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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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See. There it is. “Don’t think about the future, I’m scared now.” You being completely myopic. You need to think harder and read more.

That’s the cost of what you want to do. Hundreds of millions of deaths. But do go on about what you “would” sacrifice.
More likely virtue signaling imo than genuine concern for anyone. Especially considering his total callous disregard for anything BUT deaths directly labeled COVID.
If only you exhibited so much concern for all the people vulnerable to serious Covid disease...

Which - in case this wasn’t clear enough already - is more people than your theoretical and unsubstantiated mass destitution would affect.

You’re essentially stating we should ignore the safety of people from a real and present danger, to protect others from a theoretical danger in the future.
My mother turns 81 tomorrow has COPD and never asked for anyone to protect her. She takes personal responsbility for the fact she smoked for 5 decades and now manages the condition as best she can with a focus on her health as a priority. I have seen lots of videos of people above the retirement age say the same thing. They never asked for any drastic government intervention that not only effected there lives but everyone else they know from a illness that 99.8% of people live to tell the tale.

To suggest anyone that isn't showing signs of any respiritorary illness (asymptomatic cases) like not coughing or oozing fluids from there orifices is a spreader or super spreader is unscientific and indeed what appears to be the main type of covid case found...people with no symptoms being told they have something...and that is where the PCR test comes in. The inventor of which even stated that if enough cycles were produced then you could find one single fragment of anything you were looking for...no matter how small and uninfectious it was. Take away asymptomatic cases and you are not left with anything remotely resembling a 'pandemic' barring the stupid props (masks and stickers telling people where to stand and such) and 24/7 coverage ramming it down our throats.

Bottom line is as a rule is that i and i alone have to take personal responsibility for my own health...NO ONE can look after my health but me...what i choose to put in my body and the amount of sun light and exercise i get will play the biggest part by far in keeping me or anyone else healthly( yet this is not the advice being doled out regarding covid...the opposite infact). If i contact a respiritorary illness i would do what i did pre covid and stay indoors as i'm feeling unwell and should i need to go out or be near people and be coughing and spluttering, be mindful to cover your nose and mouth so as not to get it on anyone...common sense and courtesy before the media made people lose there minds.

Read the Epidemiological studies part from the US Government article below, specfically the human experiments carried out on Gallops island during the spanish flu epidemic to see the contradictions in what is told to us about modern germ theory.



I’d ban guns completely, because they’re stupid things that nobody other than law enforcement and the military need. Cars are forms of transport that are needed by human beings for work and life. A pandemic virus is not.

If young people are killing themselves then we need to improve our mental health services, not risk the lives of millions of elderly and vulnerable people. And yes, those suicides in the hundreds are worth it to save the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of others.

I‘d rather see me, you, and every other person on this forum lose their job than see tens of thousands of people die of Covid. There is always another job. There is never another life.

Again, all of this is awful, but it’s the reality we face... regardless of how many people in this thread don’t want to accept that, and will do everything they can to convince themselves and others that Covid isn’t a big deal, because that’s easier than just admitting they care more about their own financial and social welfare than the lives of other people.
"We should let society crumble in its entirety because one elderly person might get sick." You sound like a communist helicopter-ride-deserver, btw. No different than the "who cares if every business in my city is looted and burned to the ground? Insurance!" drooling retards (that did not work out very well.)



The Chinese can do this because they tackled the virus in a way us stupid American's refuse to do. After SARS they took this shit seriously. There was significant infrastructure and plans in place to handle this type of viral outbreak, unlike what we had with Trump, which was incompetence, down playing and buying into dumb conspiracy theories.

They started testing super early, doing contact tracing, forcing quarantines and doing complete, temporary lockdowns to prevent hospitals form being overwhelmed when outbreaks were apparent. The people also wore their fucking masks, social distanced, and followed the rules.

Over here we got knuckle dragging imbeciles walking into stores by the hundreds without masks because MAH FREEDOM!!!
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Ok genius, if it's all Trump's fault as you claim, why does Europe have the same problems the US does? Why do many of those countries have higher death rates than the US? Do you really believe that the woke/leftist EU is using Trump as their guiding light on how to do anything?

