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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Sweden goes nto lock down with masks 🤣 you had a nice run guys , now you fucked yourselves .. this shit needs to be contained..

Wuhan lockdown is the best lock down , economy rebounds faster and you can start living sooner .

but I guess we will know this in another year 🤡🤓

do you guys still like Sweden’s approach 🦠😱
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Gold Member

What a stupid article.

Nobody is asking for perfect or 100% ironclad evidence of masks working, they are asking for explanations of why masks aren't doing what the mask lunatics say is going to happen. Likewise, nobody is demanding 100% evidence that lockdowns are awesome and great, but merely whether they are (A) legally justifiable over any more than a very short timeframe (like 1-2 weeks), (B) whether or not they are effective enough to justify their incredible and terrible costs, and (C) whether or not it is even worth pursuing considering what it is we are fighting, which is a flu-like virus that is especially dangerous in the very old and very sick and relatively harmless in everyone else.

The problem with THIS article is that it takes as assumed that COVID-19 is some uniquely evil and incredible pandemic that must be stopped at any and all costs no matter what.


Gold Member
Sweden goes nto lock down with masks 🤣 you had a nice run guys , now you fucked yourselves .. this shit needs to be contained..

Wuhan lockdown is the best lock down , economy rebounds faster and you can start living sooner .

but I guess we will know this in another year 🤡🤓

do you guys still like Sweden’s approach 🦠😱

China didn't tell the truth about any of this, they are living now because they chose to live.

What they did or didn't lock down in March has no bearing on today, as we see in other "hard and fast" lockdown countries in the same latitude like South Korea.

Sweden's approach was and still is the correct one.
What a stupid article.

Nobody is asking for perfect or 100% ironclad evidence of masks working, they are asking for explanations of why masks aren't doing what the mask lunatics say is going to happen. Likewise, nobody is demanding 100% evidence that lockdowns are awesome and great, but merely whether they are (A) legally justifiable over any more than a very short timeframe (like 1-2 weeks), (B) whether or not they are effective enough to justify their incredible and terrible costs, and (C) whether or not it is even worth pursuing considering what it is we are fighting, which is a flu-like virus that is especially dangerous in the very old and very sick and relatively harmless in everyone else.

The problem with THIS article is that it takes as assumed that COVID-19 is some uniquely evil and incredible pandemic that must be stopped at any and all costs no matter what.
Read this juicy part:
making the system perfectly fair requires a degree of control and policing that is unrealistic. Justice in the real world, especially when controlling whole populations, is inevitably imperfect.

Sorry we destroyed your life, but justice is imperfect. The gall on these fucking people. Justice is found in allowing people to make their own choices and dealing with the consequences of those choices. These people think they get to decide what “justice” is for everybody. The absolute ego is astounding.




So the US is debating right now if they should give the vaccine to people who are going to die or if social justice and diversity is more important.

This is the "science" we are supposed to trust LOL.

This whole virus is about people pushing agendas.

Yes there is a real virus, it kills old people, outside of that it isn't a unique virus for the general population.

But enough people have latched onto it to push an agenda and its in our faces.

Airbus Jr

I find it ironic that this page is dedicated for people that cared about covid 19 development

Only to find out that its swarmed by people like prag, carlos rox and Joe T... basically the conspiracy theorist..that constantly questioned the existence of the virus itself...despite the death of our coleagues..families...brother and sister around us..in which i found their ignorance....their unwillingness....to admit the situation here is very concerning, insulting and sad...

The latter name even describes Covid 19 as nothing but an amalgamation of cancer, flu, tumours and other disease...

I mean.... its been..like what...691 pages here....and this is your definition of covid 19 ? Dear god....

Denying medical journal with Twitter quote as reference...

Shows you how litle these folks understand about the disease...
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I find it ironic that this page is dedicated for people that cared about covid 19 development

Only to find out that its swarmed by people like prag, carlos rox and Joe T... basically the conspiracy theorist..that constantly questioned the existence of the virus itself...despite the death of our coleagues..families...brother and sister around us..in which i found their ignorance....their unwillingness....to admit the situation here is very concerning, insulting and sad...

