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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Happens every year in fall. Numbers will peak in January and decline steadily as they usually do - no masks, social distancing or lock downs required. The pandemic response gave 2020 the added wrinkle of damaging, not protecting, public health so it's impressive to see how well the world has endured this mess.

You should take a look at your country's historical data, it's been showing a fairly steep increase in annual mortality for years and 2020 isn't looking much different than 2019 in the Netherlands, though UN's outlook for the next 20 years looks suspiciously dire. With PCR tests delivering so many false results regarding infectious cases and the "public health" measures proving to be more harmful than beneficial you'd have been better off going about life as usual.

This is no Spanish Flu, it's not even the Hong Kong Flu or Asian Flu. The Wuhan Flu had a serious case of false advertising.
Right ...
I do. I have a brother who is currently slaving in a hospital.
Slaving? We are not slaving. We get well paid to do what we do (unless he’s a nursing assistant, those people are horribly underpaid).

I guess I should let people in on a secret. All these healthcare workers post pictures of their face after wearing N95s or talking about being sweaty? They are kind of assholes. “Oh we’re so tired”. Yes, we are working hard. But tons of people work a hell of a lot harder.

You don’t see roofers posting pictures talking about how hot it is on the roof in the summer. Or construction workers showing how sunburned they are. Or farmers faces covered in dust. Or soldiers talking about tired they are.

There is certainly an emotional toll. But if you work in critical care, this is not new. Patients died before covid. Dealing with that is part of the job. People that are unable to handle will have to find a new job because it isn’t going to stop.

But don’t call it slaving. Your brother can quit any time he feels like it. So can I. Don’t use his job as some weapon to wield against other people. That’s pathetic. Hospital workers will be ok. And more people need to say so. People can appreciate what we do without trying to make us victims.
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which means the restrictions can properly start to be lifted fairly soon (y)
Oh my sweet summer child..
Happens every year in fall. Numbers will peak in January and decline steadily as they usually do - no masks, social distancing or lock downs required.
The UK posted year over year numbers from the NHS a few weeks ago if I recall, and 2020 was actually tracking BEHIND the average of 2015 to 2019 in terms of hospital and ICU utilization. Imagine that.

It seems harder than it should be to obtain that kind of data. My state certainly does everything in their power to hide it, and I have a couple of acquaintances trying to go the FOIA route. Anecdotal accounts from people I know around here say that hospitals are 'busy' but 'not overrun' and not really much different from most winters to this point.

Yes you also have assholes like DeepBreath87 DeepBreath87 trying to embellish the situation and make themselves martyrs. That's unfortunate.

EDIT: I meant to say "assholes likes Deepbreath87 is referring to", not just "assholes like Deepbreath87", but I"m leaving the original sentence intact because it made me chuckle.
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Gold Member
Whats crazy about that is you have less than 1 in 5 chance of catching the virus from someone you live with. This is a person/persons you have intimate contact with, share probably all kinds of dishes, towels, etc... and you may even be banging them, or at the very least in very close contact with them.

You would think with how this thing was sold that everyone is an invisible bio weapon ready to infect 100s of people that the attack rate in closed confined homes would be like 50% or 80%. less than 20% is pretty low odds of getting the virus from a sick person if you ask me. If you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting it from people you spend intimate time with, then whats the attack rate if you are in a mall or restaurant or gym?

I don't know with seeing these numbers its not adding up. 1 in 5 chance at home and 75% of spread occurs in homes. It really doesn't feel like this virus is infecting thousands of people who are out and about doing regular business.

How many people were at the WH event for ACB? I remember we got a couple of infections, which everyone recovered from. SO what like 10-20 people out of 200 people? 100 people at the ACB event? That would probably be a pretty good case study to see how many were infected and how many died.

Well they do say spouse transmission is 40%, but yes, the numbers don't really seem to add up, like how can a person not infect their kid yet they can infect someone at a "super spreader event"." Yet this data is based on 54,000 cases, which is a lot of cases. I just think that we really know very little about this virus over all.

On the other hand, when I got the ro, I did NOT infect my SO.

Slaving? We are not slaving. We get well paid to do what we do (unless he’s a nursing assistant, those people are horribly underpaid).

I guess I should let people in on a secret. All these healthcare workers post pictures of their face after wearing N95s or talking about being sweaty? They are kind of assholes. “Oh we’re so tired”. Yes, we are working hard. But tons of people work a hell of a lot harder.

You don’t see roofers posting pictures talking about how hot it is on the roof in the summer. Or construction workers showing how sunburned they are. Or farmers faces covered in dust. Or soldiers talking about tired they are.