It's not even entertaining to respond to someone like you anymore, because you are so ridiculously misinformed yet so sure you have all the answers.


Ok genius, if it's all Trump's fault as you claim, why does Europe have the same problems the US does? Why do many of those countries have higher death rates than the US? Do you really believe that the woke/leftist EU is using Trump as their guiding light on how to do anything?

It's not even entertaining to respond to someone like you anymore, because you are so ridiculously misinformed yet so sure you have all the answers.

It's not all Trump's fault. Plenty of stupid Americans, like you, around.

If responding to me isn't entertaining to you, then please do stop. It's not like it's fun for me to try and parse your right wing shock AM radio idiocy either.
It's not all Trump's fault. Plenty of stupid Americans, like you, around.

If responding to me isn't entertaining to you, then please do stop. It's not like it's fun for me to try and parse your right wing shock AM radio idiocy either.
Stupid Europeans apparently as well. But enjoy your new shut in lifestyle. I’m not sure it’s doing wonders for your personality though. Seems like you’re pretty stressed out.
Stupid Europeans apparently as well. But enjoy your new shut in lifestyle. I’m not sure it’s doing wonders for your personality though. Seems like you’re pretty stressed out.
Alright alright hang on, he's just trying to avoid the virus for now, that doesn't make someone a shut in.


It should be clear to all that lockdowns really didnt do anything. People are going to die. Look at Sweden or Belarus.

The real question is do you want a bunch of elites and politicians that have been shown to be liars and hypocrites to have complete control over your lives. If you think the decisions these people are making are saving lives your delusional. If US never locked down they probably have the same deaths. Heck i even contend maybe less without the panic at nursing homes. In canada we could have maybe saved half or more of our elderly without our panic striken response.

These politicians who go on vacations tplo restos to get their hair done fly on their jets and dont wear their masks. Their little plans and edicts didnt save any lives. You just gave complete control to a bunch of power hungry socioppaths.

Its a virus. China let it out Europe let it our NY let it out. Its going to kill people. So fo you want some politician who thinks their above the rules and doesnt give a shit deciding your every move or you decide how to live your life? Them controlling society has done shit. So wake up. Accept the dangers and stop letting liars control you.



One year since the coronavirus outbreak in China’s central city of Wuhan, the world has learned a lot about Covid-19, from the way it spreads through tiny droplets in the air to vaccines against the virus. Despite these advances, a chasm remains in our understanding of the virus that’s killed nearly 2 million people and whipsawed the global economy: we still don’t know how it really began. Where the pathogen first emerged and how it transferred to humans is a stubborn mystery, one that’s becoming more elusive with each passing month. Before the initial cluster among stall holders at a produce market in central China, the trail largely goes cold, and the country the novel coronavirus hit first — the place blamed for unleashing the disease on an under-prepared world — now has little incentive to help find the true origin of the greatest public health emergency in a century. China has effectively snuffed out Covid-19, thanks to stringent border curbs, mass testing and a surveillance network that allows infected people and their contacts to be tracked via mobile phone data. With the fight over the pandemic’s source becoming an extension of the broader conflict between the world’s two superpowers, it’s now trying to revise the virus narrative from the beginning, and nowhere is that more evident than at the original epicenter: Wuhan. Images of first responders dwarf the entrance to the city’s bright red exhibition hall like heroes from Maoist-era propaganda posters: the police officer, the doctor, the soldier; their faces obscured by masks. Inside, a giant photo of a nurse’s inflamed and peeling hands hangs over an army of mannequins in Hazmat suits. A 3D hologram of medics tending to a critical coronavirus patient is beamed over a real-life hospital bed, the beeps of a heart-rate monitor creating a sense of drama not lost on the college students shuffling past transfixed. Nearby, testing kits are sealed in clear display cases, labeled like artifacts from another time. As the world continues to grapple with soaring death counts and mutated strains, China is already relegating the pandemic to its version of history. The Battle Against Covid-19 Special Exhibition seeks to memorialize everything from mask-making machines and 2,000-bed temporary hospitals to lockdown haircuts and remote learning. A timeline at the entrance to the exhibit chronicles President Xi Jinping’s virus actions in careful detail, starting on Jan. 7, when he ordered the country’s leaders to contain the rapidly swelling outbreak and ending in September, when Xi gave a speech to bureaucrats in Beijing on how China tamed the coronavirus. There’s no mention of the Huanan seafood market, those first infections, or the public uproar at the government’s cover-ups in the early days of the epidemic, when it hid the extent of human-to-human transmission and delayed taking action. Li Wenliang, the whistleblower doctor whose death from Covid-19 sparked the biggest backlash Beijing had seen in years, appears in a lineup of other Wuhan physicians felled by the virus, hardly recognizable. For many Chinese, that anger has been replaced with a sense of pride, that their country bested a crisis that’s all but defeated the U.S., leaving China stronger and on track to become the world’s biggest economy five years earlier than previously estimated. Emboldened by its success — Wuhan has had no locally-transmitted cases since May — Xi’s government is going a step further: mounting a concerted campaign to dispel the idea that China was the ultimate source of the virus, known officially as SARS-CoV-2. After a spate of cases in port and cold storage workers, state-backed media are claiming the virus could have entered the country on imported frozen food, and have seized on research that suggests there were infections in the U.S. and Italy over a year ago. While some of these theories may have credence, the irony is that we may never know. China has stalled efforts by the World Health Organization to get top infectious diseases experts into Wuhan this year.
It should be clear to all that lockdowns really didnt do anything. People are going to die. Look at Sweden or Belarus.