The latter name even describes Covid 19 as nothing but an amalgamation of cancer, flu, tumours and other disease...

I mean.... its been..691 pages here....and this is your definition of covid 19 ? Dear god....

Denying medical journal with Twitter quote as reference...

Shows you how litle these folks understand about the disease...

Good thing we've got posters like you who are beacons of knowledge.

Airbus Jr

Good thing we've got posters like you who are beacons of knowledge.
Youre damn right i am

If youre looking at their comment theres nothing positive...theres no positive value you can get from these people...

They add absolutely nothing to the disccusion here...

Everytime theres a poster trying to talk about covid the same group of people alway tried to ridicule and mock him...

These people have zero empathy and lack of respect for people who suffers from covid 19....
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So the US is debating right now if they should give the vaccine to people who are going to die or if social justice and diversity is more important.

This is the "science" we are supposed to trust LOL.

This whole virus is about people pushing agendas.

Yes there is a real virus, it kills old people, outside of that it isn't a unique virus for the general population.

But enough people have latched onto it to push an agenda and its in our faces.
I'm a right leaning guy but you're to the right what the average reeee user is to the left. No reason, just spouting constant bullshit and posting rediculous threads with conspiracy theories from idiotic sources.

How anyone can take you serious I have no idea.

Your downplaying of this virus is just stupid. I don't work in the medical field but atleast I have some respect for what they do and if wearing a mask in public spaces helps keep some stress of their backs I'd do it.
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Ah the "people like you are the reason COVID keeps spreading" argument.

And who says we don't wear masks (only when mandated of course) ?

Do you think we're throwing 100 people parties and making out with strangers?

Fuck off with that rhetoric.

Maybe you should think about why the governments of the world have been pushing this shit like it's the end of the world but refuse to lockdown and "flatten the curve in 2 weeks" when they've had 8 months to fucking do so.

The funny thing is you say trust these people when they haven't done jack fuckin' shit but impose guidelines that suck my dick.

The ironic thing is if I was in charge I woulda made sure things got locked down/forced masks from early on. So do I know better than your precious health authorities?

It's either serious, or it's not, and they won't make up their mind about it. Why do people treat it like it's funny? Why does the BC GOVERNMENT run a quippy, jokey COVID ad? Isn't this thing supposed to be DEADLY SERIOUS??

If you wanna be pissed at somebody be pissed at them for their fucking lies and incompetence. It's THEIR JOB to figure this shit out. THEY HAD ONE JOB. But dumbfucks like Fauci forgot to carry over the 0 I guess and straight up told everyone masks don't do shit. GOOD JOB THERE. Incompetent fuck.


This isn't even the (paid for by COVID) ad I was talking about, but it's similar enough cuz retard ads like this appear to be all the rage right now.

Oh how HILARIOUS! People are dropping like flies left and right and EVERYBODY IS DYING but look how fuuuuuuuuunny this ad is.

Hilarious! And covidloves.ca ? Sounds about right cuz it seems people genuinely fucking love COVID and must masturbate to it furiously on the reg.

Make up. Your fucking. Mind.

It's either deadly serious or it's not. Which is it?
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I'm a right leaning guy but you're to the right what the average reeee user is to the left. No reason, just spouting constant bullshit and posting rediculous threads with conspiracy theories from idiotic sources.

How anyone can take you serious I have no idea.

Your downplaying of this virus is just stupid. I don't work in the medical field but atleast I have some respect for what they do and if wearing a mask in public spaces helps keep some stress of their backs I'd do it.

blah blah blah.

I don't downplay the virus I just posts the facts, the actual deaths from the virus.

And F off with your mask shaming. I have been wearing a mask since April. Sick and tired of you people. You were probably one of those aholes that would of told me to not wear a mask and called me a hoarder back then when everyone including Dr . Tam was telling us Canadians to not wear a mask.

