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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Plenty of people not wearing masks and not following social distancing rules. They’re the ones spreading the virus and keeping this bullshit going. Don‘t know what else you want me to say. Humans spread viruses. Some humans ignore rules. Virus keeps spreading 🤷🏻‍♂️

Well i dont know every person in my city but wherever I go people are wearing masks. And if the case is people dont then the rule is pointless.

But thats a lame cop out. Theres no results because no one follows the rules. So this way you never have to prove masks actually work in real world macro level. Its not the masks its the people.

Meanwhile 20 or so people under 50 died mask no mask lockdown no lockdown.
Well i dont know every person in my city but wherever I go people are wearing masks. And if the case is people dont then the rule is pointless.

But thats a lame cop out. Theres no results because no one follows the rules. So this way you never have to prove masks actually work in real world macro level. Its not the masks its the people.

Meanwhile 20 or so people under 50 died mask no mask lockdown no lockdown.

Yeah, legit everywhere I go everyone is wearing masks. Maybe my state isn't representative but we are among the worst for death rate in America and I legit never see people without a mask on.


Hey, good on you for admitting it. And I'll admit right now that there's a lot still unknown about coronavirus and my argument is simply that there isn't SCIENTIFIC proof things like lockdowns and masks actually help anything. Even in the best cases it seems to simply delay the inevitable. Unless there's a very effective vaccine I feel like most the world's population will one day catch this and adding onto the excess deaths with lockdowns isn't necessarily the smart move. None of us wants people dying like this, we can admit we're on the same side in that we all want things to get better, we just don't see eye to eye on the idea of how much control we have over stopping this thing. What we can control, though? We can certainly control the fact that people are dying of strokes, heart attacks, entering diabetic comas, being domestically abused more, committing suicide more, etc. because of lockdowns. Without scientific proof lockdowns actually save people from getting COVID (I stress it over and over, top 8 countries for death rate of COVID all had strict lockdowns and I mean STRICT) we're potentially doing more harm than good.

Yep. Fair enough, my friend. I tend to knee jerk reaction on this a lot because so many people don’t bother to actually read the evidence. You’re clearly not one of those people, and it was wrong of me to jump to that conclusion without interrogating the evidence properly myself. A good lesson learned for me 👍

The CDC do say that masks are effective here: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/10/20-0948_article but the science is clearly still somewhat debatable.
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Yep. Fair enough, my friend. I tend to knee jerk reaction on this a lot because so many people don’t bother to actually read the evidence. You’re clearly not one of those people, and it was wrong of me to jump to that conclusion without interrogating the evidence properly myself. A good lesson learned for me 👍

Cool, and sorry if I felt like I was going too hard on this. Just so you know I obey the guidelines everywhere I go and I rarely go out, though that was even true prior to the pandemic, lol. I've been tested, never had it and never spread it to anyone (zero family members have gotten it and i'm in one of the worst states). That isn't an argument against anything you said, that's to set your mind at ease that I'm not among the people contributing to this being a problem, I just have strong opinions on the level of governmental power being exercised currently.


So, you're still not acknowledging some things, like how any non-Nordic country fared with excess deaths from locking down. You're praising Denmark despite the majority of data points on the chart I linked you have them with higher excess deaths than Sweden. Finally you're making the crucial mistake of equating GDP to how well an economy is doing and even then you're ignoring what the forecasts actually are, especially when you consider Sweden is going to avoid the second wave most lockdown countries are having.

Well I was just trying to limit the variables by picking four countries that have the most similarities between them. I could explain the Denmark complaint by saying their population density is massive compared to the other three nations.

Those forecasts between the Nordic countries are fairly similar to be fair and as for a second wave I mean just look at it:

We can do this back and forth all day, statistics can prove whatever you want them to prove. Your earlier point about variables is the most important one. There's too many of them country by country to successfully determine what is the right response or what is the wrong response. This is an unprecedented scientific, economic, political and sociological crisis and neither of us have enough data to draw any real conclusions.


