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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I'm a frontliner.

Its certainly possible and I acknowledge that, but theres a difference from March and now.

That's fair.

Probably a lot of those people do have places they need to go and things they need to do.

I don't think it's really healthy to go out there and be assuming all of these people should go back indoors.

It's funny because some of them will be just like you and looking at you thinking "why isn't that clown back at home... I'VE got a reason to be out and about".

They are probably just going to the shop. Maybe they have an elderly relative who needs them for something.

Maybe they just feel like they can't sit in the house all day, day after day, without suffering some negative psychological effects.

Let's just hope the vaccine is great and it all works out.


Gold Member
Maths suggest 1,500 deaths a day in UK in 2-3 weeks from now if there is a direct infection/death parallel to March-April.

It may look quite different, however, if the infected are young and less likely to die. In such case we will be seeing 500-700 deaths per day in 2-3 weeks, or even less if vulnerable are vaccinated.

Bookmark this post and let’s see in a couple of weeks which one happened.

Nailed it, part 2



Gold Member

Our country distributes 150+ million flu vaccines every year, we can handle vaccinating old people and healthcare workers. But the CDC decided to turn the vaccination rollout into a virtue signaling exercise, and handed power to distribute over to incompetent SJWs to implement their agenda. So while you have "experts" like Harald Schmidt saying that old white people dying of COVID is a good thing, the vaccines are languishing.

This is the government at work.
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Your anecdote is "the dumbest shit he's ever seen in his life" because it doesn't fit with his narrative. He's totally cool serving up anecdotes of his own though as long as they confirm his bias.

Get fucked FunkMiller.

What'll kill it off as we go out of winter is the seasonal nature of respiratory infections. That'll be credited to the vaccine either way. The key is to see if it comes roaring back next fall.

You sad little idiot 😂


Haven’t kept up on corona of late. What’s been happening the poorer countries in Africa and others around the world? Shouldn’t they be dying more since they’re living in slums?


Haven’t kept up on corona of late. What’s been happening the poorer countries in Africa and others around the world? Shouldn’t they be dying more since they’re living in slums?
Young populations and bigger problems is the most plausible answer to this.
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former Navy SEAL


Haven’t kept up on corona of late. What’s been happening the poorer countries in Africa and others around the world? Shouldn’t they be dying more since they’re living in slums?

A lot less elderly and fatties
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So, he's gonna let it burn out? Well, if it works, then he's doing a better job than that Gov of Cali. I remember when that lesbian on MSNBC tried to shame South Dakota Governor. oh well.
He’s not going to “let it burn out” so much as it’s just going to burn itself out because that’s what it does. The idea we could actually control this thing and still have anything approximating a functional society was always a lie. You’re either always on the edge of the next lockdown, like Australia, or the virus is burning its way through. Those are the only two options.


This one's for you, Giggles:

If only China had done a Chinese style lockdown at the beginning, they wouldn't have to do this now.

Ya and if China is saying 100 cases well just add an extra 0 or 2 to the real number.

Joe T.

Haven’t kept up on corona of late. What’s been happening the poorer countries in Africa and others around the world? Shouldn’t they be dying more since they’re living in slums?

Others already mentioned factors like age and health, but this also ties into the mass PCR testing trap.

Countries that are testing very little or not at all, like Tanzania, seem to be living the same way today as pre-pandemic times. Judging by videos on social media, life looks like it did in 2019 there and you'd never know there was a pandemic crippling the world unless you were paying attention to international reporting.

Countries that took the mass testing approach, like South Africa (they're on the low end of the spectrum), are doomed like the rest of us getting hit with sensationalized reporting that drives up fear, brings about highly disruptive/damaging measures and takes the country into a downward spiral.

More tests -> more cases -> more sensationalized reporting -> more fear -> more measures -> repeat. People are being scared silly over something they'd never have known about without the propaganda out of China. That started a domino effect and took down almost every country.