I have a very close friend who works in a hospital so I know whats going in them. So ya neither of work in the medical field but at least I know some very well who does and I hear each night how non busy the hospital is for COVID (but busy for everything else because it is winter right now).

I guess my thread on how Ontario only found 57 asymptomatic cases in Toronto schools for a positivity rate of below 2 % is ridiculous conspiracy theories and now the Toronto Star is an idiotic source.

Is the NY TIMES a ridecoulus source (while I guess it actually is) where they wrote an article about how the CDC is debating on how to give the vaccine and will vote on giving it to old people or essential workers because old people are white and not diverse? I guess thats just a conspiracy too LOL.

Anyways no one forces you to read my posts, put me on ignore and you won't have to read anything. Its pretty simple.

Here is an idiotic source that is full of conspiracies, the Quebec government.

0-4 years0-0-
5-9 years0-0-
10-19 years0-0-
20-29 years0-< 5n.p.
30-39 years0-< 5n.p.
40-49 years0-16* 5.8
50-59 years< 5n.p.7328.5
60-69 years0-238110.0
70-79 years7n.p.634438.7
80 years and more6463.62,7732,756.7

You don't need to have any conspiracies' when you look at those numbers. If shit is different where you live so be it. Thats my reality.

Government are bunch of idiots who ruined my city over a virus that is not much more than the regular flu for young people, while doing jack shit to protect the elderly and allowing thousands to die. But hey I am an idiot, just trust these dummies who fucked everything up.

Joe T.

I'm a right leaning guy but you're to the right what the average reeee user is to the left. No reason, just spouting constant bullshit and posting rediculous threads with conspiracy theories from idiotic sources.

How anyone can take you serious I have no idea.

Your downplaying of this virus is just stupid. I don't work in the medical field but atleast I have some respect for what they do and if wearing a mask in public spaces helps keep some stress of their backs I'd do it.

The pandemic and the truth can't co-exist. You believe one or you believe the other. It's that simple.



I find it ironic that this page is dedicated for people that cared about covid 19 development

Only to find out that its swarmed by people like prag, carlos rox and Joe T... basically the conspiracy theorist..that constantly questioned the existence of the virus itself...despite the death of our coleagues..families...brother and sister around us..in which i found their ignorance....their unwillingness....to admit the situation here is very concerning, insulting and sad...

The latter name even describes Covid 19 as nothing but an amalgamation of cancer, flu, tumours and other disease...

I mean.... its been..like what...691 pages here....and this is your definition of covid 19 ? Dear god....

Denying medical journal with Twitter quote as reference...

Shows you how litle these folks understand about the disease...
Who said the virus doesn't exist? 691 pages, too many of which have been filled with relentless fear porn and chicken littles like you cowering behind your face diapers. As Joe T has been demonstrating, dig even a millimeter underneath the surface and the narrative very quickly breaks down and falls apart. Even if you just use entities like the WHO's own words, as in the post above.

You've been had. We've all been deceived. But some of us were smart enough to realize it very quickly, and more and more are coming around every day. Maybe you'll get there some day.
I find it ironic that this page is dedicated for people that cared about covid 19 development

Only to find out that its swarmed by people like prag, carlos rox and Joe T... basically the conspiracy theorist..that constantly questioned the existence of the virus itself...despite the death of our coleagues..families...brother and sister around us..in which i found their ignorance....their unwillingness....to admit the situation here is very concerning, insulting and sad...

The latter name even describes Covid 19 as nothing but an amalgamation of cancer, flu, tumours and other disease...

I mean.... its been..like what...691 pages here....and this is your definition of covid 19 ? Dear god....

Denying medical journal with Twitter quote as reference...

