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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I don’t know man. A few cases pop up and China send in the cavalry and test whole cities. A quick google search will show you what I am talking about.

The problem I think is that people in the west have a hard time accepting just how fucking badly it has been managed.

Going back to zero cases, again you need to tie that in with your strategy. If you think that it is acceptable to go in and out of lockdown and shutting down swathes of the economy as it flares and the hospitals fill up , then ok it works.

But if you want to master the situation and control it in the best way possible, you need to know who has it, and from where they got it.

As the west and the northern hemisphere have shown since September. Opening everything, especially schools with minimal community spread is enough to fuck everything.
The mechanism that perhaps allow China to do that are the same that allow them to operate massive concentration camps for religious and political prisoners.

I’ll take this virus over that kind of society.


Forgive me, but I cannot trust anything China says. They have proven to be wholly untrustworthy. Maybe they have this under control. Maybe they’re just saying they do. It’s nearly impossible to know.

There is truth to the idea that without this level of testing and media attention, most people would not really know anything was different. In the US, just a hair under 0.1% of people have died. That means about 1/1000. Most people don’t really know 1,000 people. So without social media, most people wouldn’t know anyone personally who has died.

That doesn’t mean we should stop trying to keep each other healthy and just go wild. But it does mean you could pretty effectively pretend nothing is happening if you didn’t talk about it.
I don’t believe China either. But like I have stated, you cannot hide a working economy.


The mechanism that perhaps allow China to do that are the same that allow them to operate massive concentration camps for religious and political prisoners.

I’ll take this virus over that kind of society.
I didn’t condone China so don’t start implying that I am.


Looks as if London and the rest of south-east England will be going into stronger Tier 4 restrictions:

Yep. Deep joy. We’re all stuck indoors now, thanks to the fucking ineptitude of the government we‘re stuck with.

At least I got a big Amazon shop in today. Me and the missus will be holed up now for quite a while.

At least I’ll have Cyberpunk to pla -

...ah fuck.
I don’t believe China either. But like I have stated, you cannot hide a working economy.
The economy works just fine whether covid is present or not. The only reason we have shut businesses is because we choose to. Florida is basically completely open right now and is doing better than many states that are not.

I didn’t condone China so don’t start implying that I am.
Oh I know that. I am only saying the mechanism by which they are able to control their society tightly is open to abusive actions by the state. I do not want to live in a society with that much top down control, regardless of covid.


Video: Covid at Christmas // Covid-19 Vlog #29 (12/19/20)

I wanted to share my thoughts on the UK government's change in tone with regards to their "Smaller, shorter, safer" Covid-19 restrictions over the Christmas period; and how that links in to what we are seeing on the ground in hospitals.

Video: Should We End the Lockdowns? A Soho Forum Debate (12/19/20)

In an online Soho Forum debate on December 13, Martin Kulldorff, a Harvard biostatistician and epidemiologist and coauthor of the Great Barrington Declaration, debated Andrew Noymer, an associate professor of population health and disease prevention at the University of California, Irvine, who signed the John Snow Memorandum, in an Oxford-style debate. In this case, the contest ended in a tie: Both debaters convinced 5.56 percent of audience members to switch to their side over the course of the debate.

Video: From Haiti to New York, 5 filmmakers turn the camera on themselves during COVID | Quiet Time (12/19/20)

What happens to restless documentary filmmakers when the biggest story of our time is an invisible threat — impossible to capture on film? They turn the cameras on themselves and capture the human impact of coronavirus. Eager to make something of the moment, co-directors Marie-Philippe Gilbert and Van Royko reached out to friends and fellow filmmakers around the globe. Each was tasked with creating a short film addressing their experience during the global pandemic, recording the impact of COVID 19 on life, death, family, identity, food and immigration.

Video: The Country That Learned to Live With Covid-19 (12/15/20)

As nations around the world still struggle to contain Covid-19, South Korea’s early, focused, and perhaps controversial approach has kept loss of life and economic damage to a minimum.



Pfft. What does The Lancet know, though?

There are plenty of random people on Twitter that says it’s not that dangerous at all! There’s more of them than just The Lancet... and what do experts know anyway?

Twitter MUST know more about Covid than the professional, peer reviewed medical community. After all, I don’t know anyone who got Covid bad, so it’s all a lie. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Well first off the Lancet was caught publishing a fake study that they foughr tooth and nail not to retract.