The real question is do you want a bunch of elites and politicians that have been shown to be liars and hypocrites to have complete control over your lives. If you think the decisions these people are making are saving lives your delusional. If US never locked down they probably have the same deaths. Heck i even contend maybe less without the panic at nursing homes. In canada we could have maybe saved half or more of our elderly without our panic striken response.

These politicians who go on vacations tplo restos to get their hair done fly on their jets and dont wear their masks. Their little plans and edicts didnt save any lives. You just gave complete control to a bunch of power hungry socioppaths.

Its a virus. China let it out Europe let it our NY let it out. Its going to kill people. So fo you want some politician who thinks their above the rules and doesnt give a shit deciding your every move or you decide how to live your life? Them controlling society has done shit. So wake up. Accept the dangers and stop letting liars control you.
This is my main point. The “simple rules” we have been told to follow have failed. We are wearing the masks They don’t work. Not enough to prevent anything. The only thing that truly works is hardcore lockdowns, and only up until you stop locking down. And most people didn’t have the luxury of holing up in their basement for the past 10 months. They had to earn enough to get food, shelter, heat. People had to go to work keep the world running for our hermits in here. Otherwise there is no one to deliver the groceries, Amazon packages, keep the lights on/help the sick, etc.

So the extended lockdown was only a reasonable plan for people with the privilege of not having to actually show up to get a paycheck. It only worked to keep them safe. The virus was always going to keep spread among everyone else who had to show up at work.

The politicians and public health officials don’t have any solutions. They need you to believe they do, but it’s obvious they don’t if you’ve been paying attention. Everyone will have to own the risk of this disease. You either decide to do that or you decide to hide at home. But people bitching about how other people are stupid because they won’t do it their way only serves to make those people look like assholes.

Bottom line? If your scared and can afford it, stay home. If you’re lonely and angry because you’re isolated, you’ll have to own that. If you can’t or won’t stay home, and you get sick, you’ll have to own that, too. Being a bossy asshole is such an unflattering quality. Make your own decisions and stop bitching about the actions of other people.
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Airbus Jr

You must have missed it. We are in the peak of a pandemic right now. The thread you’re in is about said pandemic. It’s been going on for about a year now.
Ah yes

Youre in covid 19 thread and telling everyone here that wearing a mask is useless

Thats what youre trying to do right ?
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Bottom line? If your scared and can afford it, stay home. If you’re lonely and angry because you’re isolated, you’ll have to own that. If you can’t or won’t stay home, and you get sick - or make others sick, potentially very seriously, or a small chance fatally -, you’ll have to own that, too. Being a bossy asshole is such an unflattering quality. Make your own decisions and stop bitching about the actions of other people.


Airbus Jr

It should be clear to all that lockdowns really didnt do anything. People are going to die. Look at Sweden or Belarus.

