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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member

How stupid do you have to be to still be pushing this line, when mask compliance is 90%+ in places with uncontrolled spread.

We. Cannot. Control. This. Virus. Stop acting like we can. This idea that our government will destroy society as “punishment” for not doing things that don’t work is one of the most odious I’ve ever seen.

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From reading a JPOST article there are 2 mutations a day at least and have been 1000 mutations already.

Boris is basing this 70% number on models.

Just like the millions dead models probably.

No one knows anything for now.

Airbus Jr

From reading a JPOST article there are 2 mutations a day at least and have been 1000 mutations already.

Boris is basing this 70% number on models.

Just like the millions dead models probably.

No one knows anything for now.

But not long ago youre telling us here that these disease are nothing but flu and only kills elderly

wonder what happened to that opinion
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Gold Member
From reading a JPOST article there are 2 mutations a day at least and have been 1000 mutations already.

Boris is basing this 70% number on models.

Just like the millions dead models probably.

No one knows anything for now.
Actually the fact that they’re basing this hysteria on their shitty garbage models makes me more hopeful.
But not long ago youre telling us here that these disease are nothing but flu and only kills elderly

wonder what happened to that opinion
Look at the data dude, not the CNN articles about the perfectly healthy 300 pound 45 year old whose last words were “take this virus seriously it could happen to you.”

so weird that the people who claim to be all about the science are unable to read and understand data. Actually it’s not weird because “science” as most people think is just listening to whoever the media approved who has letters after their name.
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The new South African variant hits young people , now with our careless circulation we have created a exact same scenario as the Spanish flu , good going 21st century 🤡 Germany and France now have high prio meetings about UK variant better add the South African one to the discussion..

Full Wuhan lockdown incoming.
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Gold Member
The new South African variant hits young people , now with our careless circulation we have created a exact same scenario as the Spanish flu , good going 21st century 🤡 Germany and France now have high prio meetings about UK variant better add the South African one to the discussion..

Full Wuhan lockdown incoming.
The virus is going to mutate, because it’s a virus. It can’t be eliminated and it’s not going away. As before we have to figure out how to live with it without voluntarily destroying our society.

there’s still no evidence of this “Wuhan lockdown” that you claim exists, just what China said when we know they lied about everything.
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From what I remember South Africa had a Wuhan style lockdown too. I remember they couldnt even buy cigarettes and the army was out.

We need North Korea style lockdowns. And shooting anyone suspected with COVID.

North Korea has 0 covid cases and 0 COVID deaths. Lets follow North Korea and Deer Leader.


The virus is going to mutate, because it’s a virus. It can’t be eliminated and it’s not going away. As before we have to figure out how to live with it without voluntarily destroying our society.

there’s still no evidence of this “Wuhan lockdown” that you claim exists, just what China said when we know they lied about everything.
Sure mutations happen with viruses , but it’s simple , if you let it spread and circulate, you are bound to see more , even more severe versions , so it’s stupid to let it spread ...


Gold Member
Sure mutations happen with viruses , but it’s simple , if you let it spread and circulate, you are bound to see more , even more severe versions , so it’s stupid to let it spread ...
Nobody “lets it spread”, it is a virus, doing what it is programmed to do. Humans cannot control this stuff like they think they can, remember all of human history, all diseases, we have eliminated two. That means all the others circulate and still do.

Also - mutations are less deadly not more in the long run. Use your brain, if viruses mutated to kill more then how would any of us exist? They would have wiped out humanity long ago.

until we learn more about this mutation and what it is, it’s not worth talking about. Remember Australia claimed they had a super mutation on their hands butit was just a lying pizza guy.
Yes they do

Oh wow. That’s for that handy graphic. I wonder why when mask compliance is at an all time high, case numbers all also at an all time high. It’s a mystery. Because it couldn’t be that the masks are ineffective. I mean look at that graphic. That looks really official. No need for actual studies or science. We have a graphic you found on the internet.