But I think the study actually backs up what alot of us have said. Covid is just a really bad flu season. Its 3 times worse than the flu. Not 10 not 20 not 100 etc..

You remember world wide lockdowns and mass masking for the flu? Cops chocking out pregnant women?

500K people die but no one cares about those lifes? So masking shut downs only when 501K people die? Pretty uncaring.

Study also shows that fatties are a problem something many of us have said as well.

Personally I have no problem with mitigation and hygiene efforts. I wouldnt have an issue with masking if the deal was honored ans masking did lead to opening up.

My issue is thst our governments fucked up killed a shit ton of old people ruined economies and are taking more and more power. In Canada they have done the opposite of what they ares tasked with evidence by thr 10K 70+80 year olda that died while blaming the population for their failures while our charter of rights and freedoms goes brrrrr.


The entire COVID response in the Western world is one of the greatest examples of sunk-cost fallacy since Iraq and the WMDs. No one in charge wants to admit the response was overblown due to potential political ramifications, so they keep doubling down on their efforts and having random, inconsistent lockdowns that make them look like they're doing something.


Fuck me. This new variant is bloody virulent. Massive increase in infections across London and the south east. Good job it doesn’t appear to be any more deadly, but still scary at the speed of it.


Gold Member
This will all end like Manaus, Brazil. The virus will rip though everything until vaccination or herd immunity. And Manaus shows that 60% is not herd immunity, it may be around 85-90%.

In hindsight, the correct plan may have been to build enormous hospital barracks and crematories and have no lockdowns.



Fuck me. This new variant is bloody virulent. Massive increase in infections across London and the south east. Good job it doesn’t appear to be any more deadly, but still scary at the speed of it.

Can't wait to see what measures they come up with to stop COVID-20. We'll all be wearing masks, goggles, and face shields by spring 2021, I'm sure.
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Can't wait to see what measures they come up with to stop COVID-20. We'll all be wearing masks, goggles, and face shields by spring 2021, I'm sure.



When the North was screwed with the Virus earlier this year, the South just carried on as usual.

When the South is screwed with the virus, like now, the North has to be dragged along for the ride.

Merry Christmas.


UK now has a variation that’s 70 % more contagious 🤣 because of circulation which helped mutation . Wuhan lockdown was the answer in March.
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This will all end like Manaus, Brazil. The virus will rip though everything until vaccination or herd immunity. And Manaus shows that 60% is not herd immunity, it may be around 85-90%.

In hindsight, the correct plan may have been to build enormous hospital barracks and crematories and have no lockdowns.

In hindsight a 12 weeks Wuhan style lock down was the simple answer.
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Gold Member
In hindsight a 12 weeks Wuhan style lock down was the simple answer.

I really don’t think it’s possible in a non-totalitarian society where you are unable to drill people’s doors shut, and people aren’t collectively obedient.

This virus is a whack-a-mole that just keeps popping up wherever you slip a bit. We had weeks of Tier 3in London and still shit exploded, because the virus mutated to become more infections, undoing the benefits if Tier 3.

Same thing will happen with all other restrictions. Either the virus mutates to undo them, or it re-emerges from some obscure pocket when you loosen up again.


I really don’t think it’s possible in a non-totalitarian society where you are unable to drill people’s doors shut, and people aren’t collectively obedient.

This virus is a whack-a-mole that just keeps popping up wherever you slip a bit. We had weeks of Tier 3in London and still shit exploded, because the virus mutated to become more infections, undoing the benefits if Tier 3.

Same thing will happen with all other restrictions. Either the virus mutates to undo them, or it re-emerges from some obscure pocket when you loosen up again.
Oo its possible but a democracy isn’t helping .. in this case .. you need speed to tackle this not endless debating . You see it in almost all western countries.. yet they only had to copy the Asian approach.

studies in the nineties by our famous virus expert Ab Osterhaus show that a animal based virus mutates very quickly when you let it circulate to much .. and jumps to humans .. but his research was shut down because well yeah , why believe some one that is decades ahead of others .. with a warning that we could face a thread from these virus in the future, that was about 30 years ago . The world did nothing ... and now the world still doesn’t do enough .
I mean Einstein was even considered a nut in his time ..

