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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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former Navy SEAL
"We know that most transmission happens inside the house, so..." Quebec announced, in their own words, an "electroshock" 8pm curfew until Feb 8th, grocery and corner stores to close at 7:30.


I have only disgust for anyone that still thinks this is about mitigating the spread of a virus.

I think a lot of it is political, which is typical and expected of politicians at all times. But the sad irony here is that politicians who want to appear to be "doing something" or "being rational" or "providing leadership" are probably, mostly concerned with keeping their own one single job, while costing thousands of others their jobs and businesses. It's an amazingly perverse dynamic.
Terrible, sorry to hear man. Where in earth are you with that amount of the virus around you? Did they have health issues or weight? That’s most death I have heard any one person encounter from the virus since this all started.
I'm in New Zealand. The people I mentioned is back home in South Africa.

As you know South Africa is currently under seige by a second strain of covid.
My friend was a little overweight. Some of the people I know who already passed have had 0 health issues. My mother in law just told me this morning that some of the people don't even show any symptoms and they have the virus. That's the scary part. She is a nurse as well and is back in South Africa.

Not showing any symptoms and you can have the virus. That part shook me. She is also not returning to work for this reason.


Lil’ Gobbie
"We know that most transmission happens inside the house, so..." Quebec announced, in their own words, an "electroshock" 8pm curfew until Feb 8th, grocery and corner stores to close at 7:30.


I have only disgust for anyone that still thinks this is about mitigating the spread of a virus.

% wise, how much of all this do you think is about mitigating the spread of the virus?

Joe T.

% wise, how much of all this do you think is about mitigating the spread of the virus?


The provincial government pays every major news outlet to keep their mouths shut at a cost of $13M/month. Anyone questioning the narrative automatically gets called conspiracy theorists. You'd like it here.

If you're still unwilling to accept that interpreting all positive PCR tests as infectious cases is wrong I'm not sure you can grasp what's happening. I'm going to party like there's no tomorrow when Fuellmich's case defending Wodarg against "fact checkers" in Germany tears them down.



Got into an argument with my wife, which is never fun. Her side boils down to:

1. There are many complex factors at play we do not know of when talking about handling the pandemic.
2. Everyone else is also doing badly.

My response was:
1. At the end of the day you cannot dismiss everything by saying 'it's too complicated', government is elected and literally paid to solve these problems. There was ample time since this thing started to put down more lighter restrictions permanently until the vaccine is widely available and not to ask people to 'be responsible' all the time, since obviously this didn't work.
2. This is a primary school argument of 'Mom, dad, I got a D on the exam, but so did everyone else in class so it's all good' - I don't care about other governments handling it, they are not my government. I care how the situation is being handled here (in France) where we expect additional measures today at 6pm. As with many countries this is what happened:

First lockdown in March - May -> infections rose afterwards
Second lockdown late October - mid December -> infections rose afterwards

So what makes people think third lockdown will be of any help? We have the cure - the vaccine - that is not being deployed fast enough because you need to give old people a week to 'think it over' if they want to be vaccinated, meanwhile everyone else is waiting to get their vaccine.
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Got into an argument with my wife, which is never fun. Her side boils down to:

1. There are many complex factors at play we do not know of when talking about handling the pandemic.
2. Everyone else is also doing badly.

My response was:
1. At the end of the day you cannot dismiss everything by saying 'it's too complicated', government is elected and literally paid to solve these problems. There was ample time since this thing started to put down more lighter restrictions permanently until the vaccine is widely available and not to ask people to 'be responsible' all the time, since obviously this didn't work.
2. This is a primary school argument of 'Mom, dad, I got a D on the exam, but so did everyone else in class so it's all good' - I don't care about other governments handling it, they are not my government. I care how the situation is being handled here (in France) where we expect additional measures today at 6pm. As with many countries this is what happened:

First lockdown in March - May -> infections rose afterwards
Second lockdown late October - mid December -> infections rose afterwards

So what makes people think third lockdown will be of any help? We have the cure - the vaccine - that is not being deployed fast enough because you need to give old people a week to 'think it over' if they want to be vaccinated, meanwhile everyone else is waiting to get their vaccine.
Lockdowns are bullshit.