There is certainly an emotional toll. But if you work in critical care, this is not new. Patients died before covid. Dealing with that is part of the job. People that are unable to handle will have to find a new job because it isn’t going to stop.

But don’t call it slaving. Your brother can quit any time he feels like it. So can I. Don’t use his job as some weapon to wield against other people. That’s pathetic. Hospital workers will be ok. And more people need to say so. People can appreciate what we do without trying to make us victims.

My mom worked in an old folks home for many years and one time I realized how nonchalantly she talked about people dying, because it happened so frequently. And these were people she knew and had frequent contact with.

This idea that nurses are all going home in tears, and crying before they get in, it just seems like a way to get social media attention quite frankly.
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Gold Member
Good start for UK in vaccinations.

While other countries drag their heels on whether to approve or not, or deal with the anti-vax morons, the UK have started vaccinating our most vulnerable, which means the restrictions can properly start to be lifted fairly soon (y)

What countries are you talking about?


Slaving? We are not slaving. We get well paid to do what we do (unless he’s a nursing assistant, those people are horribly underpaid).

I guess I should let people in on a secret. All these healthcare workers post pictures of their face after wearing N95s or talking about being sweaty? They are kind of assholes. “Oh we’re so tired”. Yes, we are working hard. But tons of people work a hell of a lot harder.

You don’t see roofers posting pictures talking about how hot it is on the roof in the summer. Or construction workers showing how sunburned they are. Or farmers faces covered in dust. Or soldiers talking about tired they are.

There is certainly an emotional toll. But if you work in critical care, this is not new. Patients died before covid. Dealing with that is part of the job. People that are unable to handle will have to find a new job because it isn’t going to stop.

But don’t call it slaving. Your brother can quit any time he feels like it. So can I. Don’t use his job as some weapon to wield against other people. That’s pathetic. Hospital workers will be ok. And more people need to say so. People can appreciate what we do without trying to make us victims.

I apologize for using the word.

He has never complained mind you, but he works a lot and is tired a lot because of that.

My line of work is nothing like yours, but it can become very stressful with many overtime hours (sure, I can refuse with an excuse, but I never do). Month after month of 12+ hour shifts drains you (at least me) really bad, especially after when the sprint is over. My last such sprint really screwed me up.

That is what I am thinking about when it comes to my brother.
Good start for UK in vaccinations.

While other countries drag their heels on whether to approve or not, or deal with the anti-vax morons, the UK have started vaccinating our most vulnerable, which means the restrictions can properly start to be lifted fairly soon (y)

And this is just the beginning. Make no mistake, covid days are numbered. Its clock has just started ticking. The only question now is when in 2021 does it die down.
I apologize for using the word.

He has never complained mind you, but he works a lot and is tired a lot because of that.

My line of work is nothing like yours, but it can become very stressful with many overtime hours (sure, I can refuse with an excuse, but I never do). Month after month of 12+ hour shifts drains you (at least me) really bad, especially after when the sprint is over. My last such sprint really screwed me up.

That is what I am thinking about when it comes to my brother.
I do appreciate the concern, but we, as healthcare workers, really do need to stop complaining. I know it’s busy and difficult sometimes. But we aren’t working in 100 degree heat, out in the sun or in some -20 degree freezer. We aren’t breaking our backs carrying bricks or climbing a radio tower to make repairs. We are caring for sick people. It has its own challenges, but we need to stop whining about how hard it is. We aren’t army nurses in WWII. It’s getting to be a little much. You might be surprised how many healthcare workers feel this way.

Joe T.

Thanks for that, but I’m probably older than you! 😋 Certainly old enough to know that vaccinations lead to reduction in disease spread and therefore reduction of restrictions... rather than whatever claptrap others have convinced themselves is real.

It's called reality, official data. You're having a negative reaction to being informed.

The fiction is coming from what I call the true believers, people that have unquestioningly accepted the mainstream news narrative wholesale. That's a problem considering how many stories have been retracted, corrected and proven to be fake or misleading since this mess started. This pandemic hinges entirely on the PCR tests and there is no question they're being misused, anyone reporting all positive test results as infectious cases is flat out lying to you.

Notice how even the media's poster child for success, South Korea, now finds itself with spiking numbers? They aren't failing to contain a virus, they simply fell into the same mass testing trap as everyone else, one they avoided in late winter/spring (another famous lie the major news outlets sold everyone, one of many examples from Bloomberg). The US's desire/ability to be #1 was used against them.