Cool, and sorry if I felt like I was going too hard on this. Just so you know I obey the guidelines everywhere I go and I rarely go out, though that was even true prior to the pandemic, lol. I've been tested, never had it and never spread it to anyone (zero family members have gotten it and i'm in one of the worst states). That isn't an argument against anything you said, that's to set your mind at ease that I'm not among the people contributing to this being a problem, I just have strong opinions on the level of governmental power being exercised currently.

No, no. No apology necessary from you. You had hard evidence, and I didn’t spend the right amount of time looking into it before responding. I truly hope that you and no one close to you gets it 👍
Well I was just trying to limit the variables by picking four countries that have the most similarities between them. I could explain the Denmark complaint by saying their population density is massive compared to the other three nations.

Those forecasts between the Nordic countries are fairly similar to be fair and as for a second wave I mean just look at it:

We can do this back and forth all day, statistics can prove whatever you want them to prove. Your earlier point about variables is the most important one. There's too many of them country by country to successfully determine what is the right response or what is the wrong response. This is an unprecedented scientific, economic, political and sociological crisis and neither of us have enough data to draw any real conclusions.

Cases is a red herring, testing goes up so do cases. Check their COVID deaths...

Glad we found some common ground, though
No, no. No apology necessary from you. You had hard evidence, and I didn’t spend the right amount of time looking into it before responding. I truly hope that you and no one close to you gets it 👍

Right back at you, man. I'm gonna take my daily vitamin D, now, so if I ever do get it maybe I'll be okay! haha


Variables indeed, wish you would think about them yourself. Ok well just focus on the nordic countries then, similar culture, similar population density, similar-ish population, Norway Finland and Sweden are similar in size. How do you explain Sweden's spike in deaths and Norway and Denmark's lack of one? How does this show that no lockdown was more successful than a lockdown?

How also do you explain the discrepency between these countries deaths per million?

Sweden: 587
Norway: 52
Finland: 65
Denmark: 125

Or how about cases per million?

Sweden: 12,228
Norway: 3,740
Finland: 2,939
Denmark: 8,156

Maybe you'll say "well Sweden has double the population more people to infect', in which case I'll just say combine two of the other nations together and you'll find that Sweden's approach was still more deadly.

But perhaps their economy was saved? Maybe that's mrore important, well it's a crude measure but let's just have a look at gdp.

Sweden: -8.2%

Denmark: -7.4%

Finland: -3.2%

Norway: -7.4%

So what exactly have Sweden achieved witht their lack of lockdown?
Stop making nonsense comparisons between Sweden and its neighbours. It is beyond annoying seeing people trying to use us as some sort of punching bag.

Sweden is not very similar compared to our neighbours, mostly because we have more dense cities (we also have a different demographic, our neighbours have hardly any immigration). Our biggest city was also hit hardest. If you compare similar regions in Sweden with similar regions in Denmark (not all regions where hard hit, despite no lockdown) you will see they faired comparably similar.

This is also before even analysing how initial spread began, most evidence seem to point that Sweden got hit harder from the start and community spread was out of control. Sure, testing capacity was bad and care homes where hit hard and fast, mistakes where made etc. This is all known already.

Despite all this the excess deaths of this year wont be anything spectacular. When half the year was done more people had died per capita from all causes in Finland and Denmark compared to Sweden. Horrible as it is, people will keep on dying regardless of what covid.19 does. No one is up in arms over how Finland can take so bad care of their population allowing them to have higher mortality compared to their neighbouring countries on regular years. I'm not trying to either btw.

GDP-drop comparisons are misused especially when you base them on a single quarter. They also do not care about inherent differences in the countries economies. Sweden relies a lot more on export compared to its neighbours, which means they would be harder hit by the other countries lockdowns regardless of what Sweden itself did. Sweden's GDP-drop would be a lot higher had it locked down. Now sure, Denmark exports stuff, but they export agriculture instead of trucks/furniture/technology and whatever that is affected here.