Oh wow. That’s for that handy graphic. I wonder why when mask compliance is at an all time high, case numbers all also at an all time high. It’s a mystery. Because it couldn’t be that the masks are ineffective. I mean look at that graphic. That looks really official. No need for actual studies or science. We have a graphic you found on the internet.
So you never imagined that it would be even higher without masks ... think about this ... 🤡😎
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Nobody “lets it spread”, it is a virus, doing what it is programmed to do. Humans cannot control this stuff like they think they can, remember all of human history, all diseases, we have eliminated two. That means all the others circulate and still do.

Also - mutations are less deadly not more in the long run. Use your brain, if viruses mutated to kill more then how would any of us exist? They would have wiped out humanity long ago.

until we learn more about this mutation and what it is, it’s not worth talking about. Remember Australia claimed they had a super mutation on their hands butit was just a lying pizza guy.
Spanish flu only wiped out out 60 million with restrictions 🤡

doesn’t mean you have to let viruses take so many . In this day and ago of knowledge and technology.
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From what I remember South Africa had a Wuhan style lockdown too. I remember they couldnt even buy cigarettes and the army was out.

We need North Korea style lockdowns. And shooting anyone suspected with COVID.

North Korea has 0 covid cases and 0 COVID deaths. Lets follow North Korea and Deer Leader.
Yes Italian style , with machine guns and everything, to keep people like you in check 😂 because you need to be handled like little babies .. reason has flown out of the window.
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The virus is going to mutate, because it’s a virus. It can’t be eliminated and it’s not going away. As before we have to figure out how to live with it without voluntarily destroying our society.

there’s still no evidence of this “Wuhan lockdown” that you claim exists, just what China said when we know they lied about everything.

They do mutate. But seeing as this virus has no problems infecting animals and humans alike, it wouldn't surprise me if in a couple of weeks it is announced that this strain has come from an animal. A cat or dog that got infected, then passed on the mutated strain.

From what I remember South Africa had a Wuhan style lockdown too. I remember they couldnt even buy cigarettes and the army was out.

We need North Korea style lockdowns. And shooting anyone suspected with COVID.

North Korea has 0 covid cases and 0 COVID deaths. Lets follow North Korea and Deer Leader.

Your lockdowns can be as strict as humanly possible. But if they are not long enough, then they are for nothing.

I know you al hate it when I say it. But China got it right with their lockdown length. 11 wks was enough to tame it. Other countries should have taken note.
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Gold Member
They do mutate. But seeing as this virus has no problems infecting animals and humans alike, it wouldn't surprise me if in a couple of weeks it is announced that this strain has come from an animal. A cat or dog that got infected, then passed on the mutated strain.

Your lockdowns can be as strict as humanly possible. But if they are not long enough, then they are for nothing.

I know you al hate it when I say it. But China got it right with their lockdown length. 11 wks was enough to tame it. Other countries should have taken note.

How do you account for seasonality? The virus is surely back in China whether they are saying so or not. South Korea locked down hard and fast and it is back.


How do you account for seasonality? The virus is surely back in China whether they are saying so or not. South Korea locked down hard and fast and it is back.
A seasonal virus like the flu still circulates in the summer but a lot less. The flu or any other viruses don't just reappear by magic in the winter. China or new zealand or taiwan or any other county that has successfully suppressed COVID will not see it reappear unless it is brought in.


Gold Member
A seasonal virus like the flu still circulates in the summer but a lot less. The flu or any other viruses don't just reappear by magic in the winter. China or new zealand or taiwan or any other county that has successfully suppressed COVID will not see it reappear unless it is brought in.
Well sure, a tiny island country might be able to do it but a massive country with hundreds of millions or a billion people like China, US, or Europe? No fucking way. It’s not happening. You need to do everything perfectly.

SouthKorea failed and that was a place that supposedly did do everything perfectly, compliant population, experience with similar pandemics, strict border controls, massive tracing program, etc etc etc. and they’re losing control.
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Well sure, a tiny island country might be able to do it but a massive country with hundreds of millions or a billion people like China, US, or Europe? No fucking way. It’s not happening. You need to do everything perfectly.

