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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I don’t think Cuomo did a good or bad job, he did the best he could, when we had little information. Some good moves, some bad ones. I give him credit for stepping into the leadership vacuum caused by De Blasio in the early days. Shutting down the subway at night was a good idea. He closed the schools which was probably the right move at the time, although current evidence says its not really a vector for transmission. His reopening plan was well formulated, although in the end it turned out to be subject to his whims. I think what happened in NY was mostly out of his control, it was a virus running through a major state and metropolitan area. His histrionics about ventilators and shit early on were not needed, but it was a good play to his base.

Ultimately though his nursing home policy deserves to be criticized, and criticized harshly. There’s a reason why he changed it as soon as people started talking about it. There’s a reason he immediately tried to blame muh drumpf. A lot of old people died who should not have died. Now maybe they would have died six months later, we are talking about people at the end of their lives, but it was still a big mistake.
My feelings on Cuomo are pretty simple. He’s a blowhard who talked all this nonsense about needing things from other people. He passes the buck on literally every issue. And now he’s running around crowing like he did a great job when he presides over 25% of the covid associated deaths in the United States when he has 6% of the population.

He and Trump’s responses to this whole situation have been almost exactly the same. Both underplayed it early, both made excuses instead of stating hard truths, and now they’re both looking to pat themselves on the back.

My opinion on Cuomo is mostly related to the insane disconnect between having all that death, and telling other governors how they should handle things. If I was running Florida or Texas and some asshole with 8x the number of dead people came telling me how to run my state, I’d pretty much tell him to go fuck himself.
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re: florida (reposting from another thread)

statewide positive to negative testing looks good

3 million tested, 2.5 mil neg, 300k positive

11.5% positive

positive and negative test rates down, death rate down

nw florida is faring best, especially all cities surrounding tallahassee

south of lakeland looks good, coasts are bad in most cases

age dist looks good, highest infected rates 15 to 44yo

elderly and children super low

more female infected than male, which is something to consider as we move past summer

flu and covid symptom ed is leveling, hospital rates

private lab numbers careening downward
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Gold Member

On the other hand.

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On the other hand.

That's the thing about this. There are going to be studies that say different things. Scientists can't even settle on whether this disease is airborne or droplet. The only thing we know for sure is we are driving the death rate down.



The T-Cell news is brilliant here. Hope we see this in mass production sooner rather than later.


Gold Member


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Gold Member
It's not just that the virus spread during the protests, which it did - yes, it was outdoors, yes, some people wore a mask, but it's not like two people talking on the street, it was thousands of people yelling and screaming and walking in tight formation chanting for hours on end. I would actually argue that the mask gave people a false sense of security in these situations, but of course that will never be discussed. And mask discipline was iffy at best, as can be seen in any pictures taken. All it takes is one unmasked guy yelling and spreading his disgusting corona droplets in the tightly packed crowd to infect dozens or hundreds of people - yes even mask wearers!

It is also that the protests got the explicit permission from the media and government to proceed. It essentially turned the message we were getting from "we are all in this together" to "fuck the white man, fuck the police, burn it down." As I said while it was happening, they lost legitimacy and can't get it back. Their only response is to issue more top-down authoritarian edicts.
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In other news Garcetti acknowledges that bears do in fact shit in the woods.


That's the thing about this. There are going to be studies that say different things. Scientists can't even settle on whether this disease is airborne or droplet. The only thing we know for sure is we are driving the death rate down.
What are the sources that say it's airborne?
I thought we pretty much determined it's droplet based.
If it was airborne, social distancing would mean Jack shit because it would stagnate in the air.

Only thing that is yet unclear about the virus is stuff like immunity (since it's a long term study) and if a complete vaccine is possible

Of course things were different at the start of the pandemic because that's pretty much how science works, but from what I've read, we have a pretty good grasp of how the virus works and spreads


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I didn't want to take pictures because I felt like it would have been hugely disrespectful, but one of my neighbors just died from COVID-19 and the people taking his body away were dressed in hazmat suits.

I felt like I was in a post apocalyptic movie. One doesn't expect to see that kind of thing on a US street. You watch movies about people fighting ebola or something in a far off jungle and the suits don't give you a second thought. But on a suburban street? It was something to see.
I didn't want to take pictures because I felt like it would have been hugely disrespectful, but one of my neighbors just died from COVID-19 and the people taking his body away were dressed in hazmat suits.