I know the comparisons spring up since a lot of lunatics think Sweden fits their agenda ("both sides" do this).


Stop making nonsense comparisons between Sweden and its neighbours. It is beyond annoying seeing people trying to use us as some sort of punching bag.

Sweden is not very similar compared to our neighbours, mostly because we have more dense cities (we also have a different demographic, our neighbours have hardly any immigration). Our biggest city was also hit hardest. If you compare similar regions in Sweden with similar regions in Denmark (not all regions where hard hit, despite no lockdown) you will see they faired comparably similar.

This is also before even analysing how initial spread began, most evidence seem to point that Sweden got hit harder from the start and community spread was out of control. Sure, testing capacity was bad and care homes where hit hard and fast, mistakes where made etc. This is all known already.

Despite all this the excess deaths of this year wont be anything spectacular. When half the year was done more people had died per capita from all causes in Finland and Denmark compared to Sweden. Horrible as it is, people will keep on dying regardless of what covid.19 does. No one is up in arms over how Finland can take so bad care of their population allowing them to have higher mortality compared to their neighbouring countries on regular years. I'm not trying to either btw.

GDP-drop comparisons are misused especially when you base them on a single quarter. They also do not care about inherent differences in the countries economies. Sweden relies a lot more on export compared to its neighbours, which means they would be harder hit by the other countries lockdowns regardless of what Sweden itself did. Sweden's GDP-drop would be a lot higher had it locked down. Now sure, Denmark exports stuff, but they export agriculture instead of trucks/furniture/technology and whatever that is affected here.

I know the comparisons spring up since a lot of lunatics think Sweden fits their agenda ("both sides" do this).

Well I think this just proves the point I was making that's it's not so simple as looking at a graph and saying this was a good approach or this was a bad approach, too many variables. I don't think there's enough evidence to prove that Sweden's approach was the right one to follow. It might have been for Sweden - that remains to be seen, but I just find it annoying when people compare Sweden to other countries and say 'look how well they are doing' without any nuanced analysis. I can just as easily do that by comparing you to your scandanavian neighbours.

This is not really a criticism of your countries approach.
It requires you to do some basic math

You right now: "ahhh what's 70.6 + 14.4? I just don't know!"
No, it requires you know how to dissect studies.

The study group was 160ish patients. The control group was 170ish. So it's already a small study. The differences between the two groups as far as masks wearing go were not statistically significant but if you look at the other statistics like how they were more likely to go restaurants, bars, and participate in high risk activities then the picture becomes clear: it doesn't matter if you wear a mask every waking moment, if you decide to take it off in a high risk environment you are still taking a risk.
No, it requires you know how to dissect studies.

The study group was 160ish patients. The control group was 170ish. So it's already a small study. The differences between the two groups as far as masks wearing go were not statistically significant but if you look at the other statistics like how they were more likely to go restaurants, bars, and participate in high risk activities then the picture becomes clear: it doesn't matter if you wear a mask every waking moment, if you decide to take it off in a high risk environment you are still taking a risk.

Shopping was number 1 spreader by a larger margin followed by at home. Bars were only 8.5 and 5% depending on group. The bar data also shows that despite not getting it from bars most people in bars weren't observing mask mandates... weird right?
Shopping was number 1 spreader by a larger margin followed by at home. Bars were only 8.5 and 5% depending on group. The bar data also shows that despite not getting it from bars most people in bars weren't observing mask mandates... weird right?
You do understand that this is a study of people AFTER they were infected right?

In order to properly test the mask effectiveness you have to take uninfected people and put them in two groups... Those who were masks and that who don't. Then do a 3 month follow up.
You do understand that this is a study of people AFTER they were infected right?

In order to properly test the mask effectiveness you have to take uninfected people and put them in two groups... Those who were masks and that who don't. Then do a 3 month follow up.

I guess it's a shame this is the best CDC can do, then, right? Though COVID-19 is just a flu and every other flu the CDC has done extensive scientific testing on... until the year 2020 CDC and WHO were in agreement masks don't work on influenzas.
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So Michael Gove is suggesting that England's lockdown could be extended beyond 02 December.