Now people believe him 🤣 the lesson is , don’t let this circulate , because it will mutate , full lock down, only groceries and medicine stores open and even manage those that come. Basically Wuhan style. A mild version is also better to manage .

Governments and people basically fucked them selves this time around .
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Meh stop falling for propaganda. China didn't weld anyone into their homes. Wuhan lockdown was not much different than what we saw in places like the west. Lets not be daft you had European cities where you needed papers to leave your house and could only leave for 1 hour.

A guy from Russia made a video about Wuhan at the height of the lockdown and back then it was shocking, but with todays eyes it could have easily been any city in Europe/Canada/USA/Australia.

You want China style, no problem don't report asymptomatic cases and throw anyone who reports cases into the gulag. Only count deaths FROM COVID not "with" COVID. Then use media both legacy and social to quash all talk about the virus.

And China was going back to lockdowns and rolling out mass testing earlier this month so the virus isn't gone. They just don't incentivize their country to hype up the virus.


Meh stop falling for propaganda. China didn't weld anyone into their homes. Wuhan lockdown was not much different than what we saw in places like the west. Lets not be daft you had European cities where you needed papers to leave your house and could only leave for 1 hour.

A guy from Russia made a video about Wuhan at the height of the lockdown and back then it was shocking, but with todays eyes it could have easily been any city in Europe/Canada/USA/Australia.

You want China style, no problem don't report asymptomatic cases and throw anyone who reports cases into the gulag. Only count deaths FROM COVID not "with" COVID. Then use media both legacy and social to quash all talk about the virus.

And China was going back to lockdowns and rolling out mass testing earlier this month so the virus isn't gone. They just don't incentivize their country to hype up the virus.
Dude there was a lot wrong here , home repair shops open , schools open , most restaurants do take out ,to name a few .. all bad desisions .. it wasn’t like Wuhan at all .. it was half baked .. no disinfecting money or buildings and you see what the end result is . Endless openings and lock downs.
In Wuhan you could get food in a market and medicine that was it.
like I told you guys months ago . .. the west fucked them selves . It has become a endless soap.
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Fuck me. This new variant is bloody virulent. Massive increase in infections across London and the south east. Good job it doesn’t appear to be any more deadly, but still scary at the speed of it.

So far Covid 19 has been following a seasonal pattern, was able to predict what was going to happen in New york for example.
However there's been a rise in infections in South Africa lately and the exact same excuse is being used here. A new variant, litterally this term was only used a few days ago. The timing vs that of the UK with this new variant...

It's breaking the seasonal pattern over here. Were approaching summer, what I'm seeing is that of another variant.
But I'm highly suspicious of the timing. It's become the new buzz word, and you can expect more politicians to use it to justify extreme measures of lockdown.


So far Covid 19 has been following a seasonal pattern, was able to predict what was going to happen in New york for example.
However there's been a rise in infections in South Africa lately and the exact same excuse is being used here. A new variant, litterally this term was only used a few days ago. The timing vs that of the UK with this new variant...

It's breaking the seasonal pattern over here. Were approaching summer, what I'm seeing is that of another variant.
But I'm highly suspicious of the timing. It's become the new buzz word, and you can expect more politicians to use it to justify extreme measures of lockdown.
A virus of this type mutates very quickly, nothing to be suspicious about .


Dude there was a lot wrong here , home repair shops open , schools open , most restaurants do take out ,to name a few .. all bad desisions .. it wasn’t like Wuhan at all .. it was half baked .. no disinfecting money or buildings and you see what the end result is . Endless openings and lock downs.
In Wuhan you could get food in a market and medicine that was it.
like I told you guys months ago . .. the west fucked them selves . It has become a endless soap.

Not surprised you would beat off to the fantasy put out by CCP and other propagandist.

Sure in Jan/Feb this was shocking to us because we didn't go through it. But that looks no different than any Western City in March/April.

But keep pushing the propaganda that China was welding people into their homes. I mean think about it, if people in Wuhan were all welded into their homes for 12 weeks don't you think 100's of thousands would have died from starvation?

Like I said what to be like China simple:
1. only report sypmtomatic cases
2. deincentivize cases by threatning jail/excommunication
3. only count FROM COVID deaths not WITH COVID.

Bam you can be like China too and only have 4K Covid deaths and test 11 Million people and find basically no cases at all.