Imagine how many people died of heart disease, strokes or other complications because they couldn't see a doctor.


Imagine how many people died of heart disease, strokes or other complications because they couldn't see a doctor.
This is another thing that made me annoyed - at the beginning of the most strict lockdown in March there was a talk of absolutely not going anywhere, bunkering down, etc. Then mid-April doctors (same people that were super strict on respecting the lockdown) noticed people with multiple conditions were skipping their doctors' appointments, possibly leading to more complications. Then we did 180 and now everyone was supposed to observe their medical meetings with the doctor.

Same thing with vaccine - in November you had every single doctor on national TV saying how we need to be cautious, prudent and go slowly. Now every single one of them is saying we are not going fast enough.


Gold Member
That's a fucking disaster. Wow.

UK is much worse.

USA - 3,865 deaths per day / 328M people
UK - 1,045 deaths per day / 67M people

If USA would be at UK pace, there would be 5,116 deaths daily.

And this is not even peak UK. UK will be smashing through 1,500 deaths a day in a week or two. Scaled to USA that would be 7,300 deaths a day, so double the toll of now.
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UK is much worse.

USA - 3,865 deaths per day / 328M people
UK - 1,045 deaths per day / 67M people

If USA would be at UK pace, there would be 5,116 deaths daily.

And this is not even peak UK. UK will be smashing through 1,500 deaths a day in a week or two. Scaled to USA that would be 7,300 deaths a day, so double the tof now.
How is the vaccination in the UK going? This tracker: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/ shows more than 1.3M doses being given in the UK as of now. What's the timeline to start vaccinating the general population?
UK is much worse.

USA - 3,865 deaths per day / 328M people
UK - 1,045 deaths per day / 67M people

If USA would be at UK pace, there would be 5,116 deaths daily.

And this is not even peak UK. UK will be smashing through 1,500 deaths a day in a week or two. Scaled to USA that would be 7,300 deaths a day, so double the tof now.

Also Germany had 1000+ deaths yesterday, right? Another horrible number.

In my country (Brazil) we had almost 1300 yesterday. :(


Gold Member
How is the vaccination in the UK going? This tracker: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/ shows more than 1.3M doses being given in the UK as of now. What's the timeline to start vaccinating the general population?

UK is doing better than everybody else except Israel and Bahrain.

It's still not good enough however. The target is that all vulnerable (17M people) are vaccinated in just over a month from now. That requires a massive operation.

There will be a Boriscast tonight at 5PM UK detailing that operation with the army.

UK really needs that to work.


UK is doing better than everybody else except Israel and Bahrain.

It's still not good enough however. The target is that all vulnerable (17M people) are vaccinated in just over a month from now. That requires a massive operation.

There will be a Boriscast tonight at 5PM UK detailing that operation with the army.

UK really needs that to work.
Thanks for the info - I think at this point it is really a race to deliver the vaccine before the healthcare system gets overwhelmed. We had 9 months of this, people are more and more lax with restrictions (I don't blame them) and now that vaccine is available the onus is on the government to get this shit done so we can move one.

France will also have new measures today at 6pm local time. Museums, cinemas, etc. scheduled for opening today will obviously stay closed, restaurants were scheduled for the 20th, which is obviously not going to happen, which means there will be even more closures. Chances are more regions will have to observe total lockdown starting at 6pm each day.

France has the same number of vulnerable people (17M) which is like WTF - that's a lot of bad life choices.
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UK is much worse.

USA - 3,865 deaths per day / 328M people
UK - 1,045 deaths per day / 67M people

If USA would be at UK pace, there would be 5,116 deaths daily.

And this is not even peak UK. UK will be smashing through 1,500 deaths a day in a week or two. Scaled to USA that would be 7,300 deaths a day, so double the toll of now.

This will probably meet with a lot of strangled cries and screaming (not from you dude, you're a sensible chap), but with the UK now in full lockdown again, I fully expect our death and case rate to fall significantly in the next few weeks. Things should improve by the time a couple of weeks of lockdown have passed.