I dislike this “saving Christmas” bs. They are acting as if we are in a Hollywood film.
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That's because they know that schools will still be spreading the infection and they don't want to close them.



Yeah got a feeling it's gonna be a long one. Luckily I was able to book a haircut before we go into lockdown on Thursday. One of the worst things about the first lockdown was not being able to get a haircut for four months.
Yeah got a feeling it's gonna be a long one. Luckily I was able to book a haircut before we go into lockdown on Thursday. One of the worst things about the first lockdown was not being able to get a haircut for four months.
You just have to talk to the right people. Maybe ask the person who cuts your hair for their personal number... if you get what I’m saying.
You do understand that this is a study of people AFTER they were infected right?

In order to properly test the mask effectiveness you have to take uninfected people and put them in two groups... Those who were masks and that who don't. Then do a 3 month follow up.
You know Denmark did a supposedly pretty decent study regarding the effectiveness of masks with regards to covid. For some reason, they are refusing to publish the results. I wonder why that is...

The study’s abstract states that it “will be a two-arm, unblinded, randomised controlled trial” that “will include adults (>18 years of age) without prior confirmed COVID-19 or symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, who spend more than three hours per day outside the home with exposure to other people. “
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You just have to talk to the right people. Maybe ask the person who cuts your hair for their personal number... if you get what I’m saying.
Unfortunately, my barber isn't open to doing haircuts on the side. The others I know of were only willing to do it for people they personally knew. It's understandable I guess. But yeah for me going without a haircut for four months was probably the hardest thing about the lockdown.

cosmic wizard

Neo Member
The ten worst Covid decision-making failures - The Spectator

3. Failure to develop a validated test and use it in a meaningful way

The Government set aside £10billion for the test and trace system for England. But money can only get you so far. A PCR test cannot identify those who are contagious unless used judiciously by those qualified to do so, with information on symptoms and medical history. Worst of all, we know that these tests can pick up dead – entirely harmless – fragments of virus as well as genuine infections. This means that many of the positive results we think we are getting might not be positives (active infections with a risk of contagiousness) at all.

4. Closure of activities on the basis of no evidence

The absence of evidence on the effectiveness of community masks, curfews, ‘rules of six,’ circuit breakers, restriction of gatherings, and travel has not prevented their implementation on a massive scale across Britain. Instead of commissioning robust studies to plug the evidence gaps, the policy has continually evolved to try and find effective strategies. With no clear outcome in mind, no one knows whether interventions such as the 10pm curfew make a difference. The only policy initiative that seems to count is the more restrictions, the better.

‘This is how freedom dies’: The folly of Britain’s coercive Covid strategy



I have no evidence at all, it's just my hunch.

However in the UK at least data is indicating that schools are somewhat contributing to the spread of the disease.

I'm a teacher, and I always raise my eyebrows when UK studies come to similar conclusions as the ones you've presented, as schools were only open to key worker children and the vulnerable, and most teachers were on a rota. I don't understand how studies in schools over lockdown can have any validity in a real world setting. If I let my brain engage with conspiracy theories then I'd conclude that it makes sense to play down the impact of schools as our economies are set up to use them as day care, and withdrawing that will cripple the job market.

We just have to wait and see I guess.
I guess it's a shame this is the best CDC can do, then, right? Though COVID-19 is just a flu and every other flu the CDC has done extensive scientific testing on... until the year 2020 CDC and WHO were in agreement masks don't work on influenzas.
Normal flu don't cause permanent damage to the body, don't requirem lung transplant and peopel don;t lost their leg over flu either.
Shopping was number 1 spreader by a larger margin followed by at home. Bars were only 8.5 and 5% depending on group. The bar data also shows that despite not getting it from bars most people in bars weren't observing mask mandates... weird right?
You know the basic for this is people being "truly honest". Peopel do not want other to know they got infected going out to eat or go to a party.
Normal flu don't cause permanent damage to the body, don't requirem lung transplant and peopel don;t lost their leg over flu either.
I mean... yeah it does some of that. Permanent lung damage especially, in small numbers. Covid may have a higher rate of it though. And very very few people are losing limbs here. Extremely small numbers. So small it’s barely worth acknowledging. Increases in strokes and blood clots are well documented post flu.