The real question is do you want a bunch of elites and politicians that have been shown to be liars and hypocrites to have complete control over your lives. If you think the decisions these people are making are saving lives your delusional. If US never locked down they probably have the same deaths. Heck i even contend maybe less without the panic at nursing homes. In canada we could have maybe saved half or more of our elderly without our panic striken response.

These politicians who go on vacations tplo restos to get their hair done fly on their jets and dont wear their masks. Their little plans and edicts didnt save any lives. You just gave complete control to a bunch of power hungry socioppaths.

Its a virus. China let it out Europe let it our NY let it out. Its going to kill people. So fo you want some politician who thinks their above the rules and doesnt give a shit deciding your every move or you decide how to live your life? Them controlling society has done shit. So wake up. Accept the dangers and stop letting liars control you.
So this is all about politics to you am i assuming this corectly?
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Joe T.

Your insistence on bringing it round to me time and time again speaks volumes about how your mind functions.

My concern is not with me. It’s for others.

Is it? You're choosing to ignore the elderly that would rather get on with life. Why is that?

Quite obvious how?

How can you prove this baseless claim?

It's in the official data you're ignoring. The states and countries with strictest measures and highest compliance have some of the highest case numbers. Explain that one.
Your insistence on bringing it round to me time and time again speaks volumes about how your mind functions.

My concern is not with me. It’s for others.
Oh yes. You’re so concerned that other people won’t do it your way. They’re all so selfish for not following your instructions. Why won’t those selfish people just do what you say? Don’t they realize you know what’s best for them? How dare they make decisions? Don’t they realize you’ve already decided for them?

Quite obvious how?

How can you prove this baseless claim?
You would have to prove the actually work first... which no one has actually done outside of a few anecdotes about a hair salon in St Louis and a few lab studies. The evidence they don’t work can be seen in the rising case numbers despite increasing mask compliance. The fact places like California has been seeing record spikes despite mandating masks months ago anytime you leave your house.

I still wear my to comply with the law in my state. But it’s clear they aren’t working well enough to prevent the spread. The only evidence I need is that the disease continues to spread.

Airbus Jr

Is it? You're choosing to ignore the elderly that would rather get on with life. Why is that?

It's in the official data you're ignoring. The states and countries with strictest measures and highest compliance have some of the highest case numbers. Explain that one.
And i assume those result will give you the platform you needed to run your agenda....

To assure everyone here to go to social gathering...lower their awareness, leaves the mask behind and underestimate the disease yes?
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Airbus Jr

Oh yes. You’re so concerned that other people won’t do it your way. They’re all so selfish for not following your instructions. Why won’t those selfish people just do what you say? Don’t they realize you know what’s best for them? How dare they make decisions? Don’t they realize you’ve already decided for them?

You would have to prove the actually work first... which no one has actually done outside of a few anecdotes about a hair salon in St Louis and a few lab studies. The evidence they don’t work can be seen in the rising case numbers despite increasing mask compliance. The fact places like California has been seeing record spikes despite mandating masks months ago anytime you leave your house.

I still wear my to comply with the law in my state. But it’s clear they aren’t working well enough to prevent the spread. The only evidence I need is that the disease continues to spread.
The mask is scientifically proven to work

Read some actual medical journal like american lung association etc instead of listening to stupid conspiracy theorist on Neogaf

Heres what you dont know

The number will be much worse right now if people dont wear mask around
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Heres what you dont know

The number will be much worse if people dont wear mask around
We don’t know that. It’s quite possible it would be a lot worse. But of course we don’t know. Regardless, the masks are not stopping the spread. So the measures we have been told to take are not effective. That is what I said. Nothing more.

Airbus Jr

We don’t know that. It’s quite possible it would be a lot worse. But of course we don’t know. Regardless, the masks are not stopping the spread. So the measures we have been told to take are not effective. That is what I said. Nothing more.
Wearing mask is useless then how are you going to explain this one

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It's not all Trump's fault. Plenty of stupid Americans, like you, around.

If responding to me isn't entertaining to you, then please do stop. It's not like it's fun for me to try and parse your right wing shock AM radio idiocy either.

Or you could've said:

Lister to Red Dwarf, we have in our midst a complete smegpot. Brains in the anal region. Chin, absent presumed missing. Genitalia, small and inoffensive. Of no value or interest.

