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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I got this the week before Halloween (there was an outbreak at the Walmart where I work).. I was sick fairly bad for 4 days, then back to normal after 3 more.

It's hilarious that people at my store have had month or more quarantines because they might have been exposed to it, while I was out a little over a week actually having gotten it.
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But this time they will do the lockdowns right, as our fav Dutch poster has been informing us.

Wuhan style, weld people into their homes, have cops arrest people who post stuff on the internet. When someone dies just cremate their body and have 4000 people stand in line to pick up someone elses ashes.

The dream is coming true boys!
Like I predicted 🤡

only action that works . WLD. Your economy will also recover faster.

I told you guys fall and winter would be fun! But it’s better to not life in reality... right .

anyway , we the Dutch have yet again prevailed with our open lock down ! To bad we only need a couple more , because like most western countries we didn’t go full , WLD, Looking at France, Spain , Germany.... just terrible insubordination from people spreading it like crazy , not following the rules .

Stay save and keep complaining and don’t follow anything a scientist or a government tells you !
Love you all! 🤡


Unconfirmed Member
Like I predicted 🤡

only action that works . WLD. Your economy will also recover faster.

I told you guys fall and winter would be fun! But it’s better to not life in reality... right .

anyway , we the Dutch have yet again prevailed with our open lock down ! To bad we only need a couple more , because like most western countries we didn’t go full , WLD, Looking at France, Spain , Germany.... just terrible insubordination from people spreading it like crazy , not following the rules .

Stay save and keep complaining and don’t follow anything a scientist or a government tells you !
Love you all! 🤡

So for a while I thought you were scared, and posting genuinely based on that. However, you seem to have gone heel and just become a troll. Obviously if that's what you want to be that's your choice, but it would be nice if you could contribute something meaningful rather than just shit-stirring and passive-aggressive bullshit.
Have you ever heard of this place called Europe? You know that people said did lockdowns the right way and crushed the virus? How is that place doing now?

We're doing well, thank you. We had a sort of lockdown and by pure accident the number of cases started dropping about a week later.



Gold Member


Gold Member

Even if you hate the guy, its so good to hear this from him. The madness has an ending.

Literally 2 weeks ago before the election he was talking about 2022. Now he's saying NBD, it will be over soon.

I keep saying it, he has been a politician longer than 98% of people in Washington, and it shows. He used his fake credibility to outfox Trump on this bigly, and come out looking like the hero with his buddy Senile Joe.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Literally 2 weeks ago before the election he was talking about 2022. Now he's saying NBD, it will be over soon.

I keep saying it, he has been a politician longer than 98% of people in Washington, and it shows. He used his fake credibility to outfox Trump on this bigly, and come out looking like the hero with his buddy Senile Joe.

I hear you but I just want to go back to normal. At this rate I'll be spending a second consecutive birthday (March 20) in lockdown and I want it all to be over. So fucking done.


Gold Member
I hear you but I just want to go back to normal. At this rate I'll be spending a second consecutive birthday (March 20) in lockdown and I want it all to be over. So fucking done.

Well, according to these people, we will never go back to normal again, it's a new normal, where they have full control over our lives in case the flu goes around again. You need to just accept it, it will be better that way.
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Even if you hate the guy, its so good to hear this from him. The madness has an ending.

Fuck Fauci. Dude is a farce and I agree he's more politician than Doctor. What's that? protesting lockdowns = bad. BLM and antifa rioting and looting? Can't condemn that.

Magically the pandemic will end soon now that Trump will be out of office and vaccines are around. Fuck this guy. Put him back in whatever closet you pulled him out of.


Like I predicted 🤡

only action that works . WLD. Your economy will also recover faster.

I told you guys fall and winter would be fun! But it’s better to not life in reality... right .

anyway , we the Dutch have yet again prevailed with our open lock down ! To bad we only need a couple more , because like most western countries we didn’t go full , WLD, Looking at France, Spain , Germany.... just terrible insubordination from people spreading it like crazy , not following the rules .

