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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Count of Concision
I went to the mall in Elizabeth, NJ today (an indoor mall) and there were many THOUSANDS of people there. I'd wager at least 10K people. It was PACKED. Almost like COVID doesn't exist, aside from the masks. I don't drink the COVID Kool-Aid, but that was a bit much even for me. I do believe in taking sensible measures to protect ourselves, and these people clearly weren't. I only went because we didn't expect it to be THAT crowded, but it was. We left after 15 min for that reason.
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Gold Member
I went to the mall in Elizabeth, NJ today (an indoor mall) and there were many THOUSANDS of people there. I'd wager at least 10K people. It was PACKED. Almost like COVID doesn't exist, aside from the masks. I don't drink the COVID Kool-Aid, but that was a bit much even for me. I do believe in taking sensible measures to protect ourselves, and these people clearly weren't. I only went because we didn't expect it to be THAT crowded. But it was. We left after 15 min for that reason.
that mall is enormous.


Gold Member
Yes, but it was VERY densely packed. I was shocked, really. We didn't even walk around the entire mall once we saw how crowded it was. Visited one store, got a bite to eat, and left.

I went to a mall a few weeks ago and it was empty, but it is December now... honestly I just think people don’t care anymore, or have already gotten the fever and a cough for a week and have antibodies.
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Big news? Title change? :messenger_waving::messenger_open_mouth:

Coronavirus pandemic starts from north Italy, says German virologist
Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-01 18:49:59|Editor: huaxia
BERLIN, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- German virologist Alexander Kekule has said that about 99.5 percent of the coronavirus spreading all over the world right now is a kind of variant mutating in north Italy.
At the Markus Lenz program, aired on Thursday by German public broadcaster ZDF, Kekule said that the virus circulating around the world is called G variant, which has changed its gene and now it is highly possibly more contagious than the Wuhan variant.
Since 1999, Kekule has held the chair for Medical Microbiology and Virology of the University of Halle-Wittenberg and Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology of the University Clinic Halle.
He said during the interview that at the beginning of this year, an undetected outbreak of the original virus exploded for several weeks in north Italy. Until it was discovered in February, the virus had enough time to optimize in this region, where a more contagious variant has come out.
The virus has spread to the United States and Europe from north Italy, while China has put the virus under control with measures.
The starting point of the pandemic is not in Wuhan, said Kekule, adding that according to the genetic fingerprint, scientists can make sure that 99.5 percent of the virus spreading around the world now can be traced to the virus arising in north Italy.


I went to a mall a few weeks ago and it was empty, but it is December now... honestly I just think people don’t care anymore, or have already gotten the fever and a cough for a week and have antibodies.
Many people also seem to think masks make them invincible. Between that and the people that don't give a fuck in general and only wear masks to avoid being hassled, I'm not surprised.


Gabriel Knight
Big news? Title change? :messenger_waving::messenger_open_mouth:

Coronavirus pandemic starts from north Italy, says German virologist
Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-01 18:49:59|Editor: huaxia
BERLIN, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- German virologist Alexander Kekule has said that about 99.5 percent of the coronavirus spreading all over the world right now is a kind of variant mutating in north Italy.
At the Markus Lenz program, aired on Thursday by German public broadcaster ZDF, Kekule said that the virus circulating around the world is called G variant, which has changed its gene and now it is highly possibly more contagious than the Wuhan variant.
Since 1999, Kekule has held the chair for Medical Microbiology and Virology of the University of Halle-Wittenberg and Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology of the University Clinic Halle.
He said during the interview that at the beginning of this year, an undetected outbreak of the original virus exploded for several weeks in north Italy. Until it was discovered in February, the virus had enough time to optimize in this region, where a more contagious variant has come out.
The virus has spread to the United States and Europe from north Italy, while China has put the virus under control with measures.
The starting point of the pandemic is not in Wuhan, said Kekule, adding that according to the genetic fingerprint, scientists can make sure that 99.5 percent of the virus spreading around the world now can be traced to the virus arising in north Italy.

you ain’t even trying hard with your bullshit anymore

The mild-mannered German scientist never anticipated becoming a Chinese propaganda star.

But Alexander Kekulé, the director of the Institute for Biosecurity Research in Halle, Germany, has been all over the state-run media in China in recent days. News outlets have taken Dr. Kekulé’s research out of context to suggest that Italy, not China, is where the coronavirus pandemic began. Photos of him have appeared on Chinese news sites under headlines reading, “China is innocent!”