America won't be following suit, so escalation is more likely up to that 5000 figure.

Our proposed rate of vaccination (if achieved) will see over a quarter of the UK population vaccinated by the end of February - a large amount of which will have had two jabs. This will almost kill the damn thing off in the country and we can start to get back to normal.
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Gold Member
This will probably meet with a lot of strangled cries and screaming (not from you dude, you're a sensible chap), but with the UK now in full lockdown again, I fully expect our death and case rate to fall significantly in the next few weeks. Things should improve by the time a couple of weeks of lockdown have passed.

America won't be following suit, so escalation is more likely up to that 5000 figure.

Our proposed rate of vaccination (if achieved) will see over a quarter of the UK population vaccinated by the end of February - a large amount of which will have had two jabs. This will almost kill the damn thing off in the country and we can start to get back to normal.

Looking at what happened last time around in March/Apri when UK had a proper lockdown.

Lockdown began 17 March. Death started to fall around a month later, in mid April. Remember, there wasn't a mutant, and people were actually so scared of it that City Road was deserted at a weekday 10AM, and people changed sides of road to avoid contact.

Actually if we even match that trajectory, UK will hit 2,000 deaths a day before the deaths start to decline.



Looking at what happened last time around in March/Apri when UK had a proper lockdown.

Lockdown began 17 March. Death started to fall around a month later, in mid April. Remember, there wasn't a mutant, and people were actually so scared of it that City Road was deserted at a weekday 10AM, and people changed sides of road to avoid contact.

Actually if we even match that trajectory, UK will hit 2,000 deaths a day before the deaths start to decline.


Ugh.... Hope you're wrong! Dismayed that you're probably right.


Great thread here about how covid is far worse than flu, from someone who's clearly done his homework.

This is the UK. Wouldn't expect the US to be any different, given similarities in society between the two.

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Great thread here about how covid is far worse than flu, from someone who's clearly done his homework.
are they tracking flu and covid as separate entities? I know here that flu numbers are effectively tracked as zero now, if they're not tracked separately then why wouldn't you expect that the numbers for "covid" be MUCH higher than the flue since it's values include both?


are they tracking flu and covid as separate entities? I know here that flu numbers are effectively tracked as zero now, if they're not tracked separately then why wouldn't you expect that the numbers for "covid" be MUCH higher than the flue since it's values include both?

Yes, of course they are. It wouldn't be accurate to lump covid in with flu, because they are different diseases. The charts show you flu rates in a normal year, and covid rates for this year, with covid being much, much higher in terms of deaths and cases than flu. The comparison clearly shows that covid is more lethal and transmissable.
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So if 70% take the vaccin can we go back to normal or wut?
We will never reach this number unless the vaccine is mandated worldwide, which it won't be. So it's kind of a moot point. So many people don't trust the vaccine or just don't care. And people are extremely prone to drop off the map when it comes to follow-up vaccines of any kind.


...you think the doctors are under lockdown?
I never said that.

I just know of people who needed treatment but were afraid of going out and couldn't treat their diseases because they were scared. I think it's a bullshit concept. I'd rather take my chances and live life with the virus and precautions.


I never said that.

I just know of people who needed treatment but were afraid of going out and couldn't treat their diseases because they were scared. I think it's a bullshit concept. I'd rather take my chances and live life with the virus and precautions.

So they wouldn’t see a doctor, rather than couldn’t.


So they wouldn’t see a doctor, rather than couldn’t.
They were ordered to stay at home, they firmly believe it, it messes up with their heads. You're scared to die from a new diseased but you may die of another if you don't leave your house. It's a total shitshow.

An aunt of mine who is over 60 years old almost cut off the tip of her finger at home but was too scared to go to the doctor and catch covid. Thankfully it healed normally, but it was awful.


They were ordered to stay at home, they firmly believe it, it messes up with their heads. You're scared to die from a new diseased but you may die of another if you don't leave your house. It's a total shitshow.