As of mid November:
In South Africa, many questions are being raised by the high level of adjustments being made to the daily death numbers. It has become commonplace for deaths in the last 48 hours to be under 20 but ‘adjustments’ to be in the hundreds. Nevertheless, our death and hospitalisation numbers show no sign of an increase in transmission of the virus. Zweli Mkhize was famously outed for recently citing inaccurate ‘case’ data for a supposed increase in the Western Cape. Not only did he grossly overstate the increase, but the whole increase is explained simply by an increase in testing.

It was confirmed subsequently that the percentage of positive tests remained constant at about 10%, meaning the increase in numbers can only result from an increase in tests. The Western Cape has been reporting less than 10 deaths per day for months and the trend remains downward. The field hospital built at the CTICC has been closed for months. Seroprevalence Tests show that the Province has one of the highest Covid antibody levels in the world (around 40% of the population tested, acknowledging that it is a small study). There is no Coronavirus family precedent for a second wave in summer (they occur in winter) and there are no signs whatsoever of a second wave in the Western Cape.

And because their daily testing numbers are higher today than at any other point in the last year:

South Africa’s health minister called for stricter measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 after a new strain of the virus helped to spur a record increase in the number of infections.


And deaths are higher as well, it's almost as if these two things are related.

If there are excess deaths, the standard response is that these were all caused by lockdowns and had nothing to do with the virus. Though, interesting that excess deaths in Eastern Cape spiked before any new restrictions were put in place. (Bars and restaurants had been open at 50% capacity since September).


Joe T.

Conspiracy theory: The vaccine is the actual virus and when they inject you with it, you'll never recover/or get rid of it. That's why they want those covid-passes.

There are many competing and diverging interests that are taking full advantage of the idea of a highly contagious and deadly pandemic - exaggerated expertly by propagandists working at news outlets like the ones above - but some of the more exposed parties require those rushed, PR-approved vaccines to be injected into hundreds of millions before anything turns public perception around. That's both the good and the bad of the vaccines.

Like you touched on, they're being used to usher in a new state of biosecurity and they've already telegraphed this quite clearly so I hope no one still views that as some crazy theory. Denmark is developing a vaccine passport (Reuters), Quantas Airlines' CEO has spoken about it (USA Today/AP) and it goes well beyond flying as CNN briefly touches on here:

San Francisco (CNN Business)Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the movies again. But in order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application.

If the public goes along with that rather than pushing back against it we're well on our way to that utopian (in their view) future the UN/World Economic Forum planned out for us years ago:

Notice how many governments doubled and tripled down on economy-crushing "public health" measures even after the evidence made it painfully clear they were doing much more harm than good? Dozens of studies against lock downs here including The Lancet, Nature, NIH and NEJM.

The same applies to masks. Most bought into their effectiveness simply because "the experts"/authorities told them so. The beauty of this [not-so-]easily verifiable lie (most don't like to do their own research) is that it's playing psychological games. A mask is an easy way to signify you're doing something to fight "the invisible enemy," unaware that your fellow man/woman is the enemy in that scenario, and anyone not wearing one gets pressured/coerced into it.

If you trust the case reporting then it singlehandedly destroys the idea that masks help slow/stop the virus, many of the regions with highest compliance are also the ones that are hardest hit. A recent clip I stumbled across summed up everything I read from mask studies/opinions published prior to 2020:

To piggyback off what she says there:

Notice the unusual uniformity in messaging from the medical and scientific community in the mainstream media and most governments despite the glaring contradictions/flaws in so much of what we're doing?

There are tens of thousands of experienced doctors and scientists trying to speak out against the tests, the misattributed deaths, the measures in place and even the vaccines without mainstream platforms willing to air their views. That's not "following the science," it's the complete opposite, and they sometimes broadcast it loud and clear:

"Dr. Horacio Arruda, the [Quebec] province's health director, acknowledged Wednesday there is no hard scientific evidence to support a curfew's effectiveness." -CBC

The government here never provided evidence the restaurants and bars demanded after it was somehow deemed necessary to close them down again in October. Other provinces and states south of the border have and their numbers definitely didn't support indoor dining bans. Most transmission happens at home... where we're being locked up.