Stay save and keep complaining and don’t follow anything a scientist or a government tells you !
Love you all! 🤡

Ok bro.

Meanwhile under 50 about 25 people died from the virus where I live.

Joe T.

I hear you but I just want to go back to normal. At this rate I'll be spending a second consecutive birthday (March 20) in lockdown and I want it all to be over. So fucking done.

Normal won't ever come back because we're listening to these frauds.

The PCR tests are misused and misreported, they find dead or very tiny amounts of the genetic fragment meaning most of the positive results are not at all infections. Tedros Adhanom's "test, test, test" was a trap, one we fell into because we trusted our experts had our best interests in mind - they don't - and because of the fear stoked by sensationalized reporting/propaganda from our tabloid-caliber mainstream outlets and social media as they covered China and Italy.

Hospitalizations and deaths are misreported, doctors and public health officials are on record saying they'll label practically anything as covid right now. They always go up in fall/winter and they used that fact this year to continue peddling unnecessary fear. Fear drives people to get tested and go to the hospital when there's no need for it. It also makes them willing to accept almost anything the authorities sell to them as a way out of this mess.

So much about this pandemic was/is wrong or greatly exaggerated and too few people seem to be learning anything because the messaging from the top stays the same. Detach from the authorities and examine the facts independently, all of them because governments and media are hiding some of them - they have to otherwise the narrative dies.

Ask yourself, why isn't anyone talking about those collapsing people in the streets/stores/hospitals of Wuhan or the inaccurate data that led to ridiculously wrong models like those from Imperial College? What was that all about? And why is Sweden always left out of comparisons to other countries?

Two questions that can help yank people out of this delusion, at least in my experience. The PCR tests alone can act as a domino that brings this entire narrative down.

Edit: Spelling, infections -> infectious.
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That’s because corona viruses have been around us for ages 🤣 this is a family , COVID 19 is one of them ... you don’t need to be a scientist to research this .

it also has properties of Pfeiffer, HIV and Ebola ... so who knows .. maybe people who had or have those also are better armed .


That does scare me too. It is like they found this new amazing new tool in their kit. Remember they have psychologically damaged billions of people. There will be kids who will be permanently scarred from this their whole lives. I have a theory that the millennial love of big government and the desire to “be safe” stems from post-9/11 fearmongering and paranoia that they lived through as children. I think you can draw a straight line from that to this mass acceptance of government tyranny throughout this hoax, especially by younger people.

I just want to be left alone. I am sick of these people, who are ALL DEMOCRATS, butting in and micromanaging every aspect of my life, and being constantly reminded that they have imposed this nonsense on me. It‘s not ”pandemic fatigue”, which is what fuckface Fauci always talks about, it really is tyranny fatigue. I just want this to end, and I honestly think that the media and Democrats put out that message, subtly, throughout the campaign, basically saying, give us what we want and this will be over. Now do I think they will do that, not really, but that’s where I am at.

I was saying back in March that I expected this to end up being the "health freedom" 9/11. Buckle up for Biden and Kamala's Patriot Act: COVID Edition.

It sucks having to wear masks around your own house.

Or I mean you could not.

No, we don't want to live in that world. It's a temporary extreme measure for a few months.

Temporary just like 15 days to flatten the curve, right?

^osterholm is legit dude. I've been listening to that guy since day 1 (y)

Explains why you've been so lost this entire time. Osterholm is a legit dolt. I've been listening to Scott Atlas since almost day one. Huge difference, and for the better. If everyone had been doing that we likely wouldn't be in this mess.

Joe T.

Our tax dollars being used against us, the Quebec government hired a "communications coach" for pandemic messaging:

QUEBEC — The province’s director of public health, Horacio Arruda, is getting a communications coach to help him handle COVID-19 media briefings.

Health ministry officials Wednesday confirmed Eric Gamache, a former Parti Québécois media person who worked for Pauline Marois, is being brought in to assist Arruda. Gamache is vice-president of TACT Conseil, a public relations company.