SouthKorea failed and that was a place that supposedly did do everything perfectly, compliant population, experience with similar pandemics, strict border controls, massive tracing program, etc etc etc. and they’re losing control.
It can be done and could have been done in the beginning. Ofcourse it is easier if you an island nation because you can better control your borders. But it doesn't mean that every country that shares a border is fucked.

The West and in particular the northern hemisphere although having lockdowns, had the wrong strategy and removed the restrictions too quickly. Their strategy should have been suppression, and the restrictions should have been lifted once they were in a position to be able to account for every remaining case. Then with correct border control, you can start to go back to normal.

Instead they shot their load prematurely, told everyone to live with the virus without helping people understand their potential role in the transmission chain, and lied constantly about the affect kids and schools would have once September rolled around.

Now everyone is speed running it until vaccinations are widely available to the general public, because the first lockdowns emptied the coffers and there isn't any money left implement a regime of complete surpression. Where as a one and done lockdown, which they should have done at the beginning, would have most probably spared to economy the prolonged suffering. The money that they thought they would save earlier in the year with shorter lockdowns has more than likely been spent twice over. And the end is still months away...

Airbus Jr

Oh wow. That’s for that handy graphic. I wonder why when mask compliance is at an all time high, case numbers all also at an all time high. It’s a mystery. Because it couldn’t be that the masks are ineffective. I mean look at that graphic. That looks really official. No need for actual studies or science. We have a graphic you found on the internet.

Whatever fearmongering agenda you do will not work

You can deny as much as you like but mask has proven to reduce airborne transmition significantly

At this point youre basically being stupid for ignoring it because these are actually WHO mandatory safety procedure in public places
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They do mutate. But seeing as this virus has no problems infecting animals and humans alike, it wouldn't surprise me if in a couple of weeks it is announced that this strain has come from an animal. A cat or dog that got infected, then passed on the mutated strain.

Your lockdowns can be as strict as humanly possible. But if they are not long enough, then they are for nothing.

I know you al hate it when I say it. But China got it right with their lockdown length. 11 wks was enough to tame it. Other countries should have taken note.

Pretty much every other country had 11 week lockdowns.

Canada was lock down from End of March till Mid May. Thats pretty much 11 weeks right there. US March 15th til Mid May. Europe same thing.

China didn't do anything different then the west. I posted videos on the other page of what life was like in Wuhan during their lockdown. It was shocking back then, now its normal and exactly what we saw in the rest of the world.

You can search my post and see the videos. Even supermarkets and pharmacies were open. There were cars and people on the street even.

And explain this. Where I live our cases dropped into the 20's even single digits from end of May till September. Deaths flatlined as well where we were having a handful a week.

how did this all happen after we ended our lockdowns on May 25th if where I live didn't do it properly? If we got our numbers down to Wuhan levels then how did the virus come back all of a sudden? And I don't live in DRUMPF land I live in Canada.

Long lockdowns were tried they failed, masking was tried it failed. The only thing that wasn't tried was protecting the elderly vulnerable population.


Pretty much every other country had 11 week lockdowns.

Canada was lock down from End of March till Mid May. Thats pretty much 11 weeks right there. US March 15th til Mid May. Europe same thing.

China didn't do anything different then the west. I posted videos on the other page of what life was like in Wuhan during their lockdown. It was shocking back then, now its normal and exactly what we saw in the rest of the world.

You can search my post and see the videos. Even supermarkets and pharmacies were open. There were cars and people on the street even.

And explain this. Where I live our cases dropped into the 20's even single digits from end of May till September. Deaths flatlined as well where we were having a handful a week.

how did this all happen after we ended our lockdowns on May 25th if where I live didn't do it properly? If we got our numbers down to Wuhan levels then how did the virus come back all of a sudden? And I don't live in DRUMPF land I live in Canada.

Long lockdowns were tried they failed, masking was tried it failed. The only thing that wasn't tried was protecting the elderly vulnerable population.
France had an 8wk lockdown and the UK for example was locked down for around 6 wks. I don't have a list of every country in Europe. But they were not equal to or above Chinas. Mid march to mid may is only 8 - 9 wks. Grab a calender and have a look.

