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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Five days ago this country saw 39k new cases, more than in any week since this began.

Dr. Fauci, all the leading experts, point out that this is due to inaction. The science has not changed, this needs to be stressed. Fauci (who is basically the hero immunologist who helped spearhead the HIV/AIDS epidemics as well as contributed to Ebola containment research) predicted all of this and is still stressing it to this day.

You say these scientists were wrong. However, in every country that took their advice to heart and performed extensive contact tracing, testing, early self isolation, and mandatory mask wearing, they're already largely past this. Just as in past pandemics. Again, this isn't the first time this world has been through such a thing. This is why the EU was arguing over banning travel incoming from the US. It may still happen. I wouldn't blame them if they did.

You say no one is being reasonable. Only that's not true. Everyone around the globe who are listening to the science are. It's clearly not happening enough here in the US, which is why we're still seeing cases rise.

Look I don't want to argue about the inarguable. I just hope you're OK, your family is OK, everyone is OK, and please wear a mask.

Fauci knowingly lied and told Americans masks were useless early on when the virus was first spreading.


Had to go get tested today, in the middle of my normal workout everything hit me like a truck. Muscle soreness, fatigue, fever, headache. It came out of nowhere. The test took me like 4 hours to get, SO MUCH WAITING. I am in Houston, well a suburb outside of it (Katy). Work at a gym/pool also.

also I wore my mask every time while in public or at work. But did everybody else? Nope.
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some lung, heart, testicle damage is expected

all more reason to avoid contact if you aren't healthy
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. Although the data is weak, we do have randomized controlled trial evidence on HCQ and CQ that uniformly show no benefit to the drug either as treatment or prophylaxis.. We also have numerous meta analyses that are consistent with our RCT data. More studies are underway, but anyone expecting HCQ to be a magic bullet for COVID19 is going to be sorely disappointed.
you need to test hcq + zinc, not hcq alone.


Fauci knowingly lied and told Americans masks were useless early on when the virus was first spreading.
Are we going in circles? Let me be the 30th or so person to say that didnt happen

The concern was mask shortages. Fauci said to not use them so we had enough for medical workers. That was months ago.

Edit : Okay, i was wrong, he did say those words. My bad.
The rest is true : Its out of context and from months ago.
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Zero deaths in China though. Completely accurate and complete data coming from Xinnie the Pooh.

I wanted to get back to this comment for a bit, I don't think we will ever get any numbers out of China unless it serves them. They seem to be really busy with a lot of changes right now with Hong Kong., Floods, Dams and itching for someone to go to war with.

We are going to need a CCP thread soon if we want to follow this mess

I know this is not the best source since they are one-sided I do call them Fuck China News
but they are still one of the best sources, reporting is quick and smooth with plenty of info bits to get a sense of things

the reason I believe most of the reports are because of the guys from ADV China

took him over a year to finally post this
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So about masks. Is there any discussion in mask-wearing countries about the correct usage of masks?

The government here dissuades general mask-use since it is problematic with people going outside when they feel their symptoms are tiny and a lot of people getting virus all over their hands when removing and correcting the masks.

Is this seen as a non-issue in other countries?


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
So about masks. Is there any discussion in mask-wearing countries about the correct usage of masks?

The government here dissuades general mask-use since it is problematic with people going outside when they feel their symptoms are tiny and a lot of people getting virus all over their hands when removing and correcting the masks.

Is this seen as a non-issue in other countries?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
you need to test hcq + zinc, not hcq alone.

Read the supplementary appendix of the NEJM RCT I posted earlier.

No benefit was seen with the addition of Zinc (or Vitamin C). In fact, those taking Zinc were more likely to develop COVID19 but the difference was not statistically significant.


So about masks. Is there any discussion in mask-wearing countries about the correct usage of masks?

The government here dissuades general mask-use since it is problematic with people going outside when they feel their symptoms are tiny and a lot of people getting virus all over their hands when removing and correcting the masks.

Is this seen as a non-issue in other countries?
Imo it’s simple , you eliminate a point of entry and remove some risk for you and others , this shit is everywhere so it can already stick to your hands.

masks reduce spread , why do you think plague doctors and society with the Spanish flu used them? People need to look more to history.
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Read the supplementary appendix of the NEJM RCT I posted earlier.