Gamache is on a three-month, $61,000 contract. The contract is with the ministry of health and social services, which employs Arruda.

Would they need this if the facts were on their side? 🤔


In the last few days I've actually eased up a bit with the COVID hate. I still more or less feel the same way but I'm feeling a bit more forgiving towards people who want to "take precautions" and mask up. However I have no mercy towards blatant fear mongering, nonsensical and inconsistent rules, the narrative how deadly it is, and general amount of attention this shit gets.

I did see this pic though and no lies detected.


Our tax dollars being used against us, the Quebec government hired a "communications coach" for pandemic messaging:

Would they need this if the facts were on their side? 🤔

A comms coach?

How about putting these fuckers in jail for kill 3K + seniors in our LTCs.

Oh right we have to forget about all that, there was nothing Legault and Arruda could have done. Now after killing 3K people let me tell you where to eat, what business you can run, who you can see, and don't forget your mask!


No, it would be 2-4 months.
It's not much to give up when you live for at least 900+ months in a life time.

So why not put everyone above the age of 70 in lockdown since they won't even live 900+ months?

Where I live under the age of 60 not even 100 deaths, under 50 less than 25.

Over 80?

2622 deaths, 7477 cases.

Clearly the solution is to lockdown the old people while everyone else can enjoy the remaining 900+ months of their lives.


So why not put everyone above the age of 70 in lockdown since they won't even live 900+ months?

Where I live under the age of 60 not even 100 deaths, under 50 less than 25.

Over 80?

2622 deaths, 7477 cases.

Clearly the solution is to lockdown the old people while everyone else can enjoy the remaining 900+ months of their lives.

Like I said previously.
In Australia, at retirement homes and aged care homes, they are locked down. But there have still been situations where there have been outbreaks at these places. Next minute, 10 people are dead.

And why should only the elderly lose their freedoms? We should all do our part together as a community and stop being selfish.
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Joe T.

I had typed up a long response, but I think letting this tweet speak for itself will do a better job. I present to you Klaus Schwab, chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum, in all his benevolent glory:

Edit: since this is rustling jimmies that's not the man's real account, the entire point of that was to fact check and read up on the man in question, realizing the conspiracy theories aren't theories at all.
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Why must we be flooded with bullshit fake "funny haha" dumps when the real world is already crazy enough? I'm all for funnies, but no reason to be dishonest about it.
Know what else that Twitter account posted? It takes all of 5-10 seconds to see that it's fake.

Joe T.

Why must we be flooded with bullshit fake "funny haha" dumps when the real world is already crazy enough? I'm all for funnies, but no reason to be dishonest about it.
Know what else that Twitter account posted? It takes all of 5-10 seconds to see that it's fake.

Fact checking it is the entire purpose. The WEC's positions are still interpreted as "conspiracy theories." The lock downs have ulterior motives, there is no shortage of data and evidence before us to show that they are not slowing the spread of this virus.


Fact checking it is the entire purpose. The WEC's positions are still interpreted as "conspiracy theories." The lock downs have ulterior motives, there is no shortage of data and evidence before us to show that they are not slowing the spread of this virus.
So you present a lie for the purpose of making people see whether it is in fact a lie? Or is it more like performance art, where you are trying to convey the falseness of their arguments that people accept as truth? In which case, they are already in the loop and they have a mild chuckle, or they are out of the loop and have no idea what the whole purpose of it is.

It is trash.


Stopping the spread is very logical to me.

So then why hasn't it been done yet?

The last 10 months haven't been enough to stop a 2 week curve flattening?

How many times over could the world have locked down since then? Why didn't it happen?
Why have people been busy making money and moving goalposts since then? Why so many hashtags?

The virus apparently went POOF where it all started but everyone else has had it for 10 months.

America, the most honest and squeaky clean place on earth "has it the worst". Right.

Such honest government, media, and corporations.

There ain't no politics in America!

No agenda over there!

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Joe T.