A recent article out of South Carolina highlighted this:

“We have to stop thinking of people as positive or negative, and ask how positive?” Harvard University epidemiologist Michael Mina told Service.

Indeed …

That is exactly what Florida is attempting to do by requiring labs to report “cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges” in reporting positive cases.

Some have speculated this is “a first step toward changing the definition of a COVID-19 case in Florida,” but we see it as less about changing definitions and more about providing better, more actionable data.
Last week, New Jersey state senator Michael Doherty sent a letter (.pdf) to the state’s governor Phil Murphy calling on him to follow Florida’s lead in collecting and reporting cycle threshold data.
“There is a growing body of research from respected institutions … that clearly demonstrates that many people who test positive are not actually infectious,” Doherty said. “Further, they’ve shown how it’s possible to identify which positive results can be safely ignored without causing an unnecessary disruption to people’s lives. If governor Murphy truly believes in the science and wants to do what’s right for New Jersey, he should do what Florida just did and update how positive COVID-19 results are reported.”

We never needed a mass vaccination campaign to rid ourselves of this "pandemic," we just needed the truth.


And this is just the beginning. Make no mistake, covid days are numbered. Its clock has just started ticking. The only question now is when in 2021 does it die down.
It will die down as we head into spring, as is the ebb and flow of any seasonal respiratory ailment. This would have happened with or without the vaccine. The real question is will it come roaring back next fall. And when I say roaring back, I mean hospitalizations and deaths. Not "cases". I give exactly zero fucks about "cases".


The real question is will it come roaring back next fall. And when I say roaring back, I mean hospitalizations and deaths.
it will, or they will invent something new to keep everything locked down. Either a new "mutated" version or a move to making climate change the next thing that requires people to rely more on the gov't.
One way or another I seriously doubt there will ever be a 'normal' again that doesn't involve mass unemployment or some sort of limitation including masks, social distancing, etc.

He had a really bad case of it.
Sounds like he has multi system inflammatory syndrome. That’s a little different from the typical covid pneumonia the we see often in older people. It’s basically an immune system overreaction that causes inflammation in a bunch of different places. It’s what people got all worried about with kids back in the spring. Very rare, but also very dangerous.


Neighbours from Hell
Sounds like he has multi system inflammatory syndrome. That’s a little different from the typical covid pneumonia the we see often in older people. It’s basically an immune system overreaction that causes inflammation in a bunch of different places. It’s what people got all worried about with kids back in the spring. Very rare, but also very dangerous.
Yeah, we'll see what the long-term damage of this virus is to the heart and brain. Ultimately, that could be the deadliest part of all of this, but for now it seems like the worst cases are immune systems overreacting and causing significant issues.


Sounds like he has multi system inflammatory syndrome. That’s a little different from the typical covid pneumonia the we see often in older people. It’s basically an immune system overreaction that causes inflammation in a bunch of different places. It’s what people got all worried about with kids back in the spring. Very rare, but also very dangerous.

Nah. He’s lying. Covid isn’t ever dangerous to young people. I know because I saw a tweet saying it, and the tweet got reposted on GAF and people agreed with it, so you know the tweet was true, and he’s lying 👍
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Gold Member
Nah. He’s lying. Covid isn’t ever dangerous to young people. I know because I saw a tweet saying it, and the tweet got reposted on GAF and people agreed with it, so you know the tweet was true, and he’s lying 👍

The data on this is clear as day.

There are tens of thousands of ailments that have an extremely dangerous tail risk for certain people and we don’t shut down society for all of them.
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Joe T.


It will die down as we head into spring, as is the ebb and flow of any seasonal respiratory ailment. This would have happened with or without the vaccine. The real question is will it come roaring back next fall. And when I say roaring back, I mean hospitalizations and deaths. Not "cases". I give exactly zero fucks about "cases".
Oh course. This vaccine will keep it down though so it doesn't come roaring back next fall as you proposed. Thats the point, thats the good news.


Oh course. This vaccine will keep it down though so it doesn't come roaring back next fall as you proposed. Thats the point, thats the good news.
If higher risk people want to get it, be my guest. As long as nobody forces people in my low risk bracket to get it, or my kids' even lower risk bracket especially, then we're fine. If it is as efficacious as they think it is, then sure this could end up being a nothingburger next winter if most elderly get it. I'm fine with that.

Just stay away from me with the mandates.
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If higher risk people want to get it, be my guest. As long as nobody forces people in my low risk bracket to get it, or my kids' even lower risk bracket especially, then we're fine. If it is as efficacious as they think it is, then sure this could end up being a nothingburger next winter if most elderly get it. I'm fine with that.