This is a big, ugly mess that's complex and uncomfortable for many to talk about, they just want the day's hyperinflated numbers and to be told what to do in as few words as possible.

If there are excess deaths, the standard response is that these were all caused by lockdowns and had nothing to do with the virus. Though, interesting that excess deaths in Eastern Cape spiked before any new restrictions were put in place. (Bars and restaurants had been open at 50% capacity since September).

"Excess deaths," as it's been so commonly reported this past year, is often a half truth used to deceive because it doesn't take into account the extremely liberal approach to labeling covid cases. Again, a callback to the Johns Hopkins study that showed the rise in covid deaths led to a proportional drop in all other causes of deaths. The sensationalized reporting never factors that in, it just says "excess deaths number X" and lets you infer the worst. You gladly oblige.

The CDC itself, speaking of the US here, reported "2 out of 3 excess deaths were caused by covid." Another way of looking at it, 1 out of 3 excess deaths were caused by the hysteria and lockdowns. When you remove all the cases falsely attributed to covid you're left with a very serious issue on your hands: how do governments justify killing so many people? This isn't "public health."

There's so much statistical fraud happening and no one wants to admit it.


"Excess deaths," as it's been so commonly reported this past year, is often a half truth used to deceive because it doesn't take into account the extremely liberal approach to labeling covid cases. Again, a callback to the Johns Hopkins study that showed the rise in covid deaths led to a proportional drop in all other causes of deaths. The sensationalized reporting never factors that in, it just says "excess deaths number X" and lets you infer the worst. You gladly oblige.
Excess deaths refer to the total number of deaths above the baseline, not those specifically due to coronavirus.
Excess deaths refer to the total number of deaths above the baseline, not those specifically due to coronavirus.
True, but irrelevant, because what he's talking about is excess deaths as being reported alongside COVID, which are 100% attributed to COVID no matter what.

Correcting him does not solve the problem that who needs to be corrected is the media and the pundits, who are abusing language (just like they always do).


I wish "media" would take more responsibility with their reporting. Regarding everything, not just c19.

I mean, you can take the same data and choose to write two different polarizing articles, or you could print something that actually try to problematize the situation.

Say for example you have overall death data from november in sweden of every year. You can either print an article saying 2020 had the most deadly november in 100 years (since spanish flu was so horrible you incredibly cannot go longer back than that). Or you can print an article saying it was the second least deadly november in history (per capita) which would also make sense.

The fact that media does not bother to mention stuff like this is both because of bias but also because of a lack of understanding.

It is the same thing that every year they will report record christmas shopping. This should be no surprise since we have inflation (money loosing value) and slightly more people every year. This still sways a lot of the public into feeling we are heading into our doom with following capitalism, regardless if people actually buy more or not.

It is no wonder people start to loose trust in these outlets. It is very hard for example to take any regular media seriously when they report on anything scientific since I know how bad a job they do reporting anything in my own subjects (physics, mathematics). I mean, try to read something regarding nuclear power, renewables or electric vehicles and you want to smash your head into a wall. I imagine people feel the same regarding other subjects where they are well versed.


Gold Member
The fact that none of you actually bothered to check the accuracy of this tweet speaks volumes about why we’re in the shit we’re in.

The Terrace Higgins Trust said that about sex. Not the government.

As always, what really speaks volumes about the shit we’re in is that you can’t immediately tell it’s fabricated.

And sorry, this being a “guidance” that’s actually been proposed is crazy enough, even if it’s not from the government. The UK government isn’t exactly an institution I’d trust not to take a page or two from such sources these days.


True, but irrelevant, because what he's talking about is excess deaths as being reported alongside COVID, which are 100% attributed to COVID no matter what.