How did it all happen.... There was still unaccounted for community spread, that was left unchecked until schools opened in September. Then with all the kids going back to school, this created massive household linkage, coupled with everyone back in the office and whatnot, which enabled the virus to spread like never before. Look at the figures for the northern hemisphere. It exploded everywhere mid september..

You don't need to be a genius to know that keeping people apart and thus stopping the virus from finding new hosts is the best and most effective thing in stopping it. Quarantines have been used for centuries for this reason. They work, and I am sorry, but no amount of arguing against them changes reality. But like I have said that option has passed. That widow of opportunity was only open at the beginning. Trying to do the same thing now in Europe for example would need a trillion dollar economic package behind it. Kind of like the Marshall plan for the late 40s. Just this time Europe doesn't have a benefactor, and the EU would tear itself to shreds trying to come up with an economic aid package like that.
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Whatever fearmongering agenda you do will not work

You can deny as much as you like but mask has proven to reduce airborne transmition significantly

At this point youre basically being stupid for ignoring it because these are actually WHO mandatory safety procedure in public places
I’m all for it. It just isn’t working. I know that hurts you because then you can’t blame “anti maskers”. But you know the masks aren’t working because the evidence right in front of all of us. Increased mask compliance has not decrease transmission. It’s really that simple. The masks are not effective. I’m sure that scares you, but it’s obvious.


Oh wow. That’s for that handy graphic. I wonder why when mask compliance is at an all time high, case numbers all also at an all time high. It’s a mystery. Because it couldn’t be that the masks are ineffective. I mean look at that graphic. That looks really official. No need for actual studies or science. We have a graphic you found on the internet.
The figure is actually from an article in the journal Science

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Airbus Jr

I’m all for it. It just isn’t working. I know that hurts you because then you can’t blame “anti maskers”. But you know the masks aren’t working because the evidence right in front of all of us.

Any proof / evidence for you claim that mask doesnt offer any protection at all ? Or im calling bulshit on that one

Im talking about real scientific evidence like British Medical Journal...American Lungs Association...Medscape...google schoolar etc any reputable source that can back up your statement...

Dont be like your fellow friend Joe T using Twitter or Facebook as source reference
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Any proof / evidence for your bs claim that mask doesnt offer any protection at all ? Or im calling bulshit on that one

Im talking about real scientific evidence like British Medical Journal...American Lungs Association...Medscape...google schoolar etc any reputable source that can back up your statement...

Dont be like your fellow friend Joe T using Twitter as source reference


Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

We did not consider the use of respirators in the community. Respirators are tight-fitting masks that can protect the wearer from fine particles (37) and should provide better protection against influenza virus exposures when properly worn because of higher filtration efficiency. However, respirators, such as N95 and P2 masks, work best when they are fit-tested, and these masks will be in limited supply during the next pandemic. These specialist devices should be reserved for use in healthcare settings or in special subpopulations such as immunocompromised persons in the community, first responders, and those performing other critical community functions, as supplies permit.

In lower-income settings, it is more likely that reusable cloth masks will be used rather than disposable medical masks because of cost and availability (38). There are still few uncertainties in the practice of face mask use, such as who should wear the mask and how long it should be used for. In theory, transmission should be reduced the most if both infected members and other contacts wear masks, but compliance in uninfected close contacts could be a problem (12,34). Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission (39). Thus, education on the proper use and disposal of used face masks, including hand hygiene, is also needed.

N95s properly have the best chance. But forget about it in the general public because they will be using shitty china masks or neck gaiters and as Fauci said people are too stupid to use masks and will be spreading schmutz all over their faces when they touch the mask.

All this mask talk is just increasing the spread. If you look at when places implemented mask mandates you will usually see a surge after that.

Take 2 health care professionals, give them n95's and other gear, and then they dispose of the mask every time they leave an area and take a new one for a new area and sure masks will help reduce the spread.

Tell joe public to wear a piece of cloth that they throw on the seat of their car and you just helped spread the virus.