Gold Member
While I disagree with many points S sinnergy makes, the point of not letting it circulate to prevent mutation (rather than try to curb it) is a valid one and one I haven’t much considered.

At this point, being strict while the vaccines roll out in the next 6 months could make sense from that mutation point of view.

The world economy will collapse if the virus mutates to a form that the vaccinations are ineffective. The current stock rally is fully based on vaccine.

Joe T.

Dude there was a lot wrong here , home repair shops open , schools open , most restaurants do take out ,to name a few .. all bad desisions .. it wasn’t like Wuhan at all .. it was half baked .. no disinfecting money or buildings and you see what the end result is . Endless openings and lock downs.
In Wuhan you could get food in a market and medicine that was it.
like I told you guys months ago . .. the west fucked them selves . It has become a endless soap.

You clearly have no familiarity with "the west" when you throw it under the bus with such broad strokes. Do you live in China? I'm curious how you're so sure they are doing what you say they're doing when they showed jam packed classes, concerts and sporting arenas without any masks while the virus is obviously not eradicated.


While I disagree with many points S sinnergy makes, the point of not letting it circulate to prevent mutation (rather than try to curb it) is a valid one and one I haven’t much considered.

At this point, being strict while the vaccines roll out in the next 6 months could make sense from that mutation point of view.

The world economy will collapse if the virus mutates to a form that the vaccinations are ineffective. The current stock rally is fully based on vaccine.
Thanks , I am reasonably and into a good discussion, but for a couple of months now this thread is more about conspiracy than anything else .. which annoys me more than anything else . So I rather post as a daft cunt , there is no conspiracy.. there is a virus that’s needs to be handled ..

And the West is handeling it badly .


You clearly have no familiarity with "the west" when you throw it under the bus with such broad strokes. Do you live in China? I'm curious how you're so sure they are doing what you say they're doing when they showed jam packed classes, concerts and sporting arenas without any masks while the virus is obviously not eradicated.
I knew you would be the one that would reply with something like this ... no I am unbiased , I am born Dutch but my grand father was English.

if you only used some common sense you would see that a full Wuhan lockdown was the only way out .. I do have a good sense what is right in most cases.

the West is wrong in this case . So why would I champion them? Because I live here? Wrong is wrong ... and it clearly isn’t getting any better soon.. new mutations that are more contagious is one of the outcomes .. because this sucker you don’t want to circulate.. like I told here months ago.


You clearly have no familiarity with "the west" when you throw it under the bus with such broad strokes. Do you live in China? I'm curious how you're so sure they are doing what you say they're doing when they showed jam packed classes, concerts and sporting arenas without any masks while the virus is obviously not eradicated.

I posted the proof up above. The videos really don't show Wuhan any different then the west during its lockdown.

ITs all propaganda because at the time a lockdown of 11 million people seemed insane and crazy. We couldn't comprehend telling people to stay home and limiting store hours.

But watch the vids. Stores were still open, people were going there, there were a few cars here and there on the street. Really looks no different then NYC or Toronto in April of 2020.

One guy is walking around filming and goes into some supermarkets. Seems to go against the narrative that Wuhan welded all 11 million residents into their homes.

Its CCP propaganda to say he we crushed the virus because we locked everyone in their homes and they all listened to us and didn't move an inch.

The truth is they just lied about their numbers.

North Korea also beat the virus with 0 cases. Maybe we should follow their lead since not 1 person in NK died from the Rona.

Joe T.

I knew you would be the one that would reply with something like this ... no I am unbiased , I am born Dutch but my grand father was English.

if you only used some common sense you would see that a full Wuhan lockdown was the only way out .. I do have a good sense what is right in most cases.

the West is wrong in this case . So why would I champion them? Because I live here? Wrong is wrong ... and it clearly isn’t getting any better soon.. new mutations that are more contagious is one of the outcomes .. because this sucker you don’t want to circulate.. like I told here months ago.

You are 100% politically motivated when all you're doing is slamming "the west" for not taking more draconian measures, an especially curious position to hold given that no one did including China itself. It's all smoke and mirrors.

This is a casedemic based on PCR tests that are very clearly being misused. How do you defend that? You haven't yet and continue hoping everyone will forget it when you weaponize case numbers with total disregard for the harm that is causing.