Shows you how litle these folks understand about the disease...
For the life of me, I cannot understand why this bothers people. Whether someone believes in the virus or not really doesn't matter. Its going to do what its going to do. The masks clearly are not helping very much because almost everyone is wearing them in public. I know it can be comforting to blame the "no mask people" rather than accept that they just aren't doing anything. Its staring us all in the face though. Maybe they help a little, but clearly its not the people who refuse to wear masks that are doing a majority of the spreading. The US doesn't have the patience or the ability to tolerate the months long, hard lock down that would be necessary to make an actual difference. Maybe we would if the first one wasn't such a wasted effort. But they burned people's trust and burned through too much money.

So this is where we are now. I could not care less if people don't think the virus is real or they don't want to wear a mask or whatever. I hope most people take precautions as best they can, but the truth is, its not making any difference.


Video: Coalition calls for strict 4-week LA County lockdown to control COVID-19 surge (12/18/20)

"A coalition of Los Angeles-area unions are calling for a sweeping month-long countywide lockdown next month to bring the surge of COVID-19 cases and deaths under control."

People really just need to stop shitting on each other. There is so much "covidiot" vs "sheep" talk when the truth is we don't fucking know. No one really knows what to do. We are lucky this isn't killing 4% of those infected, like people were saying back in March. Somewhere between 5-10 times worse than the flu and it effects most often the very old and very sick. How much of our society can we burn down to save some unknown number of people before it stops being worth it? No one even wants to have the conversation because it sounds callous to do it. But its the only thing that actually matters.

There is a point where what we are doing in a (somewhat futile) effort to save lives becomes more destructive than the virus. And screeching "NOTHING IS MORE VALUABLE THAN HUMAN LIFE" doesn't change that. Its the argument of the coward who can't face reality.

Its also not helpful to tell everyone who is worried about this or thinks we need to do some sort of restriction is a sheep. People are afraid. Maybe overly so, but people also don't want to lose their 67 year old mom when they expected her to live another 15-20 years. I mean that's the way life is sometimes, but that's a scary prospect. Giving someone the statistics about survival rates might help a little, but I have seen enough people watch their family members die to know that fear is not completely unfounded. People are allowed to be afraid and anxious. Its normal.

The truth of the matter is there is almost nothing we can do. I think most of us take the basic precautions as best we can manage. We don't all agree all the time and maybe a few people even think the virus is made up. Who cares? A big part of life people cannot accept these days is that so much of life is outside our control. But it can be comforting to realize that. I makes you stop trying so hard to control everything when you realize you can’t. Do the things you can. Lose weight, exercise, try to bring yourself to wear a mask (even if its just to make other people happy), take your vitamins, wash your hands. These are things we can do. But if people want to go out for dinner, so be it. If that scares you, don't go.

Most of this craziness isn't from the virus. Its from people trying to control other people. Its not working and its just making us angry at each other.
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There is finally a proper, peer reviewed study of how dangerous covid is compared to influenza, published in a quality journal.

Covid = 3 x influenza

A good article, of course missing everyone not hospitalized, so there is no way of knowing the real difference in IFR.

There should be even more debate about how things like obesity actualy will affect our societies going forward.


There is finally a proper, peer reviewed study of how dangerous covid is compared to influenza, published in a quality journal.

Covid = 3 x influenza

Pfft. What does The Lancet know, though?

There are plenty of random people on Twitter that says it’s not that dangerous at all! There’s more of them than just The Lancet... and what do experts know anyway?

Twitter MUST know more about Covid than the professional, peer reviewed medical community. After all, I don’t know anyone who got Covid bad, so it’s all a lie. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


Gold Member
The primary point of that study should be that if you’re fat, it’s time to lose weight. This is also something we have known for months although everyone in power refuses to say it.

Still no justification to destroy society and the economy though.
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China didn't tell the truth about any of this, they are living now because they chose to live.

What they did or didn't lock down in March has no bearing on today, as we see in other "hard
The primary point of that study should be that if you’re fat, it’s time to lose weight. This is also something we have known for months although everyone in power refuses to say it.