But its easier to blame the 10% of people who don't wear masks and other boogeyman, then to be honest and say like all the policies that have been implemented, they have been done in a ass backwards unscientific way that hasn't helped and only hurt.
Any proof / evidence for your bs claim that mask doesnt offer any protection at all ? Or im calling bulshit on that one

Im talking about real scientific evidence like British Medical Journal...American Lungs Association...Medscape...google schoolar etc any reputable source that can back up your statement...

Dont be like your fellow friend Joe T using Twitter as source reference
Oh I’m not saying they offer no protection. I wear them. I’m sure it does something. I’m referring specifically to the stupid meme you posted. That anti mask people will be the reason for lockdowns. The reason for the lockdowns will be because the masks are not working well enough. Not because people are not wearing them.
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Looks like England is being involuntary quarantened, more and more countries are stopping flights/requiring a clear test. This over the fears of the new strain of Covid that supposedly is 70% more contagious.

Looks like Sweden is following suit tomorrow and the EU will have a extra convention over how to approach this.

Just watched new premiere of The Stand (remake of the 90's tv show) as I read it.. :p
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not tag worthy
Looks like England is being involuntary quarantened, more and more countries are stopping flights/requiring a clear test. This over the fears of the new strain of Covid that supposedly is 70% more contagious.

Looks like Sweden is following suit tomorrow and the EU will have a extra convention over how to approach this.

Just watched new premiere of The Stand (remake of the 90's tv show) as I read it.. :p
my xmas plans fucked then, was flying home tomorrow but now I can't


Maybe the WHO should have listened to Taiwan when they warned them about China lying about Human 2 Human transmission.

Taiwan great for infographics to dunk on people, bad for listening to about China lies and China virus. If I was a doctor at the WHO I would pretend I can't read your post and then disconnect the call when you showed it to me again.

Good news, well, potentially good news, experts are saying the mutation in the UK will most likely still respond to the vaccine. As a mutation significant enough to nullify the vaccines would take years or more, not 10 months. So we can all take a sigh of relief. Seems the only danger to it is it does indeed spread faster. But it's not more deadly so thats good.


not tag worthy
Good news, well, potentially good news, experts are saying the mutation in the UK will most likely still respond to the vaccine. As a mutation significant enough to nullify the vaccines would take years or more, not 10 months. So we can all take a sigh of relief. Seems the only danger to it is it does indeed spread faster. But it's not more deadly so thats good.
how does this spread have the identified actual way it is?
how does this spread have the identified actual way it is?
Admittedly I'm not savvy enough to answer this with a high level of confidence. The other countries in Europe shutting all their shit down though would indicate there are people who are savvy and know this stuff that see it as a pretty sizable issue. The German health minister just confirmed the vaccines will still work though so thats good.

Joe T.


not sure if true, but sad if it is.

Florida tests more people in a single day than Taiwan has tested in total since this pandemic began. Using the mainstream media's own metric for success (re: mass testing), Taiwan has been an abject failure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Taken from the Covid Tracking Project:

Taiwan's cumulative testing numbers are only at 118,585 on the 17th of Dec according to OurWorldInData (resized):



not sure if true, but sad if it is.
You really wanna go there?

Taiwan is a tiny island that closed its borders two months before the US did against WHO's recommendation.

This comparing countries is stupid when they all report cases and deaths differently.

Compare Florida to California and New York.

I'd much rather live in Florida right now than CA or NY. My CA and NY friends are cancelling Christmas meetings. My friends in Texas and Florida are living a relatively normal life (and they aren't anti-maskers).

Rogan has been less scared of COVID ever since moving to Texas. In my case I was never scared because I was in foreign countries that had no strict shutdowns, just border closures and partial lockdowns where people were gathering the whole time anyway.

The only thing that scared me this year is how easily scared into submission the masses are.


Maybe the WHO should have listened to Taiwan when they warned them about China lying about Human 2 Human transmission.

Taiwan great for infographics to dunk on people, bad for listening to about China lies and China virus. If I was a doctor at the WHO I would pretend I can't read your post and then disconnect the call when you showed it to me again.

Yeah, it seems that in the eyes of the WHO that they consider Taiwan part of China.
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