No benefit was seen with the addition of Zinc (or Vitamin C). In fact, those taking Zinc were more likely to develop COVID19 but the difference was not statistically significant.
does the appendix say if they also gave it early? Because hcq has to be given early and with zinc to be effective.
Records of about 900 COVID-19 patients were reviewed in the analysis, with roughly half given zinc sulfate along with hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin. The other half only received hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

Those receiving the triple-drug combination had a 1.5 times greater likelihood of recovering enough to be discharged, and were 44 percent less likely to die, compared to the double-drug combination.
Are we going in circles? Let me be the 30th or so person to say that didnt happen

The concern was mask shortages. Fauci said to not use them so we had enough for medical workers. That was months ago.

Edit : Okay, i was wrong, he did say those words. My bad.
The rest is true : Its out of context and from months ago.

I'm not saying that people should not wear masks - I'm saying that Fauci told people not to wear them at a time when he knew it was most critical because he wanted hospitals to have them first. He has admitted that he this was his reasoning, thus he must have believed that masks would significantly prevent spread. As testing (especially antibody testing) has ramped up, we know that many times more people were infected during the lockdowns than we have confirmed infected counts for. His purposeful action caused three problems:
  1. Lasting public skepticism of masks
  2. Increased spread during the lockdown that we are just now seeing the impact of with antibody testing
  3. Excess masks were wasted on hospitals that were, overall, not significantly taxed during the lockdowns
Neil Cavuto from Fox News: "The spike in cases is not coming with a spike in deaths, sadly enough."

Neil Cavuto is a garbage human being. Someone needs to get this clip to Trump.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Neil Cavuto from Fox News: "The spike in cases is not coming with a spike in deaths, sadly enough."

I don't know the guy, but I imagine he just fucked up trying to insert some platitude when talking about deaths so he didn't sound too cold and analytical. Who knows, though. Maybe I'm being too generous.


I don't know the guy, but I imagine he just fucked up trying to insert some platitude when talking about deaths so he didn't sound too cold and analytical. Who knows, though. Maybe I'm being too generous.

Yeah, could definitely just be a slip up....or a freudian slip. Who knows. This is the same guy who said taking HCQ "WILL KILL YOU" right after Trump mentioned taking it.
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Florida reports 10,109 new cases
Still breaking our own records daily.
Someone send help, even my coworkers don't believe in masks and brag about being at bars the day they re-opened like their life couldn't go on without them one more day.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Florida reports 10,109 new cases
Still breaking our own records daily.
Someone send help, even my coworkers don't believe in masks and brag about being at bars the day they re-opened like their life couldn't go on without them one more day.

Wake me up when deaths start spiking...



Daily new cases started climbing a month ago and yet daily new deaths have remained basically unchanged and even dropped a bit.
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Neighbours from Hell
I went to get a blood test today and of the 3 nurses there, one wasn't wearing a mask, and the one who took my blood only had it covering her mouth and not her nose.

I was debating saying something, but you don't wanna piss off someone about to stick you with a needle. It kinda pissed me off tbh, that they were so blase about it, when they are the ones in the medical field supposed to adhere to it better than anyone, it's their job.


Gold Member
face masks mandated in Texas. Freedom has lost.

When I was in Austin recently, everyone was wearing masks. Now maybe that's just Austin, I dunno, but they're ahead of that.

Daily new cases started climbing a month ago and yet daily new deaths have remained basically unchanged and even dropped a bit.

It's all 25-40 year olds getting it at the bar. In other words, NBD. They should get it, get tested, stay away from grandma for a week, and contribute to herd immunity. BUT, and I was warning against this months ago, we have moved into this world where the standard is "no new cases, ever", which means that you can throw a functional society out the window.
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When I was in Austin recently, everyone was wearing masks. Now maybe that's just Austin, I dunno, but they're ahead of that.

It's all 25-40 year olds getting it at the bar. In other words, NBD. They should get it, get tested, stay away from grandma for a week, and contribute to herd immunity. BUT, and I was warning against this months ago, we have moved into this world where the standard is "no new cases, ever", which means that you can throw a functional society out the window.

I mean we can also have a functional society with masks, just saying. Asia does it, why can't we? Oh yeah: MUH FREEDOMS
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I mean we can also have a functional society with masks, just saying. Asia does it, why can't we? Oh yeah: MUH FREEDOMS
We need to come up with something better than "act as if everyone is infected at all times". And it's stupid people being so blase about losing freedoms. Yeah this particular freedom is indeed one the majority seem to be okay with losing for now, but we at least need some kind of exit strategy or metrics by which this shit can end. Aside from "wait for a vaccine" or "wait for zero cases". Neither of those things are imminent.

And you may not like the next freedoms that get tossed. Rushed vaccine made mandatory? Immunity passports? Hell, microchips?