The idea this is some magical disease is foolishness. It’s a very contagious viral infection that primarily infects via the ace 2 receptors of cells. If you develop pneumonia, this will cause significant inflammation inside the lungs, which, if your immune system either doesn’t react quickly enough or over reacts, can overwhelm your lung function. At that point, your body will work to clear the infection and resulting inflammation over time. As with all inflammation, permanent damage in the form of scarring is possible. Inflammation also increases the possibility of blood clots due to the particles it produces in your bloodstream as well as the constricting over blood vessels.

But these are well understood disease processes. We have a lot to learn about why certain people’s immune systems are ineffective and the precise time certain things happen with regard to the disease process. But we know basically why it’s killing people. It’s a bad viral infection. This is what they do.
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Yes, all the things people say "The flu doesn't do that!" inevitably turn out that yes, the flu does do that.

The flu causes central nervous system issues.
The flu causes vascular issues (clots).
Post-flu heart attacks rise.
The flu causes permanent lung damage.
People with poor immune systems can have flu complications lasting for years.
The flu can cause loss of taste and smell.

The flu is not being sensationalized however, so every time someone reads of some new complication of COVID-19 people start freaking out again.
Yes, all the things people say "The flu doesn't do that!" inevitably turn out that yes, the flu does do that.

The flu causes central nervous system issues.
The flu causes vascular issues (clots).
Post-flu heart attacks rise.
The flu causes permanent lung damage.
People with poor immune systems can have flu complications lasting for years.
The flu can cause loss of taste and smell.

The flu is not being sensationalized however, so every time someone reads of some new complication of COVID-19 people start freaking out again.
And.. how many death are flu related per year compare to covid 19? Also, does flu normally kill off 3 generation of family at once like how it does in early days of covid19. And is it normal for flu to kill off thousands of elderly at nursing home.
And.. how many death are flu related per year compare to covid 19? Also, does flu normally kill off 3 generation of family at once like how it does in early days of covid19. And is it normal for flu to kill off thousands of elderly at nursing home.
Nobody argues that COVID is not more deadly than the flu.

Having said that, Yes, the flu does kill off entire families at once. Yes, the flu kills off thousands of elderly people per year.

I don't know what you think your question is trying to prove.
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And.. how many death are flu related per year compare to covid 19? Also, does flu normally kill off 3 generation of family at once like how it does in early days of covid19. And is it normal for flu to kill off thousands of elderly at nursing home.
The point is not that covid isn’t deadly or that it has the same mortality as the flu. It’s definitely worse than the average flu. It makes more people sicker and kills more people. It also hangs on longer. It’s bad. It’s a bad illness.

But people talk about it like it’s from outer space. “We’ve never seen anything like this before”. That’s just not true. It’s a viral pneumonia. It’s also not so much more deadly that it can’t be compared to the flu. It’s worse but comparable. We aren’t talking rhinovirus vs Ebola here.

Joe T.

We just have to wait and see I guess.

Waiting and seeing is what the power players behind this sham want us to do, obediently following the junk science they've presented thus far until they can vaccinate you with something that doesn't even prevent infection (look up how the trials are being run, Forbes had a good piece on this if I recall correctly).

Our rights have been stripped for a virus that replaced the flu and has a very similar IFR. There is no sound logic behind any of this.

As you pointed out above, "statistics can prove whatever you want them to prove." We've been assaulted with statistical deception all year long.


From Business Insider:
Published in 1954, "How to Lie with Statistics" is an introduction to statistics — and a primer on how they can be manipulated.