Just stay away from me with the mandates.
Have you caught the virus yet?

Joe T.


The ban will include information that suggests vaccines are used to “intentionally cause harm to or control populations,” debunked tweets about the “adverse impacts or effects” of vaccines, and erroneous claims that Covid-19 is “not real or not serious, and therefore that vaccinations are unnecessary.”

Berenson's probably going to be one of the first to get nuked. This censorship is becoming unbearable.


Neo Member
Olivia 20
It's so unreal, every where you look people have on a mask. Yes at first I was skeptic, I thought It was a host.
Now there is so much evidence pointing towards large numbers of people who have died from the CV or who are sick, I think it's real. And It's hitting, although no one in my family has gotten sick, it has touched the lives of people that I know.
Berenson's probably going to be one of the first to get nuked. This censorship is becoming unbearable.

Good, this is the typical kind of bullshit that should be censored. Why is he comparing deaths with unspecified 'severe adverse events' ? And why are his numbers on deaths so vague ? A '1 in 100,000 to 400,000' is a huge spread, made even bigger by also calculating from '15 to 30 percent infected'

We know there are about 25 million Italians under 40 and 689 under 40's died there. Using his numbers there could not have been more then 75 of those deaths with 30% infected and 1 in 100,000 dying.
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Joe T.

We know there are about 25 million Italians under 40 and 689 under 40's died there.

No, we don't. I'm not going to repeat the problem with the PCR tests, you're well aware of it by now. All of our numbers are overinflated. This is the man you've placed your trust in:

That was September 3rd. Testing increased substantially in the following weeks, creating the narrative they needed to tighten the screws on the public once again.

No, we don't. I'm not going to repeat the problem with the PCR tests, you're well aware of it by now. All of our numbers are overinflated. This is the man you've placed your trust in:

Which test are you then using to link the vaccine to any adverse effects ? What mythical 100% accurate test is this ?

Also, before the 'CT VALUE 45' stuff gets repeated, the average Ct threshold result for people who die of covid is 21.
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Just read that the USA can have up to 500k deaths by February.. Spanish flu took 600k people from the USA .. and this was in 1918 and all this in this age of technology..
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Just read that the USA can have up to 500k deaths by February.. Spanish flu took 600k people from the USA .. and this was in 1918 and all this in this age ...

With the Spanish Flu were they counting everyone who died as a Spanish Flu death? Asymptomatic people dying of literally ANYTHING else but having COVID in their system while they die are counted as COVID deaths. There are no flu deaths this flu season, LOL, anyone actually believe that? I don't.

Joe T.

Which test are you then using to link the vaccine to any adverse effects ? What mythical 100% accurate test is this ?

You're not interested in discussion if you're whipping out strawmen arguments, just like S sinnergy has no interest in public health, civil liberties, human life or even basic decency by continuing to weaponize numbers that are rendered meaningless after learning the PCR tests are both misused and their results misinterpreted as infectious cases.

The PCR tests can be used to detect viral load if they're run at Ct values below 25. There's no need to create your mythical 100% accurate test, simple error checking/confirmation by alternative means is all that's needed and that is not being done because this was never about diagnosing truly infectious cases. Mass testing means mass profits, the people that pushed these tests onto the world in January had serious conflicts of interest with one of the companies producing them:

There are massive conflicts of interest for at least four of the authors in addition to the problem that two of the authors (Prof. Drosten and Chantal Reusken) are members of the editorial board of Eurosurveillance. Two conflicts of interest were disclosed on 29 July 2020: Olfert Landt is CEO of TIB Molbiol, Marco Kaiser is a senior researcher at GenExpress and scientific advisor to TIB Molbiol. These conflicts of interest were not explained in the original version of the study, they are still missing in the version published on PubMed. TIB Molbiol is the company that reportedly was the “first” to produce the PCR kits (Light Mix) based on the protocol published in the Corman-Drosten manuscript. According to the company’s own statement, the company had already distributed the test kits before the study was submitted for approval. Victor Corman and Prof. Drosten have omitted to state their two affiliations: they work not only at the Charité public corporation but also at Labor Berlin Charité Vivantes GmbH. In the laboratory, which carries out real-time PCR tests, they are responsible for virus diagnostics.

Source here.

Tests have raked in over $20B in the US alone already. The vaccines needed to get out the door ASAP because if the facts about those tests go mainstream the market for covid vaccines shrinks exponentially overnight. How do you explain to billions of people that a vaccine is still necessary for another pandemic that wasn't?