Still no justification to destroy society and the economy though.
after almost a year you still don’t understand the impact of this virus .. it’s pretty sad , that there is a big piece of the earths population that has the same thinking ...

Yet the examples are all available, Wuhan , got out of it after a strict lock down , Australia and New Zealand the same . Sweden fucked them selves with thinking they could get away with it ..

Stockholm hospitals are full and health care workers stressed beyond what they can handle ...

The Netherlands with our light lockdown is also royally fucked now ..

this virus needs to be contained with strict Wuhan lockdown

winter is coming 🤡


Gold Member
after almost a year you still don’t understand the impact of this virus .. it’s pretty sad , that there is a big piece of the earths population that has the same thinking ...

Yet the examples are all available, Wuhan , got out of it after a strict lock down , Australia and New Zealand the same . Sweden fucked them selves with thinking they could get away with it ..

Stockholm hospitals are full and health care workers stressed beyond what they can handle ...

The Netherlands with our light lockdown is also royally fucked now ..

this virus needs to be contained with strict Wuhan lockdown

winter is coming 🤡

South Korea had a hard lockdown too, let’s check in.


You have to be a total retard to think that what Wuhan did in March matters in December with a SEASONAL VIRUS. It is summer in Australia and New Zealand, COVID-19 will be back for them in a few months.
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Pfft. What does The Lancet know, though?

There are plenty of random people on Twitter that says it’s not that dangerous at all! There’s more of them than just The Lancet... and what do experts know anyway?

Twitter MUST know more about Covid than the professional, peer reviewed medical community. After all, I don’t know anyone who got Covid bad, so it’s all a lie. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
I think you’re mostly yelling at the clouds at this point. But the discussion here really isn’t about covid not being dangerous at all. I mean some people clearly don’t take it as seriously as you do, but that’s why we have the discussion.


I think you’re mostly yelling at the clouds at this point. But the discussion here really isn’t about covid not being dangerous at all. I mean some people clearly don’t take it as seriously as you do, but that’s why we have the discussion.

There are genuinely people in this discussion, and across GAF (and the internet as a whole for that matter) who actually believe they are well informed about this virus because of the things they read on social media. I enjoy taking the piss out of them due to this. I long ago gave up on trying to reason with anyone who will ignore information from The Lancet, CDC, ONS, WHO, JAMA & BMA, but will happily believe any old cunt on Twitter who claims to be an M.D or Professor (and a lot of other randoms who don’t even bother doing that).
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There are genuinely people in this discussion, and across GAF (and the internet as a whole for that matter) who actually believe they are well informed about this virus because of the things they read on social media. I enjoy taking the piss out of them due to this. I long ago gave up on trying to reason with anyone who will ignore information from The Lancet, CDC, ONS, WHO, JAMA & BMA, but will happily believe any old cunt on Twitter who claims to be an M.D or Professor.
Do what you want, obviously. I don’t think it’s a big deal if people believe crazy stuff because it isn’t making any difference. It’s pretty obvious now that we cannot control the spread of this either way. California is blowing up right now and it’s not because they didn’t take this seriously. Jesus. Florida has no restrictions essentially. At some point, we are going to realize we can’t stop this any more than we can stop the wind.


Do what you want, obviously. I don’t think it’s a big deal if people believe crazy stuff because it isn’t making any difference. It’s pretty obvious now that we cannot control the spread of this either way. California is blowing up right now and it’s not because they didn’t take this seriously. Jesus. Florida has no restrictions essentially. At some point, we are going to realize we can’t stop this any more than we can stop the wind.

Sorry, but the USA as a whole hasn’t taken it seriously. Not once has there been a concerted lockdown effort on a national scale. While nothing could have completely prevented the disease’s spread of course, the amount of cases and deaths could have been mitigated by a stronger, clearer, quicker response at a national level. But this is where politics come into the equation, of course.


