as it rapidly spread from the religious city of Qom to other cities. On Saturday, Tehran was awash with rumors and riots occurred in the city of Talesh on the Caspian sea due to a quarantine.

“The situation inside the hospital is very scary and terrifying,” one man tweeted. “Even the hospital medical staff, some of whom are infected with the coronavirus, are terrified. In Isfahan medical students protested at the local University of Medical Sciences due to lack of protective gear. Iranians are well educated and they know the risks as their government tried over seventy hours to stop the spread of information about the crises.

By Saturday evening at least six people were dead but official figures put the number of infections only in the twenties. In fact rumors were spreading that the numbers could be in the hundreds or a thousand cases. In Iraq the authorities moved to shut the border and stop Iranian pilgrims from coming from Qom. In addition Iran sought to clamp down on travel. A Lebanese woman returning from Qom tested positive in Lebanon. Lebanon’s Health Minister, who is linked to the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, said everything was in order.

In Turkey the authorities, acting on information they received from Iran that was not available for the media, sought to monitor and interdict Iranians who might have the virus.
Kuwait also expressed concern over Iranian arrivals and travel to Iran. In Iraq’s Maysan the governor decided to try to prevent Iranians from arriving. Already the virus was in Tehran, Rasht and other cities. Governments in the region, evidently aware of the crises more than Iran’s people were aware, began to seek to stop Shi’ite pilgrims from going to Iran.

Here we go again, time to hold onto your butts.
Did anyone think we would get here? After watching Dr Campbell speak for a few hours today he said in about a month most of EU should have the same issues Italy is facing right now.

Looks to me as some countries will react better than others.


Until you get divorced and she takes all your shit. But that won't happen to you will it?
It's a risk I'm willing to take. As with other major life decisions all you can do is reduce the probability of things going wrong. In regard to marriage, the best way to reduce the possibility of a bad outcome is to be judicious when it comes to choosing the person you marry.

The problem is a lot of people don't do this. These days, they form relationships based on nothing more than superficial sexual attraction. They don't consider whether they share the same values and long term goals. And that's why they often end up failing. For example, a lot of women here in the UK often boast about wanting a “bad boy”. Such women don't consider whether these type of men are capable of maintaining a long stable relationship or being good fathers. Then when they get abused and fucked up and eventually abandoned by these men, they seek to blame anything but their bad choices for their misery.

They make a set of bad choices informed by a set of rotten cultural values, they get burned and then develop a cynical attitude to commited relationships and marriage. These are the sort of women who complain about being “messed about (by several men)”. This attitude spreads through generations and the cycle repeats.

Marriage is a good thing. Children from families where mum and dad are married are happier and more successful. There is research out there that demonstrates this. If you look at the most successful non-white ethnic groups in Britain – Chinese and Indian Sikhs – you'll notice that in both of these groups marriage is highly valued. If you then look at the black British Carribbean community – a group with the highest proportion of single mothers and where marriage isn't valued – you will see a lot of dysfunction and poor outcomes.
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not knocking the marriages at all but really if that virus was in that area among all those people it would not be a nice way to start your wedding night

this is the problem we will have with this virus, if it keeps going year after year we are going to have to adjust some of our traditions unless we want it to kill billions of people until we learn to respect when nature wants us dead
Yeah, I agree. I wouldn't go to a mass gathering like that with the way things are at the moment.


Did anyone think we would get here? After watching Dr Campbell speak for a few hours today he said in about a month most of EU should have the same issues Italy is facing right now.

Looks to me as some countries will react better than others.

I thought it would stay contained to China and Asia, but its starting to spread fast. At least the death rate has stayed in the single digits at something like 2% and 80% do recover. Still shit has me scared because I have a weakened immune system and also go to the hospital every week. If it hits where I live I might just go hermit style and quarantine myself for a bit.


For example, a lot of women here in the UK often boast about wanting a “bad boy”.

Your bashing the UK again. Receipts please.