Like H1N1 this narrative won't stand the test of time, I am 100% convinced of that. Do you really want to go down with this ship pretending masks, distancing and business closures are necessary when you know the case numbers are such a fraud? There are too many eyes analyzing this and they won't all be stamped out by the intimidation tactics and censorship currently plaguing our world. At some point the damn will break.
You're not interested in discussion if you're whipping out strawmen arguments, just like S sinnergy has no interest in public health, civil liberties, human life or even basic decency by continuing to weaponize numbers that are rendered meaningless after learning the PCR tests are both misused and their results misinterpreted as infectious cases.

The PCR tests can be used to detect viral load if they're run at Ct values below 25. There's no need to create your mythical 100% accurate test, simple error checking/confirmation by alternative means is all that's needed and that is not being done because this was never about diagnosing truly infectious cases. Mass testing means mass profits, the people that pushed these tests onto the world in January had serious conflicts of interest with one of the companies producing them:

If someone is brought into hospital with a Ct value of 20 and then later dies from lung failure, would you consider this a death caused by covid ?



This is clearly ALL LIES. Once again. None of these people really died of Covid, because you can’t trust the tests for Covid. They all died of something else. There are many, many tweets from many, many respected anonymous Twitter users that tell us Covid is not that dangerous, and that we can’t trust the testing. I can EASILY go on social media and confirm this in seconds, so how can it be wrong? And I have all of these figures to back up my claims that I’ve got from my social media contacts. Wake up sheeple!
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Airbus Jr

This is clearly ALL LIES. Once again. None of these people really died of Covid, because you can’t trust the tests for Covid. They all died of something else. There are many, many tweets from many, many respected anonymous Twitter users that tell us Covid is not that dangerous, and that we can’t trust the testing. I can EASILY go on social media and confirm this in seconds, so how can it be wrong? And I have all of these figures to back up my claims that I’ve got from my social media contacts. Wake up sheeple!

And what evidence do you have to dismiss these numbers ?

How do you think doctors diagnoses a patient as positives ? They can just declare someone positive out of thin air?

How can you claim something is fake if you dont have any evidence to prove it ?

Or you decide to dismiss the reports because it fears you?

Hopefully this isnt your source

Trust me bro
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And what scientific evidence you can prove to dismiss these numbers ?

How do you think doctors diagnoses a patient as positives ? They can just declare someone positive out of thin air?

How can you claim something is fake if you dont have any evidence to prove it ?

Or you decide to dismiss the reports because it fears you?

Hopefully your source is not this

Trust me bro

Can you not detect sarcasm? Clearly he's on your side and believes everything the media reports on when it comes to COVID shilling.


Can you not detect sarcasm? Clearly he's on your side and believes everything the media reports on when it comes to COVID shilling.

I believe the information coming from reliable scientific and governmental sources like the ONS, actually. But thanks for noting my intent 👍
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And what evidence do you have to dismiss these numbers ?

How do you think doctors diagnoses a patient as positives ? They can just declare someone positive out of thin air?

How can you claim something is fake if you dont have any evidence to prove it ?

Or you decide to dismiss the reports because it fears you?

Hopefully this isnt your source

Trust me bro

Come on, bro...


I have no idea how the US numbers actualy represent people dying from covid.

But shouldnt that be settled by comparing with deaths from other sources?

I mean, wouldnt a normal day have about 5000-10000 deaths in US? Like 10k during winter and 5k during summer or something? (extrapolating from the 250 a day number here in Sweden and adjusting for population)

Do you still have the same number of deaths from cancer and such each day? Since these are not seasonal they should stay pretty flat.


And how do you know they're reliable?

Did these same sources say masks didn't do diddly shit like many did at the beginning of all this?

How do you know the sources you’re believing are reliable?

And who’s more likely to be reliable? Scientific organisations independent of politics, or the people you’re listening to here and on social media?
I have no idea how the US numbers actualy represent people dying from covid.

But shouldnt that be settled by comparing with deaths from other sources?

I mean, wouldnt a normal day have about 5000-10000 deaths in US? Like 10k during winter and 5k during summer or something? (extrapolating from the 250 a day number here in Sweden and adjusting for population)

Do you still have the same number of deaths from cancer and such each day? Since these are not seasonal they should stay pretty flat.
Last I heard, nearly every single non-COVID death type in the US is down during COVID, including things like Heart Attacks, which should in fact be up since like all respiratory diseases COVID increases the rate of Heart attacks slightly.

It's hard to look at that as anything but deaths being called COVID in spite of being deaths that would have happened anyway, under another name.
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