An aunt of mine who is over 60 years old almost cut off the tip of her finger at home but was too scared to go to the doctor and catch covid. Thankfully it healed normally, but it was awful.


You must not leave, or be outside of your home except where necessary. You may leave the home to:

  • shop for basic necessities, for you or a vulnerable person
  • go to work, or provide voluntary or charitable services, if you cannot reasonably do so from home
  • exercise with your household (or support bubble) or one other person, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
  • meet your support bubble or childcare bubble where necessary, but only if you are legally permitted to form one
  • seek medical assistance or avoid injury, illness or risk of harm (including domestic abuse)




You must not leave, or be outside of your home except where necessary. You may leave the home to:

  • shop for basic necessities, for you or a vulnerable person
  • go to work, or provide voluntary or charitable services, if you cannot reasonably do so from home
  • exercise with your household (or support bubble) or one other person, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
  • meet your support bubble or childcare bubble where necessary, but only if you are legally permitted to form one
  • seek medical assistance or avoid injury, illness or risk of harm (including domestic abuse)
OK, I get it, but people are afraid due to listening to the media all the time about how they're going to die if they leave their homes. Paranoia at its finest.


Sadly none of that information suggests any different than what the WHO is showing, that somehow the Flu has vanished


So... why do you think flu cases have dropped of a cliff?

Maybe because people are taking extra precautions due to covid, which is not allowing influenza to spread?

And maybe flu is nowhere near as transmissible or as dangerous as Covid, which is why it’s been dampened right down with more limited precautions, but Covid is much worse, requiring more stringent measures?

Covid is much worse than the flu. Every conceivable piece of evidence shows this.
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So... why do you think flu cases have dropped of a cliff?
Because EVERYTHING is now labelled as COVID, regardless if that is really the case or not. I understand it from a simplicity sake but it does skew how bad the covid numbers really are when we throw away all the flu data.

Covid is much worse than the flu. Every conceivable piece of evidence shows this.
Not disputing how dangerous covid is for elderly and compromised immue people, I just don't like how it feels like the powers that be took the ass backwards approach to handling it is. Why wasn't more effort put into protecting those at risk rather than painting everyone with the same risk and restrictions.
the idea behind lockdowns is to make it so that these people are able to see doctors lol
The idea behind lockdowns was to make it so COVID-sick people could see Doctors. If you were dealing with anything else, F you. Hospitals in the US cancelled all "non-essential" services, many of which were absurd to cancel like surgeries and cancer screenings.

And while it's true that Hospitals would have seen you for heart attacks or strokes or the like, people were convinced that the danger of COVID was super deadly and would skip going to the doctor. "Eh, it's probably just heart-burn". "Eh, it'll probably heal just fine". "Eh, it's probably just a bad headache". etc.

We will never reach this number unless the vaccine is mandated worldwide, which it won't be. So it's kind of a moot point. So many people don't trust the vaccine or just don't care. And people are extremely prone to drop off the map when it comes to follow-up vaccines of any kind.
And just like masks this will be added to the pile of reasons to blame the populace instead of the govt for their failed policies.


The idea behind lockdowns was to make it so COVID-sick people could see Doctors. If you were dealing with anything else, F you. Hospitals in the US cancelled all "non-essential" services, many of which were absurd to cancel like surgeries and cancer screenings.

And while it's true that Hospitals would have seen you for heart attacks or strokes or the like, people were convinced that the danger of COVID was super deadly and would skip going to the doctor. "Eh, it's probably just heart-burn". "Eh, it'll probably heal just fine". "Eh, it's probably just a bad headache". etc.

And just like masks this will be added to the pile of reasons to blame the populace instead of the govt for their failed policies.
This, exactly.


Because EVERYTHING is now labelled as COVID, regardless if that is really the case or not. I understand it from a simplicity sake but it does skew how bad the covid numbers really are when we throw away all the flu data.

Where’s your proof of this? I don’t just mean random Twitter posts, I mean clear evidence that deaths unrelated to Covid are being labelled as Covid on a mass scale (not just a few admin cock ups here and there, which always happen with anything).
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