So you present a lie for the purpose of making people see whether it is in fact a lie? Or is it more like performance art, where you are trying to convey the falseness of their arguments that people accept as truth? In which case, they are already in the loop and they have a mild chuckle, or they are out of the loop and have no idea what the whole purpose of it is.

It is trash.

Are you in the loop or do you still believe lock downs are a necessary evil to control this virus? The included video was giving you a sample of how the media can be used to create a misleading narrative and drum up fear which we're experiencing each and every day with the misleading "case" numbers.

A real quote from Schwab's book "Covid-19: The Great Reset": “Unlike certain past epidemics, COVID-19 doesn’t pose a new existential threat.”

Dwell on that a minute.

We've disrupted life as we knew it and he claims there's no return to normal... why? That's a message many others have repeated over the last few months. This is obviously not the danger sold to us at the start of the year, nowhere even close to it. The pandemic's a tool being exploited for altogether different purposes that have absolutely nothing to do with public health.

Read up on Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. When you're pushing ideas like "you'll own nothing and be happier for it" it helps explain the insanity we're living through where the measures put in place make no sense whatsoever. Closing small businesses isn't mitigating the spread of any virus, it's advancing the WEF agenda. Unfortunately many politicians around the world are already on board with that agenda, the one here in Canada included.

Some people want to be told what to think. It's better they come up with the answers on their own because the media and many of our governments sure as hell aren't giving us the full story.
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Are you in the loop or do you still believe lock downs are a necessary evil to control this virus? The included video was giving you a sample of how the media can be used to create a misleading narrative and drum up fear which we're experiencing each and every day with the misleading "case" numbers.

A real quote from Schwab's book "Covid-19: The Great Reset": “Unlike certain past epidemics, COVID-19 doesn’t pose a new existential threat.”

Dwell on that a minute.

We've disrupted life as we knew it and he claims there's no return to normal... why? That's a message many others have repeated over the last few months. This is obviously not the danger sold to us at the start of the year, nowhere even close to it. The pandemic's a tool being exploited for altogether different purposes that have absolutely nothing to do with public health.

Read up on Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. When you're pushing ideas like "you'll own nothing and be happier for it" it helps explain the insanity we're living through where the measures put in place make no sense whatsoever. Closing small businesses isn't mitigating the spread of any virus, it's advancing the WEC agenda. Unfortunately many politicians around the world are already on board with that agenda, the one here in Canada included.

Some people want to be told what to think. It's better they come up with the answers on their own because the media and many of our governments sure as hell aren't giving us the full story.
No, I imagine I agree with you on almost everything regarding covid, media, and manufactured panic. I don't blame local governments in the beginning for the shutdowns and quarantine, because they probably didn't know what was going on, but the shutdowns should have ended in April.

I don't agree with intentionally spreading misinformation. I think most moderately intelligent people will see BS like that fake Twitter account and get burned out by the constant lying. At that point I do not believe they will question why they would trust the government, but will instead just stop looking.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. PS, I appreciate you typing all that up.


So then why hasn't it been done yet?

The last 10 months haven't been enough to stop a 2 week curve flattening?

How many times over could the world have locked down since then? Why didn't it happen?
Why have people been busy making money and moving goalposts since then? Why so many hashtags?

The virus apparently went POOF where it all started but everyone else has had it for 10 months.

America, the most honest and squeaky clean place on earth "has it the worst". Right.

Such honest government, media, and corporations.

There ain't no politics in America!

No agenda over there!


It's been done in Australia, it's almost eradicated here. Obviously our population is much smaller but our cities are still densely populated with people.
We didn't need to go into full lock down here except for Victoria as people treated the situation respectfully. It's only Victoria that had a bunch idiots that didn't want to reign in their social gatherings for the greater cause.

Eight months later and we only have a couple of handfuls of cases a day in the whole country.
Again, not sure about America but here we had pop up Covid testing sites where people could get testing while driving in their car and they don't have to interact with other people, no risk of spreading the virus even further. States had border lock downs. These would have helped things a lot.

As for America .................. haven't there been a shit load of riots going on around the nation for months causing the spread even further?

Joe T.