It's "more relevant than ever," Gates says.
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And.. how many death are flu related per year compare to covid 19? Also, does flu normally kill off 3 generation of family at once like how it does in early days of covid19. And is it normal for flu to kill off thousands of elderly at nursing home.

Interesting enough I looked at Canada.


So basically under 60 and the flu killed more, especially children, almost a factor of 15. Above 60 and the flu is deadlier but this is most likely caused by our government being retarded and shoving infected people into old age homes and stoking so much fear that workers abandoned their jobs and left people to die in shit and starvation.

The big danger of COVID like you said is the elderly and especially nursing homes and people with pre exsisting conditions. Which is why we should quarantine those people and let the rest of people operate under some slight mitigation (and I don't mind wearing masks in private business or government buildings, but not outside or in my own home).




Gold Member

It doesn't matter what it will achieve, just like mask effectiveness doesn't matter anymore. The mere act of uttering LOCKDOWN shows to a certain segment of the population that "something is being done", if it doesn't work, all that means is that we didn't lock down hard enough - similar to how, well, every time you read an article on CNN or whatever about an outbreak, they always talk about who did and didn't wear masks, it's like COVID-19 is divine punishment for not partaking in the religious ritual of mask wearing and social distancing.

But it's also gotten far worse than that - lockdown has become the default state of our society, with reopening being gifts from our benevolent overlords. Which means our society has been completely transformed into a totalitarian hellhole in a very short amount of time.

Well, in the Science 2020 election, these guys lost the vote, so they're not science, sorry bud.

The government has attacked churches and churchgoers with such vehemence that it is obviously part of the plan to destroy a key pillar of the community for so many people. As I have said over and over, their actions point to them destroying and breaking all things that hold us together while keeping us divided, isolated, and miserable. This is why they're going after Thanksgiving and Christmas now.

This has happened so many times, the hypocrisy is so blatant, that it simply can't be ignorance. Gavin Newsom is a shitstain but he's not an idiot. He simply does not care about being called out on this.


Perpetually Offended
Before the lockdowns and such, Jehovah's Witnesses stopped doing door to door and the field work at bus stations and such.... They knew the virus was contagious and deadly and took precautions. My local kingdom hall has literal zoom meetings (we don't call it church, we call it a meeting because it's fellow witnesses meeting for fellowship).

Anyways, the virus is mutating...

"A study involving more than 5,000 COVID-19 patients in Houston finds that the virus that causes the disease is accumulating genetic mutations, one of which may have made it more contagious. According to the paper published in the peer-reviewed journal mBIO, that mutation, called D614G, is located in the spike protein that pries open our cells for viral entry. It’s the largest peer-reviewed study of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences in one metropolitan region of the U.S. to date."



Its pretty well established that covid has been mutating. The UK had around four or five different strains of its own the last time I read an article about it (that was a few months ago).
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Perpetually Offended
Its pretty well established that covid has been mutating. The UK had around four or five different strains of its own the last time I read an article about it (that was a few months ago).

Indeed. Here in the states, people think they're immune if they had a low viral load once... But no one is immune from the cold or the flu after they've had it. I just don't get the thinking. The virus (all viruses) mutate. You CAN get it again! It can be WORSE next time.

The flu kills 60,000+ per year... And that's WITH a yearly vaccine.

COVID-19 has killed a quarter of a million in LESS than a year... And folks still playing politics with it.

RaZoR No1

I just cannot understand, how many fools we have on the earth. So many people thinking it is an hoax, not wearing any masks or not following the hygienic rules, protesting etc.
It honestly never crossed my mind, that we have so many idiots...

Now everybody is crying because we have a second lockdown. Man.. Just f***Ing stay at home for the month and follow the rules. Some people behave like, they will suffocate, if they follow the rules...

IMO the worst part is, not the protesters or the "non-believers" get sick, no they just get infected and transmit it to other people, who probably will get sick or even die...

I would expect these kind of reactions in a third world country, where maybe the education is not so great and people to not have good or any access to the news etc. But in GERMANY?! *huge facepalm*

I really ask myself, what happened to the people here... And it is not because of the pandemic..