Correcting him does not solve the problem that who needs to be corrected is the media and the pundits, who are abusing language (just like they always do).
Well, my post was not about the media at all, but about some factor ("factor X") causing more deaths in Eastern Cape in October/November than would be expected in a "normal year", despite the country remaining at the lowest level of restrictions. Saying, "yes but look, the media doesn't report accurately on excess death figures", is just to change the subject, since I am not a member of the media and I am not abusing language in my description of what the figures mean.

(It can be the case both that the media completely misrepresents the situation, and that the factors identified by the media are real and interesting.)


Well fuck my mom brother and sister in law just tested positive...don’t take stupid risks people when the cure is this close. I’m going into a bubble until I get the shot I guess. Good thing I didn’t go home for Xmas after we learned they were inviting some random redneck friends who never believed in masks. Fuck.


I'm actually going to agree with you here for once Joe. A lockdown of this size is a massive over reaction to one case. She should be quarantined with all her contacts traced fully and monitored. But one case should not close down a city like Brisbane. Sledgehammer to crack a nut. Knee jerk reactions like this only fuel the paranoia about lockdowns. They are necessary when there are significant cases and deaths. Not before.
Yes and no. When your strategy is one of suppression, then they are taking a hardline straight away is what you do. Also, they will now be able to find the others with it, stamp it out, save lives and prolonged economic misery.

I would love to be in Australia or New Zealand right now

There are many competing and diverging interests that are taking full advantage of the idea of a highly contagious and deadly pandemic - exaggerated expertly by propagandists working at news outlets like the ones above - but some of the more exposed parties require those rushed, PR-approved vaccines to be injected into hundreds of millions before anything turns public perception around. That's both the good and the bad of the vaccines.

Like you touched on, they're being used to usher in a new state of biosecurity and they've already telegraphed this quite clearly so I hope no one still views that as some crazy theory. Denmark is developing a vaccine passport (Reuters), Quantas Airlines' CEO has spoken about it (USA Today/AP) and it goes well beyond flying as CNN briefly touches on here:

If the public goes along with that rather than pushing back against it we're well on our way to that utopian (in their view) future the UN/World Economic Forum planned out for us years ago:

Notice how many governments doubled and tripled down on economy-crushing "public health" measures even after the evidence made it painfully clear they were doing much more harm than good? Dozens of studies against lock downs here including The Lancet, Nature, NIH and NEJM.

The same applies to masks. Most bought into their effectiveness simply because "the experts"/authorities told them so. The beauty of this [not-so-]easily verifiable lie (most don't like to do their own research) is that it's playing psychological games. A mask is an easy way to signify you're doing something to fight "the invisible enemy," unaware that your fellow man/woman is the enemy in that scenario, and anyone not wearing one gets pressured/coerced into it.

If you trust the case reporting then it singlehandedly destroys the idea that masks help slow/stop the virus, many of the regions with highest compliance are also the ones that are hardest hit. A recent clip I stumbled across summed up everything I read from mask studies/opinions published prior to 2020:

To piggyback off what she says there:

Notice the unusual uniformity in messaging from the medical and scientific community in the mainstream media and most governments despite the glaring contradictions/flaws in so much of what we're doing?

There are tens of thousands of experienced doctors and scientists trying to speak out against the tests, the misattributed deaths, the measures in place and even the vaccines without mainstream platforms willing to air their views. That's not "following the science," it's the complete opposite, and they sometimes broadcast it loud and clear:

"Dr. Horacio Arruda, the [Quebec] province's health director, acknowledged Wednesday there is no hard scientific evidence to support a curfew's effectiveness." -CBC

The government here never provided evidence the restaurants and bars demanded after it was somehow deemed necessary to close them down again in October. Other provinces and states south of the border have and their numbers definitely didn't support indoor dining bans. Most transmission happens at home... where we're being locked up.

This is a big, ugly mess that's complex and uncomfortable for many to talk about, they just want the day's hyperinflated numbers and to be told what to do in as few words as possible.