Maybe a functional society can be built around BLM protests, since those are impenetrable COVID repellants.


Doesn't seem that way, because, for example, NYC postponed gyms and indoor dining indefinitely, and nobody is talking about reopening bars at any point.

Gyms and bars don't need to be open at any point through this. I work at a gym and not only do you have to worry about corona, but a lot of other nasty stuff lives in gyms also. Body weight exercises, running/ walking is good enough for the time being. Restaurants can move to carry out only for the time being, is it perfect? no, it isn't, but it is doable.


Gyms and bars don't need to be open at any point through this. I work at a gym and not only do you have to worry about corona, but a lot of other nasty stuff lives in gyms also. Body weight exercises, running/ walking is good enough for the time being. Restaurants can move to carry out only for the time being, is it perfect? no, it isn't, but it is doable.

We need to come up with something better than "act as if everyone is infected at all times". And it's stupid people being so blase about losing freedoms. Yeah this particular freedom is indeed one the majority seem to be okay with losing for now, but we at least need some kind of exit strategy or metrics by which this shit can end. Aside from "wait for a vaccine" or "wait for zero cases". Neither of those things are imminent.

And you may not like the next freedoms that get tossed. Rushed vaccine made mandatory? Immunity passports? Hell, microchips?

Maybe a functional society can be built around BLM protests, since those are impenetrable COVID repellants.

Oh please nobody is asking for any of that, and if they are, it itsnt the majority and you know that. Wear a mask and go about your life with some concessions on what you are able to do for this point and time. Im sorry but if you don't wear a mask then stay at your home and enjoy your freedoms there where you cannot potentially infect anybody else. Once your "freedoms" hurt others it isn't yours anymore. Social contract comes into play.

Sorry for the double post.
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People here in Florida just don't give a shit. That's why cases are growing so rapidly. My cousin just posted a video to his YouTube of a "family reunion" they had in the Florida Keys, 30 plus people and no one was wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. Moron ended the video with the tag "Defying Covid-19". This might sound horrible but I'm just waiting for some of them to get the virus so I can text him "I guess Covid-19 defied you".


Darkness no more
I went to a restaurant for the first time in months last night. I've been meeting up with friends at the same place on Wednesdays every week for around 8 years now. This is the first week dining opened again and it was good to see everyone. We sat outdoors and didn't come in contact with anyone else. Indoor tables were all super spaced out too. Bar area was still closed. I think that is a good way to do things.


And yet it's been 15 days since the daily new case numbers started rising again and 37 days since the George Floyd mass gatherings began, and daily deaths continue to trend downwards.



Two more weeks?
I wouldn’t start dancing yet. They said the same about reopenings. This spike will undoubtedly result in some rise in deaths.


It would be funny if it was a poop virus.

Either way thought they should be testing sewage to find infected areas and then do testing there to get the infected.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn’t start dancing yet. They said the same about reopenings. This spike will undoubtedly result in some rise in deaths.

If it comes, I'll eat crow, but the reopenings started much earlier than this. The spike started June 17th or so. That's 3 weeks after George Floyd died and 2 weeks after the protests really went crazy. Combined with the reports that most people in this new wave of cases are younger, and I think we have a pretty clear picture that these new cases are largely from people who caught the virus at mass gatherings and then went on to spread to others in their communities.

If that's the case, I don't expect we'll see the higher death right we saw initially that was largely the result of spread through elderly care homes and impoverished communities in dense urban centers.
The Brazilian Genocide

My name is Gabriel, and I come here with a plea. COVID-19 cases are killing thousands by day. The president, Jair Bolsonaro, its cue to this saying that coronavirus is nothing. He is now forcing my city to reopen ALL things, including schools with kids.

This is gonna be a true genocide. I believe that until the end of the year more that 2 million people will die. I write here, for someone, please, Interpol, Press, to HELP us. See the Yugoslavia genocide of the 90's. It's the same. Only MUCH bigger.

He needs to be stopped. I will leave a video where he basically says that nothing will be done. Please... I don't want to die.



It would be funny if it was a poop virus.

Either way thought they should be testing sewage to find infected areas and then do testing there to get the infected.
I do remember reading about it having been found to be abundant in sewage in various places (including some places in the US such as Boston) 2-3 months ago but for some reason that line of investigation never really seemed to go anywhere. Makes you wonder why.

Also saw this today, drags on for a little too long, but plenty of good stuff is in the first half, don't really need to watch the whole thing. Once again makes you wonder.

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