Dr. Kekulé, who has repeatedly said that he believes the virus first emerged in China, was startled. “This is pure propaganda,” he said in an interview.

Joe T.


In order of appearance: Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, United States, Canada, Slovakia, Italy, UK, Netherlands, France and Poland.

Big news? Title change? :messenger_waving::messenger_open_mouth:

Coronavirus pandemic starts from north Italy, says German virologist
Source: Xinhua| 2020-12-01 18:49:59|Editor: huaxia
BERLIN, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- German virologist Alexander Kekule has said that about 99.5 percent of the coronavirus spreading all over the world right now is a kind of variant mutating in north Italy.
At the Markus Lenz program, aired on Thursday by German public broadcaster ZDF, Kekule said that the virus circulating around the world is called G variant, which has changed its gene and now it is highly possibly more contagious than the Wuhan variant.
Since 1999, Kekule has held the chair for Medical Microbiology and Virology of the University of Halle-Wittenberg and Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology of the University Clinic Halle.
He said during the interview that at the beginning of this year, an undetected outbreak of the original virus exploded for several weeks in north Italy. Until it was discovered in February, the virus had enough time to optimize in this region, where a more contagious variant has come out.
The virus has spread to the United States and Europe from north Italy, while China has put the virus under control with measures.
The starting point of the pandemic is not in Wuhan, said Kekule, adding that according to the genetic fingerprint, scientists can make sure that 99.5 percent of the virus spreading around the world now can be traced to the virus arising in north Italy.
Nah. I think we will leave it the way it is. I’m sure you’ll keep trying though.
The German virologist is probably correct that the spread became uncontrollable once it reached a Western country which lacks the tools China has in both tracking and controlling the movements of people. By pure chance it was Northern Italy to be the first through a factory owner but at that moment plenty of others were already planting the seeds outside China for exponential spread through a highly mobile population.


Lil’ Gobbie

I think this kind of shit is going to get worse
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Video: COVID-19 Vaccine (finally) (12/7/20)

We’re talking about the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines here. Then there are other vaccines that are on the horizon as well, that are not mRNA vaccines. There are 6 vaccines getting some kind of federal government support in the US and dozens in being developed around the world. Several of these are in Phase 3 clinical trials, which is the last step before seeking the go-ahead from the FDA. With the 2 vaccines from Phizer and Moderna, they synthetically make messenger RNA, which is a genetic blueprint that signals to the cells of the body to start manufacturing a specific protein in the body. Not just any protein, but part of the spike protein of the virus. The body’s immune system then says, “hey we don’t recognize this spike protein guy, we should kick him out of the club. “So the immune system reacts accordingly. Except when the immune system reacts accordingly, it’s a whole cascade of events, with white blood cells causing a whole bunch of commotion, sending chemical signals to other parts of the body thru the blood, with cytokines, interferons, interleukins…and antibodies are made, which are proteins that bind to pieces of foreign invaders, so that the body is protected the next go around. Anyway, in this process, sometimes causes symptoms to develop, like some arm pain, maybe a little fever, body aches, headache, sometimes nausea, fatigue. And this is what sometimes happens with the flu shot. People sometimes think they got the flu from the flu shot, but that’s never the case. It was the immunological reaction to the vaccination. But back to these mRNA vaccines for COVID-19. They come in 2 doses, to be taken a few weeks apart. Why? Because the 1st dose, also known as the prime dose, although it does the job, its less than ideal, meaning the level of protective antibodies that develop, they’re there (show hand), but we want them up here (raise hand) to offer better protection. So with the prime dose, the antibodies take 2 weeks to develop. But then we want the second dose, the booster, to get the immune system reactivated. Once that re-activation takes place, immunogenicity is achieved, typically 7-10 days after the booster is given. And when people do experience the immune reactions from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, it’s not with the 1st dose, its after the booster.

The independent board that analyzes the participants in the study, found that severe side effects included fatigue in (9.7%), muscle pain (8.9%), joint pain (5.2%), and headache (4.5%). Less than 2% had fevers of 39°C to 40°C that lasted a day or two. For the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the numbers were lower: Severe side effects included fatigue (3.8%) and headache (2%). Now compared to the flu shot, including the high-dose flu shot, thest numbers are slightly higher. But otherwise, the trials showed that these vaccines are safe. And they’re very, very effective. In Moderna’s clinical trial, they gave either the vaccine or a placebo to 30,000 people. Of the 15,000 who received the vaccine, 11 developed Covid-19. Of the 15,000 who received the placebo, 185 developed Covid-19. That’s 94.1% efficacy. None of the 11 people who received the vaccine became severely ill, but 30 of the 185 who received the placebo became severely ill, and one of them died. The vaccine had similar efficacy rates for elderly people and for people in racial minority groups. In Pfizer's clinical trial, the vaccine proved to be 95% effective, and one study participant who received the vaccine developed a severe case of Covid-19. So both of them giving 95% efficacy against symptomatic disease, and almost 100% against severe disease.