If this post has triggered someone, I am not sorry, shame yourself and follow the rules...

Thank you
Indeed. Here in the states, people think they're immune if they had a low viral load once... But no one is immune from the cold or the flu after they've had it. I just don't get the thinking. The virus (all viruses) mutate. You CAN get it again! It can be WORSE next time.

The flu kills 60,000+ per year... And that's WITH a yearly vaccine.

COVID-19 has killed a quarter of a million in LESS than a year... And folks still playing politics with it.
A “cold” is a generic term for an upper respiratory infection. Covid is a “cold” for a lot of people. There are many many viruses that cause colds. And you do develop temporary immunity to those viruses. The length of that immunity depends on a variety of factors. Most of the other coronaviruses cause colds, as does rhinovirus and RSV.

The flu is a term for a variety of viruses as well. There is flu A, flu B, H1N1, H flu, swine flu. You do develop temporary immunity to these as well, should you contract them. But it wears off after a while. The flu also mutates relatively rapidly. My understanding is that while we have seen small mutations to covid 19, it had changed such that the vaccines we are currently producing will be ineffective.
I just cannot understand, how many fools we have on the earth. So many people thinking it is an hoax, not wearing any masks or not following the hygienic rules, protesting etc.
It honestly never crossed my mind, that we have so many idiots...

Now everybody is crying because we have a second lockdown. Man.. Just f***Ing stay at home for the month and follow the rules. Some people behave like, they will suffocate, if they follow the rules...

IMO the worst part is, not the protesters or the "non-believers" get sick, no they just get infected and transmit it to other people, who probably will get sick or even die...

I would expect these kind of reactions in a third world country, where maybe the education is not so great and people to not have good or any access to the news etc. But in GERMANY?! *huge facepalm*

I really ask myself, what happened to the people here... And it is not because of the pandemic..

If this post has triggered someone, I am not sorry, shame yourself and follow the rules...

Thank you
I remember when just stay home for 2 weeks turned into a month and then 3 months. The danger when you allow people to take your ability to be free to leave your home is that then you are trusting that they know what they are doing and will give it back to you when they decide you are safe again.

If you don’t understand why people would be hesitant to submit themselves to others that way without asking questions, I would suggest you are a sheep. Not for doing what is asked, but for scolding people who don’t fall in line.

You aren’t at least concerned about giving up your autonomy this way? What happens when in a month, things are not better?


Gold Member
I just cannot understand, how many fools we have on the earth. So many people thinking it is an hoax, not wearing any masks or not following the hygienic rules, protesting etc.
It honestly never crossed my mind, that we have so many idiots...

Now everybody is crying because we have a second lockdown. Man.. Just f***Ing stay at home for the month and follow the rules. Some people behave like, they will suffocate, if they follow the rules...

IMO the worst part is, not the protesters or the "non-believers" get sick, no they just get infected and transmit it to other people, who probably will get sick or even die...

I would expect these kind of reactions in a third world country, where maybe the education is not so great and people to not have good or any access to the news etc. But in GERMANY?! *huge facepalm*

I really ask myself, what happened to the people here... And it is not because of the pandemic..

If this post has triggered someone, I am not sorry, shame yourself and follow the rules...

Thank you

I've been staying at home for 7 months dude, at what point is enough enough. Give me a fucking break already. This thing isn't melting flesh off peoples' bones, for 98% of people, the worst case scenario is you feel sick for a week or two. For those who get really sick and have to go to the hospital, we have much better treatment options than we did 7 months ago. We can handle this.

Also, think about it, for months, we were told constantly that Americans were dumb brutes who couldn't follow rules which is why we had cases, unlike those enlightened Germans and Dutch. But now that the Germans and Dutch are getting hit with the cases... maybe the rules aren't as helpful as people think they are? Maybe there is more to this virus than wearing a shitty .0005 cent made in china mask can handle? Think about it.

COVID-19 has killed a quarter of a million in LESS than a year...

LOL no it didn't.
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