No, I imagine I agree with you on almost everything regarding covid, media, and manufactured panic. I don't blame local governments in the beginning for the shutdowns and quarantine, because they probably didn't know what was going on, but the shutdowns should have ended in April.

I don't agree with intentionally spreading misinformation. I think most moderately intelligent people will see BS like that fake Twitter account and get burned out by the constant lying. At that point I do not believe they will question why they would trust the government, but will instead just stop looking.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. PS, I appreciate you typing all that up.

Good point. I think I've been staring into that abyss a bit too long, had also proposed some creative ideas for turning the media against the government to my family recently and they're not quite ready to embrace the scrutiny/smears that would surely follow.

Four years of overtly deceptive reporting about US politics/Trump had some entertainment value, it was easy enough to laugh that off. A little more difficult to do that when such reporting is destroying the city and way of life I've come to love. Deprogramming some friends and family members is challenging enough, doing it at scale is no easy task and time is not on our side.




"Wearing a face covering does protect all of us."

Said while not wearing a face covering. Genius.

I wonder if there is science on what happens when experts ask the public to do one thing while publicly demonstrating how they personally are not doing the thing.

Avoid mass gatherings!
Protests where lots of people will gather? That's OK!
Go science!

What is with this "I love Science" bullshit anyway?
It's said as though "science" is this very specific thing that is never wrong about anything.
In practice scientists in many different fields disagree about many different things all the time.

"I do love science."
Aye, not a big fan of nutritional science though eh? Ya fat fuck.
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Here's the thing. The media is pretending that people are in two groups:

1. People who are happy to take vaccines in general
2. Anti-vaxxers who believe vaccines cause autism, the moon landings were faked and Princess Diana shot Kennedy

They're really pushing that narrative hard, and our usual leftists and corona-doom-mongers are eating that up. There's a problem however, which is that they're missing a third group.

3. People who are happy to take vaccines in general, have never refused one, vaccinate their kids, but have doubts about a vaccine produced so fast with many shortcuts taken.

Think about it for a moment. We are about to mass-inject entire populations with something which might do long-term damage. It might be perfectly safe, granted, but what if it isn't? Too many eggs in one basket for my liking. People in group 3, like myself, would rather let other people be the guinea pigs.

It seems clear that the goal will be to just shame people who are not willing to get the vaccine or who question "science".

My understanding is that the vaccine will be an "RNA vaccine" and as of now a vaccine of this type has NEVER been approved for human use.
Of course it's very difficult to find clear information since the mainstream media is a bit sketchy on the details.
"You don't trust science? LOL!"

Of course because scientists have never ever ever gotten anything wrong.
Go Science!
*Googles "Thalidomide"*

People need to get away from this notion that because something is described as "science" it is somehow infallible.
The Scientific Method is a very reliable approach to evidence and proof etc but scientists are not always right and don't always agree with each other.

Ach, what am I saying. Inject the completely experimental vaccine into your arm you stupid dumb dumb idiots who don't believe in science.
I bet you also think the world is flat?
It's been done in Australia, it's almost eradicated here. Obviously our population is much smaller but our cities are still densely populated with people.
We didn't need to go into full lock down here except for Victoria as people treated the situation respectfully. It's only Victoria that had a bunch idiots that didn't want to reign in their social gatherings for the greater cause.

Eight months later and we only have a couple of handfuls of cases a day in the whole country.
Again, not sure about America but here we had pop up Covid testing sites where people could get testing while driving in their car and they don't have to interact with other people, no risk of spreading the virus even further. States had border lock downs. These would have helped things a lot.

As for America .................. haven't there been a shit load of riots going on around the nation for months causing the spread even further?
Australia had a massive peak during its flu season, which is what Europe and the US are experiencing right now.

So easy for you to say Australia has "almost eradicated" it during your off-season.

The fact of the matter Victoria had the harshest lockdowns, and it didn't do jack. And it's not because people didn't follow the rules, it's because Lockdowns do not work. It's sad people still believe the propaganda.
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