Something I read today that I have not seen anyone talk about really:

There's a critical window in the first 3 years of life for speech development and socialization that 20 million children are missing, to one extent or another. Edit: to make this a bit clearer, children learn to speak partly by watching adults' mouths. It should come as no surprise that it does lead to permanent effects like higher levels of stress/anxiety in adulthood and lower educational performance.


We're at month 9 of reduced social interaction, with no definite end in sight - probably long enough to produce a systemic effect.


Gold Member
The German virologist is probably correct that the spread became uncontrollable once it reached a Western country which lacks the tools China has in both tracking and controlling the movements of people. By pure chance it was Northern Italy to be the first through a factory owner but at that moment plenty of others were already planting the seeds outside China for exponential spread through a highly mobile population.

The truth is, we assumed China was the source because that was where the earliest documented cases came from. That was basically it (also they get a lot of novel diseases because they basically eat anything with or without a pulse). But now we are seeing that it was showing up in other places far earlier than China. So it must be re-evaluated.

In Northern Italy, people had it as early as September 2019. Maybe it was there even earlier, or in other places. I assume people just thought it was the flu. But it changes a lot.

Like so much around this virus, we simply have no clue where it came from... but it also seems like the drive to figure it out isn't there, for whatever reason.
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The truth is, we assumed China was the source because that was where the earliest documented cases came from. That was basically it (also they get a lot of novel diseases because they basically eat anything with or without a pulse). But now we are seeing that it was showing up in other places far earlier than China. So it must be re-evaluated.

In Northern Italy, people had it as early as September 2019. Maybe it was there even earlier, or in other places. I assume people just thought it was the flu. But it changes a lot.

Like so much around this virus, we simply have no clue where it came from... but it also seems like the drive to figure it out isn't there, for whatever reason.

If it didn't come from China then fuck the science because they have been telling us for months that it jumped from Bat to Pangolin to people and anyone who says other wise is conspiracy nut and should be burnt at the stake.

But it all seems more like China FUD.

What is possible is that the virus was around alot earlier and circulated without causing mass hysteria. Probably managed to get to Europe and everyone just thought it was a really bad cold and if a bunch of old people died who had other conditions they chalked it up to their bad lung or cancer instead of COVID.

So most likely COVID went wild for 3 4 5 months and only when everyone got freaked out from bogus models saying millions will die did it become a thing.

If it is proven the virus was around in Sept/Nov/Dec its going to raise a lot of questions on why people were dropping dead back then.

If somehow its proven the virus didn't come from China then its gonna raise a lot of questions on why the one and only offical story was that it jumped from a bat to another animal to humans and anyone who said otherwise was cancelled.

I kind of wish either one of those scenarios comes true just to see how the authoritarians deal with it.


Gold Member
I mean I said in the beginning, that this virus was spreading unimpeded in NYC for at least six weeks, and we were fine. No issues. Even if that was the beginning of the exponential curve we would have far exceeded the numbers we saw over the summer with the restrictions and cuck shield mandate still in place.

Yes “something was going around” but people stayed home if they felt sick. Now we know it could have and probably was here all season.

and if that was the case then a lot of questions need to be answered. They won’t be though.
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I mean I said in the beginning, that this virus was spreading unimpeded in NYC for at least six weeks, and we were fine. No issues. Even if that was the beginning of the exponential curve we would have far exceeded the numbers we saw over the summer with the restrictions and cuck shield mandate still in place.

Yes “something was going around” but people stayed home if they felt sick. Now we know it could have and probably was here all season.

and if that was the case then a lot of questions need to be answered. They won’t be though.

The virus is like Freddy Kruger, if you just ignore it goes away. It only gets its power when you talk about it.

Thats why in the summer during all those protests it went away in the Northern hemisphere. But then once the election was over and winter set in its BAAAACK.