"Excess deaths," as it's been so commonly reported this past year, is often a half truth used to deceive because it doesn't take into account the extremely liberal approach to labeling covid cases. Again, a callback to the Johns Hopkins study that showed the rise in covid deaths led to a proportional drop in all other causes of deaths. The sensationalized reporting never factors that in, it just says "excess deaths number X" and lets you infer the worst. You gladly oblige.

The CDC itself, speaking of the US here, reported "2 out of 3 excess deaths were caused by covid." Another way of looking at it, 1 out of 3 excess deaths were caused by the hysteria and lockdowns. When you remove all the cases falsely attributed to covid you're left with a very serious issue on your hands: how do governments justify killing so many people? This isn't "public health."

There's so much statistical fraud happening and no one wants to admit it.

If masks are dangerous how come surgeons and the like who have to wear heavy masks and ppe all day don't have any negative effects?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Registrations and plans on rolling out the vaccine(s) are on the DOH websites for many states now. Eagerly awaiting mine. As well as the second dose 21 days later if it's the Pfizer one. I am so ready to get things back to normal.
Registrations and plans on rolling out the vaccine(s) are on the DOH websites for many states now. Eagerly awaiting mine. As well as the second dose 21 days later if it's the Pfizer one. I am so ready to get things back to normal.
Pfizer one is good, thats the one I had. Felt like I had the flu after it for two days, so at least its worked.

Joe T.

Yes and no. When your strategy is one of suppression, then they are taking a hardline straight away is what you do. Also, they will now be able to find the others with it, stamp it out, save lives and prolonged economic misery.

I would love to be in Australia or New Zealand right now

Australia and New Zealand are in summer. This is seasonal. That isn't enough to stop them from locking down either because all it takes is 1 positive test result. I'd prefer to be in Tanzania.

China's still imposing restrictive measures a year later.

Lockdowns, at best (from a health perspective) delay the inevitable. That is designed to cripple, not strengthen the health care system when coupled with the catastrophic stupidity of relying on hypersensitive PCR tests using binary results. More hospital visits clumped together in the fall/winter season with less staff and distancing also affecting capacity. Brilliant management, dumbasses.

After so many years of handing out participation trophies and rewarding failure (encouraging obesity) I guess it's easy to see why so many are incapable of realizing the "gold standard" in the diagnostic testing is piss poor.

You're not supporting strict lockdowns, those have failed. You're supporting totalitarianism. Your interest is in politics, not public health.

...how come surgeons and the like who have to wear heavy masks and ppe all day don't have any negative effects?

They do. Seek and you shall find.

That's neither here nor there in the debate about whether they're helpful to the general population, though, like kids wearing surgical masks for hours each day.


Gold Member
A few days after Cuomo ordered NYC not to vaccinate cops because they weren’t eligible based on his priority list, even though cops are dealing with the public as much as healthcare workers in more volatile situations, and the city has only used a quarter of their vaccines and they’re little throwing doses out in the garbage because of his tiers, he is changing tack:

Cuomo has probably been the single most powerful executive in the country for flu response, his state got hit the hardest early, he grandstanded the most, seized the most power, has micromanaged everything, and of course got raves from the media and the left.... even though he has screwed everything up. The most deaths (even after multiple waves in other places), the terrible policies, a wrecked economy, massive crime waves in his cities, and now is totally botching something as basic as vaccine distribution. He should resign.
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A few days after Cuomo ordered NYC not to vaccinate cops because they weren’t eligible based on his priority list, even though cops are dealing with the public as much as healthcare workers in more volatile situations, and the city has only used a quarter of their vaccines, he is changing tack:

Cuomo has probably been the single most powerful executive in all of this, his state got hit the hardest early, he grandstanded the most, seized the most power, has micromanaged everything, and of course got raves from the media and the left.... even though he has screwed everything up. The most deaths (even after multiple waves in other places), the terrible policies, a wrecked economy, massive crime waves in his cities, and now is totally botching something as basic as vaccine distribution. He should resign.
Its the Feds fault. Cuomo is perfect.
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