Your avatar even approves.

Airbus Jr

... Do you know what science is? Or what prove means? Or anecdote?
Your argument and logic when it comes to covid prevention is kinda like this

Using additional equipment to help you out like spear and shield are useless in bear fight

So better uses nothing at all ( barefist)
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4 of those starbuck employe who wear mask are safe while other visitor who not wear it cought covid

The mask was proven to be helpfull
I have no idea how people still cling to ideas like this. Everything everywhere points to masks in general population not doing anything and yet this kind of thing is brought up as some kind of proof.

Why even get involved in a discussion about masks if an anecdotal experience from a Starbucks is something that sways your opinion.


Ill post my other post I made a while back


Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

There were 3 influenza pandemics in the 20th century, and there has been 1 so far in the 21st century. Local, national, and international health autho...

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

So no evidence that China masks do anything.

We did not consider the use of respirators in the community. Respirators are tight-fitting masks that can protect the wearer from fine particles (37) and should provide better protection against influenza virus exposures when properly worn because of higher filtration efficiency. However, respirators, such as N95 and P2 masks, work best when they are fit-tested, and these masks will be in limited supply during the next pandemic. These specialist devices should be reserved for use in healthcare settings or in special subpopulations such as immunocompromised persons in the community, first responders, and those performing other critical community functions, as supplies permit.

n95s can help. And this is the playbook Fauci et al were following at first. Keeping the n95s for the health care professionals.

In lower-income settings, it is more likely that reusable cloth masks will be used rather than disposable medical masks because of cost and availability (38). There are still few uncertainties in the practice of face mask use, such as who should wear the mask and how long it should be used for. In theory, transmission should be reduced the most if both infected members and other contacts wear masks, but compliance in uninfected close contacts could be a problem (12,34). Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk for transmission (39). Thus, education on the proper use and disposal of used face masks, including hand hygiene, is also needed.

And here we go. There has been 0 education on face masks, and we are wearing the wrong masks. And this INCREASES the risk of transmission.

Basically according to SCIENCE those 5 cent China masks and neck gaiters everyone is wearing is increasing transmission not reducing it.

Universal face masking will only make sense if you give out NEW masks each time someone enters into a building. Preferably n95s. And you do hand washing, keep the sick away, and SD as much as possible.

Whole thing is ass backwards where we are forcing healthy people to wear POS useless china masks that is spreading the virus around.

No wonder everywhere that puts a face mask mandate sees a surge in cases.

And the Danish study


Major Study Finds Masks Don't Reduce COVID-19 Infection Rates

Dr. Christine Laine, editor-in-chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine, told The New York Times the research shows masks 'are not a magic bullet.'
A high-quality, large-scale Danish study finds no evidence that wearing a face mask significantly minimizes people’s risk of contracting COVID-19. The randomized-control trial found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection.

“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use,” the authors summarized their results.
“In the third post hoc analysis, which investigated constellations of patient characteristics, we did not find a subgroup where face masks were effective at conventional levels of statistical significance,” researchers found.

The randomized-control trial, which is considered the “gold-standard” design for scientific research, had a large sample size of more than 6,000 people. Most studies conducted on various kinds of face masks against various coronaviruses are neither randomized, controlled trials nor conducted regarding the specific SARS-CoV-2 virus currently affecting the world.

This clinical trial was conducted from April through June in Denmark, a largely unmasked area with government recommendations only to social distance and wash hands frequently as the country began to reopen in May. Roughly half of the 6,024 participants, 4,862 of whom completed the study, were randomly assigned to wear surgical masks “outside the home among other persons together” while the other half continued to operate in public without a mask.

After a month, 42 of the mask-wearers in the study (1.8 percent) were infected with the virus while 53 of the non-mask-wearers (2.1. percent) were infected with the virus. Statistically, this is not a significant difference between the two groups, suggesting these infection differences were a product of chance, say the study authors.
Click to expand...

There is nothing wrong with people taking measures to protect themselves. Heck go buck wild and wear goggles gloves face shield a hazmit suite a bubble suite whatever you want.

Just telling people to throw on a china mask or a piece of cloth is not doing what we are being sold.