Gold Member
Sorry, but the USA as a whole hasn’t taken it seriously. Not once has there been a concerted lockdown effort on a national scale. While nothing could have completely prevented the disease’s spread of course, the amount of cases and deaths could have been mitigated by a stronger, clearer, quicker response at a national level. But this is where politics come into the equation, of course.

The entire country was locked down from March through the end of May, stop lying.

Our timeframes and actions line up identically to Europe's.
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Sorry, but the USA as a whole hasn’t taken it seriously. Not once has there been a concerted lockdown effort on a national scale. While nothing could have completely prevented the disease’s spread of course, the amount of cases and deaths could have been mitigated by a stronger, clearer, quicker response at a national level. But this is where politics come into the equation, of course.
We will just have to agree disagree I guess. How many lives would we have saved? How long would the lockdown have to last to actually make a difference? What kind of damage is that going to do to a vast number of people? How much damage do we do to people’s lives before it’s worse than the damage to virus is doing? These are important questions.


The entire country was locked down from March through the end of May, stop lying.

Our timeframes and actions line up identically to Europe's.

Yep. People took it seriously nationwide from March through the end of May. Then the media literally had a COVID blackout for 2 weeks to cover the George Floyd protests and suddenly the governors who were ordering everyone to stay at home were marching shoulder to shoulder in gigantic mobs.

Their insatiable desire to virtue signal cooked the COVID goose in many states. Not to mention the lunacy of public health officials, doctors, scientists, etc, joining in on the fun and saying that the protests were “worth it” because systemic racism kills more than COVID. Meanwhile other people hadn’t left home in 2 months and had lost their jobs or seen their health worsen due to being unable to get non COVID care.


We will just have to agree disagree I guess. How many lives would we have saved? How long would the lockdown have to last to actually make a difference? What kind of damage is that going to do to a vast number of people? How much damage do we do to people’s lives before it’s worse than the damage to virus is doing? These are important questions.
Just have a look at China for an idea of lockdown length needed to tame this.

Wuhan was locked down for 11 weeks and that was the sort of average for the rest of the country. Now their economy is back to growth without second or third or prolonged COVID tsunamis.

Their strategy was suppression of the virus, not to live with it. But something else that escapes the west, is the fact that when you get it to a point where you know who has it and from whom or where they got it, you can start to live normally again, open the schools knowing that they won’t be a catalyst and restart nearly all of the economy.
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Gold Member
Just have a look at China for an idea of lockdown length needed to tame this.

Wuhan was locked down for 11 weeks and that was the sort of average for the rest of the country. Now their economy is back to growth without second or third or prolonged COVID tsunamis.

Their strategy was suppression of the virus, not to live with it. But something else that escapes the west, is the fact that when you get it to a point where you know who has it and from whom or where they got it, you can start to live normally again, open the schools knowing that they won’t be a catalyst and restart nearly all of the economy.

Not picking on you but why would anyone believe China's numbers or what they say? I really don't get it based on what we know. It's far more likely they filmed themselves welding a door shut, took a picture of a guy playing dead on the street with a mask on, and now only test symptomatic people and cover up the numbers. They have not been truthful this entire way, so it's strange to see people pointing to them as some sort of example.


Not picking on you but why would anyone believe China's numbers or what they say? I really don't get it based on what we know. It's far more likely they filmed themselves welding a door shut, took a picture of a guy playing dead on the street with a mask on, and now only test symptomatic people and cover up the numbers. They have not been truthful this entire way, so it's strange to see people pointing to them as some sort of example.
They have indeed told many lies. But, restarting their economy would have been almost impossible to hide.

Their lockdowns were fast and strict. Their strategy different. The results speak for themselves. If they fudged the numbers or not, people like us will never know as long as China remains communist unfortunately. I have had this discussion a few times with my partner. Some things are easy to hide others are not. Besides, just look at the difference in Asia compared to the rest of the world

As to people laying dead in the street.., it could have been a fucking heart attack ! People die in the streets all the time from shit like that. 2 years ago on a beach in the south of France, some guy died less than 20 meters from where we were.