So far Covid 19 has been following a seasonal pattern, was able to predict what was going to happen in New york for example.
However there's been a rise in infections in South Africa lately and the exact same excuse is being used here. A new variant, litterally this term was only used a few days ago. The timing vs that of the UK with this new variant...

It's breaking the seasonal pattern over here. Were approaching summer, what I'm seeing is that of another variant.
But I'm highly suspicious of the timing. It's become the new buzz word, and you can expect more politicians to use it to justify extreme measures of lockdown.

You‘re mental. Get help, mi laddo.


So far Covid 19 has been following a seasonal pattern, was able to predict what was going to happen in New york for example.
However there's been a rise in infections in South Africa lately and the exact same excuse is being used here. A new variant, litterally this term was only used a few days ago. The timing vs that of the UK with this new variant...

It's breaking the seasonal pattern over here. Were approaching summer, what I'm seeing is that of another variant.
But I'm highly suspicious of the timing. It's become the new buzz word, and you can expect more politicians to use it to justify extreme measures of lockdown.

The new varient referred by the UK today was first identified in September.

Don't know how much that throws your theory, but its a bit of context you might need to be aware of.


try to bring yourself to wear a mask (even if its just to make other people happy)
Most of this craziness isn't from the virus. Its from people trying to control other people.
Good post, but I take issue with this aspect. The mask bullshit is the absolute poster child for people trying to control other people.
There is truth to the idea that without this level of testing and media attention, most people would not really know anything was different. In the US, just a hair under 0.1% of people have died. That means about 1/1000. Most people don’t really know 1,000 people. So without social media, most people wouldn’t know anyone personally who has died.
Praise the sun. This is what I was saying in the spring, that I bet if the government/media had gone the other direction and sought to downplay and sweep this under the rug so as not to cause panic, they probably would have succeeded and we'd be no worse off in terms of human life, and far better off in terms of the economy. I still 100% believe this, though of course it cannot be conclusively proven either way. But I'm willing to bed that a "oh yeah there's this new especially bad flu strain going around; everybody wash your hands and try to take extra care to stay away from people when symptomatic" would have worked out much better overall.
I don’t believe China either. But like I have stated, you cannot hide a working economy.
See above. The idea that the economy "can't work" because of a marginal increase in people at or above the life expectency dying is ridiculous.
The economy works just fine whether covid is present or not. The only reason we have shut businesses is because we choose to. Florida is basically completely open right now and is doing better than many states that are not.
This. Look at California and then look at Florida. One has almost total freedom and the other has a bunch of petty tyrants jerking themselves off.
The entire COVID response in the Western world is one of the greatest examples of sunk-cost fallacy since Iraq and the WMDs. No one in charge wants to admit the response was overblown due to potential political ramifications, so they keep doubling down on their efforts and having random, inconsistent lockdowns that make them look like they're doing something.
This is another thing I suspected from the start, that no matter what happened, the powers that be would claim they had been vindicated. If it didn't go too badly, "see it's because we took measures". If it went poorly, "see it would have been even worse if we hadn't taken measures" etc.
Dude there was a lot wrong here , home repair shops open , schools open , most restaurants do take out ,to name a few .. all bad desisions .. it wasn’t like Wuhan at all .. it was half baked .. no disinfecting money or buildings and you see what the end result is . Endless openings and lock downs.
In Wuhan you could get food in a market and medicine that was it.
like I told you guys months ago . .. the west fucked them selves . It has become a endless soap.
You are basically a cartoon character at this point. If only we had disinfected our money, and made sure people had no means of repairing things in their home.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
edit: wrong thread
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UK version is also here in the Netherlands now 🤣 they knew it early December... but did nothing , amazing , it seems that I am one of the more sane persons . Idiots
that’s why the West is fucked , no swift action.
I knew something was wrong when I let me test 1 week ago , there where to many


Good post, but I take issue with this aspect. The mask bullshit is the absolute poster child for people trying to control other people.

Praise the sun. This is what I was saying in the spring, that I bet if the government/media had gone the other direction and sought to downplay and sweep this under the rug so as not to cause panic, they probably would have succeeded and we'd be no worse off in terms of human life, and far better off in terms of the economy. I still 100% believe this, though of course it cannot be conclusively proven either way. But I'm willing to bed that a "oh yeah there's this new especially bad flu strain going around; everybody wash your hands and try to take extra care to stay away from people when symptomatic" would have worked out much better overall.