I do wonder what happened with the studies showing the virus was around earlier. I remember a few articles here and there but then nothing. You think that would be a big thing to look into.

I guess its for our better good we don't know and just keep living with the official bat to pangolin virus only showed up in February story. Our pleeb brains aren't big enough to handle anything else.


Gold Member
And now we are entering this phase where they are saying you need to get this untested beta vaccine or else, no discussion or questions allowed; but after you get the shot you still need to wear a mask, still need to stay locked down, still can’t gather with other people, and basically nothing changes except you have this foreign mystery fluid inside you doing who knows what.

Joe T.

A series of Twitter posts/videos that the pro-lock down and vaccine crowd would be well served checking out, Ivor's video in particular because it puts the data into context and shows why this is one massive overreaction:

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Nothing wrong ! Haven’t you heard COVID-19 is a hoax, fake news!

Muh reddit anecdote, hey I was in the hospital the other day, got prompt treatment even though I wasn't there for anything life threatening, beds weren't all full, place wasn't incapable of handling the amount of people, asked a nurse if things were bad with COVID and she said "it's the same as any other flu season"


Muh reddit anecdote, hey I was in the hospital the other day, got prompt treatment even though I wasn't there for anything life threatening, beds weren't all full, place wasn't incapable of handling the amount of people, asked a nurse if things were bad with COVID and she said "it's the same as any other flu season"
Weird Huh, that a virus isn’t everywhere yet ...
but if you let it circulate it will.

Own story , in the first wave our rural area had not many sick of Covid , so all people on vacation came here .. now we are also fucked, more sick and deaths as the first wave

It’s really analog: spread, sick, lots of hospitalizations, hospitals full, people die.
Rinse repeat.
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Weird Huh, that a virus isn’t everywhere yet ...
but if you let it circulate it will.

Own story , in the first wave our rural area had not many sick of Covid , so all people on vacation came here .. now we are also fucked, more sick and deaths as the first wave

It’s really analog: spread, sick, lots of hospitalizations, hospitals full, people die.
Rinse repeat.

My state is one of the hardest hit in the country, back to your hole you go.


Gold Member
I think being 456 years old qualifies you as high risk.

Weird Huh, that a virus isn’t everywhere yet ...
but if you let it circulate it will.

Own story , in the first wave our rural area had not many sick of Covid , so all people on vacation came here .. now we are also fucked, more sick and deaths as the first wave

It’s really analog: spread, sick, lots of hospitalizations, hospitals full, people die.
Rinse repeat.

Make sure you take the vaccine just like the Bard up there.


Just a observation, this is getting silly with the tweets, every page is filled with it.

Entire posts with tweets, is that even a discussion anymore?

It's getting into every thread, have people lost their ability to use their own words this fall?

If I wanted to read twitter, I'd be on twitter.. :p


Unconfirmed Member
Taming Of The Flu.

...not my gag, fuck off.

Hopefully he'll soon find the Rona was just a Midsummer Night's Dream, and that the vaccine is delivered As He Likes It. Of course, if you ask me, the Rona is Much Ado About Nothing and government response has been a Comedy Of Errors. Anyway, it's nearly over so All's Well That End's Well.


Count of Concision

I think this kind of shit is going to get worse

4 large states with no ICU beds? Is that even possible? Sounds like scaremongering, honestly - aren’t there sites which have up to the minute stats on ICU usage and bed capacity? I seem to remember seeing them earlier in the pandemic.

Like, if he were talking about smaller, central US states I could maybe believe it, but large states? Hard to swallow IMO.


Lil’ Gobbie
4 large states with no ICU beds? Is that even possible? Sounds like scaremongering, honestly - aren’t there sites which have up to the minute stats on ICU usage and bed capacity? I seem to remember seeing them earlier in the pandemic.

Like, if he were talking about smaller, central US states I could maybe believe it, but large states? Hard to swallow IMO.

I presume they aren't completely full but are worried about their own capacity and thus denying transfer requests. not 100% sure how this works legally though


There's an extinction level virus out there you guys but let's all make ads how FUNNY the situation is. Duhhhhhhhh there's no agenda here at all.

Maybe the human race deserves to be wiped out.
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former Navy SEAL
Maybe the human race deserves to be wiped out.

Well it is going to happen sooner or later. But I think the sense of something being deserved or not implies the presence of an absolute, universal morality, which seems to not exist. There is an absolute mathematics or accounting for how and why and when things happen, and it will be our time at some point. I don't think that's going to be soon, but you never know.
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