Edit: He does not bring receipts, but if his outlook is based off the Daily Mail, reality TV and trashy magazines no wonder he holds those views. 🤦‍♂️
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I thought it would stay contained to China and Asia, but its starting to spread fast. At least the death rate has stayed in the single digits at something like 2% and 80% do recover. Still shit has me scared because I have a weakened immune system and also go to the hospital every week. If it hits where I live I might just go hermit style and quarantine myself for a bit.

Same here I went to the hospital on Thursday for tests and going back on Monday. I go for a few visits per month to keep my Sickle Cell in check. Due to my medical history any virus is deadly for me no matter how mild it is for other people.

I did not think the World Health Organization would have played it China's way. They still have not called it what it is.
The Cruise ship in Japan was a mess. A Church in South Korea with one old lady was enough to bring in huge numbers.
Iran is not reacting well to cases. Way too much going down right now to think this will go away.
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OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
Diamond Princess634227 serious, 1 recoveredSource
South Korea43329 serious, 17 recoveredSource
Japan134*16 serious, 22 recoveredSource
Singapore8905 critical, 49 recoveredSource
Hong Kong7024 critical, 2 serious, 5 recoveredSource
Italy6327 seriousSource
Thailand3502 serious, 15 recoveredSource
United States3505 recoveredSource
Taiwan2612 recoveredSource
Malaysia22017 recoveredSource
Australia21011 recoveredSource
Germany16014 recoveredSource
Vietnam16014 recoveredSource
UAE1302 serious, 3 recoveredSource
France1214 recoveredSource
Macau1005 recoveredSource
United Kingdom908 recoveredSource
Canada903 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain202 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland101 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
TOTAL1,6951755 serious/critical
If Iran told the truth they should be beating South Korea or way pass the Cruise Ship. If they are going to riot anyway might as well release the data.


Did anyone think we would get here? After watching Dr Campbell speak for a few hours today he said in about a month most of EU should have the same issues Italy is facing right now.

Looks to me as some countries will react better than others.
Given how most countries don't appear to care / have any actual measure to identify carriers from entering the country, unless that gene talk thing of it only spreading to east asians is true then this is honestly not that surprising when it has already proven its contagiousness in Wuhan. It only takes 1 person to start an outbreak, as evident from South Korea.


So in Korea they seem pretty proactive so far. Hand sanitizer everywhere, everyone wearing masks, the streets are pretty empty. I'm hopeful that it's able to be well contained here. So far I don't know of anyone in my circles who has contracted or know of someone who has contracted the virus, it seems pretty contained in Daegu. But things change quickly, as yesterday shows, so just taking things a day at a time.

Curious as to how this will effect schools here, most foreigners are working as English teachers so it's definitely a concern for us.


Your bashing the UK again. Receipts please.
I'll keep bashing the UK because it has a lot of serious cultural problems. You're talking as if there is no reason to criticize the UK. Perhaps you are in denial. Go and watch a few of the popular dating and reality shows to see the kind of sentiments expressed by British men and women today. Look through some of the popular magazines aimed at young women. Look at the Daily Mail's “side bar of shame”. It's is all part of this country's increasingly trashy and voyeuristic popular culture, a culture which informs the way people behave and the choices they make.If you think this stuff doesn't influence the way men and women behave, then you are mistaken. Anyway this isn't the thread for this so I'll leave it here.
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Curious as to how this will effect schools here, most foreigners are working as English teachers so it's definitely a concern for us.
In China the foreign teachers have been unable to work since the outbreak started and don't know when they will be able to work and the schools can't tell them. I'd prepare for that situation if I was you.


This is what happens when somebody doesn't get much real human interaction and uses the Daily Mail as a source for all their "information".
Yeah, I use the Daily Mail for all my information even though most of links posted in this thread come from the Guardian. If everything is fine and dandy in Britain, then the evidence should be there. Why is there a mental health crisis? Why is there a knife crime crisis? Why is there a social care crisis? Why is there a children's care crisis? Why are teachers leaving? Why are Brits among the most depressed people in the western world despite all this wonderful freedom?
Here's your Daily Mail link:

If people are encouraged to live well in this country, then all these societal problems should not exist on the scale that they do.
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