See above. The idea that the economy "can't work" because of a marginal increase in people at or above the life expectency dying is ridiculous.

This. Look at California and then look at Florida. One has almost total freedom and the other has a bunch of petty tyrants jerking themselves off.

This is another thing I suspected from the start, that no matter what happened, the powers that be would claim they had been vindicated. If it didn't go too badly, "see it's because we took measures". If it went poorly, "see it would have been even worse if we hadn't taken measures" etc.

You are basically a cartoon character at this point. If only we had disinfected our money, and made sure people had no means of repairing things in their home.
Yet I am right and you guys go around in conspiracy circles 🤣🤡 and promoting disobedience, which only makes it worse .. look a new mutation because of circulation. Only wanting like minded anti lock down and hoax minded people in this thread .

bubububu I have no job .. yeah that’s what you get . Don’t let this shit circulate, obey the simple rules , wear a mask , wash your hands often , work from home if you can. The sooner you understand this , the faster you get to a more normal life.

but I fear this is lost for you lot, as we are in this situation for almost a year ...

lock downs winter and spring it is.
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I don’t know man. A few cases pop up and China send in the cavalry and test whole cities. A quick google search will show you what I am talking about.

The problem I think is that people in the west have a hard time accepting just how fucking badly it has been managed.

I'm in China and that's exactly right. A few reported outbreaks and localized lockdowns and things carry on as normal.


Two different "New Variants" appears in two completely different countries, causing an increase an exponential increase in cases in 7 days that would of normally taken 2 months.

See? You have no idea what you’re talking about. The U.K. strain was discovered in September.

Stop just believing half truths and Facebook posts that support your conspiracy theory desires, and actually do some research before posting, eh?


The new varient referred by the UK today was first identified in September.

Don't know how much that throws your theory, but its a bit of context you might need to be aware of.
So it's not this one?
LONDON - England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty confirmed Saturday that a new coronavirus variant which surfaced in the country could spread faster and called for greater public vigilance to reduce transmission.

"On Friday, 28,507 new daily positive tests were reported by the UK government. Cases last week grew 40.9 percent compared to a week earlier. "


See? You have no idea what you’re talking about. The U.K. strain was discovered in September.

Stop just believing half truths and Facebook posts that support your conspiracy theory desires, and actually do some research before posting, eh?

UK will have around 60 000 daily cases if I'm correct by next week. So won't have to wait too long to find out how wrong I am.


So it's not this one?
LONDON - England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty confirmed Saturday that a new coronavirus variant which surfaced in the country could spread faster and called for greater public vigilance to reduce transmission.

"On Friday, 28,507 new daily positive tests were reported by the UK government. Cases last week grew 40.9 percent compared to a week earlier. "

Yes, first traced in a test in September, that was identified in October. It takes a while for propagation of this strain and for it to have major effects on data, which is now what we're seeing.


When the North was screwed with the Virus earlier this year, the South just carried on as usual.

When the South is screwed with the virus, like now, the North has to be dragged along for the ride.

Merry Christmas.
What are the suicide counts for the north vs south since March?

Airbus Jr

Good post, but I take issue with this aspect. The mask bullshit is the absolute poster child for people trying to control other people.

Praise the sun. This is what I was saying in the spring, that I bet if the government/media had gone the other direction and sought to downplay and sweep this under the rug so as not to cause panic, they probably would have succeeded and we'd be no worse off in terms of human life, and far better off in terms of the economy. I still 100% believe this, though of course it cannot be conclusively proven either way. But I'm willing to bed that a "oh yeah there's this new especially bad flu strain going around; everybody wash your hands and try to take extra care to stay away from people when symptomatic" would have worked out much better overall.

See above. The idea that the economy "can't work" because of a marginal increase in people at or above the life expectency dying is ridiculous.

This. Look at California and then look at Florida. One has almost total freedom and the other has a bunch of petty tyrants jerking themselves off.

This is another thing I suspected from the start, that no matter what happened, the powers that be would claim they had been vindicated. If it didn't go too badly, "see it's because we took measures". If it went poorly, "see it would have been even worse if we hadn't taken measures" etc.

You are basically a cartoon character at this point. If only we had disinfected our money, and made sure people had no means of repairing things in their home.

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