How is Sweden? did you guys ever do any lock downs or anything? Masks? Want to get it straight from the horses mouth not some New York Times article.
All I see in Sweden is there was a small bump but cases and deaths have dropped off a cliff. Your guys said herd immunity by August or so, do you think you are there or the cases and deaths are just dropping from other actions.
Sweden has been crazy. Its looked at from both sides as an example on how to do it right and how to do it wrong LOL
Well, Sweden has been kinda normal except the work from home for a lot of people. I'm a teacher for older students and we had our classes online (though my school had a lot of the exams in the school building).
Even though schools were open the mandate was to stay home if you had any symtoms, so classes where half-full for the first month since a lot of stuff goes around here during winter season (nov-mar).
Since then the messaging is social distancing, travel only when neccesary and wash your hands. You can find the info at folkhalsomyndigheten in english also.
The biggest difference compared to normal is the 50 people limit still in place that makes it hard to have sports with big audience and concerts and similar activities. And the travel bans to other countries.
We can have funerals (had one for my grandmother) and weddings but 50 people is the limit. Some amusement parks have thus not opened.
The number of cases are falling, hospitalisations are down a lot and deaths are getting lower, probably because of a combination of immunity and outdoor summer activities.