I felt like I was in a post apocalyptic movie. One doesn't expect to see that kind of thing on a US street. You watch movies about people fighting ebola or something in a far off jungle and the suits don't give you a second thought. But on a suburban street? It was something to see.
Scary stuff to witness.
What are the sources that say it's airborne?
I thought we pretty much determined it's droplet based.
If it was airborne, social distancing would mean Jack shit because it would stagnate in the air.

Only thing that is yet unclear about the virus is stuff like immunity (since it's a long term study) and if a complete vaccine is possible

Of course things were different at the start of the pandemic because that's pretty much how science works, but from what I've read, we have a pretty good grasp of how the virus works and spreads
There. I am aware that science changes. But I’m pretty skeptical science is really driving the ship anymore on a lot of this stuff.
I didn't want to take pictures because I felt like it would have been hugely disrespectful, but one of my neighbors just died from COVID-19 and the people taking his body away were dressed in hazmat suits.

I felt like I was in a post apocalyptic movie. One doesn't expect to see that kind of thing on a US street. You watch movies about people fighting ebola or something in a far off jungle and the suits don't give you a second thought. But on a suburban street? It was something to see.
He died at home? If you don’t mind me asking, what were the circumstances there. Was he elderly and didn’t want to go to the hospital?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
He died at home? If you don’t mind me asking, what were the circumstances there. Was he elderly and didn’t want to go to the hospital?

Yes he died at home. I suppose he never reached the state regarding breathing in which he needed a ventilator.

He was not elderly, according to his wife he was 35, but I am not sure of the circumstances of his death, only that it was clearly from COVID-19. I spoke to his wife briefly, as did other neighbors at the same time, but as you can imagine she was a mess. I knew him a little, sometimes I'd see him out while we were both jogging or getting the mail.


Yes he died at home. I suppose he never reached the state regarding breathing in which he needed a ventilator.

He was not elderly, according to his wife he was 35, but I am not sure of the circumstances of his death, only that it was clearly from COVID-19. I spoke to his wife briefly, as did other neighbors at the same time, but as you can imagine she was a mess. I knew him a little, sometimes I'd see him out while we were both jogging or getting the mail.

I hate stories like this because it definitely scares the shit out of me at times. I could potentially drop dead from this out of nowhere.
Yes he died at home. I suppose he never reached the state regarding breathing in which he needed a ventilator.

He was not elderly, according to his wife he was 35, but I am not sure of the circumstances of his death, only that it was clearly from COVID-19. I spoke to his wife briefly, as did other neighbors at the same time, but as you can imagine she was a mess. I knew him a little, sometimes I'd see him out while we were both jogging or getting the mail.
That’s wild. The CDC (if this is the US) has the total COVID deaths for the the 35-44 age group at about 2,000 people and over 90% of those people had comorbidities. So that would be 1 of maybe 200 such cases in the US. That’s really bad luck. And extraordinarily rare.

I hate stories like this because it definitely scares the shit out of me at times. I could potentially drop dead from this out of nowhere.
And for this reason you shouldn’t worry too much. I mean your number could come up, sure. But take care of yourself and be smart. You’ll be fine.


I didn't want to take pictures because I felt like it would have been hugely disrespectful, but one of my neighbors just died from COVID-19 and the people taking his body away were dressed in hazmat suits.

I felt like I was in a post apocalyptic movie. One doesn't expect to see that kind of thing on a US street. You watch movies about people fighting ebola or something in a far off jungle and the suits don't give you a second thought. But on a suburban street? It was something to see.
You took the picture. You just don’t want to show it.


Gold Member
I hate stories like this because it definitely scares the shit out of me at times. I could potentially drop dead from this out of nowhere.

if youre not obese, and don’t have asthma or some other chronic condition... no, you really can’t. Of course there will be some exceptions but the data is very clear on this. Stop being scared.


That’s wild. The CDC (if this is the US) has the total COVID deaths for the the 35-44 age group at about 2,000 people and over 90% of those people had comorbidities. So that would be 1 of maybe 200 such cases in the US. That’s really bad luck. And extraordinarily rare.