Lastly, no need to add a disclaimer, I know that you are not attacking me dude. This is not a gaming side thread.


Gold Member
They have indeed told many lies. But, restarting their economy would have been almost impossible to hide.

Their lockdowns were fast and strict. Their strategy different. The results speak for themselves. If they fudged the numbers or not, people like us will never know as long as China remains communist unfortunately. I have had this discussion a few times with my partner. Some things are easy to hide others are not. Besides, just look at the difference in Asia compared to the rest of the world

As to people laying dead in the street.., it could have been a fucking heart attack ! People die in the streets all the time from shit like that. 2 years ago on a beach in the south of France, some guy died less than 20 meters from where we were.

Lastly, no need to add a disclaimer, I know that you are not attacking me dude. This is not a gaming side thread.

I think you are making the mistake of believing that the Chinese are thinking about it the same way our idiot officials are - with no new cases tolerated, mass testing, total hysteria, paranoia, this idea that we need functionally zero cases before we can do anything at all. I don't think that is the case in China at all. Like I said, I think they're just choosing to let life go on and test people when they show up sick at the doctor or hospital. Besides, as we see in South Korea, even if China shut down effectively last winter, it is now a new winter, this is a seasonal virus. There's no reason to think it wouldn't be back, and they would need new lockdowns which they obviously aren't doing.

I am referring to this, which was super effective in ratcheting up the fear in the west. Was this a China staged photo, or did the guy die of other causes, who knows, but it's clear that China wanted people to *think* it was a guy who dropped dead randomly of ro.

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Just have a look at China for an idea of lockdown length needed to tame this.

Wuhan was locked down for 11 weeks and that was the sort of average for the rest of the country. Now their economy is back to growth without second or third or prolonged COVID tsunamis.

Their strategy was suppression of the virus, not to live with it. But something else that escapes the west, is the fact that when you get it to a point where you know who has it and from whom or where they got it, you can start to live normally again, open the schools knowing that they won’t be a catalyst and restart nearly all of the economy.
Forgive me, but I cannot trust anything China says. They have proven to be wholly untrustworthy. Maybe they have this under control. Maybe they’re just saying they do. It’s nearly impossible to know.

There is truth to the idea that without this level of testing and media attention, most people would not really know anything was different. In the US, just a hair under 0.1% of people have died. That means about 1/1000. Most people don’t really know 1,000 people. So without social media, most people wouldn’t know anyone personally who has died.

That doesn’t mean we should stop trying to keep each other healthy and just go wild. But it does mean you could pretty effectively pretend nothing is happening if you didn’t talk about it.
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I think you are making the mistake of believing that the Chinese are thinking about it the same way our idiot officials are - with no new cases tolerated, mass testing, total hysteria, paranoia, this idea that we need functionally zero cases before we can do anything at all. I don't think that is the case in China at all. Like I said, I think they're just choosing to let life go on and test people when they show up sick at the doctor or hospital. Besides, as we see in South Korea, even if China shut down effectively last winter, it is now a new winter, this is a seasonal virus. There's no reason to think it wouldn't be back, and they would need new lockdowns which they obviously aren't doing.

I am referring to this, which was super effective in ratcheting up the fear in the west. Was this a China staged photo, or did the guy die of other causes, who knows, but it's clear that China wanted people to *think* it was a guy who dropped dead randomly of ro.

I don’t know man. A few cases pop up and China send in the cavalry and test whole cities. A quick google search will show you what I am talking about.

The problem I think is that people in the west have a hard time accepting just how fucking badly it has been managed.

Going back to zero cases, again you need to tie that in with your strategy. If you think that it is acceptable to go in and out of lockdown and shutting down swathes of the economy as it flares and the hospitals fill up , then ok it works.

But if you want to master the situation and control it in the best way possible, you need to know who has it, and from where they got it.

As the west and the northern hemisphere have shown since September. Opening everything, especially schools with minimal community spread is enough to fuck everything.
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