You could probably get better results telling people to lose weight and take some vitamin D.


This isn't a good.
Way to go media.

I thought Israel vaccinated like 1 million people. Hundreds would first of all be very few compared to one million.

The vaccine does not even work until your body has reacted to it and created anti-bodies. Everyone should know this by now.

Airbus Jr

I have no idea how people still cling to ideas like this. Everything everywhere points to masks in general population not doing anything and yet this kind of thing is brought up as some kind of proof.

Why even get involved in a discussion about masks if an anecdotal experience from a Starbucks is something that sways your opinion.
And yet those result are proves that wearing mask prevent the starbuck employee from getting caught by coronavirus

Why are you denying this evidence?

Those are not anecdotal but proven by health research around the world
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And yet those result are proves that wearing mask prevent the starbuck from getting caught by coronavirus

Why are you denying this evidence?
Even if that was true, why would it matter if it prevented some cases in a lab or in one Starbucks one time?

They still obviously do not work in a general population. Possibly because "people" use them as an excuse to go out with a runny nose or because they become worse at keeping a distance. I do not know exactly why but it should be obvious to everyone by now that they do not work.

They probably do enough mental damage to kids (and adults) to not be worth it even if they prevented a few cases here and there. There is no evidence covid is being driven by asymptomatic people.


And yet those result are proves that wearing mask prevent the starbuck employee from getting caught by coronavirus

Why are you denying this evidence?

Those are not anecdotal but proven by health research around the world

No it doesn't. There could be a million other reasons why they didn't get the virus.

I can also show you a doctor who claims to have treated 3K covid patients with HCQ and not one died.

I guess that proves that HCQ is a cure for COVID so everyone start popping HCQ.

The actual science of masks, actual studies, RCTs etc all show that N95s do a good job but everything else doesn't do much and without proper education, hygiene, and disposal+use of the mask they will most likely help to spread the virus rather than reduce transmission.

So 90% of Americans wear masks. Science said if 80% wore masks the virus would plummet. US has more cases than ever.

Same thing in Canada where I live. We don't have Trumpers up here. Mask mandate since July. Yet cases are surging.

If masks worked so well then why are old people in nursing homes still dying in Canada? I mean slap a mask on them, slap a mask on everyone who works there and voila problem solved no more old people dying.

Why are prisoners being freed if Masks work? Just slap a mask on them and voila problem solved no prisoners will get infected.
No it doesn't. There could be a million other reasons why they didn't get the virus.

I can also show you a doctor who claims to have treated 3K covid patients with HCQ and not one died.

I guess that proves that HCQ is a cure for COVID so everyone start popping HCQ.

The actual science of masks, actual studies, RCTs etc all show that N95s do a good job but everything else doesn't do much and without proper education, hygiene, and disposal+use of the mask they will most likely help to spread the virus rather than reduce transmission.

So 90% of Americans wear masks. Science said if 80% wore masks the virus would plummet. US has more cases than ever.

Same thing in Canada where I live. We don't have Trumpers up here. Mask mandate since July. Yet cases are surging.

If masks worked so well then why are old people in nursing homes still dying in Canada? I mean slap a mask on them, slap a mask on everyone who works there and voila problem solved no more old people dying.

Why are prisoners being freed if Masks work? Just slap a mask on them and voila problem solved no prisoners will get infected.
But didn’t you read his article? A couple of guys in coffee shop didn’t get sick. It’s science.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Chinese can do this because they tackled the virus in a way us stupid American's refuse to do. After SARS they took this shit seriously. There was significant infrastructure and plans in place to handle this type of viral outbreak, unlike what we had with Trump, which was incompetence, down playing and buying into dumb conspiracy theories.

They started testing super early, doing contact tracing, forcing quarantines and doing complete, temporary lockdowns to prevent hospitals form being overwhelmed when outbreaks were apparent. The people also wore their fucking masks, social distanced, and followed the rules.

Over here we got knuckle dragging imbeciles walking into stores by the hundreds without masks because MAH FREEDOM!!!

Yeah, freedom is pretty important to most Americans. If you don't value it, it's probably not the country for you. It would be like going to Japan and making a fuss about how group harmony is prioritized over individual liberty.
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