And for this reason you shouldn’t worry too much. I mean your number could come up, sure. But take care of yourself and be smart. You’ll be fine.
doesn’t matter, stats are one thing, but when it happens in your family’s stats don’t help and as you see this happens. And if you let it room free like the USA did it will happen even more .

follow the simpel rules .
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if youre not obese, and don’t have asthma or some other chronic condition... no, you really can’t. Of course there will be some exceptions but the data is very clear on this. Stop being scared.
Tell that to our friend who is 34 recovering from Covid , had it mild , has to revalidate , ergo therapy and weight train and diet ... that was 4 months ago, be scared and be prepared and follow the simple rules. And life a little but a bit less 😌
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doesn’t matter, stats are fine, but when it happens in your family’s stats don’t help and as you see this happens. And if you let it room free like the USA did it will happen even more .

follow the simpel rules .
You know I know a medical resident who just died at 32 from an unexplained cardiac event while playing backyard football with a group of medical residents. They started CPR almost immediately, and he died anyway. Happened 3 or 4 months ago. It was not COVID. Things happen. Your number could come up any time.

Running around like Chicken Little makes you look foolish. Yes, be smart. But being smart means looking at the statistics and taking true risk into account. Saying stats don’t matter when it’s your family would be a good justification for never getting in a car again.
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Gold Member
Expect the US media, specifically CNN, to go on offense against the Oxford vaccine. We're not supposed to have a vaccine until after November 3rd.

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Gold Member
Tell that to our friend who is 34 recovering from Covid , had it mild , has to revalidate , ergo therapy and weight train and diet ... that was 4 months ago, be scared and be prepared and follow the simple rules. And life a little but a bit less 😌

Again, the data is clear on this. It’s weird how the hysterical lunatics continuously cite “muh science” while also going against the clear and obvious data that the risk of dying from rona is virtually zero if you’re young and healthy. The risk of a serious bout of it is incredibly small too.
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I for one will not internalize whiteness and take any vaccine developed with the scientific method, nor plan for the future.
I won't be a racist. Though I would be a racist if it meant driving an Audi, Ferrari, or McLaren, then I will race all night and day.






Learn our national anthem or you dont get your jab, fuckers :D

that sounds great, but why are they - at the same time - buying 30 doses of german (potential) vaccine?


Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
that sounds great, but why are they - at the same time - buying 30 doses of german (potential) vaccine?

Because the university of oxford doesn't run the government of the united kingdom, and the government of the UK wants to hedge its bets.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well one of my GF's friends is in the hospital on a ventilator with COVID. She is 33 but had a few years of drug abuse where it has compromised her heart. Not looking good right now.

Damn. I hope she manages to pull through.

With how brutal this disease has been to people with comorbidities and generally poor health, I hope it can be a wake up call to people that they need to get their health situation in order if they value their lives.


Gold Member
Damn. I hope she manages to pull through.

With how brutal this disease has been to people with comorbidities and generally poor health, I hope it can be a wake up call to people that they need to get their health situation in order if they value their lives.

.saddlly in my town people keep doing lines to get a pizza from Dominos. This trash food culture from 80s will be hard to arradicate and its not only because of health since a lot of people only can afford a Pizza or Big Mac instead of a healthy food.

Once the vacine comes people.will forget about take care of their health.
don’t bother telling it here , you are either a lunatic or lying !

ps: I hope she makes it !
Now now. No one is calling anyone a liar. But surely you’re a man of science and data. So it should be comforting to know just how rare it is for otherwise healthy people under 40 to die from this disease.

That is not to promote carelessness but to give people comfort. Irrational fear helps no one. Even people who aren’t statistically at risk should take precautions to protect themselves and others. But someone earlier said we should be “scared”. I don’t think people should be told to live that way.

Joe T.

I'm no anti-vaxxer, but I won't be injecting that shit until lots of other people have :messenger_grinning_smiling:

See, this is what worries me about the world today: reporters don't want to ask the tough questions because it puts them at odds with very powerful people/groups. When I see that happening I immediately lose confidence and start wondering about motives which ties into vaccine development/delivery.

I'd like to see doctors, scientists and big pharma put under the same scrutiny as Donald Trump. He'll be gone in 6 months or 4.5 years, but we'll likely be living with this virus and what comes of it for the rest of our lives. Here's hoping what's to come won't be handled as sloppily as what has already transpired from the local level right up to the W.H.O.
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